Omega Game Secrets
and the Ouroboros Breakout Choice
What are the ultra-secrets that the
Echelon is afraid would screw the pooch (breakdown of civilization
into panic) if they were let out of the old bag?
What cannot be
allowed to find curry with mainstream public science authorities
below level 1?
What is the final ontological matrix of hidden truth?
What elucidates all the aspects of the true-to-life UFO phantasm in
our past, present and future?
What are the critical goals of Echelon
beyond information suppression and technological catch-up?
What are
the hyper-intelligence focal points for the future?
The sun, our
sun, is dying, and too soon.
This was caused by regional dimensional
vortex shutdown some 90,000 years ago. Solar instability can cause
much life on Earth to be unsustainable in 40 years. Ancient astro-theology
calendars all end around now. There are also dangerous interplanetary
bodies, with civilization threatening capability due to cause more
serious damage to Earth in another 150 years.
One way or the other we are slated to leave Earth, sooner or later,
or else. This is a prevailing secret truth. Those in control would
rather save themselves and a few elite than worry about the whole of
mankind, despite the presence of a few well meaning but deluded true
human patriots amongst the bunch. Remember when Apollo 13 said
“Houston, we have a problem”, this is a case where the only
equivalent is “God, we (Earth) have a problem”. All other human
problems dwarf in comparison. But that is still only the surface
veneer of things.
The cosmic regional
hyperdimensional vortices began to open back up
in 1994 in the region beyond and in line with the
Sirius double star
system, (correlate
ancient Egyptian and
Dogon myths). They will be
increasingly open again within the next 20 years, and hit first peak
resonance, as a 'wave' on Earth within the next 5 to 10 years -
probably 2006 or 2007. In the omega game, the critical choices are
fast approaching.
Originally, the death sentence to our sun, was caused by ancient
hyperdimensional vortex closure near Sirius, and unfortunately
starved the sun of divine energy and caused it to emit vibrations of
death and illness. On the other hand if closure had not been done,
then some horrific ancient evils would have continued unabated.
The critical compensating element was the injection from high
hyperdimensional sources (spiritual sources) of special soul
substance of 'high spirituality' into Earth humanity at the time.
90,000 years ago, original Neanderthal humanity was given a
remarkable gift - a higher soul substance distributed itself into
humanity from beyond the physical universe. It was a compensating
action against genetic evils that had already occurred. Incredibly,
there was a side effect. Humans were 'endowed' to become spiritual
powerhouses with their own individual soul vortexes.
The Earth was eventually fully quarantined about 2000 years ago,
the Immanuel Operation, and evolution largely allowed to take
its course, except for meddlers who would get through, from space or
from underground. Occasionally, counteracting positive forces would
in extreme cases of continuing meddling, have to intervene.
Angels and devils are good and bad ET's, and some devils have good
looking angel 'duplicates' under their covert control, and some
angels shapeshift to look like average human beings or even animals,
so for the untelepathic, and that is most of us, it's a terrible
mess to decode. Plenty of room to get into trouble.
The original offending aliens who wanted control of Eden as their
own perverse playground to control, manipulate, suppress and rule,
were kicked off Earth to a planet in the nearby Sirius and
Betelguese systems, but a few stayed hidden on Earth underground.
This has been known by in-the-know status quo human powers for
thousands of years.
The Sirius vortexes have opened up just enough to amplify the
capacity of the soul in human beings and commence another major
'natural' genetic transformation, apparently encoded and dormant in
humanity since the original genetic counter-engineering by positive Sirian forces 90,000 years ago.
Because of this, the sun's life can
be extended if the coming big energy wave goes more positively than
time travelers coming back would have us believe it went for them.
What we do between today and 2007 is critical to how the wave hits
then. Actually what humanity already did in the last ten years to
evolve has made much of the unpredicted new future tracks even
possible and now probable.
With the spiritual (hyperdimensional) vortexes now partly reopening,
with enough human spiritual development, the sun can be stabilized,
temporarily, or even completely. The time available for space
migration can be cushioned so radical future genetic engineering
does not overtake the human race and we do not turn ourselves into
hive-mind ET that we see today from the future.
The need for space
migration can be entirely relaxed because the sun can be stabilized
for another 4000 years. We can take centuries getting off planet as
a whole, instead of having less than 60 years before human
extinction if we don't get away from the sun.
The coming wave has already happened negatively, as evidenced by the
existence of many time travelers - future humans - coming from
distant futures long after disaster had already happened. They had
advanced enough to migrate their souls back to catch a different
part of the big wave that is about to happen, still in our future,
but almost upon us.
The soul migration back from into the 'past', our present, is to
redirect the human 'future' spiritual evolution from what futurally
ostensibly happened. Therefore the present 'real future' is engaged
in counter-phasing itself into a better outcome. Humanity is
hitchhiking back into human genetics and our current time
registration to catch a new direction on the coming wave. Cosmic
surf's up!
The migration back to the present of all the human souls
from the future is evolutionarily grounded through reincarnational
redirection of these souls eventually into Human/'ET' hybridized
bodies. The abduction programs by many aliens represent an
alien-human abductee agreement, agreement mostly unconscious to the
abducted humans, in a joint effort of alliance to effect a
'dimensional immigration' deed. The story often follows the souls or
the genes of the abductees are related to the souls or the genes of
the aliens, in some distant future looping back.
Future humanity screws up bad and in the mad and seemingly so
rational scientific and engineering effort to save the human race,
they genetically engineer the human race for space travel, and most
fatefully engineer the elimination of considerable emotional
neurotransmission capacity. Why? As a panic and depression
management measure in the future to 'save humanity'. It is a science
and survival debacle that 'has already happened', and is reflecting
back on us now as it tries to find it's way anew.
Some ARC military components and assets interacting with the aliens
in abduction activity are tasked with assisting the effort of the
aliens as part of the secret evolutionary trade agreement. Other ARC
elements wish only to acquire technology and disbelieve the alien's
claims to be future humans, even though admitting alien intervention
in spiritual matters on Earth for thousands of years. These ARC
elements are only interested in power and getting into the cosmic
power and turf game.
