by Alfred Mendes
01July 2006
Bilderberg Website
Eugenics (Greek for 'good birth') is the study of methods to improve
the human race by controlled selective breeding - bolstered by its
concomitant term 'population control'.
The colonization of the so-called ‘under-developed’, poorer
countries of this world by the more ‘developed’
capitalist-orientated countries (primarily European), benefited the
latter greatly - at the expense of the former. Slavery was one of
the more tragic outcomes - another being that the colonizers were now
imbued with racist perceptions, which led to widespread usage within
the English-speaking countries of such derogatory terms as:
‘niggers/coons’; ‘coolies’; ‘wogs/rag-heads’; ‘yids’ - and-the-like.
Organizations reflecting this were subsequently set up, and the fact
that the membership lists of these organizations flaunt the names of
very influential politicians/statesmen, business tycoons and
bankers, surely calls for a closer look at the matter. And because
of America’s currently leading role in this matter, it is necessary
to recall that she gained ‘independence’ as the United States of
America after much infighting between the colonizers (primarily
British) who had invaded that country of Indian Tribes - which led
to genocidal attacks on those ‘Red Indians’. A story not unlike
Britain’s colonization of Australia, with its indigenous Aborigines.
As a backdrop to this, in 1798, an English clergyman-cum-economist,
Thomas Robert Malthus published a theory with eugenic (a term not
then used) overtones, arguing that an un-planned population grew
faster than food production - adding that famine and poverty were
God's way of coping with man's laziness. This was a theory
much-welcomed by the colonizers and the organizations mentioned
Moreover, the close relationship noted above between Corporate
America (with its ‘Skull and Bones’-ridden Administration) and
Nazi/fascist Germans makes a mockery of the former’s claim to
democracy. Using eugenicists’ terminology, they could more
accurately be described as ‘crypto-democrats' (fascists).
definition of 'Fascism' in a dictionary is,
“a philosophy or system
of government that advocates or exercises a dictatorship of the
extreme right, typically through the merging of state and business
leadership, together with the ideology of belligerent nationality".
In plain English: capitalism lies at the core of fascism. But, as
noted above, this is a fact which must be hidden by these global
This article will consider three such organizations:
...in a more-or-less chronological order, thereby
leading to a more rational grasp of the subject matter.
Of the three, the Skull & Bones (of Yale University) was the
earliest formed. 'The Order', as it is referred to by its members,
bears the aura of secrecy and freemasonry, and is a bastion of White
Anglo Saxon Protestant (WASP) culture, wealth and influence.
partial list of its more prominent members reflects said influence:
The Russell Family
Alphonso Taft
William Howard Taft (his son)
Henry Lewis Stimson
Averell Harriman
Robert A Lovett (partner of
merged Brown Brothers Harriman in1926)
Harold Stanley (of Morgan
Robert A. Taft
Prescott Bush Snr.
George Herbert Walker
G.W. Bush (current President)
McGeorge Bundy (National
Security Advisor to JFK)
the Heinz family - et al
In other words,
the 'corporate establishment', as it is more popularly known.
The following very brief story of its birth is intriguing, to put it
In 1823, using the old pirates' 'Skull & Crossbones' as its
logo, Samuel Russell founded an opium-smuggling company, Russell &
Co. - and by 1829, he had bought out the Perkins & Co., which had
controlled the smuggling of Turkish opium into China since 1789. In
1833, Samuel's second cousin, William Huntington Russell and
Alphonso Taft (who had served as Secretary of War under President
Rutherford B. Hayes) founded the Order of Skull & Bones.
In 1856, said William Huntington Russell (who had been valedictorian
of his class at Yale in 1833) incorporated Skull & Bones as the
'Russell Trust Association'. It must be recalled here that the opium
trading noted above was still being run by the British East India
Company (BEIC) - Britain then being the great empire-builder - and
that without Britain's collaboration Russell & Co. would have
Simply put - the birth of Skull & Bones (whose members
are more commonly known as the 'Bonesmen') - was paid for by opium
drug-smuggling! While on the subject of Russell & Co., it is
intriguing to note that Warren Delano Jnr. (grandfather of that
popular 'democrat', FDR), though not a 'Bonesman' - while acting as
US Vice-Consul in Canton, acted as Chief of Operations for Russell
during the Opium War of 1839 - '42, which resulted in the
legalization of opium in China, and the acquisition of Hong Kong by
the British.
