Important Update: 7 July 2006
the last several weeks I’ve been receiving a large number of messages from
visitors from all over the world – each one asking for an update to the Serpo
First: please click here for an excellent article on Serpo by Mark Pilkington,
published in May’s Fortean Times. It’s a shrewd, lucid, well-written summary.
Second: I want to re-publish the message I received on 2 December from a serving
Air Force Lt Colonel assigned to the Pentagon, whose name and e-mail I know but
who has requested that they are not disclosed.
Below that, please find a second message from the same source which I’ve not
previously published. It contains interesting new information.
Victor Martinez’s “Anonymous” immediately told him the name of the retired Air
Force Colonel my source visited, and passed it on to me. I have not disclosed
this name either.
Since receiving these messages my Lt Col source has “gone dark” despite a number
of attempts to re-establish communication. Prior to the 2 December message, he
had corresponded with me on five occasions about minor matters connected with
the Serpo story. He is a military scientist, and was interested in the
astrophysics of the releases; he sent me a lengthy discourse on Kepler’s Laws in
which he explained how Kepler’s Laws would not apply in a Binary Star
environment, and was interested in what the “DIM” might be (until that was
clarified by Paul McGovern).
I am assuming that following his startling confirmation of the Serpo story, he
has been “leant on” to cease communication with me. Prior to 2 or 3 December, he
was not violating any protocol. But after he had been told, say, not to
communicate any more on this subject, he would have been jeopardizing his
military career to violate the order.
Friday, 2 Dec 2005
Just want to pass this along.
Yesterday, I visited an old retired USAF Colonel. This Colonel had served 30
years in USAF Intelligence. I don't know his exact time frame but it was
sometime around 1955 to 1985. I have been friends with this Colonel for about
five years. His son, who is also my friend, serves in my unit. Because of his
extensive intelligence time, I wanted to run all this past him to see if he
might know something about the information being released by Victor.
The Colonel doesn't have email so I printed all the information from Anonymous
and provided him a copy. I watched him read the most current email, one with all
the postings. I watched his eyes and facial expressions. After he was finished,
he stated, "Oh my God, who on this Earth would release such classified
material"? I then asked him if all this information was real. His simple answer
was, "yes, all real". I then asked the Colonel if he had been involved with this
project. He said, yes, he was involved in the communications aspect of this
operation from about 1961 until 1965. He was also on the debriefing team. He
wouldn't provide too much information, saying that unless he saw that all
information was declassified, he could not comment on details. I thanked him and
I was startled, to say the least. Wow, this is actually true. I always thought
some of it was true but I had some doubts about details that have been released.
We may just be on the Verge of a major release of information about the most
important part of our History.
Saturday, 3 Dec 2005
> I would very much like to post this in the comments section on the
> site (anonymously, unless you’re happy to give your name). I
> assume this is okay – please let me know if not.
You can post this to your site but just say it came from an active duty Air
Force Lieutenant Colonel assigned to the Pentagon. The original information came
from a retired Air Force Colonel, who worked in Air Force Intelligence for 33
I have done some snooping around and found one historical mention of a
classified project that started in Jul 1965 and ended in Aug 1978. It is a
notation in a historical journal of classified operations. I have a number,
which I'm trying to trace. My retired colonel friend turned me onto this
journal. He says the AF kept the information at one specific
location at Ft. Belvoir (old 7113 Special Activity Group).
I really admire your web site. Hope Mr. A keeps the information following. My
boss, a one star general, reads your web site daily!
Third: for the benefit of those visitors unfamiliar with the recent twists and
turns of the story, there are some important facts to report. While what follows
is likely to pale into insignificance when compared with the unseen and untold
events, incidents and battles behind the scenes in the “Insider” community, it
still contains some considerable drama and interest with which some readers may
already be familiar. It also contains new information. Here we go:
1) Between 16 February and 10 March this year, Victor Martinez – who had
received messages from Anonymous from 1 November to 21 December 2005 – was
contacted again by someone claiming to be the original source.
Although this was never mentioned on this site, the original source referred to
himself as “Sylvester McCoglin” – using the e-mail address
Although the name was itself an alias, it was Victor who chose to substitute
this with the now-famous moniker “Request Anonymous”.