Earth is such a magnet for monitoring by different alien
civilizations because, and other than the usual explorers, most ET
civilizations visiting us have some stake in the experiment, the
divine garden. They have some small or large genetic and soul
substance contribution in the experiment called Earth as a whole,
and the agendas drive from this.
Many are coming back for genetic retrieval or soul retrieval
operations, in case the coming massive multipolar quantum resonance
wave goes wrong. And in trade, they are contributing evolutionary
trim-tab adjustment opportunities to humanity by covertly injecting
technology and spirituality generally, and effecting direct genetic
alterations and belief adjustments specifically with certain
Most hybrids are not sticking around after they are created with the
help of the unconsciously agreeing abductees - most go interstellar.
For future humans to time travel back to our present in their own
evolutionary repair operation, including both migrating into new
genetic complement bodies - the Hybrids, and making genetic
adjustments in certain human beings, means the coming wave is very
The coming resonance wave in the next decade, is in many ways,
hyper-dimensional and beyond our current ability to comprehend. To
some need-to-know ARC elements, this smacks of hyperdimensional
invasion, yet to other need-to-know ARC elements it is the chance
for apotheosis. The question is, is it a false or genuine
apotheosis? Is it spiritual liberation or entrapment? The spiritual
soul substance endowed in human beings makes humanity coveted by
certain negative spiritual forces millions of years long extant in
the universe, such as certain elements of the people of the snake,
earlier 'fallen' experimental remnants from Earth history.
The reason there are over 75 technologically advanced alien species
monitoring Earth, and abductions occurring from aliens from as many
as 40 different planets, Earth is the site of a joint alien long
term biology and spiritual consciousness growth experiment. The
joint experiment has had it's conflicts between custodial
participants. There is more than meets the eye. 90,000 years ago
when the regional hyperdimensional energy vortices were shut down,
and the definition of human transitioned from homo Neanderthal to
Cro-Magnon distinction.
Now today we are beginning another equally
immense genetic and
dimensional consciousness evolutionary shift that has been encoded
and dormant in our genes for 90,000 years and recently unlocked in
all of us by the vortex, and slowly causing metamorphosis of our
Since some of that special genetic engineering was performed and
designed by entirely hyperdimensional sources, all the aliens in the
universe are waiting around right now with baited breath, waiting to
see what happens. Whatever happens, it has never happened before in
the history of this universe.
Hence all the attention suddenly now
more upon us out here on this lonely rim in the Milky Way.

The Milky Way, it
turns out, is no ordinary spiral galaxy.
According to a
massive new survey of stars at the heart of the galaxy by Wisconsin
including professor
of astronomy Edward Churchwell and professor of physics Robert
the Milky Way has a
definitive bar feature -- some 27,000 light years in length -- that
distinguishes it from pedestrian spiral galaxies,
as shown in this
artist's rendering. The survey, conducted using NASA's Spitzer Space
sampled light from an
estimated 30 million stars in the plane of the galaxy in an effort
to build a detailed portrait of the inner regions of the Milky Way.
Illustration: NASA/JPL-Caltech/R.
Hurt (SSC/Caltech)
Date: 2005
Isn't it great that we can keep all this secret or consigned out in
the open to mental illness and human pop culture fantasy? Otherwise,
most everybody in the need-to-know believes these truths about the
current human situation in the larger cosmic scope of things would
be too much for our little brains to handle and civilization will
fall to the worst kind of hysteria.
But if we don't know the truth do we not also automatically assure
our consignment to insanity down the line?
Could it be we are being
rushed into the space age with alien help for without it we are
Or could the truth be that the crucible of this oyster Earth
has produced some very beautiful human pearls, with amazing capacity
to care, and to love?
Could it be the soul substance we were endowed with is meant to
develop new evolutionary factors for the universe?
Is the grander
plan one of humanity ultimately spreading out amongst the stars,
seeding it's consciousness and propensity to cause change, something
most ultra-stable ET civilizations are rather afraid of, and few are
Does humanity have the right stuff?
Some humans and
aliens believe we do not and should be just used and herded as a hyperdimensional powerbase commodity.
Some humans and aliens believe
humanity does have the right stuff to break free of their bonds and
survive, but will take a long time getting it right. Do we repeat
future bad history currently on schedule or do we phase tunnel into
a new future history? Does the snake eat it's tail, where the Omega
is game over and starts over as the Alpha once again, or do we
graduate to a new level Alpha, beyond the historical pattern loop.
The loop is the harvest being plowed under.
Can Ouroboros stop
eating it's tail and move into the next spiral position of
If it happens well and goes positively,
the loop will be
broken and the new unpredicted, virgin future will occur. In that
future, certain negative power enclaves do not survive, being
obsolesced by spiritual evolution in humanity. If it goes
negatively, again, the loop will stay locked, and the ancient future
will happen again. In that future, certain positive influences will
again leave this universe until the pattern is ready to unlock
again, in another 90,000 years. However, it appears that this will
not happen, and that the positive outcome is probable now.
However, from the point of view of the agnostic and atheist and
certain religious ARC elements, the critical counterbalancing
elements that will occur to assure this positive outcome are related
to how the munitions of hyperdimensional symbols, operationally
activated, will be used to either psychotronically dampen or amplify
the coming immense evolutionary wave into consonant or dissonant
form. The question is not just what will help or hurt humanity, the
question is what will help or hurt their need-to-know institutions?
Many double standards are in process.
The hyper-cryptographics of spiritual energy control and will be
decisive battlefield elements in the psychotronic operations theater
over the next ten years. This brings the real military battlefield
directly into coordination of religious scale operations. It is now
a 'divine' and 'pseudo-divine' battlefield operations theater.
If one thinks about it carefully enough, one will notice this would
already have caused a new secret unification of the historically
separated scientific and religious institutions, as a matter of
survival, into one entity in order to manage the threat response.
The threat is real. The response is really unreal.
And that is how
and why ARC works as it does. It is the only responsible thing to
do. Everything in the world is at stake, including our souls and our
free will to shape individual destiny.
Back to Contents
The Sticky Icke
Factor Cult Propaganda War Extended Report
Taking seriously the frightening magical
mystery tour of
David Icke.
