by Mark Sircus
17 July 2011
...And Everyone Else

The Economist
The end of the banker’s reign is near and that
is a really good thing.
Up to this point, bankers have managed to turn
humanity into pile of debt slaves. Since the advent of paper money, bankers
have tended to form an unholy alliance with elected governments to expand
debt and both parties have prospered until now; the time has come when debt
can no longer be repaid.
Darryl Robert Schoon
“The global economic collapse is perhaps
humanity’s greatest hope for escaping the debt slavery the world’s
financiers and bankers have planned for the world. However, to escape
slavery one must first know he is a slave.”
Debt is the slavery of the free.
Publius Syrus, 50 BC
“Now everybody understands that Greece needs
to be helped to exit recession as soon as possible. The relevant
negotiations are making progress, and I hope they are completed as soon
as possible,” Greece’s Prime Minister George Papandreou said.
Some people are very serious about their
delusions and want us to believe in them too.
How is an economic backwater
country like Greece going to be helped out of a recession when the rest of the world is on the verge of financial and economic calamity? And how is any
person or country in debt helped by taking on more debt?
Don’t tell anyone
but a massacre is going to occur in the banking industry, for haircuts are
not what are in the offering but instead full-field scalping as countries
default on their debts. It’s only a matter of time.
Sheldon Filger
“policymakers have no real solutions, and
have just about run out of gimmicks and short-term fixes.
The global
economic crisis that began with the
financial collapse of 2008, far from
being resolved or a clear path to recovery being underway, is entering a
more dangerous phase, in which sovereign debt reaches the level of unsustainability.
The result could very well be paralyzing insolvency
among the advanced economies, which could destroy the economic future of
an entire generation.”
Monty Pelerin
“The circus surrounding the debt ceiling
makes interesting theater but all the babble is irrelevant. How the debt
ceiling is eventually resolved only changes the timing and extent of the
economic collapse.”
The baby boomer generation,
“Will be remembered most for the incredible
bounty and freedom it received from its parents and the incredible debt
burden and constraints it left on its kids,”
writes Thomas Friedman for
the New York Times, telling us that both European and American dreams
are on the line.
Everywhere the sense of wrongness is leaking
into the mainstream except perhaps with
freshman Republicans who are more
interested in doing what is right than in getting reelected.
“E3 is not a solution. It is currency
destruction that leads to eventual hyperinflation that wipes out fixed
incomes and most savings. It is nothing more than a temporary political
escape from reality. It ensures the ultimate political and economic
collapse of the country.
The only solution is to pare back government to
where it is no longer destructive to the productive sector. It must be
defanged and caged. Immediate cuts of 50% in spending would be my
starting point. Additional cuts would follow,” concludes Pelerin.
We know that American politicians will not even
dream of such dramatic cuts of their power or of the budget so I am
convinced that nearly everything about today’s world is going to change over
the comings months or short period of the next year.
The ride down in terms
of evaporating financials, housing values, loan values, expanding
unemployment, and contracting world economy will be hard. No soft landings
ahead. It’s going to be much worse than most people expect.
It is tough for people and governments all over the world.
David Galland
“Japan is essentially offline. Reports from
friends in Japan - including one who was initially skeptical about the
scale of the problems at Fukushima - have now changed in tone by 180
You can almost feel the growing sense of desperation as the
already massively indebted nation begins to slide toward an abyss. There
is little standing in the way of the world’s third-largest economy’s
Greece, Ireland and Portugal are not far behind
in terms of desperation though they worry not over increasing radiation
levels, not yet at least.
Italy and Spain now seem ready to fall onto their fat bellies threatening to
bring down German and French banks with them and then perhaps the entire
central banking system in the process. Nothing sane can be said of the
United States so we can only expect the worst from her. As the world spirals
downward we can only expect America to make conditions down here on earth
more dangerous, especially now to its own citizens.
At this point it will
probably be safer outside the United States. In a serious crisis, most of
the criminals out to steal your property and do harm to you will come with
official government sanction and not from traditional criminal elements.
America is like Humpty Dumpy sitting high on the wall about to take a great
shattering fall.
The Eurozone is growing increasingly desperate and everyone
is watching for and wondering who the markets are going to punish next. The
U.S. debt situation is far worse than anyone in Washington is willing to
admit so nothing will be done about it. China’s bubble is big and dangerous.
The Middle East is in flames and different countries, states, cities, towns
and businesses are going bankrupt with so many of them being just too big to
The Daily Bell
“Is that a great Depression knocking? Leave
the door shut. Guard yourself and your loved ones. You are being lied
to; it is a conscious campaign, a Dreamtime, lulling you. Lift the
blinds and look outside. Trust your own vision, not what you’re being
John Rubino
said that,
“The idea that there were pain-free
solutions to the mountain of debt the world has taken on was always a
delusion. But it was one that the leaders of the U.S. and Europe in
particular have clung to ferociously. Until now.
In just the past few
days it seems they’ve all been forced to recognize the futility of their
situation, and they have simply given up.”