The names “Sylvester” and “McCoglin” were apparently borrowed from two ancestors
of one particular individual, who will not be named. “The Wizard” was the
nickname of one of the pilots in the group of twelve astronauts who visited
On 16 February, Victor was contacted again from someone claiming to be Sylvester
McCoglin, this time writing from He explained that his
original e-mail address had been compromised and asked Victor to forward to him
what original correspondence he had retained. Victor did as he was asked and a
lengthy e-mail exchange followed between them. “Sylvester” did not reveal any
new information to be posted, but questioned the authenticity of the postings
received by myself after the New Year, and ended up persuading Victor to take
drastic public action to discredit myself and Rick Doty (who had been part of
the communication chain of some of the information received by myself). To
Victor’s credit, he declined to do this.
On 10 March, I was contacted by Steve Broadbent and Ryan Dube – two active
members of the Above Top Secret (ATS) forum under the usernames Zep Tepi and
rdube02 or ryguy – who explained to me that Victor’s "Anonymous returned” was
none other than Wayne Jaeschke, the attorney for ATS and Associate of the
international law firm Morrison and Foerster – and frequent poster on ATS and
some other forums under the username Centrist. Jaeschke, aided by Broadbent,
Dube and a fourth ATS member, Shawnna Connolly, had first unearthed the names
“Sylvester McCoglin” and the e-mail address by covert
means and then utilized them to successfully deceive Victor Martinez.
To their credit, Broadbent and Dube took the initiative to contact me after
realizing that Jaeschke’s agenda was not as he had first presented it – i.e. to
honestly investigate the Serpo releases. Instead, it had become clear to them
that he was intent on discrediting the story – and myself – by any means
possible. This violated Broadbent’s and Dube’s integrity, who then contacted me
to apologize and explain exactly what had happened. Click here for an already
well-leaked e-mail from Jaeschke to his three colleagues which shows his agenda.
(The “Black Friday” message referenced in this e-mail is a release Jaeschke sent
to Victor intent on ruining the careers of myself and Rick Doty. Victor never
posted it.)
I have never received any communication about this from Shawnna Connolly, who as
best I know has not apologized nor acknowledged responsibility for her
documented complicity in this deception.
Wayne Jaeschke has since withdrawn from an active role on the forums, and the
Anonymous messages received by Victor in February and March ceased immediately.
it is important to state that none of the releases posted on this site came from
Jaeschke or any of his colleagues.
Steve Broadbent, Ryan Dube, and Shawnna Connolly are now moderators of the
recently launched Reality Uncovered forum in which they maintain an analytical
stance which is critically discrediting of the Serpo story. Wayne Jaeschke has
given them access to the e-mail correspondence between himself as the Impostor
"Anonymous" and Victor, some of which has been posted on their site. It is
interesting and significant that Jaeschke has been putting considerable pressure
on Steve Broadbent and Ryan Dube to release all the mails to the public. Readers
may ask themselves (see below) why this is so important to him.
An alternative perspective on recent events can be found on the Open Minds
I am clarifying this sequence of events because the above has not yet been told
clearly and in detail in the public domain. It is not crucial for an
understanding of the Serpo releases, however.... except in one matter:
2) Readers are invited to consider why Wayne Jaeschke was motivated to go to the
time and trouble to put himself and his credibility as a lawyer, working for a
international firm, at risk – and recruit the services of three colleagues of
disparate backgrounds (all from the ATS Forum) in order to humiliate Victor
Martinez, present the Serpo releases as the stuff of imagination, and discredit
both Rick Doty and myself.
The following questions invite themselves to be asked:
• Is there an agency, or “Insider” faction, targeting Serpo and Doty, going to
extensive trouble to discredit them in the public arena? If so, why?
• Was Wayne Jaeschke really a “Lone Gunman”, or was he working for someone?
• Why is Serpo such a bone of contention? What are the real spoils being fought
• If Serpo contains a large measure of truth, who benefits, who loses and why?
• If Serpo is mainly disinformation, who benefits, who loses and why?
• Why did Jaeschke, Broadbent, Dube and Connolly feel so strongly that this
story needed to be discredited? What would they gain by the creation of an
imposter “Anonymous”?
One thing is clear: Broadbent, Dube and Connolly appear to believe that Serpo is
a hoax which in their opinion – which they are keen to persuade others to
believe – is entirely perpetrated by Doty. The agenda of Reality Uncovered is to
argue this case.