A deep dark reptilian conspiracy. If but
for a slap dab interval of high voltage shock treatment. This is a
breaking New Age propaganda war where the line protecting people
from hate speech activates anti-defamation efforts of the first
According to David Icke -
the Bushes, Kissinger,
the Windsors,
the Rothchilds, and numerous other world controlling
autocrat folk are
shapeshifter Human-Reptilians seeded from Orion
ET's back into prehistory. They are human alright, but preserving
special 'demonic' bloodlines and practicing ancient worship that
existed long before the birth of Christ. Uh Oh. Can anyone say
'children of Cain'? ET's of all stripes already invaded a long time
ago by genetically engineering humanity, and were even being
involved with high history Messiahs - Jesus, Mohammed,
Joseph Smith,
and many others. Double Uh Oh.
The good ET's cleaned up the place
and left us to ourselves, and a remnant of naughty ET's has had a
gradual influence for thousands of years and positioned themselves
within humanity.
Born again Christian UFO debunkers would call this another present
day modern age high tech pop culture Christian history of Heaven and
Hell denizens with Earth in the middle. High tech Gods for a high
tech society, and therefore most certainly not holy. And of course
the present day ET folk claim favor of holiness.
This is the same game, just like the debunkers 'properly' branded
Billy Meier, another UFO contactee who was contender for
ambassadorial throne to connection with the 'right' and good ET's.
Remember the Pleiadean ET 'Iswish' godmen who brought us 'Jmmanuel',
the original and 'true' name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth? In other words - false prophets to the throne of
Christ from the point
of view of the establishment. But since Billy and his Pleiadean
parties roundly denounced as corrupt the practices of institutions
of mainstream religion, regardless of the 'evidence'.
In the David Icke story our key world leaders are secretly satanic
ET reptilian snake worshipping humans with a some ancient reptilian
ET blood preserved in their genetic lines. Oh that's all? This is
the thesis of the millennially deranged say the anti-hate speech
folks. Mr. Icke is saying ET's invaded us and already rule, in the
guises of our most beloved leaders of past and future to come!
Where's the popcorn?
No one is going to endorse this one as anything
other than mental illness. Supposed evidentiary trails are standard NWO fodder about a bunch of conspiratorial Lizards who like to
worship the sun, profit, control and science.
They like warm rocks.
They worship blood, a tasty treat. The consumption and sacrificial
offering of life-force is a sacrament. And our leaders do this?
That's also, in our western world sciences, a pretty tidy narrative
for a quick diagnosis of sociopathic paranoid schizoprenia, many
competent authorities might suggest. So just what is the sticky Icke
agenda if not outright defamation and hate speech? Even if the
absolute incredible were true, and some percentage our beloved
leaders were found to be truly wolves in royal sheep's clothing,
that is still playing with fire and asking to be burned.
With all
the self-published books and growing following Mr. Icke has managed
to generate, the legitimization of the discourse could develop into
a mass social hysteria paranoic response. That is dangerous. He is
focusing on pointing out the leaders in our midst who are accused to
not be quite human, and that the sides are polarized: The Icke
accusations are false and true. Icke is getting his just due for
inciting ridiculous anarchistic notions. He's taken a mix of old
biblical and UFO/Sci-Fi lore of grand heavenly angel versus devil
altercations, and connected it to genetic alteration of human
beings, somehow making the serpent race to our leaders.
The chaos will arise not because the allegations will ever be
provable, or even dignified with response, quite the contrary.
Assets will be deployed to counter-attack, to help the victim of a
hate speech bully. The very considerations bring immediate
categorization as hate-literature, hate-inciting, and anti-semitism
the ADL is ready to quash, even if none of those labels hold real
water upon close examination. The legal system's reverse railroading
system could go into full operation to suppress the likes of Icke-ism.
But wait, not so fast, lets go about this from the “beginning”, the
story according to Uncle Icke.
Reptilian entities across this universe have been the basic line of
universal order in lower dimensions (like Earth) for thousands of
years now. Wow! But, so what if they can shapeshift into Rex after a
hot and juicy satanic ritual? So what if they are part reptilian and
chow down on occasional human sacrifice. Meat tastes better really
There's been all too much reptile bashing going on. So you don't
like the great Croc or Snake-god getting offered a little
blood-force offering? Feelings and emotion are expediencies to be
controlled, saith the old lizard brain. Reptilian ET's are
emotionally stunted physical-plane power worshippers. They go back
millions of years having high-technology.
They have perfected
dark-force mind technology, and genetic control technology. But
goodness, that does NOT mean they don't take pride in taking good
care of their lower-life-form chattel races, we can be sure.
Especially if they are already sitting in the Oval Office, Palaces
and the Vatican all with common ancient bloodlines with the devil.
Yeah right. Getting boring.
Managing other races has been a process of long term covert control
and manipulation. It is refined ET science. If ET is already here
and present on Earth for millennia, and supposing ET is smart and
doesn't want to spoil the broth, that would mean the ET invasion has
really largely occurred and been long over for thousands of years.
Duh! No ET invasion is imminent since they are already well
integrated into the ruling classes of humanity for millennia.
some continuing repto-humanoid bloodlines in the ruling classes
since ancient times is just a way of life. Oh God. Who cares? Get
over it. So what? What's the big deal? We all have ET blood of some
kind and we all probably can shape-shift if we are correctly trained
for it. Just ask any Yogi worth their salt in India, or any well
trained remote viewer who has looked at these domains.
And just because erudite power focused folks can whip up a little
shape shifting or dirty blood-letting magic to keep that
crypto-symbolic conduit of dark power refreshment going, does NOT
mean Rex does poor management work. Most bosses are by definition
reptiles, and all you need is a little functional social psychosis,
and voila, unstable people (a larger % than you might think) will
believe the anti-Christ apocalypse is already upon us and some even
go postal.
Sure it's a lot more sinister than Clinton's Priapus worship could
ever dream up, which is why the most egregious Satanic folks are
very smart and wrap themselves in the flag and Christianity of, and
title of outward righteousness just to be entirely safe and secure.
Duh. A few highly controlled private rituals here and there under
the guise of national and global security. But these repto-boys are
not so sloppy as that disgustingly empathic Clinton mammal. They
know much better how to keep their scales out of view of the poor
and stupid bewildered mammals. Vote for W, he won't molt in public.