In the 1860's, Francis Galton (a cousin of Charles Darwin) took this
Malthusian theory (see above) a step further: in his own words he
defined 'Eugenics' ( a word he coined) as,
In 1904, he
founded a research chair in eugenics at University College of London
In 1905, Dr. Alfred Ploetz and Dr.
Ernst Rudin founded the Society
of Race-Hygiene in Germany. (about which, more later).
In 1907, the Eugenic Education Society (which later became the
Eugenic Society) was founded in England.
In 1910, the Eugenics Record Office (ERO) was founded in America. In
their own words, the ERO felt that "ultimate economic betterment
should be sought by breeding better people, not fewer of the
existing sort."
In 1912, the First International Eugenics Congress was held at
London University. It demonstrated the growing strength of the
movement especially in England, Germany and the United States. The
opening speech at this congress was given by Arthur James Balfour,
who had been British Prime Minister from 1902 - 5; and, as Foreign
Secretary under Lloyd George from 1916 - '19, made a deal with the
Zionists whereby Britain would support the setting up of a 'home'
for the Jews, in return for the Zionists using their considerable
political clout to persuade America to enter the war against
Germany. (Britain was by then in dire economic straits).
secular Zionist group of Ashkenazi Jews were surely not entitled to
a 'homeland' in Palestine, as their country of origin had been
the Khazar Empire (which had adopted Judaism) of southern Russia.
In 1916, Margaret Sanger opened the first birth control clinic in
the United States. It was renamed the Planned Parenthood Federation
of America in 1942. She wrote:
In 1922, the American Eugenics Society was founded. One of its
co-founders, Henry Laughlin (who had been Superintendent of the
Eugenics Record Office from l910 to 1921) later became President of
the Pioneer Fund, a white supremacist organization. Another
co-founder, Dr. Henry Fairfield Osborn, in 1923, during a national
debate on restricting immigration, spoke enthusiastically about the
results of intelligence testing carried out by the Army:
He also became president of the Pioneer Fund from 1947 to
Well documented is the fact that in between WW1 and WW2,
Bush Snr. - as an executive of W.A.Harriman & Co. (later becoming
Brown Bros. Harriman) - had, through a number of mergers with German
companies, helped finance Hitler's Nazi regime. Furthermore, in
1926, as a board member of bankers Dillon Read, Major (as he then
was) William Draper co-operated with W.A. Harriman & Co. (Prescott
S. Bush Snr. was Vice-President then) in the handling of the
corporate banking for Fritz Thyssen's German Steel Trust. Thyssen
had helped to fund the Nazi Party.
By 1931, sterilization laws had
been enacted in 27 states in the United States, and by 1935 enacted
in Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Switzerland and Germany. As for Germany:
as noted above, Ploetz and Rudin had set out an effective eugenics
program which resulted in the tragic killing of millions of Jews,
communists et al. by the Nazi Regime of Hitler. In fact, Rudin had
been the chief architect of Law for the Prevention of Hereditary
Disease in Posterity passed July 1933 four months after Hitler came
to power. An intriguing aside: as noted in the Rockefeller Foundation
Annual Reports 1928 1939, Rockefeller gave money for the "Kaiser
Wilhelm Institute" and thus subsidized Rudin.
From 1932 - 1972, the
US Public Health Service studied the natural history of syphilis in
hopes of justifying treatment programs for blacks. It was called the
"Tuskegee Study of Untreated Syphilis in the Negro Male", and
involved 600 black men--399 with syphilis and 201 who did not have
the disease. Researchers told the men they were being treated for
"bad blood". In fact, the men were never given adequate treatment
for their disease. Even when penicillin became the drug of choice
for syphilis in 1947, researchers did not offer it to the subjects.
In 1972, as a result of a New York Times article, an Ad Hoc Advisory
panel reviewed the study and found that the Tuskegee Study was
"ethically unjustified".
