by Benjamin Fulford
January 02, 2012
Kauilapele Website
The old world order criminals
in Washington D.C.
and the G5 terrorist states think they are winning the ongoing
financial war for the future of this planet but they are very mistaken.
The year 2012 is, in the Chinese Zodiac, the
Year of the Dragon and not just any dragon but the year of the fire
dragon. The Chinese New Year starts on January 23 this year, and you can be
sure planned big changes have been prepared for this auspicious time.
In a sign of change in Japan, for example, there
have been major unreported gun battles at night in Tokyo resulting in a
victory by dragon family groups over North Korean agents working under old
order stooge Yasuhiro Nakasone.
In one battle 31 North Koreans and 11 dragon
warriors died, according to a CIA source. Former Finance Minister Heizo
Takenaka was also detained for questioning last week where he sang like
a canary ratting out Yasuhiro Nakasone, Junichiro Koizumi and others,
according to Japanese security police sources.
Nakasone’s power base has now been severely eroded.
The new agenda for East Asia for 2012 is now,
In relation to this, a White Dragon Society
representative will be going to China in early February to discuss the new
financial system.
In the US, meanwhile, the situation appears to be very grim, with Obama
signing into law the right to arrest and detain US citizens on US soil
without trial. The Pentagon has refused to step in and restore
constitutional rule. The corporate media, for its part, continues to spout
dumbed-down lies and garbage.
The Chicago mafia and its P2 fascist lodge and Khazarian Satanist overseers
still think they will be able to start World War 3.
For example, senior P2 Lodge member and
Cavalier of the Teutonic Knights Vincenzo Mazzara sent the
following e-mail:
“The time of the global war is very near.
The missiles sistem is on red allarm. The destruction of all the planet
is near. Stopping this trial (the Neil Keenan trial about the theft of
$1 trillion by the P2) or all the people in the earth(ours family
too)will be [sic] sterminated .
I want see y in suisse for a table peace with an global agreement for
the new world. No story so there arent future for the world. I dont want
repeat this concepet or the death arriving before of the time that y
belive. Black Sun Son.”
This writer met Mazzara in Milan a couple of
years ago and was shown his “God,” a black circle of stained glass in the
Milan Cathedral.
He also showed me a cross with a snake wrapped
around it on prominent display in the church. This writer nearly died of
sudden lung failure after meeting Mazzara and was told by the CIA who were
observing me there that I was not supposed to have left Italy alive.
Mazzaro was also detained last year outside the house of a White Dragon
representative in Geneva, and was found to be carrying a gun and a
sophisticated lock-picking device.
These Satan worshippers are not planning to go quietly into the night so it
is understandable why there would be lots of pessimism among US based
However, although the changes promised by this writer have taken longer to
happen than hoped for, there really are many signs the Khazarian Satanic
rule is ending. In the US, the Pentagon, for example, is not acting now
because the time is not ripe, according to Pentagon sources. The agency is
thinking outside of the box and instead of restoring rule based on an
ancient and badly written constitution, they are considering a more
fundamental reset of how the US is governed.
In Europe as well, the move to turn Europe into a Soviet Union type of
totalitarianism is falling apart. There also, there is serious debate behind
the scenes on how to improve European systems of government and finance.
The general consensus, though is that in the G5 countries, the older
structures will have to collapse further before big, historical, changes can
be made.
In a good sign, the gnostic group, the people behind the Nazis, have made a
peace offering to the White Dragon Society. They have agreed to support an
intensive campaign to end poverty and stop environmental destruction. They
also believe in releasing the suppressed technology to usher in a new age.
They also offered what they suggested was a concrete way to bring down the
old system.
They say the top signator for the
Committee of 300 old world order ruling
council is Queen
Elizabeth. They have issued a warning
the British Royal Family that they must replace Elizabeth with her son
Harry by April 1st of this year. Having Harry on the thrown would
mean having a signator for the financial system who would support the
planned changes.
Finally, the main reason this writer feels confident that 2012 will, at
last, be the year when this nightmare Khazarian secret totalitarian rule
ends is that the people of the planet have woken up.
Within the G5, warm summer weather will bring
large demonstrations and at last revolution.
January 05, 2012
The Weekly Geopolitical News and Analysis 2012-01-02 report incorrectly
states that this year will be the year of the Fire Dragon. Many readers have
written to tell me it will be the Water Dragon. The water dragon is known
for calm, visionary intelligence.
My apologies for the sloppy fact-checking.
Recent Find
January 09, 2012
The attached documents were sent to me (B. Fulford) by a source
linked to Ferdinand Marcos and have been confirmed as genuine
secret government documents (ref. Committee of 300 - Queen