by Steven J. Smith
ScientificPapers Website
At what point shall we
expect the approach of danger? By what means shall we
fortify against it? Shall we expect some transatlantic
military giant, to step the Ocean, and crush us at a
blow? Never!
All the armies of Europe, Asia and Africa combined, with
all the treasure of the earth in their military chest;
with a Bonaparte for a commander, could not by force,
take a drink from the Ohio, or make a track on the Blue
Ridge, in a trial of a thousand years.
At what point then is the approach of danger to be
expected? I answer, if it ever reach us, it must spring
up amongst us. It cannot come from abroad. If
destruction be our lot, we must ourselves be its author
and finisher. As a nation of freemen, we must live
through all time, or die by suicide.
Abraham Lincoln
January 27, 1838 |
Most people assume covert government projects are paid for with
separate budget appropriations, passed by a vote of congress. They
also assume that while congress may not know what the money is being
used for, at least congress knows how much is being spent. Sadly,
nothing could be farther from the truth. In the last 50 years, at
least $40 trillion (in 2004 dollars) has been siphoned away from
legitimate uses and spent on secret projects.
The diversion of public monies on a
scale this vast can not be accomplished through conventional
parliamentary mechanisms. It requires a coordinated effort at the
very highest levels of government. It also requires a continuous
flow of maladapted policies and legislation to supply the raw
material. This raw material is human victims. In other words, you...
With less than 5% of the world population, America now consumes over
50% of the world's natural resources and manufactured goods. If
you're a Japanese factory worker, or a Brazilian farmer, a Canadian
cattle rancher, or a European banker. Chances are directly or
indirectly, you're working for America. The American people do not
receive the fruits of your labors. Contrary to government generated
statistics, the economic standard of living in America has been
declining for decades.
What follows is a detailed description of the biggest theft in human
history. A theft spanning half a century, and involving the
diversion of wealth from an entire planet.
The master
The art of magic involves the skillful capture of attention. A
magician says "watch closely while I make this rabbit disappear". He
must capture your full attention because without it, you will notice
the slight-of-hand performed by his assistant, that creates the
illusion of his magic. The diversion of federal government revenue
into clandestine projects makes use of this same technique.
Every day on TV news programs, you see the political leaders of
America engaged in a grand debate over how to make the world in
general, and America in particular, a better place to live. And
every few weeks another foreign dignitary makes a pilgrimage to the
White House, in order to confer on momentous matters of world peace
and security. These men and women are not America's leaders, they
are magicians. And you are not their constituency, you are their
audience. Their proclamations are as meaningless as a magician's
pronouncement of abracadabra. They capture your attention, while
their assistants pilfer your wallet, and plunder your children's
Most people assume that congress and the president jointly determine
how tax revenue is being spent. However, the money is actually spent
by semi-autonomous bureaucratic empires, with names like Department
of Defense, Department of Energy, Department of Homeland Security,
Department of Housing and Urban Development (the list goes on and
Each Department is managed by a
secretary, nominated by the president, and approved by congress.
These managers (secretaries) are the "magician's assistants". And
they are responsible for stealing the rabbit, while your watching
the magic show. As a general rule, the less public visibility a
department secretary has, the more money that bureaucratic empire is
diverting (stealing).
Each bureaucratic empire, guided by a magician's assistant (the
secretary), creates an annual budget that is submitted to congress
and the president for review and approval. 90% of the time, approval
is automatic. In other words, most of the time congress and the
president don't tell the bureaucratic empires how to spend money,
just how much money to spend.
A typical department budget consists of hundreds (sometimes
thousands) of individual items or programs with obscure names, and
vague definitions. The diversion of American tax revenue into covert
projects is accomplished piecemeal, through these budgetary items. A
little bit from one item, a little more from another. No one really
knows the exact amount of diversion taking place. Estimates run as
high as 60% of the entire federal budget as being diverted into
clandestine projects through this mechanism.
The trick
behind the magic:
A short review of some department budget items will prove useful in
understanding the mechanics of how the diversion is accomplished. I
shall use the DOE (department of energy) proposed budget for fiscal
year 2006. This document is publicly available at the DOE website.
According to the document,
proposed DOE
budget for 2006 is $23.4 billion dollars, and represents a decline
of $475 million dollars from the 2005 budget which, and I quote:
"shows DOE's commitment to results-driven performance." This is
utter non-sense, as I shall demonstrate.
The following is a screen capture form the DOE 2006 proposed budget.