After all, these reptile bloodline power folk have all the training
and millions of years with experienced demonic lower astral
assistance available to help them, their sacred progeny. (Don't eat
too much ice cream now). A little sacrifice here and there, a
peoples here, a tribe there, an ecology there, a religion there, all
keeps things in 'order', and managed 'chaos', and the Croc God is
properly propitiated to invoke a yummy demonic energy juice bar for
all these hungry Rex folk. Souls all Set to go.
Just because sales reps, oops, we mean elite human-reps are masters
of deception and NWO control games, does not mean they are not by
some measure, benevolent and effective shepherds. Hiss, hiss. For
the Repto-ET component of our civilization to disappear would be
tantamount to civilization disappearing. They are the experts on law
and order, the most ancient purveyors of government and war and
psycho-social control in the universe. Without them we are just
singing praises to an absent creator God. Now isn't that a waste of
time??? They would suggest.
The best civilization might have hoped for, without underlying
reptilian covert-ops circumstances (called Satanism), would be to
have made it to the Bronze Age by about now. How would we like that?
These manipulative human-snake people, the masters of physical
order, disorder and security, are here to stay, and they have been
here as long as any other ET. Earth is as much their bio-gardening
turf to claim as any other righteous divine beings. So there. We're
coming to eat you. Yeah right. LOL.
Now ignore all this as just what it is, psychotic foolishness of so
called New Age snake-oil salesmanship, and defuse folks like David Icke who are advocating a boycott of our top snakes.
Without our top
snakes running things, is anyone going to see above all the
confusion and maintain civilization and institute laws for social
conduct, and what to do with all the people that refuse to 'get
along'. David, are you listening? Lets continue in the spirit of fad
believability and see where this leads.
If 666 is the sign of 3
Cobras, each cobra represents one of the three main branches of the
snake people cult:
in Christianity terms, the Father, the Sun (Son),
and the Holy Ghost;
in Occult terms, Blood, Sun, and Homunculi or Or
Lucifer, Satan and the Demonic ghosts;
in geographic terms, England,
France and United States.
Or maybe it's Chaos, Control, and Cruelty.
Or more likely Larry, Moe and Curly.
In other words, a symbolic
overlay infiltration is intimated.
How dare Mr. sticky Icke malign the good character of Prince William
Windsor and the Royal Family and just about everybody else in the
old money and royalty worlds!
After all, doesn't everyone want to
see young heart-throb Prince William become King of the New World
one day? Don't we want W. ('W' as sign of the snake of course) to
become our next beloved straight shooter president? You know
reptilians, they can talk the talk, walk the walk, but ask them to
define compassion and it has something to with opportunities in free
enterprise and capitalism for people to help themselves, or suffer
the consequences. If you can't worship money, you are 'out' of the
Poor Mr. Icke should know better. If you are going to poke sticks at
our favorite nice snakes in high places, you had better realize that
whether any of your allegations are true or not, these Barneys will
bite back. One way or the other, and without warning. No wonder
David Icke is rapidly being promoted by higher ups to be on
everyone's poopoo-list, and has gotten himself a taste of things to
come in Canada recently. Heresy, Hate, Hell and Highwater. Yes, that
is tricky Icke, leading the crest of a whole new anti-leadership
cult, except for him of course, he would probably make a great
leader, right? That's the fear some actually have.
Dear David Icke is preaching the ultimate horrific, hell-raising,
religious heresy, the ultimate sin, the ultimate defamation, the
ultimate blasphemy, the ultimate hate crime (all roundly say). The
heresy that ancient super advanced reptilian ET's (devils) have
taken over the world and secretly already ARE the leaders of the
world, ruling from the palatial crypto-symbolic bunkers of
Christianity, Royalty, Capitalism and Politics. They are all
Satanic-ET (SET) worshipping, blood sacrificing owners of us
bewildered mammal chattel. Glad someone is minding the store. Guess
Conan didn't behead Doom after all.
Icke had better be stopped quick, before millennial madness grants
him further open refrigerator door favor and he starts to get people
to believe his mountain of garbage about our leaders being devil
worshipping folk. Gosh, this bashing has got to stop. Support your
snake today by stopping people like Icke that cry 'snake' in crowded
sweaty theaters! The only people that will get hurt are the mammals.
Intermission.... Now please return to your comfortable secure state
of denial and pop culture sci-fi fantasy categorizations of repto-humanoid
strangeness, and remember that in this day and age, any idiot can go
about bashing something they don't understand, or fuse religious
myth with modern myth and stir up a batch of revelatory poobah.
A repto-humanoid is merely a better human, not a worse human. Rex
likes Harmony through Control, and Control through Chaos. It is not
such a bad way to go actually. It keeps us all busy and preoccupied
with sufficient problems so we don't have to hurt our brains
thinking, feeling, and evolving into uncontrollable spiritual
creatures, hell forbid.
You see, without a good measure of control, you human mammals could
become a real spiritual problem in the local universe. You Earth
humans are now getting out of control, despite all the good Draco ET
sciences, human religious symbol control, and covert social
counterintel-ops. We absolutely must stop this New Age cult stuff
before you humans get out of spiritual control.
Stop. Don't Think. No, you don't need to think. Follow your common
sense and sane world view, not your sticky-Ickies who should get
therapy or institutionalization before things follow in the
footsteps of the People's Temple, Solar Cross, the Davidians, and
any other reptile bashing cult who deserves to die. That is not an
idle fear. We are at the Millennium and social identity is under a
lot of stress. Frightened people can adopt frightening beliefs.
Damn right, we put Mr. Sticky on the Watch-For list in Canada. In
the final analysis, spiritual control and spiritual energy
manipulation is the only way you common human sheep won't turn into
psychic H-bombs and destroy the universe. Huh? Because your stupid
Creator, for some idiot reason, decided to put some of their own
higher soul substance into you humans after Rex genetically messed
with you a bit too much a while back. That does not mean you are
owned by the Creator, just because He turbo-charged your spiritual
potential with extra soul punch. Rex has a claim too on Earth souls,
goes the story.
