In early 2012, Muslim Brotherhood presidential candidate Mohammed Morsi pranced around Egypt proclaiming "Jihad is our path," and thought there was nothing better than to die in the cause of Allah - that is, the exact language used by terrorists!
Despite this, Barack Obama gushed on national television after Morsi was elected President of Egypt.
And oddly - or not so oddly - Obama continued to gush over Morsi while reports surfaced that the Muslim Brotherhood were setting up torture chambers for their political enemies, not to mention openly crucifying Christians!
When Morsi was deposed, the Egyptian military discovered a treasure trove of documents linking the Obama regime with the illegal activities of the Muslim Brotherhood.
One such document is a list of Muslim Brotherhood officials receiving secret bribes in U.S. currency, paid out by the U.S. consulate, amounting to millions of dollars.
Investigative journalist Jerome Corsi has obtained a copy of the document held by the Egyptian military, proving the Obama regime sent millions of dollars in bribes to the Muslim Brotherhood.
Enter Malik Obama, Obama’s half brother.
According to Egyptian television, citing the Supreme Constitutional Court of Egypt:
We’re not just talking about the bribes the Muslim Brotherhood received in Egypt, but the entire Muslim Brotherhood finances - worldwide - that more than likely included an astounding $8 billion dollar bribe to the Muslim Brotherhood made by the Obama regime.
The bribe was payment to guarantee that the huge tract of Egyptian land, the Sinai Peninsula, be turned over to the Muslim Brotherhood sister group Hamas, undoubtedly to put Israel in an indefensible position. The Muslim Brotherhood and Hamas mince no words about their goals for Israel: total annihilation.
According to Egypt Daily News, a document exists showing the eight billion dollar "holocaust" agreement with the Obama administration that was signed by former Muslim Brotherhood President Mohammed Morsi and his second in command Khairat Al-Shater, both under arrest by the Egyptian military for murder and treason.
Does this document really exist, showing the $8 billion dollar bribe signed by Obama or one of his representatives?
According to Khairat Al-Shater’s son, Saad Al-Shater, prior to being arrested by the Egyptian military, his father was in possession of information linking Obama with the Muslim Brotherhood that he says would put Obama in prison.
As reported by a multitude of Arabic news sources:
If the Egyptian military releases this document, it would no doubt spell the end of the Obama presidency, bringing impeachment, a long prison term, and perhaps even the death penalty.
Muslim Brotherhood Officials
Document surfaces ahead of criminal trial of ousted leaders
Official Morsi government document: "Direction of Grants and Gifts for 2013," submitted by Hamad bin Jasim bin Jabor Al Thani,
former Qatari prime
minister and foreign affairs minister
WND is in possession of an official document
from inside the Morsi government that lends credibility to a report
published in Arabic by an Egyptian newspaper in Cairo that lists the charges
brought by the current military-controlled government against Egyptian
Muslim Brotherhood leaders.
The sources of the complaint stated that among those receiving bribes paid in U.S. dollars from the U.S. include:
Shoebat stressed to WND that the signatures seen
in the document mean it could be used as evidence in the upcoming trials of
key Muslim Brotherhood leaders, slated to begin Aug. 25 in Cairo.
Goods on Obama?
The Obama administration’s call for the release of Muslim Brotherhood leaders in Egypt is inexplicable.
The trip to Egypt by Senators John McCain (R-AZ) and Lindsey Graham (R-SC), during which they called for the same thing is even more inexplicable, especially since both men are demanding answers in Benghazi.
Yes, we know Obama’s leanings but why the rush to release these prisoners and not shine a spotlight on them? If the details of an interview with the son of one of those imprisoned leaders is any indication, we may be getting closer to answering that question.
Saad Al-Shater: My father has the goods on Obama
We caution that the following be taken with a grain of salt but considering who said it, we thought it newsworthy too.
Here is a direct translation of the key points, followed by some analysis:
Khairat Al-Shater: Does he have the goods on Obama?
That this interview happened and the younger Al-Shater made these claims is backed up by at least six Arabic sources. [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]
When Saad’s comments are viewed in the context of the bizarre behavior of U.S. officials, it provides the best explanation to date for extremely irrational and inexplicable behavior of those officials.
First, the interview with Saad was dated August 7, 2013.
The reference made to "senior U.S. delegation currently visiting Egypt" is presumably a reference to McCain, Graham, and Deputy Secretary of State Bill Burns.
During that trip, McCain and Graham both called for the release of Muslim Brotherhood leaders with McCain making news by calling Mursi’s ouster a "coup". Graham suggested that Egypt was "looking into the abyss" and then suggested releasing Brotherhood leaders was the path away from it (huh?).