The DOE is requesting $9.4 billion
dollars for something called the NNSA (national nuclear
security administration). They claim this money will be used for
national security activities. This is a very big number, beyond the
comprehension of most people, so lets see if we can put it in
Assume the DOE pays an annual salary of
$60,000 per "nuclear security worker", then the DOE could hire an
astounding 156,000 people with this money. But wait, it gets even
better. The NNSA will work in partnership with the Department of
Defense, and Department of Homeland Security. In other words, these
other bureaucratic empires will also receive billions of dollars to
pay for their end of the "partnership".
Suppose each of the "partner empires"
receives the same amount as the DOE. Combined, they could hire
nearly half a million people! Since the population of America is
roughly 300 million, this would translate into approximately one
"nuclear security worker" for each 600 Americans.
Let's be a bit more conservative. Assume only half of this $9.4
billion dollars is used to pay salaries (78,000 workers). Now
according to government census data, the average American family is
3.86 individuals. So we have one nuclear security worker for each
996.4 American families.
But what about the "partner"
bureaucratic empires? If they are included (assuming an equal work
force in each empire), the number drops to roughly one nuclear
security worker for each 332 American families. Do you believe that
one person in each 332 families is (directly or indirectly) working
on nuclear security? If not, then were did all that money go?
In all fairness, the DOE budget does break this $9.4 billion dollar
figure down into smaller amounts for specific purposes. But a review
of these "specific purposes" leads to the same conclusion, as the
following examples illustrate.
The screen capture (below) is part of the $9.4 billion dollar NNSA
budget breakdown.

The DOE proposes to spend $1.4 billion
dollars on something called "Directed Stockpile Work". And a list of
"specific activities" is included with the budget item. The budget
item goes on to mention "three weapons" so this item does not apply
to ALL nuclear weapons, but just the warheads for three classes or
types of weapons. The key issue is this budget item fails to mention
how many warheads will be maintained and refurbished.
Would you buy a bottle of aspirin
without knowing how many pills are in the bottle?
The DOE could maintain, refurbish, and
certify just three warheads (one in each weapons class) to fulfill
the terms of this budget item, and assuming they spent the
extravagant sum of $100 million per warhead, that would still leave
$1.1 billion tax payer dollars for diversion into clandestine
Next the DOE wants $2.1 billion dollars for "Facility Operations"
and "Infrastructure Recapitalization". Lets put this number in
perspective. A 10 story apartment building with 500 luxury
apartments, would cost in the neighborhood of $50 million ($100,000
per apartment). Therefore $2.1 billion would buy 42 of these
apartment buildings, or 21,000 luxury apartments. This budget item
also mentions "excess facilities".
Why is DOE building new facilities, when
it already has excess facilities? Why not sell these excess
facilities to partially offset the cost of new facilities? The final
irony is, this budget item might even be the truth, assuming the
"infrastructure" is underground. (see companion paper entitled "Underground
The proposed federal budget for 2006 is in excess $2.5 trillion
dollars. This is 2,500 billion dollars. Multiply the billion dollar
examples above by 2,500 and you begin to understand the magnitude of
diversion taking place.
This is why the master magicians work so hard to keep your attention
fixated on their grand debates. And this is how the magician's
assistants have stolen your tax money and redirected it into
clandestine schemes. Schemes of such stunning evil they must be
shrouded in utmost secrecy.
As a side note, the DOE not only builds and maintains the American
strategic weapons stockpile, but also funded the Human Genome
The implications are both obvious and
Domestic revenue
More government revenue, means more money is available for diversion
into clandestine projects. A simple statement with disastrous
Do you ever wonder why consumer prices continue to
Or why the border patrol can't stop the flood of illegal
Or why American jobs are being outsourced to other
Or why America can't supply its own energy needs?
answer is two simple words. Revenue enhancement.
Let's start with illegal
An illegal immigrant working in America, has taxes
withheld from his or her paycheck, just like an American citizen.
However, an illegal immigrant does not have a valid social security
number, and therefore can not collect social security benefits, or
file a valid tax return to receive a tax refund.
Since most illegal immigrants work at
low paying jobs, if they could obtain a tax refund, it would nearly
equal the tax they paid. So the federal government receives the tax
revenue, but incurs no obligation to pay benefits or tax refunds.
