by David John Oates
ReverseSpeech Website
Benjamin Fulford, 46, is a Tokyo based journalist who appeared on
the Jeff Rense Program, July 5th 2007, making some very radical
claims. According to Fulford, a Chinese secret society with 6
million members, including 1.8 million Asian gangsters and 100,000
professional assassins, have targeted Illuminati members if they
proceed with world depopulation plans.

They contacted Fulford, a
Canadian ex pat, after he warned that the Illuminati plan to reduce
the Asian population to just 500 million by means of race-specific
biological weapons. Essentially, this secret society, with Fulford
as their spokesperson, is taking on the Illuminati!
You can read the full story
An analysis of Fulford's reversals shows that he believes the story
that he is telling. In other words, he is not pulling a scam, he is
not deliberately lying, and his reversals are congruent with his
tale. Sometimes they will give extra information, other times repeat
his warnings or even reveal his own personal feelings. There appears
to be no deliberate hint of deception on his part.
Of interest is his frequent use of the
word "they" in reverse, as he references the various factions in his
tale. Also of interest is his specific use of the word "warning" on
three occasions.
This is, of course, the theme of his interview as
he places
the Illuminati on notice.
The precise forward words where the reversal occurred have been
marked with brackets - [ ]
"(talking about his former job with
Forbes magazine) ...however at a certain point I seemed to be
getting too close to something they didn't want me to get to and
they started stopping stories. [There was a] corruption story
about GE that didn't make it." There's the win(d) (Metaphor -
breath of the spirit - preparing himself as he starts the
"Anybody up to a 33 degree Freemason is a chump. They think
they're doing good for human kind and they're doing God's work.
There are 13 degrees above the 33rd degree. [And the first thing
they] learn is that there is no God. We are God. This is what
they're taught." And you surf the net (He probably does research
on the internet)
"(Q: How do the Rockefellers stand up to the Rothschilds?)
... Well, there is an alliance [and a split as] well. The
Rothschilds originally set the Rockefellers up."
It helps the
net (The net in this case may refer to an organization or
structure - does the split help the "net"?)
"(Re China becoming independent from Rothschild and
freemason control) ... There was all of this talk about who lost
China and this was a [major blow for them] but they never really
controlled China." May they fold within (Hoping the Rothschilds
will collapse internally?)
"It was a meeting in a [small Chinese] restaurant, upstairs in a
small non descript room." In a storm (Maybe literal. Was there a
storm outside? Or an internal emotional storm at the meeting?
Inner storm maybe.)
"(Re ordered by the Illuminati to reduce the population)
... They try to do it possibly through birth control is ideal,
if not through disease or war or whatever [is necessary]."
is a censor (A censor of information or ideas or plans or...?)
"Remember the plan for a new American Century, page 60,
rebuilding America's [defenses, they're saying] bio weapons that
could target specific geno types and be used for political
tool." They see this method (Confirming his tale)
"Their plan as I was told by the Japan[ese Illuminati] was to
weaken China through disease and also starvation. They are
trying to engineer a global food shortage by creating viruses
that affect our major food crop."
Hear their animal within (They
are animals.)
"(Re ultimatum to Illuminati) ... However killing people is
something I don't like and neither do they, so the first order
of business is to try to talk [before things get radical]. The
point is, there is a technical ability to wipe them all out in a
matter of hours." But our rape is awful (A warning!)
"What people in America need to do is they need to get an old
who's who. Look up the [names of the bankers], the bankers who
took over the Fed in 1913." It's a sure gamble with this man
(Unknown - a stray unconscious thought?)
"[Right, so what] I'm getting the feeling is, [these people are]
planning to artificially create the appearance of end times,
just like it's in the Bible, and fool everybody."
The worst in
the sell / They'll be teasing (Confirming his tale - the worst
"They use secrecy, murder, bribery and ridicule as their main
weapon. They've had a very good run, but the checkmate's for
them as far [as I'm con]cerned. They're not going to be able to
get away with this. They better realize it."
But not often
(Possibly relates to the checkmate - it's not happening often
"The plan to create a world government with Jerusalem as its
capital is just not going to work right now and it's much easier
to make the EU [a central world govern]ment."