In an interview with CNN, McCain named Al-Shater specifically when asked about individuals that could negotiate a future Egyptian government.
McCain and Graham: Schizophrenia or self-preservation?
In what may be an effort to play both sides of the fence, Graham was one of eight Congressional Republicans who sent a letter to incoming FBI Director James Comey, just days before Graham went to Egypt.
That letter demanded more answers over what happened in Benghazi. Such a demand, coupled with his call for the release of individuals who, probable cause suggests, should be investigated over Benghazi is beyond curious; it’s schizophrenic.
The two Senators were clearly throwing bones to the Brotherhood. Such behavior makes no sense. It would, however, if Saad Al-Shater is telling the truth; it would also eliminate schizophrenia as a cause.
Second, how about Saad’s claim that his father’s safety is more important to the Americans than is the safety of Mursi? This is where we’d like to introduce Deputy Secretary of State Bill Burns.
While Graham and McCain were busy sucking up to the Brotherhood in Egypt, Burns visited one of its leaders in prison.
Bill Burns: Met with Khairat Al-Shater for 90 Minutes
He didn’t visit Mursi; Burns visited Al-Shater.
Reports put that visit at about 90 minutes, despite attempts by both parties to play the visit down.
As we reported in EXHIBIT A-1 of Addendum A, Al-Shater is implicated in weapons trafficking through the Sinai and into Gaza as well as negotiating prisoner releases in exchange for terrorists. He has also been jailed multiple times.
We can’t answer those questions but we can say that Saad Al-Shater’s alleged charges make more sense than the behavior of U.S. officials.
Of course, State Department ventriloquist dummy Jen Psaki called for the release of Mursi last month:
UPDATE on August 13, 2013 at 6:30pm EST
Just to clarify… We have no doubt that Saad Al-Shater interviewed with Anatolia News Agency and said what he said. In fact, that’s the main reason we decided to post about it.
We’re simply cautious when relying on the veracity of a witness who happens to be the son of a terrorist and who supports his father’s ideology.
We stand by the sourcing.
UPDATE on August 19, 2013 at 8:15pm EST
We stand by our translation and we initially felt somewhat confident reporting this because so many Arabic sources reported it as well. However, with no original source available, we would like to make clear that any of the aforementioned claims attributed to Saad Al-Shater cannot be confirmed.
Muslim Brotherhood August 20, 2013
Report says Malik directs radical Islamic movement's investments
President Obama’s half-brother in Kenya could cause the White House more headaches over new evidence linking him to the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt and establishing that controversial IRS supervisor Lois Lerner signed his tax-exempt approval letter.
Malik Obama’s oversight of the Muslim Brotherhood’s international investments is one reason for the Obama administration’s support of the Muslim Brotherhood, according to an Egyptian report citing the vice president of the Supreme Constitutional Court of Egypt, Tehani al-Gebali
In a news report on Egyptian television of a Gebali speech, translated by researcher Walid Shoebat, a former Palestinian Liberation Organization operative, Gebali said she would like,
Shoebat said Gebali explained the news is important to Americans who are concerned about their president’s actions, calling it,
In an interview on Egyptian television, Gebali said the cost to Egypt has been great, and she vowed her country will not allow any conspiracy against its people or the Egyptian state.
She insisted that pushing Egypt to bankruptcy is unacceptable, because it would plunge her country into a dire state similar to Iraq and Libya.
Shoebat said that if the reports are correct, Turkey appears to play a central role in the alleged conspiracy. He emphasized that Egypt has asserted to the international community that it will not tolerate any attempt to push the country to bankruptcy.
Shoebat’s blog linked to three "very credible sources" that corroborate the report on Gebali’s comments.
Shoebat reported in May that Malik Obama is the executive secretary of the Islamic Da’wa Organization, or IDO, a group created by the government of Sudan, which is considered by the U.S. State Department to be a terrorist state.
In 2010, Malik Obama attended an IDO conference in the Sudanese capital, Khartoum. One of the objectives of the IDO is to spread Wahhabist Islam across the African continent.
Sudan President Omar Al-Bashir supervised the conference. Bashir is wanted by the International Criminal Court on seven counts related to crimes against humanity.
Shoebat asserted the evidence places Malik Obama "in bed with terrorists, working in a terrorist state as an official of an organization created by terrorists."
Malik’s tax-exempt problems
WND reported in May that funds contributed in the U.S. to a 501(c)3 foundation run by Malik Obama have been diverted to support Malik’s multiple wives in Kenya, an expert on Islamic extremism has charged.
Lois Lerner, the director of the IRS tax-exempt division currently under congressional investigation, signed the letter approving tax-exempt status for the Malik Obama’s Barack H. Obama Foundation.