However, this is conjecture – and has much to do with the belief systems of the
individuals concerned, supported by their interpretation of the very limited
amount of evidence to which they have access. It needs to be explained that none
of the four are privy to any important information emerging from the “Insider”
Readers will understand that the important questions above remain unanswered,
and are welcome to speculate for themselves what may be happening behind the
scenes. Motivations are more important than personalities here.
3) An unknown person representing himself as “Tacitus Monroe” launched a new
site which had as its purpose and function a kind of blackmail to persuade “the
truth” about Serpo to be revealed. The name means “Silent no more”; Tacitus is
Latin for silent, and no more is an anagram of Monroe; and Tacitus displayed a
penchant for writing one-liners in reasonable Latin. Steve Broadbent has been
accused of being Tacitus (Tacitus’s updates apparently ceased as Reality
Uncovered was launched), but he has denied it and the synchronicity may be a
coincidence. Meanwhile, Tacitus has access to a substantial amount of inside
information previously known (outside those with direct access to certain
information) only to the “imposter Anonymous” and his colleagues – i.e. Wayne
Jaeschke, Broadbent, Dube and Connolly. Kerry Cassidy offered to interview
Tacitus in a recorded discussion with myself about the interpretations he
presented... but the e-mails were never returned.
4) There have been no further releases of information since 3 April. Rick Doty
was Anonymous’s conduit for some of the information I received, and many are
aware that I met with him (for the first time) over a four day period at the UFO
Conference at Laughlin, Nevada, at the beginning of March.
My partner Kerry Cassidy and I met with him again at length in Los Angeles in
May, during which time we found him to be credible, convincing, human and
frustrated. We challenged him as to whether he had been the source of any of the
earlier Serpo material, as some have claimed.
“No”, was his emphatic reply. “It’s been a shambles. If I’d been running this
disclosure, it’d have been a class act. I made recommendations, but they were
not heeded. There’s nothing I can do.”
Rick Doty had been contacted by the original “Sylvester McCoglin” in early
January, stating that he and his group were unhappy with Victor’s editorial
style and instead wanted the releases to be channeled directly to myself – via
him. Rick was dismayed about this. He called me on 6 January and said that
because of his reputation and history as a source of disinformation, he wanted
to ask me if I’d be willing to receive the information directly, so that he
could be omitted from the loop.
We pondered the question between us. Rick really didn’t want to do it and was
worried about the consequences should his involvement become known.
This is important for people to understand: Rick didn’t want to do the job.
During that phone conversation, if Rick was acting, he deserves an Oscar. I’m
convinced that his personal dilemma was authentic.
4) Meanwhile, I had been shown five of the fabled and promised Serpo
photographs. A third party had requested a meeting with me in a hotel room,
which lasted about an hour. During that time I was given an envelope and invited
to open it and view its contents. I was not permitted to make copies, keep the
contents, or report to anyone else the encounter or what I had seen. I have now
taken the unilateral step, entirely on my own responsibility, of deciding to
disclose what I had witnessed.
There were five photos, three of which were in full color. One, in black and
white, showed a rather indistinct, dark, rectangular, obelisk-like object; I was
later told that it was the well-documented “tower” on Serpo. Another, also in
black and white, I was told was an X-Ray image of the Ebens’ Energy Device. It
indeed looked like an X-Ray of a small object, but it was impossible to tell
what it really was. A third was a portrait of an Eben, but it was hard to tell
whether or not it was a model. A fourth was a desert scene, with some oddly
eroded rocks; but it could have been somewhere on Earth.
It was the fifth photo which took my breath away. It showed a desert landscape,
with dark storm clouds in the sky, taken from a slightly elevated position, such
as a small hill or a high sand dune. And on the horizon were two suns
I stared at that photo for a very long time and can remember every detail. It
did not look like anything created by Photoshop; I examined it very carefully.
The emotional impact was considerable; I was surprisingly moved – and remain so
every time I recall the event.
I was instructed not to tell anyone that I had seen the photos, and that
permission would be granted to publish them on this website “in the near
future”. That permission never came, and I never saw the photos again.
