Leader - Mohammed Badie
Founded - 1928, Ismailia, Egypt
Headquarters - Cairo, Egypt

  - Sunni Islamism
  - Islamic democracy
  - Religious conservatism




 -  Al-Ikhwan Al-Muslimun - The Muslim Brotherhood


 -  Al Queda Terrorists Nazi Connection



 -  Bin Laden-Bush, Serve the Same Master


 -  De la Impostura del 11 de Septiembre a Donald Trump


 -  ElBaradei - Muslim Brotherhood Offer Political Path Out of Egyptian Confrontation


 -  FDI, Mossad y Shin Bet sabían del Ataque de Hamas antes del 7 de Octubre - No Actuaron para Evitarlo


 -  HAMAS (Islamic Resistance Movement)



 -  How War Fuels the 'March toward a New World Order' - Is a New World War about to Begin?


 -  Islamic Antisemitism and Its Nazi Roots



 -  Islamism, Fascism and Terrorism



 -  Islamo-Fascists and 20th Century Nazis - Historical Connections


 -  La Estrategia de La Hermandad Musulmana en Siria


 -  La Hermandad Musulmana a punto de ‎entrar en la Lista de Grupos Terroristas de ‎Estados Unidos


 -  Morsi and The Muslim Brotherhood Challenged in Egypt


 -  Muslim Brotherhood - From DKosopedia, the Free Political Encyclopedia


 -  Qatar, la Hermandad Musulmana, el Hamas e Israel


 -  Secrets of The Assassins


 -  Syrian Muslim Brotherhood, Still a Crucial Actor


 -  The Brotherhoods and The 'Mohamed Cartoons' Stage - Main File


 -  The History of The Muslim Brotherhood


 -  The Muslim Brotherhood in The United States


 -  The Muslim Brotherhood - Precursor to Today's Islamic Terrorist Organizations


 -  The Muslim Brotherhood's Conquest of Europe


 -  The Muslim Brotherhood - The Globalists' Secret Weapon


 -  The Muslim Brotherhood, The Nazis and Al-Qa'ida


 -  The "Secret Society” Behind Osama bin Laden and his al-Qaeda


 -  Voy a la Guerra por Israel - Los Palestinos No Son mi Enemigo


 -  ...Y 'Dios' creó a Hamas en el Séptimo Día


Additional Information


 -  Arabian Knights - from "The Robots’ Rebellion - The Story of the Spiritual Renaissance" by David Icke


 -  Building Your Own Enemies - from 'Order Out of Chaos' by Paul Joseph Watson

 -  Changing Course - A New Direction for U.S. Relations with The Muslim World


 -  El Mundo Sin Qatar


 -  Expediting The Grand Jihad - The Muslim Brotherhood


 -  Los Socios Mesiánicos de Netanyahu quieren una Guerra Regional Total - Gaza es sólo el Primer Paso


 -  Osama Bin Laden and The 9-11 Events - Main File


 -  Police Commissioner Involved in Charlie Hebdo Investigation "Commits Suicide" - Total News Blackout


 -  Siete Mentiras sobre Afganistán


 -  Some Signs that Global War is Rapidly Approaching


 -  Terroristas Islamistas - ¿Títeres Controlados por Occidente?


 -  Uncovered Muslim Brotherhood Documents Could Put Obama in Prison


Hassassins, Hashshashin, Assassins


 -  Gli Hassassin - La Setta che terrorizzò Cristiani e Musulmani nel Medio Evo


 -  Los Hassassins - La Secta que aterrorizó a Cristianos y Musulmanes en la Edad Media


 -  Secrets of The Assassins

 -  The Assassins - A Radical Sect in Islam - Bernard Lewis




 -  Islam in Europe - Geert Wilders Speaks in the Danish Parliament Building

 -  The Masonic Origins of The Muslim Brotherhood and Wahabis

 -  Shadow Secrets - 2010 Cut



Related Reports


 -  Masons and Knights Templar - Main File


 -  The 9-11 Events - Main File


 -  The New World Order - Main File


 -  The Bushes and The New World Order - Main File