Assume you want to enhance (tax) revenue, then ask your self which
worker is more profitable. An American citizen, or an illegal
The CPI (consumer price index) is a measure of what goods and
services cost. In other words, a measurement of inflation. Inflation
is caused by an increase in the supply of money, without a
corresponding increase in the supply of goods and services.
Therefore if the amount of money, and the amount of goods and
services were constant, the rate of inflation would be zero (the CPI
would not change).
Your work creates the goods and
services, and the federal government prints the money. If the
federal government prints & spends more money, its revenue is
enhanced, but the value of your paycheck is reduced. Assume you want
to enhance revenue for diversion into covert government projects. Is
inflation beneficial to this goal?
When you buy a Japanese car, where does the money you paid end up
going? Sounds like a stupid question, doesn't it? It goes to Japan,
right? Wrong! The Japanese use that money to buy American government
Now consider... The federal government receives (through
taxation) about 33% of an American car sale, but receives (through
Japanese purchase of bonds) nearly 100% of a Japanese car sale.
Assume you want to enhance (government) revenue. Is it better to
have American workers building cars, or Japanese workers building
Every day you see TV commercials showing how American energy
companies are working hard to supply your energy needs. You see
off-shore drilling platforms, and people in white lab coats staring
intently at computer screens. The commercials always end with some
humanizing image. A little girl, playing in a field full of wild
flowers, or a house wife coming in out of the rain, and tuning on a
light switch.
The implication is these companies are
concerned about your welfare, and your future. This is a blatant
lie. When you buy a gallon of gasoline refined from Saudi Arabian
oil, where does that money end up going? Re-read the Japanese car
example (above). If you want to enhance (government) revenues, which
is better, American oil, or Saudi oil? Don't blame the Arabs for
high energy prices. They're just helping the American government
enhance its revenues.
Each of the four revenue enhancement techniques outlined above,
requires as its precursor, maladapted government policies and
legislation. Otherwise free market forces would quickly counteract
the imbalance. The American government's voracious appetite for
revenue enhancement to finance its covert projects, is the true
motivation behind the magic mantra of "free trade".
Attention! Foreign Holders of American Government Notes and Bonds.
Do you honesty believe a country that produces less tangible value
with each passing year, will ever repay this debt? I advise you to
ponder this question long and hard, before purchasing bonds with 30
year maturities.
One additional technique for revenue enhancement is deserving of
mention. The struggle against some perceived evil or threat has
always been successful in persuading the American people to
willingly tolerate greater tax burdens. In the past, communism
served this goal admirably. Today it's the threat of global
However recent public opinion polls
indicate that another attack on America may be required to revive
the fading public hunger for:
"Another triumph of American
righteous might over the evil forces of tyranny, no matter what
it costs!".
I leave you with this final observation.
Since WWII, every conflict has been halted before victory was
achieved. Perhaps the master magicians are worried they will run out
of villains to use against the American tax payer, in their never
ending quest for revenue enhancement...
Vote for Democrats because they're looking out for the little guy.
Vote for Republicans because they're pro-business. But what ever you
do, be sure to vote!
Suppose you saw the following help wanted ad in
your local newspaper.
Wanted: Energetic
person with good acting and communication skills. Must
enjoy making speeches, shaking hands and kissing babies.
No experience required, you will work from prepared
scripts. Employment length, 4 years with possible 4 year
extension. Salary: $400,000 per year. Non-refundable job
application fee: $100,000,000 |
Would you apply for this job?
Yet this is the help wanted ad every presidential candidate answers.
Do you believe those who contribute to political campaigns have
patriotic ideals and altruistic motives? If someone contributes
$10,000 to a political campaign, they expect at least 10 times that
amount in return. After all, this is a risky investment. The "job
applicant" might not get selected - oops I mean elected.
So once (s)elected, the president owes
at least $1 billion dollars in what are euphemistically known as
"political favors". Where will he (or she) obtain that money (see
1.5.2 & 1.5.3 above). The "application fee" for congress, while
smaller is still paid in the same manner.
Lets do some math and see
if we can get a rough estimate of what your vote is costing you.
Qty. |
Position |
Application Fee |
Total |
1 |
President |
$100 million |
$100 million |
100 |
Senator |
$15 million |
$1.5 billion |
435 |
Representative |
$5 million |
$2.175 billion |
Total application fees |
$3.775 billion |
Political favors owed (at
10:1 payback) |
$37.75 billion |
Cost per voter (100 million
voters) |
$377.50 |
Under federal law it's illegal for you to sell your vote, but buying
your vote is obviously BIG business!