An astrophysical note: I am well aware that current astrophysical observations
place the two suns Zeta 1 and 2 a tenth of a light year apart. It's possible
that (a) these observations are incorrect, and/or (b) the star system we are
talking about here is not Zeta Retuculi at all; it may be, for instance, Alpha
5) In the meantime, Rick Doty was becoming more and more frustrated. At one
point he remarked in my presence, staring out of the window: “The game continues
to be played… without any rules.” The irritation was evident in his voice. He
told Kerry Cassidy and myself, in some detail, of the group behind the scenes
who were orchestrating the releases. The story contains some astonishing
information which Kerry and I have given a personal undertaking not to reveal,
to protect some of the individuals involved. There is good reason for this, and
I will not go into any details. Some of this, however, is told on Jerry Pippin’s
Serpo page:
“Project SERPO" UPDATE: Midnight, Eastern time, March 17, 2006 – Reliable
sources have confirmed to us that the original ANONYMOUS ceased postings on
"Project SERPO" on December 21, 2005.
These reports originated from a highly-placed source identified by our source,
but not named for public consumption. This source was highly-placed in a secret
government operation and had access to audio tapes of the original narratives by
the returning "Project SERPO" exchange crew who were debriefed in both audio and
written form; the written form comprises the 3,000-page "Project SERPO" report.
For unknown reasons, this source stopped providing Victor Martinez information.
Bill Ryan, was then contacted by other anonymous sources none of whom have
anything to do with the original one. We believe upon information from trusted,
but unidentified sources that this anonymous is actually a composite of three
These individuals were trained as part of the final pool of 16 for the original
'65 "Project SERPO" mission, but did not go -- as they were alternates for the
final 12 -- and their information to Ryan is based upon conversations with the
other crew members who did return to Earth in '78.
The returning Team Members subsequently died of illnesses believed to have been
caused by the excess radiation from the dual suns of the Zeta Reticuli planetary
system where SERPO was the fourth planet. Information has been received
indicating some confirmations of the SERPO story came from top administrators in
government departments charged with protecting official secrets, a name we would
all recognize, but can't divulge because of promises to sources. It is expected
that these three living witnesses -- who trained with the other 12 -- will be
issuing further information to Ryan and his Web site.
A producer for the Jerry Pippin show is currently in third party talks exploring
the possibility of an interview with one of these three witnesses who underwent
the same rigorous training for the mission, but was not chosen to be one of the
12 human-ET exchange program Team Members.
It is my understanding that the above information is accurate.
6) As of the time of writing (7 July) Rick Doty has been uncontactable by anyone
I know for the last month – which I believe would only have occurred under
direct orders. As detailed above, some other investigators have not been helping
matters, intent on trying to prove that Rick is a fraud. I am personally
convinced he is not.
It is my instinct and personal investigation of all of this that has led me to
understand that this is a game being played in large part behind the scenes. The
only proven time Rick took part in a major disinformation campaign – under
orders while he was working for AFOSI – was in the early 1980s during the Paul
Bennewitz affair. (See Project Beta, Greg Bishop’s book on the subject, in which
Doty supported the telling of the true story in full. At Laughlin this March, I
spent time with Bishop and Doty together, witnessing their friendly
To summarize: in all my interaction with Rick Doty I have been struck by his
apparent desire for disclosure of the alien visitation and the fact that he has
his own convictions on this issue. At times he has displayed what I would term
very honest frustration at his lack of being able to control the game any more
than anyone else. Doty’s past actions may not be relevant here, and his
involvement in the backstage story is likely to be a pre-placed “fuse in the
circuit” – plausible deniability. The Serpo story at root is, I do believe as he
has stated, taken from a real occurrence. Please see Jerry Pippin’s “Aviary”
page to download a fascinating audio interview with Rick Doty, in which he says
much about Serpo.
Robert Collins’ words may also be of value here. In an e-mail streamed to
members of Victor’s list on 25 June, he wrote:
I might add that in the past I've had go around debates with Rick Doty about the
SERPO information which from a Scientific point of view didn't pass muster
especially when it came to the Zeta 1 & 2 Astrophysics. Rick got so mad at me he
threatened to take me off the mail list. However, Rick has been dead right on
many other things connected with UFOs which my sources and I have verified. Most
of the sources are Intelligence Types with no Scientific background. Ernie
Kellerstrass was one of the exceptions, he has a background in Mechanical
Engineering and used to teach at the University of Dayton after he retired, then
it was SRL and it's now GE at WP. Ernie had also verified many things that Rick
had said about certain CIA Mj12-EBE-2 Memos. Kit Green verified the format
layout of the Memos as the type he saw while at the CIA. Tom Mack and Darren
Edmunson had Scientific backgrounds as a further example, Gene Lakes and Paul
McGovern do not. Jerry Miller doesn't have a Scientific background. Could go on
and on but I'll stop here, tip of the iceberg stuff, the rest is written in a
book. I don't take sides when it comes to sources (that means Rick Doty) or
people. Decisions are based on best evidence......