Story sounding familiar?
Now, this extra powerhouse
punch you humans possess in the soul department comes in handy as an
offering to the spiritual (demonic) allies. But if you wanna-be
god-mammals try to sprout wings and fly the paradigm coop,
psychically speaking, start to evolve out of control, good gardener
Rex won't be able to take care of you anymore. Remember that. You
will probably die from too much higher light exposure.
Remember Mark Twain saying something about if you are looking for
bad music and boring company, go to heaven, and if you are looking
for good company and something to dance to, go to hell. We keep it
nice and warm for all you sinner volunteers. Nothing like some fresh
blood to invigorate the work force. After you are down here for
while, you will think this Earth place is way way too cold, and want
to help us heat the damn place up, so we don't have to stay so near
our Hades hearth all the time. Checkers anyone? Or would you prefer
Chess? Hal, open the pod bay door... I'm sorry Dave, I can't do
How about we take the whole metaphor war to another level and go for
the artery, and a nice interspecies archetypal geno-resonance stew:
The Reptilian Lizard-like geno-archetypal way, relative to us,
comes from the Orion stellar region, where “Ends justifies the
Means” has been dominant.
Total Control oriented.
Security is one of
the life focuses.
Reptilian genetic Memes resonating people,
naturally gravitate their behavior to domination and control,
superiority, and expediency, sometimes deceptively as beneficent
dominion and security.
(Germany, England, upper class USA, France, the Vatican, old USSR,
old Spain, upper class India, China).
God is Power and Control Fear is the motivator of Body and Mind
The Avian Bird-like geno-archetypal way, relative to us, comes from
the Pleiadean stellar region, where “Means is equally important as
the Ends” has been dominant.
Balance between Freedom and Control,
Pleasure is one of the life focuses.
Avian genetic Memes
resonating people naturally gravitate their behavior to finding the
equalization, balance and equity between ends versus means
conflicts, the middle path.
Flock and behavior.
(Swiss, middle class USA, Egyptian, Jewish, Arabian, and some
God is Balance and Cooperation Fun is the motivator of Mind and
The Feline Cat-like geno-archetypal way, relative to us,
comes from the Sirian stellar region, and influenced beyond, where
“Means justifies the Ends” has been dominant.
Total Creative Freedom
Free-will is one of the life focuses.
Feline genetic Memes
resonating people naturally gravitate their behavior to spiritual
values over any physical values, the independent path, outside of
norms of behavior, live more in spirit than form. (However the
Reptilians invaded a planet in Sirius and so there are now
references to the negative Sirians, which are not feline)
(Hungarian, African, lower class England and USA, old India, ancient
Egypt, old Sumeria, Australian Aborigine).
God is Love and Light Love is the motivator of Spirit and Heart
can see how the reptile people like to be top dogs, and have the
control-freak propensity to get there.
The bird people become the
middle dogs because the cat people can't be bothered with stupid
power plays that are irrelevant to spiritual growth and just hanging
out and being sensual with nature.
Reptiles are the Republican Christian right, birds are Democratic
Agnostic left, and cats are the Reform Party between their regular
naps. But there are plenty of exceptions in all categories, this is
a bunch of hocus pocus generalities no matter how you cut it.
All these ET folks, the classic legendary past historical
Lizard-like, Bird-like, Cat-like ET's, and now many others are
involved with most people here on the planet one way or the other.
How? Through the gene pool over the long term, through the soul
pool, through the environmental pool, through the human collective
unconsciousness pool, and very importantly, through the human symbol
Meme culture pool.
This model of a soup of different ET genes to make humans and the
same for the rest of our Biosphere is the big rap goes from a lot of
different New Age channelers, almost too many to list. Of course,
New Age channeling, besides some measure of pure pop culture
imagination, is feared to be influenced by covert unauthorized
independent, individualized ET-to-person CONTACT.
The Falun Gong leader Master Lee, (with sway over a hundred million
Chinese now practicing only in mind out of fear of re-education),
seems to believe all modern computer technology is a plot to take
over humanity by evil old world remnant ET's that want to control
humanity. Everybody that has a computer is cataloged by these ET's.
But that's another story. Back to other flypaper.
Sounds like a three ring circus. All smooth talking David Icke has
done is turn the reptile ideas up as something somehow crucial to
now pay attention to. Big yawn. Way past that. What is poor David's
problem? Did he get bit by a snake when he was a child? Served him
right probably some will think.
David Icke is a revelation-showboat over-reacting to the fact of
concentrations of ET souls and ET genetics into different human
genetic lines and occupations on this planet, something that had
been going on forever since Adam and Eve. This has been going on for
a long time as we human folk are a multi-alien race joint
experiment. The harvest from the experiment is getting closer.
a mish mash, what is he talking about? Icky thinks the world leaders
are reptile-human shapeshifters! What is he smoking? The rightest he
can be is a basic assumption like this: Reptilian ET's have NOT
concentrated their genetics into ruling class bloodlines on this
planet. Rather, humans with emphasized Reptilian ET phenotype
expressed traits are naturally attracted to power, control,
security, and leadership roles. No problem. Sounds good to us.
But if our leaders are really in league with devil-folk, and Humanity
is created by a joint ET genetic 'divine' and 'heavenly' experiment,
then we are indeed in a pickle if our leaders are already secretly
allied with the wrong dudes. The major rub is when the holy ET host
caretakers come back and contact our governments, and they are
rebuffed and refused. Why? Oh there is a bit too much Reptilian
blood in the leader lineages to stand such an accommodation to ET
Bird or ET Cat folk, or ET whatever folk. The snake people own the
Earth? Doesn't anybody want to wake up yet? Or fall asleep?
Do you
realize people that if you take any of this sticky Icke stuff very
seriously, without thinking about the common sense implications of
such radicalized beliefs, it could become a very negative thing. It
can develop into mass psychosis and hysteria, putting a lot of men
in white coats to work, institutionalizing the bunch of you totally
insane nutcases running wild with an internet forum and a fanatic
following of fools.
Icke-ism turns New Age Religious and Conspiratorial social discourse
about many of our most revered leaders into a dance with the devil.
