by benjamin
June 21, 2010
BenjaminFulfordBlogShinobi Website
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This week’s Geopolitical News and Analysis
has been slightly delayed because a South Korean professional assassination
team was spotted around this reporter’s home in Tokyo.
The team has now been withdrawn after we warned
South Korean President Lee Myung-bak that he would be held personally
accountable. However, the Satanic
pope Ratzinger and the
Khazarian Satanists (who are never to be mistaken for Jews) are
desperate and have been lobbying professional assassination teams in
Indonesia, Malaysia, Japan, South Korea, Italy and elsewhere to murder
truth-seekers in Japan, the US and elsewhere.
We have therefore decided to dedicate with
week’s report to outline how these assassination teams work. The information
below comes directly from interviews with over half a dozen professional
Unlike the Hollywood version of lone assassins, in the real world
professional assassins work in teams of 8-10 people. These teams usually
include women and children as a part of an effort to allay the suspicions of
the intended victims.
According to a South Korean assassin who claims to have personally killed
over 80 people, the assassinations are made to look like an accident as much
as possible. The most common method of assassination is to twist two
locations on the neck of the victim in a manner that causes almost instant
Most victims are hit when they are most relaxed and vulnerable: typically
when they are relaxing in a bath or else sleeping at home. The deaths are
made to look like heart attacks or strokes. If the assassins are unable to
access the pressure points, drugs are used to induce heart attacks or
When they murder females, they usually drug them outside of the home in a
manner so that the victim will go home and die in bed. Children are
typically killed by asphyxiating them with a pillow.
In messier cases where the killing takes place in public, the assassins will
use whatever tools are available. One common method of killing is to stab
the victim in the nose with a disposable chopstick. The assassins even know
how to slice someone’s neck using a piece of paper.
The assassin says that the South Korean murder team made a decision to kill
former South Korean President Roh My-hun because he wanted to disband
South Korea’s assassination teams. The decision to kill him was made a year
before his actual death, the South Korean assassin says.
In more extreme cases, a person is assassinated in an extremely public
manner as a warning to members of the
political/financial/military/journalistic elite. One extremely public case
was that of Japanese lawmaker Kouki Ishii, who was stabbed to death
with a Japanese sword in front of his own home in 2002.
Although the killer has confessed he did not act alone, and although the
judge in the case ruled the killer did not act alone, the police have
refused to further investigate this highly public death.
Ishii was killed because he was about to expose to Parliament information
“that would turn Japanese politics inside-out.”
Before he was murdered Ishii tried to enlist the
help of former Prime Minister Yukio Hatoyama. However, he soon
realized Hatoyama would not help so he turned to Naoto Kan, who is
now Prime Minister.
Although Kan was given the vital information by
Ishii before Ishii was killed, he refused to go public with it. In other
words, Kan is at least partially complicit in the murder of Ishii.
The fact that Kan is now Prime Minister is a sign the Satanic cabal is
trying to reassert its control over Japan.
According to a senior Yakuza boss,
“Kan took dirty money from wherever he could
so he is easy to blackmail.”
One look at Kan’s recent economic “manifesto” is
enough to reveal his actions amount to treason.
He has said he wants to raise the consumption
tax rate to 10% from 5% while lowering the tax rate from 40% to 25%. Since
the poorer a person is the higher percentage of their income goes on
consumption it means Kan wants to tax the poor.
Also since close to half of Japanese shares are
owned by the Satanic cabal, lowering the corporate tax rate means increasing
Japanese tribute payments to the Satanists. Kan’s regime will not last long,
of this you can rest assured.
the Yakuza are now breaking ranks with the
Satanists and have begun an unprecedented expose. One of the top Yakuza
assassins told this writer his job typically involves chopping peoples
fingers off with pliers until he gets the information he needs. He then
wraps the bodies in lead and dumps them in the ocean.
This killer said he has a direct line to the
Chairman of
Tokyo Mitsubishi UFJ Bank.
The head of a CIA assassination team, meanwhile, confirms the CIA uses
similar methods in the US and Europe. The world of professional assassins is
a small world and most of the teams know each other, he says. The CIA
assassins are also now turning against the Khazarian Satanists, he says.
This writer has personally survived at least 5 assassination attempts.
We will not go into much detail expect to note
that the same team responsible for the public execution of Kouki Ishii was
deployed against this writer. We know their names and we can expose the
entire chain of command behind the attempted assassination all the way up to
Henry (Heinz) Kissinger and beyond.
These are the same people
who ordered the highly public murder of my former colleague Paul
Klebnikov, the former Forbes Moscow Bureau Chief.
Please read the following Wikipedia article for
Paul Klebnikov
The same group also ordered the
beheading of Wall Street Journal ace reporter Daniel Pearle. Just
before Pearle was killed I wrote an expose of the murder-made-to-look
like suicide of Japanese banker Tadayo Honma:
Buried in the Books
Immediately after that article
appeared, Fortune issued a cover story saying Honma “committed suicide.”
This is typical Satanist modus operandi, i.e. issue contradictory
reports in order to create confusion. I was then ordered by Forbes to go
to Pakistan but I refused to go, which is almost certainly why I did not
suffer the same fate as Daniel Pearle.
There is now a clear trail of international
murder of prominent individuals that can be traced directly to prominent
Khazarian Satan worshipping financiers.
We have so far kept the evidence to ourselves
but we remind the Satanists that we have tape recordings, videos, documents
and other extensive evidence that leads straight to the cabal of old men who
refuse to relinquish their Satanic plans.
Our sources, of course, include the killers
themselves who now work for, or are protected by, the White Dragon Society.