by Madison Ruppert
February 25, 2012
EndTheLie Website
Despite the
repeated statements made by United States Secretary of Defense
Leon Panetta which have
clearly indicated that Iran is not developing
nuclear weapons and the analysis of the American intelligence community, the
heated anti-Iranian rhetoric never seems to let up.
Indeed, it has even been reported by none other than
the New York Times that
intelligence analysts in America have yet to find any hard evidence
indicating that Iran has even decided to construct a nuclear bomb.
American intelligence assessments have continued to be congruent with the
2007 intelligence report (Iran - Nuclear Intentions and
Capabilities) which clearly concluded that Iran had in fact
completely abandoned their nuclear program years before (scroll to the
bottom of the article to read the embedded report).
According to anonymous U.S. officials, this assessment was reinforced by the
2010 National Intelligence Estimate and,
“it remains the consensus view of America’s
16 intelligence agencies.”
So, how can the governments of the United States
and Israel continue to ignore their own intelligence agencies and
nonsensically push forward with the effort to go to war with Iran?
If nothing else, it has become painfully clear that our so-called leaders
are ignoring any and all contrary evidence which might weaken their war
effort and making the relentless push towards war.
Given that American intelligence agencies like
the Central Intelligence
Agency (CIA) have concluded that the Iranian nuclear weapons program was
likely halted all the way back in 2003 and Panetta himself has debunked the
Iranian nuclear myth, it becomes evident that they have no interest in the
To make matters even worse, it appears that the International Atomic Energy
Agency (IAEA), an agency of
the United Nations (UN) has now become little
more than a tool of the warmongering factions of Western governments.
Recently the IAEA claimed that Iran had actually accelerated their nuclear
program, increasing their production of highly enriched uranium and refused
to answer some of the agency’s key questions about their program.
In their report issued Friday, the director-general of the IAEA, Yukiya
Amano, said that their inspectors continue,
“to have serious concerns
regarding possible military dimensions to Iran’s nuclear program,”
to the Los Angeles Times.
Apparently Amano and the IAEA know better than one of the best funded and
arguably the most powerful intelligence community on the planet.
“As Iran is not providing the necessary
cooperation… the agency is unable to provide credible assurance about
the absence of undeclared nuclear material and activities in Iran, and
therefore to conclude that all nuclear material in Iran is in peaceful
activities,” Amano stated.
To any thinking person, this statement should be
That’s like me saying that my neighbor cannot
provide credible assurance about the absence of undeclared thirty foot tall
spiders in his garage, and therefore I cannot conclude that my neighbor is
If the IAEA is worried about “undeclared nuclear material and activities”
they should be focusing their efforts solely on Israel, not Iran.
According to Reuters, even though the IAEA’s report was far from conclusive
and the preponderance of the American intelligence community has dismissed
the alleged Iranian nuclear weapons program, the latest report from the
nuclear agency,
“will further inflame Israeli fears the
Islamic Republic is pushing ahead with atomic bomb plans.”
“The report by the International Atomic Energy Agency gives added proof
that Israeli beliefs are true” about Iran’s nuclear program, a statement
from Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s office said,
according to AFP.
My favorite part of that statement is the usage
of the world “beliefs,” since that is exactly what it is. It is not based on
fact or logic but instead blind faith and a belief that Iran is this
bloodthirsty, genocidal nation relentlessly seeking nuclear weapons.
Of course, none of that is true but apparently Netanyahu has no interest in
the truth, either.
“Iran is pursuing its nuclear program with
no end in sight. It is enriching uranium to 20 percent, totally ignoring
demands by the international community,” Netanyahu also said.
Israeli leadership - especially Netanyahu -
pointing to the demands of the international community is painfully ironic.
Israel regularly rejects the opinion of the international community in their
oppression of Palestinians, raids on humanitarian aid flotillas and more.
The White House has also jumped on the report as more fuel for the
anti-Iranian fire.
They stated that Iran was in violation of United Nations
Security Council resolutions with their nuclear enrichment efforts, even
though their own intelligence assets have said that there is no weapons
“When combined with its continued
stonewalling of international inspectors, Iran’s actions demonstrate why
Iran has failed to convince the international community that its nuclear
program is peaceful,” Tommy Vietor, the White House National Security
Council spokesman said.
The problem here is that Vietor is not speaking
for the international community; he is merely speaking for the National
Security Council - the same group that makes the call to
murder American
citizens without charge or trial.
There is no arguing against the reality of the Iranian nuclear program and
their efforts to enrich nuclear fuel.
However, the problem arises when one makes the leap of faith required to
come to the conclusion that Iran is developing nuclear weapons or their
program is anything other than peaceful.
Iran is a sovereign nation and as such, the West has absolutely no right to
tell them that they cannot pursue peaceful nuclear technology.
Thanks to the American intelligence community, yet another blow to the
anti-Iranian propaganda has been dealt but obviously the leaders of the
Western world care not about these facts.
Hopefully the real international community can take note of the truth and
ignore the insane delusions of our so-called leaders who are making the
relentless push to bring us to war.