Robert C
7) I fully understand that the information above is likely to trigger a minor
avalanche of questions and discussion. With respect to all, I will decline to
answer any questions, nor enter into any debate. Kerry Cassidy and I have been
told that more information will be released later in the year “once certain
problems have been dealt with”. I know nothing of the progress of these
initiatives or whether the referenced problems have been handled… or not. I have
heard nothing for quite a while. Like all observers, I am waiting; and, like all
observers, I want to see those photos… again.
Bill Ryan
7 July 2006
Final Update from Bill Ryan: 5 March 2007
Serpo is dead… long live Serpo
[From The King is dead... long live the King, a traditional English phrase
referring to the celebration of the continuation of the monarchy despite the
death of the reigning king.]
An exchange program almost certainly happened, and why I'm now moving on to
other things...
With no further Serpo information having been released since August 2006,
readers can be forgiven for assuming that, despite several more false dawns,
there may now be no more. This is an assumption now shared by myself.
In December 2006, after Victor Martinez had received a number of photos which
turned out to be fakes, I first drafted this update page you’re reading now. My
intention was to hand this site over to another webmaster, and focus my
attention full time (rather than just 95% of the time) on Project Camelot, which
supports disclosure and which publishes interviews, free of charge, with
insiders and other important witnesses to government secrecy.
I withheld posting it then because there was reason to hold the possibility that
at least some of the insiders who were part of the backstage story might be
present at the 2007 Laughlin UFO Congress. However, this has just concluded, and
no-one was there – with one exception. This was an elderly man, with aquiline
features and wearing a pilot's jacket... who, to my great interest, was clearly
shocked to see me there again.
I'd met him at last year's Congress, and had been told then that he was Paul
McGovern (a retired DIA official well-known in insider UFO circles), attending
under a pseudonym. Last year this man had indeed shown an uncommon interest in
me and, after the Congress was over, I'd been told he had passed on the message
to me, via an intermediary, to ask whether or not I had “bought his story”.
This year, on seeing him again, I confronted him; but he earned his paycheck by
denying complicity to the bitter end. Eventually I left him alone, seeing that
no further progress would be gained. Having analyzed all the available
photographs, I don’t believe he was Paul McGovern, but I do believe he's a DIA
agent. That should be no surprise, as agents frequently patrol UFO conventions.
But this, too, merely adds to the smoke and mirrors of the ongoing Serpo
intrigue. As ever, nothing definitive transpired.
Meanwhile, and hinting strongly at a great deal more substance, I had told the
story in our 17th February Coast to Coast AM radio interview of how Kerry
Cassidy and I had made contact with an elderly man who we’d been told, off the
record, was a reserve Serpo astronaut who had trained with the team who went on
the mission. The full story follows here, and makes for fascinating reading.
(Readers may be interested to know that the identity of the senior CIA agent was
who contacted us in irritation, unnamed below, can be deduced from reading Dan
Smith’s blog with some care and attention. The agent is identified there as
"SI", an acronym for Salmo Irideus, or Troutfish.)
While intending no harm or discourtesy, and definitely with no intention to
betray confidentiality, we had evidently trodden on the toes of both the DIA and
CIA, as no-one had imagined that we would be actually take it upon ourselves to
contact the person now known in Serpo lore as “the old man”. This is what had
I was told the name of someone who was supposedly a reserve Serpo astronaut, as
far back as February 2006. This occurred naturally in conversation with a member
of the intelligence community. I was also told the general area where this
person lived.
A couple of months later, on 21 April, Kerry Cassidy and I opted to take a
little initiative of our own. We did a search on the internet and found his
name, together with a street address and telephone number. So we decided to
write to him.
The letter was sent by FedEx. It expressed support, promised that his ID and
contact details would not be revealed to anyone, said that we’d be delighted to
assist with the disclosure effort with a Project Camelot interview under any
stipulated conditions of confidentiality, and sought to establish direct
communication if at all possible.
The letter was delivered and signed for, but after that there was silence. He
never responded. We came to suspect that we’d written to the wrong person, and
it was all a mistake.
Then, out of the blue, on 8 September, I received an e-mail from ***** (not
marked Private) saying:
Did you go to [*******] to see Mr. [*******] with your girlfriend and a camera?
Where did you get his name and address?
