by benjamin
July 12, 2010
BenjaminFulfordBlogShinobi Website
During my 25-years of reporting in Japan, the Japanese struck me as being a
very superstitious people because they always insisted the Western world was
ruled by
David Rockefeller.
At the same time veteran Western journalists
told me the only serious taboo they ever encountered in their work was
the emperor. Japanese journalists for their part took it for granted
that criticism of the emperor would lead to harassment and even murder by
right wing groups and gangsters. At the same time, there was always this
façade in place that insists Japanese is a democracy with a free press.
Only after countless meetings with senior right wingers, CIA officials,
Yakuza, dozens and dozens of senior politicians, imperial family members and
countless other sources was I able to unravel the puzzle, or at least part
of it.
What is clear is that after World War 2, Japan became a de facto
Rockefeller fiefdom. However, the Emperor Hirohito retained
enormous power and influence so a deal was struck in which domestic policy
would be handled mainly by the Emperor and his staff while foreign affairs
was Rockefeller turf.
The right wing establishment very much supported this arrangement because of
the cold war and their loathing of communism. Furthermore, the Emperor
Hirohito inspired the Japanese with a new goal to replace that of the
Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere: catch up with and overtake the
The result was decades of fast economic growth in Japan accompanied by
slavish Japanese obedience to US foreign policy goals. This arrangement
worked fine until the 1980’s when Japan actually began to fulfill the
Emperor’s ambition of overtaking the West.
The Japanese trade surpluses with the US, although tiny in real terms
compared to those of the past two decades, began to make the Washington
establishment extremely nervous. After years of frustrating trade talks
aimed at opening the Japanese market failed to dent the US deficit, a
fundamental change in policy began.
The change came when
George Bush Senior
became the US Vice-President and was put in charge of US foreign policy by
Ronald Reagan.
Bush’s view seemed to be that since the US had
military superiority over Japan they should use it. In August of 1985,
according to senior members of the Japanese security police and other
sources, Bush ordered that a Japanese airline domestic flight (#123) be shot
down with a US missile. The murder of 500 innocent Japanese was used to
force the Japanese to sign the
Plaza Accord, which they did in September
of 1985.
The result was the sudden increase in value of the Japanese yen and the
Japanese financial bubble. While Japan seemed to rise to ever new heights as
a result of this bubble, it was just the beginning of an economic war aimed
at neutering the Japanese economy.
When the Emperor Hirohito died in 1992 (of a disease that could have been
cured had he gotten proper medical attention), Japan was set up for a long
period of stagnation. Perhaps that is why the new era after Hirohito was
named Heisei (平成)which can be translated as “flat growth.” It is now
the 22nd year of Heisei and Japanese GDP is actually lower than
it was when the era began.
The Bush Nazi faction also began to systematically murder Japanese
Prime Ministers, journalists and others who did not go along with the new
regime. The Heisei Emperor, unlike his predecessor, did not, as the public
events of his rule demonstrate, have the ability to protect his country.
One particularly grim episode was the murder of Prime Minister Noboru
He was originally taken aboard a helicopter and
hung upside down in mid-air in an attempt to convince him to go along. When
he still refused, he was taken to Alaska, stripped naked and chased with
helicopters. He was then had his testicles stomped with boots before he was
beaten to death. Both a member of the Japanese royal family and a senior
member of the Japanese security police claim to have been shown the video of
this murder as a warning.
The US behavior towards Japan became so ugly that even the Japanese criminal
underworld started to become disgusted.
Things became ugly when
Junichiro Koizumi, a gangsters
subservient to Bush, was made Prime Minister. When Koizumi visited the
US as Prime Minister, he was presented with a high-class American prostitute
and then drugged to sleep. She was then strangled and when Koizumi woke up,
he was blamed for her murder and blackmailed about it, according to a senior
member of Koizumi’s
Inagawa gang.
Koizumi proceeded to betray his country by handing over control of the
entire Japanese financial system to Western oligarchs including
These people then set about using the Japanese
people’s own money to set up
hedge funds and buy up much of Japan’s
economic infrastructure.
It was only after Koizumi finally left office that damage control began but
Japan remains deeply split between those who benefited financial from
betraying their own country and those who remained loyal to true samurai
Next week we will discuss the current state of
the secret war over the soul of Japan.