Lerner, currently on paid executive leave from her IRS supervisory position, took the Fifth Amendment before the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee on May 22 rather than answer questions on inappropriate criteria used by her IRS department to delay or otherwise deny tax-exempt status for tea party and "patriot" groups.
Shoebat has detailed his allegations in a 22-page investigative report titled "New IRS Scandal: Islamic Extremism and Sex Slaves - Report Reveals Obama’s Relatives Run Charities of Deceit," published on his website.
After a thorough examination of available evidence, Shoebat explained to WND his allegations against the Obama family tax-exempt foundations:
For the past two years, since long before the current IRS scandals became public, WND has been reporting irregularities in two IRS-approved 501(c)3 organizations operated in the U.S. by Obama’s half-brother and step-grandmother in Kenya.
WND reported in September 2011 the Barack H. Obama Foundation apparently received IRS approval one month after an application was submitted in May 2011.
The IRS determination letter June 11, 2011, granted a highly irregular retroactive tax-exempt approval only after the group came under fire for operating as a 501(c)3 foundation since 2008 without ever having applied to the IRS.
In October 2012, WND reported a separate foundation, the Mama Sarah Obama Foundation, created on behalf of Obama’s step-grandmother in Kenya, has transferred funds, 90 percent of which are raised from U.S. individuals and corporations, to send Kenyan students to the top three most radical Wahhabist madrassas in Saudi Arabia.
Since its founding in 2008, the Barack H. Obama Foundation, operating out of a commercial mail drop in Arlington, Va., has solicited tax-deductible contributions on the Internet, listing addresses and telephone numbers both in the U.S. and Kenya, without disclosing the group lacked an IRS determination letter.
In September 2011, the IRS confirmed to WND that the Barack H. Obama Foundation had received a determination letter in June 2011, awarding the group tax-exempt 501(c)3 status retro-actively to 2008
Malik Obama, best man at the wedding of Barack H. Obama, Oct. 3, 1992
Tax-exempt polygamy?
On March 3, 2013, Andrew Malone, reporting for the London Daily Mail, documented that Malik’s youngest wife in Kenya, Sheila Anyano, 35 years his junior, had spent the past two years living with three of Malik’s other wives at the "Barack H Obama Foundation rest and relaxation center," a restaurant complex that profits from visitors drawn by the family’s connection to the American president.
According to the Daily Mail, members of his extended family in Kenya have accused Malik, a practitioner of Islam and a polygamist, of being a wife-beater and philanderer.
Malik is accused of seducing Sheila, the newest of his estimated 12 wives when she was a 17-year-old schoolgirl - a crime in Kenya, where the legal age of consent is 18.
Malone tracked down Sheila’s mother, Mary, who explained to the reporter that Malik Obama had "secret trysts" with the girl after spotting her attending prayers at the mosque he has built in Kogelo, the family’s ancestral home.
Sheila, now age 20, told Ambrose that marrying Malik, now age 55, was the "worst decision" of her life and confirmed that she and Malik kept their marriage "a secret," because she was 17.
Shoebot charged that Malik Obama is abusing non-profit funds.
Neither is there evidence that the Mama Sarah Foundation has built any homes for widows, orphans and HIV/AIDS victims.
Limited financial reporting
An IRS Form 990-EZ required for tax-exempt organizations was filed on May 23, 2011, only days before the IRS determination letter was sent.
Barack H. Obama Foundation, Form 990-EZ, filed May 23, 2011, page 1
The Form 990-EZ appears to have been hand-written by Malik Obama himself, complete with an unorthodox page of calculations evidently included to back up the amounts entered into the form.
The Form 990 reported the foundation had received $24,250 total gross income for 2010, derived from contributions, gifts and grants.
Malik surfaced during the 2008 presidential campaign, dressed in African garb and holding a photograph of Barack Obama in African garb.
Abongo "Roy" Malik Obama displays a 1980s-era photograph of Barack Obama in Kenya
Born in Kenya to Kezia
Born in Kenya, on March 15, 1958, Abongo Malik "Roy" Obama was the first child born to Barack Obama Sr.
The son of Kezia, Obama Sr.’s first wife, Malik was only 18 months old when Barack Obama Sr. arrived in New York Aug. 8, 1959, on a BOAC flight in transit from Kenya to begin his undergraduate studies at the University of Hawaii in Honolulu.
Having abandoned Kezia in Kenya, Obama Sr. subsequently married Stanley Ann Dunham, Barack Obama Jr.’s mother, while in Honolulu, according to the account Obama relates in his autobiography "Dreams from My Father."
Obama family portrait taken in Kenya. Abongo "Roy" Malik Obama stands to Barack Obama Jr.’s immediate left
Malik Obama Articles.