by Rahul D. Manchanda
February 23,
ModernDiplomacy Website

As was predicted in
Aldous Huxley's Brave New
the Elite have a vested interest in
keeping their subjugated
populace drugged
to the maximum extent possible
so that they do not ever wake
from their stupor in order to
their soft (and sometimes
tyranny over them.
Brave New World is a novel written
in 1931 by Aldous Huxley, and published in 1932.
Set in London in the year
AD 2540 (632 A.F. - "After Ford" - in the book), the novel
anticipates developments in,
...that combine
profoundly to change society.
The "World State" was built upon the principles of Henry Ford's
assembly line:
mass production,
homogeneity, predictability, and consumption of disposable
consumer goods.
While the World State
lacks any supernatural-based religions, Ford himself is revered as
the creator of their society but not as a deity, and characters
celebrate Ford Day and swear oaths by his name (e.g., "By
In this sense, some
fragments of traditional religion are present, such as Christian
crosses, which had their tops cut off to be changed to a "T".
From birth, members of every class are indoctrinated by recorded
voices repeating slogans while they sleep (called "hypnopædia" in
the book) to believe their own class is superior, but that the other
classes perform needed functions.
Any residual unhappiness
is resolved by an antidepressant and hallucinogenic drug called
This is why the Oligarchy/Plutocracy supports a
pharmaceutical industry, consisting predominantly of,
emotion drugs
As was explained in
ZeroHedge's article by Michael Snyder in "The
Drugging of America Summarized in 19 Mind-Altering Facts,"
the author makes the points that:
"The American people
are the most drugged people in the history of the planet…
Illegal drugs get
most of the headlines, but the truth is that the number of
Americans that are addicted to legal drugs is far greater than
the number of Americans that are addicted to illegal drugs…
close to 70 percent of all Americans are currently on at least
one prescription drug…
In addition, there
are 60 million Americans that 'abuse alcohol' and 22 million
Americans that use illegal drugs… What that means is that almost
everyone that you meet is going to be on something.
That sounds
absolutely crazy but it is true… We are literally being drugged
out of our minds… there are 70 million Americans that are taking
'mind-altering drugs' right now…
If it seems like most
people cannot think clearly these days, it is because they
We love our legal
drugs and it is getting worse with each passing year…
And considering the
fact that big corporations are making tens of billions of
dollars peddling their drugs to the rest of us, don't expect
things to change any time soon…"
The pharmaceutical
funds with billions of dollars medical doctor
and scientific whores who have categorically declared that
the vast majority of Americans are bona fide, "mentally ill," and
thus require immediate, consistent, and long-term medication.
As was recited in the article "Psychiatrists
- The Drug Pushers" published by The Guardian,
"They say failed
doctors become psychiatrists, and that failed psychiatrists
specialize in drugs."
The article asks the
seminal question:
"Is the current
epidemic of depression and hyperactivity the result of
disease-mongering by
the psychiatric profession and
big pharma?
Does psychiatry have
any credibility left at all?"
Unfortunately the
long-term effects on the population are that the best and brightest,
the ones who can easily gauge and determine just what exactly is
wrong with the way the planet is being run, are often times the most
depressed, and therefore deemed to be "mentally ill."
The Psychiatric Times issued an obviously well-hidden article
by the Oligarchs/Plutocrats entitled "The
Association Between Major Mental Disorders and Geniuses"
wherein it was shown that:
"There exists an
association between creativity and major mental disorders known
since antiquity. The ancient Greeks considered both as 'having
been touched by the gods.'
Aristotle, in his
perspicacity, stated,
'There is no
genius without having a touch of madness.'
This phenomenon has
been verified repeatedly in studies in the past.
Does one phenomenon
cause the other or do both share a common underlying factor or
mechanism? How are geniuses able to accomplish 'creative fits'?
Although the proposed
origin and mechanism of the brain function of creative geniuses
is novel, empirical evidence is available to support this
Empirical evidence
demonstrates that creativity and major mental disorders share a
common pool made up of individuals with an extreme temperamental
variant who, if endowed with other qualities (e.g., high
intelligence, tenacity, curiosity, energy) and live in a
nurturing and complementary zeitgeist, can be creative geniuses.
On the other hand,
persons with a similar temperament but who do not have the
additional qualities form a common pool of individuals who are
at increased risk for a major mental disorder."
The early-on "diagnosis"
and forced drug administration immediately silences and stifles
creativity and problem-solving abilities, not to mention the
motivation to undo the wrongs of the world, and renders the world's
people leaderless.
The Oligarch/Plutocrat's favorite and most highly funded
publications, such as
the Huffington Post, eschew
mercilessly and repeatedly that "Early
Detection for Mental Illness Is a Must," while preaching
on and on about today's young geniuses needing to be clipped right
from the beginning, before they do any real or meaningful damage to
the existing status quo, which is often pretty evil.
These articles go on ad nauseam about how it is absolutely essential
to "take out" these geniuses of society, as early as possible, for
the ultimate benefit of the ruling class.
And this is exactly what the Oligarchs/Plutocrats want...