November 2, 2012
ActivistPost Website

Internet legislation has failed to pass in the
halls of Congress in any form.
The most recent attempt was the
Cybersecurity Act of 2012 which was voted down by the Senate in August
of this year.
The Hill recently reported that the cybersecurity bill is likely dead in
Congress despite the Administrations best efforts to ratchet up the fear of
a imminent "Cyber 9/11".
The Hill
Cybersecurity legislation faces long odds of
passing Congress this year despite forceful calls for action from the
White House and Defense Secretary Leon Panetta.
After Panetta warned in a speech last month
that the cyber threat facing the United States represents a 'pre-9/11
moment,' Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) said he planned to
bring cybersecurity legislation to the floor in November and take
another shot at clearing a bill through the upper chamber.
But there are several roadblocks that could
prevent a bill from even reaching the Senate floor, and observers say
Congress will likely punt the issue to next year.
However, waiting until next year doesn't promise
that it will pass then, and its failure has already prompted the Department
of Homeland Security and the Obama Administration to draft an
Executive Order to take control of the Internet in the name of cyber
DHS Secretary Napolitano
claims US financial institutions are "actively under attack" by hackers
and the nation's critical infrastructure may be the next target.
Napolitano even
used the the devastating effects of Hurricane Sandy to add to these
previously debunked fears.
"One of the possible areas of attack, of
course, is attacks on our nation's control systems - the control systems
the operate our utilities, our water plants, our pipelines, our
financial institutions," Napolitano said.
"If you think that a critical systems attack
that takes down a utility even for a few hours is not serious, just look
at what is happening now that Mother Nature has taken out those
Napolitano added that,
"The urgency and the immediacy of the cyber
problem; the cyberattacks that we are undergoing and continuing to
undergo can not be overestimated."
This persistent manufactured urgency would seem
to indicate that they will not wait for Congress to pass a cybersecurity
law. Rather, they will likely bypass the Constitution and dictate their
authority to control the Internet by having Obama sign an Executive Order
Clearly it would not be politically advantageous for Obama to sign this
extremely controversial executive order before the election.
Therefore, how long it will take for Obama to
sign it after he is re-elected?