Leader personages are all placed into disgusting association with
the absolute worst imaginable attribution. Direct literal comparison
with animals, devils, Satanists, ET's, occult, child sacrifice, and
so forth are made.
That kind of Icke-ism could be consigning lots of marginal gullible
spiritually hungry and disillusioned people to mental illness. Or is
it? They could face life long forced drug treatment for
schizophrenia and paranoid delusions when they psychotically break
and can't quite ever recover. They will be seeing Reptilians
everywhere! Permanent human attention distribution disorder. Good
grief. Will the masses revolt? Will the mentally ill ever recover?
Now you see the competing pictures.
Is Icke a revealer of anti-Christ doom and gloom, playing into the
bloody hands of Satanic rite practicing leaders we ALREADY KNOW AND
LOVE? If you follow this snaking logic, then Prince William is the
real-to-life Damien Thorn to be. Now the Crown is pissed. This is
psychological war.
The global security apparatus is designed to respond, not just
observe. It sure is not worth yelling 'Bomb' in a crowded airport
when the so called explosive element has been there since the dawn
of human time before the airport was even built. Way back to the
Garden of Eden when humanity got initiated into the wonders of
wrath after tasting a little knowledge from the Tree of Life.
If Icke reads this and thinks it the writing of Orion genetic
sympathists, he is right. It would certainly be nice to know
humanity had plenty of good genetic influences from as many
influences as possible, the more the merrier, and why not? Look what
it has made. If we are made in the image of God and that image is
indeed comprised of many pieces of God's ET fruits, then that sounds
just dandy. The human form, in all colors, and the human soul, in
all colors, is a beautiful thing.
If the ruling elite preserves a bit more of the Reptilian influence,
that sounds like business as usual. Who thought our leaders were not
mostly snakes, anyway? In truth, David Icke is NOT an anti-semite,
or a conspiratorial wing-nut, or a purveyor of hate-beliefs, no, he
is a purveyor of pseudo-truth turned into overblown almost psychotic
revelation. And like all over-zealous messianic propheteers, he
could make himself a magnet for people who are not so emotionally
and psychically stable, and are looking for something to blame all
their life pain on.
Reptiles in the White House? Snakes in the Federal Reserve bank, in
the IMF, in the House of Windsor, Rockefellers, Rothchilds, and so
forth? We should damn well hope so! How else are we going to keep
all our eggs safe, our dinner live, our territory controlled, and
our rocks nice and warm? Yeah sure there are reptiles everywhere, in
prisons, in police forces, in legal offices, in medical research
buildings, in military uniform, in financial buildings, in
government congress. But your top leaders and families are reptiles
of the best kind. What's wrong with a little worship now and then?
It is what makes culture control tick.
ET-in-us is part of life. And reptiles are, shall we say, a
necessary 'evil' to make damn good evolution happen. Paraphrasing
what the Snake God Doom said to Conan, you are what we have made
you. Without us, you are nothing. Same goes here. Oh boy, the
occultists are a clapping. The Christians are a praying. The
debunkers are a frowning. And the rest of us are all having a good
laugh between occasional fits of unfounded paranoia.
If you are the unstable type, repeat: Ignorance is bliss, ignorance
is bliss, ignorance is bliss.
Is ET real? Is Satan real? Is reptilian-human bloodlines in our
leaders and royal families real? Is satanic worship the means of
Earthly power more than God worship? That is the problem with the
sticky Icke hypothesis: it's the proverbial boogieman, ET, the
devil, NWO conspiracy, and all key world leaders all thrown into a
conceptual and turned on 'high'.
When modern communication systems like the Internet allow all manner
of human mental illness to parade as learned wisdom. If annoyed and
alarmed, authorities may respond to this as seditious social
information warfare of the highest order. Instead of a war of
viruses or hacker attacks in computer networks, it a virus planted
into human Meme transmission networks. It's a Meme cracker attack on
hallowed symbols of authority and sacred dignity.
Isn't that what defines 'hate'? That is how any system classifies a
cracker attack - as prejudiced, hateful, institutionally destructive
anarchistic behavior. This classifies under a type of social
psychological operations David Icke and his followers will have a
problem that won't go away if they don't wise up. This sticky wicket
is one story you will never see made in Hollywood! And rightly so.
Or maybe it was, come to think of it.
The sticky Icke story is one the most convoluted world leader
personage-defaming UFO pop culture stories going.
The Icke Lizards From Space kind of game shows up when all the
institutions and centrist controls become easy targets for modern
cult myth overlay. When overlays are promulgated by charismatic
personalities, it amounts to detonation of information warfare
That's what defamation, libel, and anti-hate-speech laws are all
about, to have means to slow down people who are damaging public
reputations with lies and slander. In this case, suppressing Icke
pop culture fantasy is justified in the minds of authorities after
they read the essential message. Icke just crosses the line by
making statements treading on all the symbolic holy cows.
Now log off and stop scaring yourself for no good reason, and
thinking that the world is going to end at the hands of ET Barney or
NWO repto-boys.
Sorry to disappoint all the D & G'rs, but the world is not going to
end, except by our own bloody hands, to say it with plain London
English. Oh yeah, a small asteroid impact or two, but not the end of
the Earth. The impacts will be used to trigger the Omega Pandora
Fail-safe plan, better known as
the good old NWO 'firing solution'.
Back to Contents
The Egyptian Gods,
the Lucifers and Messiahs, and the Future
The Egyptians were fully clued in at one
There is a real, and frightening reason so many extremely
important people are going to 'worship' at the pyramid of Giza in
Cairo this December 31, 1999. Will the pyramid be pointing to Sirius
at a certain moment? Will the Sirius vortex of the God or Gods or
the Goddess cause some event to occur, even if only psychic, while
sweaty Zahi Hawass flips switches for the crowds? Sirius is called
the vortex of God or Gods and/or the Goddess. This is where, for all
intents and purposes, divine beings outside of “physical density”
and it's relative regions, originally come from.
The originating
Giza Pyramid builders designed-in a record of this
and the predictions of eventual comings of messiahs through history.
Sirius is where, for all intents and purposes, divine beings outside
of “physical density” and it's relative regions, originally came
from. Near Sirius is a doorway to what we would call heaven.