Every magician (politician) knows exactly what you want, and has a
detailed plan to make it happen. All you have to do is vote for him
(or her) and the magician will appoint a blue ribbon commission to
investigate the issue, which after lengthy deliberations, will make
its recommendations.
The magician will say the magic word
"abracadabra", create a new bureaucratic empire (or modify an
existing one), and everything will be fixed. If you hired a plumber
to fix a leak, and when he was finished the leak was worse, you
would not pay him. If a doctor performed an operation, and after he
finished you were blind in one eye, paralyzed from the waist down,
and suffering from hallucinations, your have the right to sue that
doctor for malpractice.
Unfortunately, the master magicians do not work for you. They work
for those who made their (s)election possible. All your get is a
bill for the magic show, and you have no legal right to refuse
payment. The real purpose for casting your ballot is to shift
responsibility from those who are stealing, to those who are
victimized. In other words, your vote is the magician's license to
commit larceny.
The choice you make on election day is
an illusion. The difference between Democrats and Republicans is
preference, not substance. Like the difference between card tricks
and animal tricks. In that sense, there are no Democrats or
Only Demo-Publican magicians...
adjustment (foreign revenue enhancement):
In the introduction I touched upon the topic of foreign
subjugation. This section will bring that subject into sharp focus.
As elsewhere, it is the unquenchable appetite of the American
government for ever greater revenue, that motivates the plundering
of other sovereign nations.
When an American master magician uses
the phrase "regime change", most people understand this means the
over throw of a foreign government, and installation of a new
government, sympathetic to American ambitions. However, regime
change is actually the option of last resort.
The magicians prefer to use less blatant
methods of coercion collectively known as "regime adjustment". Many
of these techniques have the common characteristic of appearing to
be guided by desirable (often benevolent) goals, while
simultaneously producing a hidden and very sinister result. In other
words, these techniques capture attention, diverting it away from
the real consequences, and therefore are nothing more than another
class of magic tricks.
These tricks fall into four broad categories.
The American master magicians are always extolling the virtues of
democracy. They desire that people in every nation receive the same
benefits bestowed upon American citizens. A population that believes it is master of its own
fate is more easily manipulated. Furthermore as its social fabric
unravels and its standard of living declines, a democracy is more
likely to blame it self (self directed guilt), than to blame outside
influences (externally directed anger).
One of the greatest achievements of the American master magicians is
the nearly universal belief in representational democracy.
The range of options available to the master magicians for
manipulating democratic governments and elections is truly
spectacular. Remember that America has been a democracy longer than
any other nation on earth, and therefore its master magicians have a
vast pool of experience at rigging elections and coercing democratic
What follows is a small sampling of the
more commonly used options.
Covert financing of an opposition
candidate is always the first choice.
Use of advanced American
surveillance technology to uncover embarrassing information on a
candidate or politician is also a favorite tactic.
The dissemination of rumors and lies
designed to discredit a candidate or politician is obviously
useful (CIA & NSA have entire sections dedicated to this art).
Creating political opposition
pressure groups to intimidate an obstinate government has worked
well in the past.
Arranging an unsuccessful
assassination attempt, will raise a candidate or politician's
popularity. Especially if the assassin is a member of some group
that is despised by the general population.
Of course real political
assassination is best accomplished by arranging a fatal
As a final note, the American movie
entitled "Wag the Dog" is a very good exposé on the skillful use of
media for political manipulation.
The American dollar is the de-facto currency of international trade.
For this reason, the central banks of many nations hold the majority
of their reserves in dollars or American government bonds. This
allows the American magicians to exercise enormous leverage over
these foreign central banks. With little more than a few key strokes
on a computer keyboard, the American central bank (known as
the Federal Reserve, or just "FED") can reduce the value of dollars and
bonds held in a foreign central bank by any arbitrary amount.
This is possible because physical
currency and bonds no longer move from nation to nation. Instead a
method known as EFT (electronic funds transfer) is used, and what
"moves" is nothing more than numbers in a computer memory.