We might not be taking what Rubino is saying
seriously but that is not the case with governmental officials from the
treasury department.

July 16, 2011 – WASHINGTON
Federal officials have reached out
to banks and investors to discuss the government’s plans for its
paying obligations after August 2 in the event the debt ceiling
isn’t raised, the Washington Post reports.
Among the options
being considered to raise revenues while borrowing is prohibited
are the suspension of non-critical payments and the sale of
federally-owned student loans, mortgages, and even gold
reserves. The government is facing a $159 billion deficit in
August, according to the Bipartisan Policy Center.
The Post is
reporting that financial firms and investors were skeptical of
the plans when briefed by Treasury Department officials, arguing
there would be chaos in the markets due to speculators quick to
scoop up valuable assets at low prices from a cash-starved
Rating agencies have said any partial default on its
obligations, or steps to pay only some of the nation’s bills,
could be met by a downgrade of federal debt - which would cause
further economic turmoil.
Business Insider
“This was inevitable because ‘extend and pretend’ is by definition a
temporary strategy. It works for a while but only for a while. And now
it’s ending everywhere, all at once.
We’ve entered a new phase of the
global financial collapse that began in 2000.
Any one of these
capitulations - a Greek default, followed inevitably by either more PIIGS [Portugal, Italy, Ireland, Greece and Spain] defaults or EU
bailouts of surreal size, the admission that the U.S. government will
run trillion dollar deficits essentially forever, and a massive new Fed
stimulus plan - would by itself be enough to destabilize the global
Toss them all into the mix at once and you get chaos,"
continued Rubino.
Bob Chapman
“What America is seeing today is a
flat-lining economy. The U.S. economy is doing a slow-motion swan dive
and the corporatists do not care because they believe they’ll become
part of this new World Order.
The big question is why haven’t government
and the Fed tried to solve the economic situation? The answer is they
have no intention of doing so, because they want the public on their
knees economically and financially so they can impose World Government.”
The cold, hard reality of the matter is that
economic decline and economic despair are spreading rapidly and they will
come to almost all of us soon enough.
Don’t make the mistake that you can
escape the crisis that is building up like a standing wave ready to sweep
away old structures and institutions reshaping the basic social and economic
environment that we now take for granted.
Silver Shield
slams most of us in the face saying,
“The last place I would want to be is in a
multicultural, densely packed, urban area with huge wealth disparities
when the dollar collapses. When the dollar collapses, food and fuel will
become scarce and people will become desperate.
We have seen riots in
the past, but let me assure you that you have not seen anything yet. I
remember the Rodney King riots and this collapse will make that look
like child’s play. Those riots were over some verdicts on a few men; the
dollar collapse is a verdict on all of us.”
“The shock of abject poverty and sudden desperation will bring out the
worst in people. The police will be overwhelmed at a time when their
paychecks stop or don’t buy anything and their pensions wiped clean.
Those officers will not risk their lives out on the street trying to
save some failed system. They will be at home defending their families
or simply getting out of dodge.
Leaving all of those left behind to fend
for themselves.”
Those that are wise, will be far away
from danger, instead of tempting fate.
Silver Shield
If you have not seen part two of Gerald Celente’s recent video with
Max Kestler I would recommend a listen.
No one
alive talks as much street sense as Celente and it’s no coincidence that
Gerald, a martial arts specialist when he is not doing financial
forecasting, talks about guns and escape plans. Ignoring people who are
shouting out warnings now can become very costly in the near term of life.
Even for me, someone who depends on spiritual protection from the harm
people do to others, the harsh realities are difficult to fathom and accept
as I attempt to sort through the choices I must make when balancing the
above with my family responsibilities.
“Those areas that are most dependent on the
dollar paradigm will be the worst places when the dollar collapses. Most
people have only a few days of food to exist on, and if the water gets
shut, less than that for water.
What is also not very well known, and
very dangerous, is that we have 1/10th of the population on
If people don’t get their pills and come off too fast,
they will suffer psychological breaks at a time when their real world is
falling apart. It seems every school shooting or mother drowning her
kids are from people who stopped taking their meds. I would be willing
to bet that the use of these kinds of drugs are significantly higher in
urban areas than rural areas.
This fact is only going to compound the
problem in a world already gone mad,” concludes Shield.
Chris Hedges, a Pulitzer Prize-winning author
“Adequate food, clean water and basic security are now beyond the
reach of half the world’s population. Food riots and political protests will
be frequent, as will malnutrition and starvation.
Desperate people employ
desperate measures to survive.
the elites will use the surveillance and
security state to attempt to crush all forms of popular dissent. The aim of
the corporate state is not to feed, clothe or house the masses but to shift
all economic, social and political power and wealth into the hands of the
tiny corporate elite.
“Do not expect them to take care of us when
it starts to unravel. We will have to take care of ourselves. We will
have to rapidly create small, monastic communities where we can sustain
and feed ourselves. It will be up to us to keep alive the intellectual,
moral and cultural values the corporate state has attempted to snuff
It is either that or become drones and serfs in a global