The doorway was scientifically proven when a pyramid array on a
secret satellite detection experiment, revealed a geometric
alignment where pyramid energies naturally amplify a stream of
energy coming ONLY from near Sirius into our universe. The pyramid
effected an interdimensional transceiver function where the subspace
tunneling from the Sirius vortex domain occurred, in terms of
measurable temporal field modulation.
The reason razor blades don't rust in pyramids is not pop culture
fad belief, but the result of temporal field deceleration naturally
occurring in the pyramid. This is actually measurable with a tuned
crystal resonator detection and reference system. Above the pyramid
the time field was found to be minutely accelerated, inside the
pyramid it is decelerated. When the pyramid shaft of Cheops at Giza
points to Sirius, and is also aligned geomagnetically on the Earth
(Cheops), momentus things are predicted to occur or least be
At at certain times of day and year, there are peak
conditions in the pyramid to (among other things):
1. Communicate
with the Gods from inside the Pyramid, i.e. the King's and Queen's
Chamber - using emotion, vision and symbols.
2. Receive energies of rejuvenation and spiritual balance from the
Sirius vortex - using emotion, vision, and symbols.
3. Out-of-body experience travel to other planes of existence and
initiation and learning, using emotion, vision and symbols.
The originating Giza Pyramid designed-in a record of this and the
predictions of eventual comings of messiahs through history.
The old
dormant code activation keys were broadcast from the cortex and
received by everyone on Earth five years ago. The changes are
already beginning.
Echelon knows evolution is in for a bumpy ride, and ET knows
evolution is in for a bumpy ride, and the rest of us are told
nothing. Yet it is we who are at stake. This is why ET and God's ET
agents, and other heavenly influences, are all so active right now,
all trying to even up the need-to-know problem through covert mass
contact. It is a covert assistance program, not a covert invasion.
It is designed to allow us to evolve much faster than our
institutions would prefer us sheep wake-up.
There are bad ET's and there are good ET's and a lot in between,
too. The saving grace in all this is the hypherdimensional Sirian
soul energies of beyond our physical universe invested powerful
dormant DNA encoding and high soul substance into Neanderthal
humanity 90,000 years ago. The shaft in the pyramid points to
It has been confirmed ET parties were associated closely with the
existence of certain Earthly historical early messiahs and holy
persons. Our religions were partly created by ET. We were truly, in
every scientific physical sense of the words as well, aided by
heavenly apparatus and intelligence. But this is no ordinary
apparatus. We are talking about the scientific verification of the
existence of God.
But this could be God as ET themselves parading as God or
agents, by being able to prove their historical Messianic
associations, and the fact our genetics came from their divine test
However this still leaves plenty of room left for deception, since
there are so many damned ET factions still vying for position today.
Not the least of which is our own highest Echelon response to the
problem - the appropriation of the right of apotheosis away from the
custodians - no matter how benevolent they are.
This is a dangerous path. It is an outwardly directed path in
worship of 'power-over', technology of control, exclusive rights to
resources, and worship of the science of separating the observer
from experience. This is a climate of alien threat response
management by secession from the ET agents as angels of God.
Here is the crux of the problem: The right Messianic ET's were
already rejected by our idiot world secret government. Why? Our
government would not play because the true heavenly God Messianic ET
agents would not broker soul rights by acceding to secret
institutional control speaking for all humanity. The worst of it is
the human-perceived direct attack by the good ET's on the human
institutions of organized religion as being embodiments of the worst
kind of corruption.
We wouldn't have any of that. And they were told
to take a cosmic hike - and they did - at our request, except for a
few isolated continuing contacts with key individual contactees. The
ET's gave up on our institutions, and our institutions gave up on
them, there was to be no marriage without undesired revolution.
Part of ARC Echelon rejection of the ET agents of our historical
Messiahs - who were after all good and true and spiritually divine
human beings, leaves the populace without a primer for
things to come.
So ET is picking up the slack by increasing covert
contacts, and there are a quite of few ET visitation joyrides going
on too. Our zoo is a hot ticket. Without a primer we are left to to
our own wits and conditioning. And guess what? Plenty of alliances
have come along who were not the Messianic connected ET's and also
claim involvement in our world, one way or another, usually more
remote, but still associated somehow.
The plot thickened, especially
as some of these ET's turned out to be rather fallen angels of a
kind. Faustian bargains had been much more easily made with less
caring ET's by our institutions than with the more caring ETs. This
means the institutions were left with a messy problem, and until
they figured it out, and could wiggle out of certain Faustian
bargains, humanity was to be left without a clue.
So the feedback response system is modified to compensate.
Humanity is exercising it's own trim-tab compensation by receiving:
messages from itself in the future as precognition and dreams
messages from itself from the future, as time
travelers, both
machine and humanoid, coming back
messages telepathically from
ET's in the present, and most importantly
messages directly
from the original creator God and his once Earthly Messiahs, now
operating as relay authentic bridges for humanity to God in these
The status quo in the institutions, on the other hand, are,
trying to downplay the dreams and precognitions
are millennial madness
making sure to debunk the entire field
of channelers as nutcase cults
making sure to debunk the entire
field of Ufology as disreputable snake oil salesmen
to reinforce peoples allegiance to the organized institutional forms
of religion and science
This is the result of the actions of the Echelon elements in
secession mode.
The few elements in lower Echelons that have
realized the monumental mistakes they have made still don't want to
turn over authority to any genuine human contactee! They want to
instead attempt to go straight to the source. This is the reason for
all the secret society worship of the Gods of ancient Egypt and the
reason again, for the coming festivities being attended by
representatives of all the secret societies.
But the fact still remains, regardless of the noble attempts to
adjust the game through the types like Joe Firmage, without a primer
that requires more institutional dressing down to see the whole
truth, most of humanity could rush to judgment - into a premature
friend or foe determination - and get caught up in mistaken identity
This is why there are so many above top secret fake
apotheosis programs in a box. They can only get away with all of
this as long as we are still under basic embargo and quarantine as a
It all depends if we can:
1. keep the ET lid on, and
2. keep the
worldly natural catastrophe curve in check, or adapt fast enough to
changes in the sun, for example and
3. keep ourselves from killing
ourselves off with human conflict triggered NCBW in the next 12
All without without absolutely needing ET help to survive and
not go extinct, we could pass through this momentum time at the end
of 'normal' history and not have to scientifically confront the
existence of alien life for almost another century.
