by Susanne Posel
August 11, 2012
OccupyCorporatism Website

Kaspersky Lab, a Moscow-based computer security firm has found a
new cyber
surveillance virus that has been spying on banking transactions, stealing
login information for social networks, email and instant messaging in the
Middle East - specifically targeting Lebanon’s,
Credit Libanais
And infected computers also include CitiGroup
Inc.’s Citibank and eBay’s Paypal online payment system.
This virus’ focus on online banking makes it a potential threat to banking
systems worldwide. Researchers are still
trying to determine if this virus
is simply conducting surveillance on banking transactions or if it is being
used to steal money out of targeted accounts.
Being called
Gauss by the Kaspersky Lab, who confirmed that the new virus is
related to
Flame and
Duqu, yet a more sophisticated,
state-sponsored cyber-espionage tool.
Researchers from the security software manufacturer Symantec Corp, confirm
Kaspersky Lab’s summation that Gauss is related to previous
government-created cyber warfare viruses.
Gauss is
capable of being used as a weapon to attack industrial control
systems, just like Stuxnet which was used to go after Iran’s Natanz nuclear
power plant facility in 2010. Gauss can encrypt programs that are compressed
onto a USB drive and decompress them once the virus is able to contact to a
targeted computer.
Kapersky Lab stated:
“After looking at Stuxnet, Duqu and Flame,
we can say with a high degree of certainty that Gauss comes from the
same ‘factory’ or ‘factories.’ All these attack toolkits represent the
high end of nation-state-sponsored cyber-espionage and cyber war
According to Jeffrey Carr, cyber warfare expert
for the security firm
Taia Global, the U.S. government has been monitoring
Lebanese Banks for activity traceable to militant groups and drug cartels.
Carr said:
“You’ve got this successful platform. Why
not apply it to this investigation into Lebanese banks and whether or
not they are involved in money laundering for Hezbollah?”
U.S. intelligence is touting that,
“Beirut is a hot spot for the clandestine
movement of money by states” in reference to money laundering.
Iran has stated that Flame and Stuxnet
specifically targeted their oil refineries with the intent to disrupt oil
Gauss could be used for this purpose; however it
is designed to infiltrate banking systems online infrastructure with complex
algorithms and encrypted code bases.
Kapersky Lab is still analyzing Gauss and its capabilities. They confirmed
that the creator of the virus went to a great deal of trouble to disguise
its purpose by using sophisticated encryption codes that may take months to
The Budapest University of Technology and Economics’s Laboratory of
Cryptography and System Security have devised
a free test that determines
whether or not the tell-tale Palida Narrow font is downloaded to any
In tandem, the Federal Bureau of Investigations (FBI)
is claiming that
another malware scheme is directing web users to a compromised version of
the FBI website. When on this fake FBI website, the malware known as Reventon, will extract data and coerce users to pay an online fine.
The UN’s International Telecommunications Union (ITU) has issued a warning
to world leaders to protect their infrastructure because of the threat of
Marco Obiso, cyber security coordinator
for ITU said:
“We don’t know what exactly it does. We can
have some ideas. We are going to emphasize this.”
The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) is
analyzing Gauss’ potential threat to the U.S.
Peter Boogaard, DHS
spokesperson commented:
“The department’s cyber security analysts
are working with organizations that could potentially be affected to
detect, mitigate and prevent such threats.”
The Cybersecurity Act of 2012 was introduced and
voted down by the Senate in July with false claims of,
“...foreign governments, criminal syndicates
and lone individuals are probing our financial, energy and public safety
systems every day. It would be the height of irresponsibility to leave a
digital backdoor wide open to our cyber adversaries”
was perpetuated by
President Obama.
Shawn Henry, a veteran of the cyber security
division in the FBI, has stated that a cyber-attack is “very, very likely”
to occur soon.
The Obama administration, in response to the Congress rejecting the CSA, is
considering an executive order “to protect the nation’s critical computer
infrastructure”, according to John Brennan, Homeland Security
At a
Council on Foreign Relations meeting Brennan
“One of the things that we need to do in the
executive branch is to see what we can do to maybe put additional
guidelines and policies in place under executive branch authority. I
mean if the Congress is not going to act … then the president wants to
make sure that we are doing everything possible.”
Brennan said that an executive order would be a
“good vehicle” to ensure government agencies are empowered to take action,
“to make sure the nation is protected.”
Stewart Baker, former senior official for the
DHS and cyber security expert at the law firm Stepoe and Johnson remarked:
“The president can say we can’t wait, and
I’m going to do what Congress can’t and protect the American people from
cyber-attacks” and “in an election year, that sounds like a pretty
promising approach.”
Obama has
repeatedly circumvented Congress with
his use of executive orders. This instance would be another incident where
he would be abusing his executive powers.
Because of
the global fiat currency implosion that begun in 2008, the
banking cartels have been propping up the American financial system to stave
off a complete monetary collapse in the U.S.. However it has always been
their intention to bring down the monetary system in America.
Ironically, Gauss may be the mode in which they are able to carry this out.
During the MF Global scandal, Jon Corzine
ordered segregated customer
funds to be secretly redirected into accounts in JPMorgan. During this
beta-test, the banking cartels got away with stealing $200 million of
customer money without suffering repercussions.
Recently we have seen other types of theft out of customer accounts (below
video) held in
major banks like Bank of America (BoA) wherein they drilled into a
customer’s safety deposit box, confiscated family heirlooms and transferred
them out of the bank.
The customer’s property was sent to North
Carolina before the theft was detected.
When the customer attempted to
retrieve their property, BoA claimed they did not have a social security
number on file which was why they emptied out the safety deposit box.
However, when opening a safety deposit box, the
customer’s social security number is provided on the initial documentation.
The lie BoA perpetrated on the customer was simply to distract from the fact
that they overtly stole out of their customer’s private account. And this
small-time thievery may be a symptom of a larger banking scheme looming in
the distance.
Guass, which is an online banking surveillance virus, has the capability of
electronically transferring information out of customer accounts to be
redirected to another location. The banking industry would be devastated if
suddenly they were infiltrated by Gauss which would cause every banking
customer to become insolvent overnight.
This sets the stage for the banking holiday that we’ve all been warned
about. For example, the mainstream media would be used to announce that
Gauss has infected the all domestic banking computer systems. In order to
purge the virus, all banks would need to shut down for a specified amount of
time in order to reconfigure their computers.
Perhaps on a Friday afternoon, the major banks
will all announce that they will shut down to customer activity so they can
“get rid of” Gauss from their system. The banks might say that they will
reopen to the public on Monday morning.
Customers would not be able to conduct any financial transactions, either in
the bank or online over that weekend. And with the promise that everything
will be ok on Monday, there is no threat of a banking holiday because the
cover story is that a virus must be purged before regular banking can
However this would be a false flag meant to pacify the public to avert mass
While the general public would fall for the
cover story, the banking cartels would simply electronically transfer all
customer funds from private checking accounts out to off-shore banks where
they could not be touched and cover their tracks.
Then on Monday morning, while the reports that the banking industry suffered
greater infiltration than expected, the DHS and U.S. armed forces would be
to enact martial law to control the
potential for domestic insurrection caused by the realization that every
American has had their money stolen from them by the banking cartels in one
fail swoop.