For those nations that have chosen to hold their central bank
reserves in other currencies (or precious metals), a physical trade
embargo can be used. Enforced with American military power (if
A particularly vicious trick, especially useful on poor nations, is
American humanitarian aid. Suppose America gives 100,000 tons of
free grain to a nation like Ethiopia. What happens to the farmers in
Ethiopia? They are driven out of business because they can't compete
with free American grain, thereby destroying domestic Ethiopian food
Before American "humanitarian aid", 10%
of the people were starving. After American "humanitarian aid", 100%
of the people will starve. Of course the American master magicians
will be happy to supply more humanitarian aid, providing the
Ethiopian government will make some minor adjustments in its
When you mention the American military, the vision that most people
have is of smart bombs, cruise missiles, and attack helicopters. Yet
these weapons are reserved as a last resort, when all else fails.
Less well known are the American military special forces, and
weapons systems. These weapons and personnel are used in clandestine
intervention operations. And if used properly, leave no evidence
directly traceable back to America.
Some examples follow.
An EMP (electro-magnetic pulse) bomb
can be used to disrupt a national communications network or
power grid at a critical moment. During a key political speech
or rally for instance.
A special forces team can be
deployed to blow up a factory or laboratory and make it look
like the opposition political party is responsible.
An influenza epidemic can be
triggered by aerosol dispersion over a city, using a stealth
aircraft. Useful when low voter turnout favors one candidate
over another, or when an anti-American demonstration is planed.
Another regime adjustment technique
involves military equipment rather than military intervention. A
nation that resists American hegemony, may find its neighbors are
recipients of advanced military equipment, courtesy of the American
master magicians.
This tactic is generally performed in
three stages, thereby giving the uncooperative nation an opportunity
to reconsider the wisdom of their behavior.
The magician's assistant in charge
of the Department of State (American ministry of foreign
affairs) makes a public proclamation that nation X needs new
military equipment for self defense.
The master magicians hold a public
debate over the advisability of supplying nation X with this
military equipment.
The military equipment is sold to
nation X on very favorable financial terms. And the Department
of Defense trains nation X solders in its use.
Finally as Saddam Hussein and Manuel
Noriega discovered, if regime adjustment fails, there is always
forced regime change, carried out at the point of American military
The trick of
During the last 15 years, America's master magicians have acquired a
whole new class of secret persuasion techniques for use against an
unsuspecting world. These techniques involve the
generation of what appear to be natural disasters.
They range from relatively mild
calamities such as drought induced crop failures, to moderate
disasters such as wild fires, to severe devastation such as killer
earthquakes. These tactics are generally used (so far) as adjuncts
to the more traditional methods of regime adjustment (outlined
Some examples follow.
A crop failure (engineered drought)
provides the perfect pretext for humanitarian aid.
A hurricane can be steered at a
population center to make a point during trade negotiations,
then steered away after a successful conclusion.
Wild fires can be used to destroy a
timber resource, thereby making a nation less self sufficient,
and more dependent international trade.
Earthquakes can be used as a pretext
for American military intervention to restore order and provide
humanitarian aid (while simultaneously mapping natural resources
for later plunder).
A flood can be used to destroy dams
and bridges, which will require American aid (loans & advisors)
to rebuild. Of course these loans will have to be paid back with
Weather engineering is also useful as an
adjunct to military operations. During operation Iraqi Freedom prior
to the final assault on Baghdad, a sand storm with winds blowing
from the south provided cover for American military units as they
rested and re-supplied. AND it also guaranteed that any poison gas
used by Iraqi military units would be blown back over territory
still held by Iraq forces.
Several companion papers provide details on the science and
technology behind un-natural (engineered) disasters.
The American government and its master
magicians have perverted democracy and free enterprise, turning them
into instruments of tyranny and slavery. They have performed this
seeming feat of magic by capturing your attention with their
rhetoric, while their assistants (accomplices) pulled off the
biggest theft in recorded history.
The picture I paint is a grim one.
An entire world, endlessly
working to provide an ever greater source of wealth for diversion
into clandestine schemes that benefit no one except the magicians
and the power elite who make their (s)election possible. It may seem
their hold over your lives is unassailable. However, if this were
true the magicians would not labor so hard at deceiving you. By your
work, you produce the wealth they steal. They need you. You do not
need them. They have known this fact all along. Now you know it as
I can not offer any easy solutions. Under current America law, even
discussing political change can be construed as conspiracy to commit
terrorism. Just by exposing the "magic show", I have no doubt made
my self a target for further government harassment or possibly
worse. Yet a solution must be found, otherwise you and your children
will endure the cruelest trick of all.
Perpetual human slavery, at the hands of America's master magicians.
But when a long train of
abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same
Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute
Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw
off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their
future security.
From the Declaration of Independence - July 4, 1776 |