In order to examine the true effects of
globalization, Pilger turns the
spotlight on Indonesia, a country described by the World Bank as a model
pupil until its globalized economy collapsed in 1998.
The film examines the
use of sweatshop factories by famous brand names, and asks some penetrating
Who are the real beneficiaries of the globalized economy?
really rules the world now?
Is it governments or a handful of huge
The Ford Motor Company alone is bigger than the economy of South
Africa. Enormously rich men, like Bill Gates, have a wealth greater than all
of Africa.
Pilger goes behind the hype of the new global economy and reveals that the
divisions between the rich and poor have never been greater - two thirds of
the world's children live in poverty - and the gulf is widening like never
The film looks at the new rulers of the world - the great multinationals
and the governments and institutions that back them -
World Bank and
the IMF. Under IMF rules, millions of people throughout the world lose their
jobs and livelihood. The reality behind much of modern shopping and the
famous brands is a sweatshop economy, which is being duplicated in country
after country.
The film travels to Indonesia and Washington, asking challenging questions
seldom raised in the mainstream media and exposing the scandal of
globalization, including revealing interviews with top officials of the IMF
and the World Bank.
John Pilger once again gains the interviews that elude all other reporters
and ask the questions that others are afraid to ask.
He also poses as a
buyer to infiltrate Indonesian Gap/Old Navy sweetshops to interview textile
workers. When I heard the poultry wages that were paid and horrid working
conditions, I couldn't help by wondering... would it really be so much to ask
for Nike to raise the price of shoes 40 cents to double the salaries of
Unlike many films on globalization this film directly links big
business, elimination of workers rights and a murderous regime that was
ignored by the international.