by Peter Koenig
June 11,
GlobalResearch Website
Peter Koenig is an economist and geopolitical analyst.
He is also a former World Bank staff and worked
extensively around the world in the fields of
environment and water resources. He lectures at
universities in the U.S., Europe and South America. He
writes regularly for Global Research, ICH, RT, Sputnik,
PressTV, The 4th Media (China), TeleSUR, The Vineyard of
The Saker Blog, and other internet sites. He is the
author of Implosion - An Economic Thriller about War,
Environmental Destruction and Corporate Greed - fiction
based on facts and on 30 years of World Bank experience
around the globe. He is also a co-author of The World
Order and Revolution! - Essays from the Resistance. |

Confronting The
Neoliberal Propaganda Media Machine
On 8 of June, I had the privilege to attend a press conference
hosted by the
Venezuelan Ambassador in Bern, Switzerland.
The purpose of
the press conference was to
clarify the
current highly misrepresented situation in Venezuela,
as well as
explaining the process of electing a new
Constitutional Assembly
Nacional Constituyente - ANC)
on July 30,
In his hour-long presentation, the Ambassador introduced the issues
at stake by explaining,
that Venezuela
today has the largest known oil reserves in the world and
the fourth largest deposits of gas
that the U.S. is
importing 60% of its lush energy use (a distant first of the
globe's per capita energy users), mostly from the Middle
East, where it is subject to long and costly transport
(40-45 days), and to many risk factors, including the Gulf
of Hormuz, controlled by Iran, where today about one third
of all the world's petrol must pass through.
By contrast, shipments of
petroleum from Venezuela across the Caribbean to the refineries in
Texas takes only 4-5 days.
This is the main reason why Venezuela is in the White House's
crosshairs, plus, of course, the fact that for Washington it is
totally intolerable to have a sovereign socialist Republic in its
'backyard' - and so close, the same syndrome applies also for Cuba,
a genuinely successful socialist nation, having survived almost
sixty years of atrocious and criminal American strangulation.
There is no tolerance for
sovereign independent countries that do not bend to the dictate of
the United States and her behind the scene handlers.
The Ambassador then went on explaining the process of the upcoming
election of the National Constitutional Assembly (ANC).
He described the process
of direct democracy, where Venezuelans elect their delegates by
region and by sector, and where of course, the opposition was also
supposed to participate, although the opposition's leadership has
already declared they would boycott the process.
The elected new ANC would then be called to amend the Constitution
of 1999, to adapt it to today's circumstances.
The current Constitution
was approved in a similar democratic process by the people and
sanctioned by the ANC one year after President
Hugo Chavez Frias became
President in 1998.
The 1999 Constitution is
still valid and adhered to until this day.
The July election will choose 545 members to the National Assembly,
of which two thirds (364) would be elected on a regional or
territorial basis, and one third (181) by sectors of professions or
activities, i.e. students, farmers, unions of different labor
forces, employees, business owners - and so on.
This cross-section of
people's representation is the most solid basis for democracy.
The Ambassador assured the journalists that there will be a very
high peoples' participation in the elections, as was the case for
the 19 democratic elections that took place since 1998, when
Comandante Chavez became President.
This election should be an opportunity for the opposition to gather
as many Assembly seats as possible, and then help shape the new
Constitution in a fully democratic process. Not by street violence.
The fact that the opposition is planning to boycott the election
shows clearly, they are not interested in democracy.
They have one goal only,
oust President
Maduro and take power
privatize state
assets, especially hydrocarbons (petroleum and gas) to hand
them to international mainly U.S. corporations to be
exploited at no benefits for the Venezuelan people
This was precisely the
case before President Chavez took the reins of the country.
Foreign corporations,
almost all North Americans, left not a dollar in tax revenues in
Venezuela today is arguably the only true democracy in the western
world, as said on numerous occasions by Professor Noam Chomsky,
To counter the neoliberal
mainstream media's (MSM)
demonization of the Bolivarian Revolution and the Bolivarian
Republic of Venezuela and her President Nicolas Maduro, the
Ambassador showed various videos demonstrating that the instigators
of violence were clearly the armed opposition.
They are constituted and
led by a rich elite and supported ideologically and financially from
Among different foreign sources of support and funding, most of them
American, is the infamous
National Endowment for Democracy -
NED, a so called "fake" NGO "think-tank" (sic), receiving from the
U.S. State Department hundreds of millions of dollars per year to
'spread democracy' American style around the globe, i.e.,
training local
rebel groups abroad and within the targeted country to
provoke instability through unrest and violence
anti-government propaganda
infiltrate the
media, universities,
...and so on.
They are the same who
were responsible for the so-called Arab Spring and the
Color Revolutions in former Soviet Republics,
including Ukraine.
The facts explained and demonstrated by the Ambassador showed
clearly who was responsible for most of the 67 deaths and more than
1,200 injured within the last couple of months.
This is all supported by unmistakable videos, showing government
supporters, who are despite what the western media are saying, the
vast majority - between 70% and 80%, demonstrating peacefully and
However, western media twists and manipulates the truth to become
anti-Venezuela propaganda, including video clips presented out
of context, or outright falsified, blame the aggression on the
government supporters, accusing authorities and police of oppressing
civil liberties, of dictatorship, of killing its own people.
The western MSM do not show the weaponized right-wing opposition
attacking police with explosives, putting police cars on fire and
throwing Molotov cocktails and more sophisticated explosives at
police and authorities.
This point of opposition violence, blackmail and more, is clearly
demonstrated by a recent U.S. journalist covering the riots for the
pan-Latin American
TeleSur TV.
Abby Martin, the host of
The Empire Files, an
investigative program, told RT (Russia Today) that she received
numerous death threats from opposition fighters during her work on
the ground in Venezuela.
She says protesters
threatened to lynch and burn her alive if she tried to contradict
their narrative (https://www.rt.com/news/391338-us-journalist-venezuela-threats/).
This is to be taken
seriously, because several journalists have already been murdered by
the opposition.
The Ambassador made two very important points that the west should
listen to.
He said, that despite the
violent social upheavals, the government is respecting the
principles of democracy and has not declared a State of Emergency or
Martial Law, nor curtailed private-owned foreign media slandering
Venezuela with lies.
This contrasts with other countries,
like France which
for the past two years has been under a declared State of
Emergency, just a small step below Martial Law, and is about
to put this state of permanent militarization into her
or take Argentina
which is suppressing foreign media like TeleSur (and were at
the point of shutting down also RT), because they are
telling Argentineans the inconvenient truth
When the Ambassador opened the floor for questions and comments,
most of the journalists present were polite, seeking clarifications
of the election process.
But there were two sore
thumbs sticking out, the representatives of the two largest and most
neoliberal Swiss newspapers,
They came with a specific
It seems they didn't
listen to anything the Ambassador said. They simply hurled their
list of insults, accusations and offensive negative lie-propaganda
at the Ambassador. Both of them are what one would assume in
Switzerland, educated people.
They must know the truth.
If they don't say the truth, they are most likely bought agents of
the Anglo-Zionist network that controls
90% of the news throughout the western world.
After they accomplished
their mission of insulting the Ambassador, they left the conference.
Isn't it a journalist's foremost obligation to adhere to a code of
ethics? That's what they were taught at universities, to seek the
truth and portray the truth as objectively as possible.
And what about Switzerland? A country that boasts about its
neutrality, appears to have completely abandoned her noble
principles and moved to become Europe's epicenter of
No wonder, such
alternative international media like TeleSur and RT are not publicly
offered to households by the Swiss Broadcasting Corporation (SRG),
the monopoly holder (90%) of Swiss television and radio providers.