Now wouldn't
that be nice? Don't worry, the abductions will all soon be over, for
the most part. Besides you were just giving and getting some help.
Once in a while there are a few demonic abductors running around,
but that is kept in check. Every abduction event is monitored by
Echelon authorities. Every ET tagged party is an Echelon tagged
party. Yet, remember, human free will is still the most powerful
element in the mix. You only get abducted because as a soul you
agreed to it before you were born.
There is a God who exists as a non-physical creator beyond this
universe, of which entities in different ET's civilizations either
love or hate, or listen to or turn a deaf ear to, depending on how
much their 'fallen' factor is operative. Certain Vedic saints,
Abraham, Moses, Jesus Christ, and Mohammed, and recently even
Smith, prime examples amongst many, were all contacted by rather
benevolent angel ET's, as judged by the quality of the teachings
they have promulgated.
Our institutions have recently rejected the right heavenly hosts.
They left the rest of us to fend for ourselves, while they secure
potential divine secessionary escape routes, or just Mexican
stand-off hold-offs. This all means, good and bad ET, angelic and
demonic ET, of different ilks can now covertly contact humanity on a
telepathic basis, at the least, IF individual humanity 'asks' for
it, and get a response, depending on the degree of pattern match.
Negative people naturally attract similarly predisposed ET's, and so
Our institutions have failed the tests and given into the devil's
temptations. The Sirius-Egyptian connection correlates to a
coordinate in the heavens that highest Echelon knows the door to 'heaven' is. Certain Egypto-Masonic ASC Echelon types want to
negotiate their own exclusive relationship with divinity, and bypass
the truly 'holy-host' ET's who reject their all too human power and
control games. If we don't watch it, these idiots will try to drag
the rest of humanity along with them into Faustian bargain oblivion.
The only assured response strategy options are:
Allow the whole
thing blow over through the continued disenfranchisement of Ufology
from science and religion, as ARC elements have planned and executed
for fifty years, (and hope no massive new UFO religion springs up
that would make things like Scientology and even Mormanism look like
small stuff). Let the UFO age die-off, by forcing the ET's away
through a threatened scorched globe policy.
Allow the whole thing gradually take hold socially through the
personal domain of direct ET to person contact (and yes direct
to person contact) going on, physically, telepathically,
symbolically, spiritually.
And hopefully all the while try to marry
science and religion back together in a way that allows these
hallowed institutions to survive. But the bigoted radical cynical
scientific rationalism cultists, and the bigoted radical optimistic
religious mysticism cultists, will both have to eventually give it
up. And as we all know, that will not happen without a fight.
This is why ET is denied the welcome mat on Earth and the No-Vacancy
signs are on in the mainstream sense. We need time to just make it
go away, or to prepare ourselves for eventual radical cultural
Either way, ET is NOT really the issue we need to figure out
anymore, even if more than half the ARC Echelon folks are still
sweating it, and the abductees are tired of it.
The ONLY issue of genuine import is how our hidden human potential
for divine spirituality can dovetail with the coming big wave of
cosmic events and 'energies' over the next years so we can make the
best out of it, and yes, save our own souls, and our world, with the
help of God and/or Goddess.
That is the ONLY question that is relevant to be answered.
Everything else turns out to be a grand distraction.
But remember
Heaven's Gate. The leader of Falun Gong,
Master Li,
believes evil ET's recently seeded human civilization with
technology and computers as a covert invasion plan. These evil ET's
worship technology and science like a religion, to the exclusion of
higher dimensions. Drunvalo Mechelzidek holds that technology is the
result of a Luciferian rebellion. The environmental crisis has
stirred a contemporary “modern age” Luddite backlash against
insensitive irresponsible science, commerce and industry.
The Unabomber Manifesto. Earthfirst. Back to nature worship and
“superstition”. The backlash against science is just beginning
unless science stops worshipping the separation of the observer from
the observed as a means to operate with impunity, and derisively
dismisses claims that involve the observer. Science is actually on
the way to committing suicide. But in radically responding to the
problem as a turf war for souls, so will religion.
Don't wait for your institutions to get it together for you. Common
humanity may have to stand elitist management for decade or so until
the inevitable happens. The inevitable is human apotheosis for the
masses as a direct link between human and God and Goddess, and
without ET necessarily consciously involved, and without human
institutions moderating. And that scares our hallowed institutions
of science and religion, our institutions of commerce and politics,
it scares them all half to death. No wonder.
Mommy Goddess and Daddy God are coming into direct contact with us
in a new radical fashion - not as physical ET's like the government
or evil ET's would have us believe, but as personalized loving,
forgiving and powerful spiritual energies and entities from beyond
this physical universe. They are returning, big time, in
non-physical terms, to re-connect and co-create with their original
soul substance in this universe, located in, guess what - human
This Human-Spiritual heart reconnection is feared by the 'fallen' Luciferians mindsets - their game is up. Because once the true
reconnection happens, it makes individual human beings hundreds of
times more powerful than our high yield hydrogen bombs, in terms of
potential spiritual influence. Remember the power of our historical
Messiahs? They did not show what they were really capable of,
despite the wonders they did demonstrate.
And remember how all
Messiahs claimed that any human was capable of the same as they? It
was all only ever about growing love in the human heart. It was
about growing the capacity for caring and intimacy, the
incorruptible means for humanity not falling this time for well laid
traps. The alien-human alliance engineered fail-safe awareness traps
on the human evolutionary experiment. And they work.
The ET's just hope we humans as a whole species learn our lessons
before we get so much power. Since most of us wouldn't trust anyone
we know with too much power, and treat other species on our planet
like chattel without feelings, that ought to help explain to you why
ET's have us under a form of embargo and quarantine. We humans foam
at the mouth after all without any help at all from ET races.
Now see? You didn't need to read all this blathering gibberish after
all. We warned you.
As William Shatner once said to the stunned
crestfallen trekkies at a Star Trek convention, “Get a life”!
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