We thought: “Thank you, *****.” Beautiful confirmation. That was a slip on
*****’s part.
The distortion in *****’s belief about what had happened (and the time delay –
four and a half months) made us wonder if this had been reported up the line
through the DIA, across to the CIA at a high level, and then down to *****,
accumulating errors along the way. (We’ll leave others to determine the
likelihood of ***** still being on the CIA payroll.)
I did not reply to *****’s question (hoping he would say more) - and he did.
On 6 October, in the context of an e-mail to me about other matters and cc’d to
Victor Martinez, Robert Collins, Marilyn Ruben, Brendan Burton, and Larry Dicken,
he wrote:
I accept your not answering me about your intrusion with camera and recording
device to try and interview the old man, as a private matter.
Thanks, *****. So now we know he’s an old man. (We had, of course, never met
In December, meeting with Victor for the first time in a while, Victor told us
that he too had heard that we had greatly irritated the DIA with our little
initiative – and (importantly) that this was the reason that I was suddenly cut
out of the loop (soon after the delivery of the FedEx letter) regarding
receiving any of the Serpo releases directly. (Students of the ongoing saga will
recall that it was then that the releases reverted to Victor.)
Meanwhile, in November, Kerry and I decided to visit this man in person. We
prepared a letter of the utmost courtesy, to be hand-delivered. We would then
retire to a coffee shop for several hours, with our cellphone on the table. Then
we would head back home again after a pre-allotted time.
Our letter read:
Dear Mr *******,
We were given your name by [****], and found your address in the [*******]
phonebook. In May of this year we delivered a secure personal letter to you by
We’d greatly appreciate the opportunity to talk with you in person, under any
conditions of confidentiality which you may stipulate. We’d like to discuss how
we may be able to help your efforts to release the Serpo story. We’re aware that
the ongoing release has met with numerous difficulties over the course of the
last year.
We’d like to emphasize that we do not wish to do anything to breach any
requested confidentiality. We’ve known your identity and contact details for
many months yet have never revealed these to anyone else. We assure you that we
can be trusted fully.
We’ll be in [*******] for the rest of the afternoon until 7.00 pm. Please call
us at [(***) *** ****] (cell) if you or any other of your colleagues are
interested in meeting with us. We’d be delighted to hear from you.
With our best wishes,
Bill Ryan
Kerry Cassidy
We delivered the letter, and - most interestingly - the man’s wife was waiting
for us at the gate as we arrived, despite our having informed no-one of our
plan. We’d either been tracked, or our car is bugged; neither would be a
surprise. The man himself, who was elderly but looked as he'd been strong and
athletic in his youth, was at the door, watching, some 20 or 30 yards away. We
were polite and deferential, handed her the letter, and immediately left.
We waited till 7pm, but the phone did not ring.
In mid-December, I then heard from ***** again, who said that he’d been told
that we’d visited the man in person with camera and recording equipment in hand,
asking for an interview. (I won’t copy the message, because it was marked
I sent ***** the text of the letter copied above, and explained that either the
man himself was lying, or that he, *****, been deliberately misinformed by his
source. (It wouldn’t be the first time that ***** has been fed malicious false
information about me from persons unknown.)
None of this proves that the man was an astronaut, or that Serpo exists... but
it does show, fairly conclusively, that we’d stepped heavily on someone’s toes
by making contact with this man, and that the report had rippled out through the
intel community to eventually reach *****.
So an "old man", sensitively connected to the story, definitely exists... and is
being well protected.
In another synchronous event, Shawnna Connolly, having come to blows (in protest
at their unethical activity) with Ryan Dube and Steve Broadbent, her former
conspirators and debunkers at the Reality Uncovered forum, ‘outed’ Reality
Uncovered’s ongoing smear campaign in massive and compelling detail on The only thing she omitted to mention in the listed catalog of
dirty tricks was their having gained unauthorized access to my personal e-mail
account (not just the serpo e-mails) last November and December, an action which
I’ve obtained legal advice was criminal. Apart from this detail, the entire
account of the smear campaign is well-told on, and needs no
repetition on these pages.
All this, combined with Kerry Cassidy and myself celebrating the first
anniversary of our initial meeting (when Kerry interviewed me – click here) with
another interview, twelve months on to the day, made me realize that now was the
optimum time to step down from being the webmaster of this site which has
intrigued and involved so many for so long. As stated above, I'd been
considering this since December 2006; the principal trigger for the final
decision now was the Laughlin "anniversary" combined with the complete lack of
further updates for six months.