Bad worl(d) with
Knesset (Silent K - Knesset: the legislature of Israel located
in Jerusalem)
"If Jesus Christ were alive today - he would go to the
feds and he'd unplug the mainframe, that's what he would do -
he'd say all right, [enough of this, we're going] to figure out
a new way of doing this." Liberals save the fun (Unknown)
Jeff Rense: "They completely turn into something else
when they [show up in Washington] DC. Their constituents no
longer matter." The show with Bush (Congruent reversal - adds
"(Q: What's the time table on this then?) ... I cannot
discuss that. You can't [let people know what] you're going to
You warn. I'll beat them (A confident warning)
"(Q: Couldn't this be construed as terrorism over the
air?) ... It's not terrorism. It's saying if you don't stop
killing people, if you don't stop killing us, we will have to
[defend ourselves]." Force an effort (He is serious)
"It's not terrorism [to defend yourself. It's self defense. They
are doing the killing]." They wished a new dream. Massive force,
there was an effort (Congruent reversal, adds information)
"It's very centralized [this pit, this thing], very centralized,
target the eye, forget about their flunkies."
It's an exit
"The trick is to start at the very highest level and [work your
way down]. They don't want to kill anybody if possible."
I deal
with trouble (Another warning. He means it)
"The plan I've given them is we make contact with Russia, China,
India, the Muslim countries that aren't controlled by Illuminati
pawns, [Latin American countries]."
You've left the crime in
Allah (Unknown)
"We'll try peaceful methods and so like I say [the plan I gave]
the Japanese Government, [we'll get the Rus]sians, the Chinese,
the Indians, everyone on earth basically."
Saw what they do / A
big announcement
"I don't think he (Rupert Murdock) believes anything Fox News
says personally. It's just business for him. He does something
similar for the Chinese. [You know that, that] appeal to the
Chinese" That's the warning they fear (Yet another warning)
"I've interviewed seven Japanese Prime Ministers and captains of
industry and members of security police and senior gangsters. [I
have very good sources, I have ever]ything on tape. I have
enough evidence to convict David Rockefeller of at least three
murders." They have a source, The grave there (Congruent
reversal. He has evidence of graves, or murders)
"[Like I say, the Pentagon], like I was saying before could be
the greatest force for good in human history. All you have to do
is give them the job of saving the planet."
Now they've met with
the helpful (Have meetings of some sort already taken place?)
"I think well how come the [New York Times is]n't writing about
it. Why isn't it on the TV?" This mouth screams (The NYT
"I started as a financial journalist and I realized that all the
bad debt was controlled by gangsters, which [really didn't make
sense]. 100s of billions of dollars controlled by gangsters? So
I went [and I started talking to] the gangsters."
They scammed
the loot / We've lost the Senate (Gangsters taking money from,
and control of, the Senate or govt?)
"Their history is so long and their techniques are so
sophisticated, but folklore has been aware of these people.
They've called them different [names over the years]. Beelzebub,
Mammon, Set, Lucifer, Satan." Free this man (Unknown)
"[Sure, but you know what]. The Chinese have their own idea for
democracy, right." Now warning the Bush (Are the Chinese warning
Bush or is he?)
"And the other thing is that I believe the Japanese are also
[about to kick them out], and that'll be it. It'll be the end
for these people. I believe we're at the end game."
I must get
this trouble (He is serious!)
"They're (ETs) cheering for us that we can get rid of these
bastards and then they'll think that maybe the earth is safe
enough, they can end the quarantine. That'll be my take on it
[You know, but I'm not an] expert in this field (UFOs)."
And I'm
out of money (Metaphor - that's all he has to offer on the
"So, you know this stuff about Reptilian people that David
Icke's pushing, well I think that's disinformation made to turn
most people [off from this whole] idea that there's a vast
conspiracy." That wolf in the fold (Seems to be referencing
David Icke as a wolf among the sheep)
"(Talking about Bobby Ray Inman) ... We go there to have fun,
what's the harm, I mean that's the story he's giving me - but he
revealed, [there's a whole scenario] of bioterrorism and
starvation." Lawyer and the soul hurt (Unknown)
An Ultimatum to the
Reverse Speech Analysis