by Patrick Wood
March 07,
Technocracy Website

Trilateral Commission members
Zbigniew Brzezinski (National Security Advisor),
President Jimmy Carter and
Vance (Secretary of State)
For some reason, a few recent articles have surfaced that resurrect
a 1973 report of the Trilateral Commission titled, The Crisis Of
Antony Sutton and I co-authored Trilaterals Over Washington,
Volume I in 1979, fully exposing the plans of this elite group that
was formed in 1973 by
David Rockefeller and
Zbigniew Brzezinski.
The Crisis of Democracy, by
Michel Crozier
Samuel Huntington
Joni Watanuki
...was one of the very
first authoritative reports issued by the
Trilateral Commission.
If you have a mind and
the time to read this 168 page tome, it can be seen here. Suffice it
to say that Sutton and I did read every word in 1977 and referenced
it several times in our subsequent books. Here are two excerpts.
With reference to the Trilateral takeover of the Carter
The significance of
this lock on the legislative process is brought into focus when
we examine the political ideology of Trilateralism as expressed
by Crozier, Huntington, and Watanuki in The Crisis of
democratic political system no longer has any purpose
The concepts
of equality and individualism give problems to authority
The media is
not sufficiently subservient to the elite
Democracy has
to be 'balanced' (i.e., restricted)
The authority
and power of the central government must be increased.
Weighing these
totalitarian ideas which form the political philosophy of the
Commission against congressional membership… (p. 22)
On the appointment of
eighteen Trilaterals to the Carter cabinet and Administration:
The Crisis in
Democracy is devoted to the theme that the American system needs
to be discarded and totalitarianism central authority
Why was there no
public outcry? Simply because media reporting was superficial
and stifled.
While the majority people
today are wringing their hands over activities of the left or right
(take your pick, depending on your orientation), virtually none of
these realize that this was thoroughly exposed almost forty years
Although Sutton and I sold over 75,000 volumes of
Trilaterals Over Washington,
spoke and lectured extensively and appeared on hundreds of radio
programs, America did not listen, much less act on it.
Nevertheless, because
America was duly warned in time to take action, its destruction is
now on its own head.
This applies to both the political left and right:
you have both been
suckered into thinking you must fight the "other" side.
This has always been a
false narrative and the Trilateral Commission has taken full
advantage of it, having escaped any responsibility for bringing
American to its knees.
If I were not an American, it would be tempting to say, "Good
riddance". But alas, I cannot: my own children and grandchildren are
at stake.
The clear and present
danger today (Technocracy, brought to us by members of the
Commission) is far greater than the 1970s, and the window of
opportunity is virtually closed.
In the meantime, we must
NOT succumb to apathy, fatalism or suppression, but
rather we must sternly warn everyone who has an ear to listen...