In August 1932 - and financed by the eugenicist, Major
Draper (see above) - the third "International Conference on
Eugenics" was held in New York's American Museum of Natural History
under the supervision of the International Federation of Eugenics
Societies. The proceedings were dedicated to Averell Harriman's
mother, who had financed the foundation of the Eugenics Record
Office back in 1910 (see above). Dr. Ernst Rudin (see above)
travelled to attend the Congress via the Hamburg-Amerika line (owned
by W.A. Harriman & Co) - and was unanimously elected president of the
International Federation of Eugenics Societies!
A few years after WW 2, Professor Dr.
Otmar Freiherr von Verschuer,
who, in 1937,had been Director of the Third Reich Institute for
Heredity, Biology and Racial Purity (and Josef Mengele's mentor)
founded the Institute of Human Genetics in Munster, and also became
a foreign member of the American Eugenics Society.
The setting up of the state of Israel by the Zionists in 1948 was an
irrational act (as implied above), the main beneficiary being
America, which would now have a well-armed, suborned ally in an Arab
region rich in oil. The resulting deaths of the many Arabs at the
hands of the Israelis could have been stopped by America many years
ago. That it was not stopped can only mean that it was in keeping
with the policy of the eugenicist-dominated US Administration -
after all, Arabs are merely 'ragheads'.
In 1950 and '51', John Foster Dulles, then chairman of the
Rockefeller Foundation (later to be appointed Secretary of State by
Eisenhower), led John D. Rockefeller III on a series of world tours,
"focussing on the need to stop the expansion of the non-white
populations". In 1952, Frederick Osborn (1889-1981) nephew of Henry
Fairfield Osborn Sr. (see above), an officer of the American
Eugenics Society/SSSB for more than 30 years, helped John D.
Rockefeller III establish the Population Council in 1952, served as
the council's first administrator and was on its board of trustees
for many years.
In 1958, Eisenhower appointed
Draper (see above) as head of a
committee to study the proper course for military aid to other
countries. Draper changed the focus of the committee and recommended
that the US government react to the threat of the population
explosion by formulating plans to depopulate the poorer countries,
as the growth of the world's non-white population should be regarded
as dangerous to the national security of the United States!
Eisenhower had the sense to reject this.
In the1960's Draper founded the
Population Crisis Committee and the
Draper fund, and joined with
the Rockefeller and
Du Pont families
to promote eugenics as population control...
While serving in Congress - and with Draper as his 'population
expert' - George H.W. Bush chaired the Republican Task Force on
Earth Resources and Population and invited Professors William
Shockley and Arthur Jensen to explain to the committee how allegedly
runaway birth-rates for African-Americans were down-breeding the
American population. On August 5 1969, Bush summed up the testimony
his black-inferiority advocates had given to the Task Force before
With the term 'eugenics' now, in the Post-War period, tainted with
an aura of genocide and racism, Major General Frederick Osborn,
founder member of both the American Eugenics Society and the Pioneer
Fund, stated the public relations problem bluntly:
In other words, the goals must be camouflaged - it
would now be known as crypto-eugenics. In 1960, the British Eugenics
Society agreed with this, stating "The Society's activities in
crypto-eugenics should be pursued vigorously..." - and adopted the
proposal. In 1973, this resulted in the American Eugenics Society
becoming the more academic-sounding 'Society for the Study of Social
Biology'. Crypto-eugenics would now be the order-of-the-day.
On June 9th 1969, Dr.D.M. MacArthur, Deputy Director of Research &
Technology for the Pentagon, requested a sum of $10 million from the
Congressional House Subcommittee on Appropriations to develop a new
contagious micro-organism capable of destroying the human immune
system - in order to counteract any possible future virus capable of
affecting said human immunity. It would therefore be necessary,
first, to create such a virus!
This resulted in a 'virus' discovered
some ten years later in America which became known as 'acquired
immune deficiency syndrome' (AIDS). It should be stressed that this
virus first appeared in America, and, as noted by Neville Hodgkinson
on the website
businessonline.com in May 2006: increasingly complex
procedures were taken to diagnose this virus in a reliable manner -
"but the basic problem - not being able to validate any of these
procedures against pure virus taken from patients - still remains".
Furthermore, he reveals in comprehensive detail, that both the HIV
tests and statistics concerning AIDS have been manipulated in a
duplicitous manner. It would seem that the main beneficiaries have
been the pharmaceutical firms!