So from here on out I'll look back on Serpo with a mixture of fondness and
relief. And I’ll be focusing full-time on Project Camelot, a website of
comprehensive video interviews with insiders and other important disclosure
Here are my conclusions, such as it’s possible to reach any:
1. As I stated in my July 26 American Antigravity interview, I believe the Serpo
story is a mixture of disinformation (i.e. truth mixed with added fictional
elements) and naturally occurring compounded errors (such as uncorrected
audiotape transcripts of the team commander's logs)... surrounding a core of
extraordinary truth.
2. As stated above, an "old man", sensitively connected to the story, definitely
exists... and is being well protected.
3. My instinct that this story had to be made available to the general public
has turned out to be well justified.
4. There's been an extraordinary amount of dirty tricks and smears specifically
intended to discredit the story, but emanating from a relatively small group of
5. The phrase “exchange program” has now been permanently introduced into the
vocabulary of the UFO community... and an exchange program of some kind
definitely occurred (see release 21).
6. The Serpo account is endlessly fascinating, and is bound to be remain
controversial. However, it's about an event that occurred nearly 50 years ago
and is primarily historical. While one can always learn from the study of
history or historical events, my attention is now concentrated on information
and research concerning what may lie ahead for us all.
7. For those readers who'd like to involve themselves in ongoing discussion and
debate, you'll find yourself met with friendliness and courtesy on the Open
Minds Forum. The contact form on this site will be disabled, but ongoing debate,
observations, comments and questions can all be posted here.
8. As stated above, my own focus will now be 100% on Project Camelot.
My best wishes to those who have shown interest in this fascinating story.
Bill Ryan
5 March 2007
UPDATE: Anonymous comments on the Red and Yellow Books
August 2007
"The YELLOW BOOK” was provided by the Ebens. It isn’t exactly a book. It is a
block of material, approximately 2 ˝ inches thick and transparent in nature and
appearance. The reader looks at the transparent surface and suddenly words and
pictures appear. It is an endless series of historical stories and photographs
of our Universe, the Eben planet and their former homeworld, and other
interesting stories about the Universe. It also contains an historical story and
various accounts about Earth’s history and distant past.
To this day, I am one of the very few people who has actually SEEN “The YELLOW
BOOK.” I can assure you that Robert Collins has not ever seen, viewed nor read
any part of it. His name does NOT appear on the “Briefing Control Access
Roster.” As has been commented on by others, it would take a lifetime to read it
and another lifetime to understand it.
“The RED BOOK” was written by the U.S. Government. It contains volumes of
information we have gathered regarding our contacts with Extraterrestrial Life
Forms. The first volume begins in 1947. The last volume was started in 2005.
The information you published in SERPO Posting #19 regarding these books was
factually correct.
In the e-mails you forwarded to me, what Robert Collins claims about “The RED
BOOK” being updated continuously or when needed is somewhat true, but needs to
be placed in proper context.
What actually occurs is that as UFO reports come in deemed credible by the
reporting government agency—be it military or civilian—they are routed to a
special section of our government for a follow-up analysis. After that vetting
process, they are then sent to a special group which then places it into final
review for POSSIBLE inclusion into “The RED BOOK.”
Victor, I know all of this because you see I have served as the editor for
several editions of “The RED BOOK” and have written and delivered the Executive
Summary for several sitting U.S. presidents, so I KNOW of what I speak.
And when I say “editor,” it is NOT in the sense of the word you are familiar
with. I do not correct nor review any of the hundreds—if not thousands—of
reports which are distilled into the final 5-year report for grammar and
punctuation as you’ve done with the “Project SERPO” material.
I only present and include the most important, compelling cases into “The RED
BOOK” which includes an analysis by me and others of any trends, types of
sightings, human contacts with the ETEs and any national security concerns our
government or planet might have. My part is to write the The Executive Summary
and present it to the current sitting president of the United States.
If there was a national security matter that presented itself, that 5-year
published review of “The RED BOOK” would be interrupted, but that has been
unnecessary as we have a good relationship with our Visitors.
On another point, you asked if the Bush administration claims of stopping
post-9/11 terrorist attacks was true.
What I can definitively tell you is that since 2001, based on the NSA
surveillance program, our government has successfully stopped 16 planned
terrorist attacks aimed at the USA. Every single plan was initiated
from an overseas location .