by Susanne Posel
Chief Editor

March 20, 2014
from OccupyCorporatism Website






Larry Page, chief executive officer of Google Inc. told an audience at a TED Q&A session with Charlie Rose that,

"the NSA's far-reaching data collection regime a threat to democracy and an obstacle to technological innovation."

Page said:

"For me, it's tremendously disappointing that the government sort of secretly did all these things and didn't tell us.


I don't think we can have a democracy if we're having to protect you and our users from the government for stuff that we never had a conversation about."

The Google executive explained that his corporation,

"is open to the argument that national security requires the NSA and other agencies need to do some level of electronic eavesdropping - but determining the limits of that eavesdropping needs to happen in public if it's going to have the public's blessing."

Page asserted:

"We need to know the parameters of what the government is doing and why.


The government actually did itself a tremendous disservice by doing all that in secret. I think we need to have a debate about it or we can't have a functioning democracy. It's not possible."

However, Page noted that there is,

"a risk that, by feeding privacy paranoia, the NSA is deterring individuals from sharing personal information in ways that could actually benefit them. I'm just very worried that with internet privacy, we're doing the same thing we're doing with medical records - throwing out the baby with the bathwater.


We're not thinking about the tremendous good that can come from sharing the right information in the right ways."

Later, it was tweeted that Page said:

"Wouldn't it be amazing if everyone's medical records were available anonymously to research doctors. Would save 100k lives/yr."

This rhetoric makes sense, considering that Google is invested in making sure the whole world is online.


Last year, Google's Project Link (PL) announced plans to build,

"fiber-optic networks, making it possible for local providers to connect more people to the Internet and each other."

To attain the goal of creating a,

"faster, more reliable internet" PL is seeking to construct "fiber-optic networks" that "enables internet service providers (ISPs) and mobile operators to provide faster connections."

Google is a member of the Alliance for Affordable Internet (A4AI) that endeavors to,

"see the UN Broadband Commission Broadband Target of entry-level broadband services priced at less than 5% of average monthly income realized."

According to Pew Research Global Attitudes Project (PRGAP), there is a growing palatable,

"opposition to internet censorship in emerging and developing nations."

Where more citizens are online, there is more "support for internet freedom" which is facilitated by younger generations who "consider internet freedom a priority."


Those nations that want uncensored internet access include:

  • Venezuela

  • Lebanon

  • Chile

  • Egypt

  • Brazil

  • Mexico

  • South Africa

The scheme behind the expansion of the internet under private corporate control may have begun at a dinner/fundraiser in Silicon Valley for the Obama administration's second run (2011) for president.

Attendees at this event were:

  • Kleiner Perkins

  • John Doerr

  • Mark Zuckerberg

  • Steve Jobs

  • Eric Schmidt, former CEO of Google

Guests spent $35,800 a plate, with $5000 diverted to Obama's re-election campaign fund and the remainder funneled to the Democratic National Committee (DNC).


To further the dream of a government controlled internet, Obama introduced a $3.7 trillion budget to Congress which included,

"$148 billion for research and development" and "$80 billion for federal information technology programs."

This money was funneled directly to Silicon Valley giants for research and development, computer training and supplies.