In April 1974, Kissinger drew up a secret plan for population
control called the 'National Security Plan of Action 200' (NSSM
200), which was endorsed by the National Security Decision
Memorandum 314, and finally declassified in 1900. In brief, it
claimed that population growth in the less-developed countries was
"..creating political or even national security problems for the
US", and it would seek help from the UN Fund for Population
Activities (UNFPA founded in 1969) - but stressing that it would be
under US leadership.
NB: this was at a time when America was being
wracked by the Watergate scandal, as a result of which its
president, Richard Nixon, had to resign. At the very least, it would
seem that - in the eyes of the Administration - the policy of
'population control' stood high in its list of priorities. In August
1974, at a meeting in Bucharest, the UN passed a resolution adopting
The World Population of Action as proposed by the US delegation. It
would seem that US leadership was indeed essential! The UNFPA was to
hold similar meetings at 10-year intervals thereafter.
On October 2nd 1979, Robert McNamara (President of the World Bank)
addressed a group of international bankers thus:
"We can begin with
the most critical problem of all, population growth" ..concluding
that "..either the current birth rates must come down more quickly,
or the death rates must go up...There are, of course, many ways in
which the death rates can go up. In a thermonuclear age, we can
accomplish it very quickly and decisively" (as indeed they had done
in Hiroshima and Nagasaki in1945).
Not surprising statements,
coming, as they do, from a man who was Secretary of Defense during
the genocidal Vietnam War - but surprising in view of the
crypto-eugenic stand taken by the American Eugenics Society noted
above, a stand which McNamara, a self-evidently keen eugenicist,
would have certainly been aware of. It can only be assumed that he
did not agree with the society's stand, and was arrogant enough to
ignore it.
In 1980, William Draper III (General Draper's son) served as
co-chairman for financing G.H.W. Bush's campaign for the presidency
that year. Reagan won and appointed Bush as his Vice President.
In 1986 - as a result of Vice President
George H.W.Bush's advice to Reagan - William Draper III was appointed Administrator and CEO of
the UN Development Program (UNDP), which was founded in 1965 by
merging two existing U.N. organizations: the Expanded Program of
Technical Assistance (EPTA), and the U.N. Special Fund. Since 1971,
it has been responsible for coordinating all development assistance
supplied by the United Nations system. UNDP was a key player in the
global aid network - and the UNFPA (see above).
The foregoing is not a comprehensive list by any means - but is
surely enough evidence that eugenics, population control (call it
what you will) has played, and continues to play a crucial role in
the policy-making of the so-called 'developed' countries - America
in particular.
A recent event of pertinence follows: an earthquake of magnitude 9.0
on the Richter scale struck the Indian Ocean region on December 26th
2004, resulting in a Tsumani which killed approximately a
quarter-of-a-million people. It was subsequently revealed that the
Americans - with their European partners/acolytes - were aware of
this earthquake almost immediately, as they controlled a number of
seismic stations in the region (to say nothing of their
earth-scouring satellites), the most important being the American
military base on Diego Garcia.
However, they had not notified those
countries threatened by the Tsunami. The only conclusion to be drawn
from this is that this was a deliberate act on the part of the
Euro-Americans, and, keeping in mind the chronological events listed
above, it can justifiably be assumed that, in this instance, the
eugenists and their cohort 'Bonesmen' had scored a hit!
Moreover, the close relationship noted above between Corporate
America (with its 'Skull and Bones'-ridden Administration) and
Nazi/fascist Germans makes a mockery of the former's claim to
democracy. Using eugenicists' terminology, they could more
accurately be described as 'crypto-democrats' (fascists).
definition of 'Fascism' in a dictionary is "a philosophy or system
of government that advocates or exercises a dictatorship of the
extreme right, typically through the merging of state and business
leadership, together with the ideology of belligerent nationality".
This, in turn, reveals that capitalism lies at the core of fascism.
But, as noted above, this is a fact which must be hidden by these
global capitalists.
It is therefore imperative that this subject of eugenics/population
control is subjected to far greater public scrutiny than it has
received from 'our media' - which, after all, is in hock to its
corporate owners: it says what it is paid to say!