by Zen Gardner
March 26, 2012
ZenGardner Website

I just “happened” on this information while researching something else, as
is so often the case.
The infamous Pine Gap black op military
information gathering installation turns out to be nowhere else but in
central Australia right near the location of the recent rogue Australian 5.7
quake that shook so many up.
Weird? There’s more.

5.6 Earthquake on March 23
Biggest in Australia in 15
This American installation near the quake’s
center is reported to have a 5 mile deep antenna going towards the earth’s
core. Hmm.
Earthquake depth
10.7 km (6.6 miles). This is
reminiscent of the quakes caused by
fracking drills in the U.S.
If the earth
is activating and the core and plates are moving, this type of deep earth
technology is going to contribute in some way, shape or form. You can count
on it.
Dumb jerks should know better. Wait... what am I saying… it’s all part of
their plan. Duh.
Fact is they can’t keep on raping the planet and think she won’t rebel.
Especially with the empowering vibrational radiation pelting us in every way
from the core of the galaxy that’s in turn activating the sun and all
energetic fields. Something’s going to give.
And there’s no way these manipulative morons are going to be able to control
it despite their insane imaginations. Absolute idiots.

What Is Pine Gap?
Here’s Wiki-Google-NSA-pedias definition... quite revealing in itself:
Pine Gap is the commonly used name for a
satellite tracking station at 23.799°S - 133.737°E, some 18 kilometers
(11 mi) south-west of the town of Alice Springs in the centre of
Australia which is operated by both Australia and the United States.
The facility has become a key part of the
local economy.[1]
It consists of a large computer complex with eight
radomes protecting
antennas and has over 800 employees.
It is officially called the Joint Defence
Facility Pine Gap since 1988, previously it was known as Joint Defence
Space Research Facility.[2]
It is believed to be one of the largest
ECHELON ground stations and appears to be physically and
operationally similar to the American signals intelligence facilities at
Buckley Air Force Base, Colorado and Menwith Hill, United Kingdom.
United States government personnel at Pine
Gap are believed to be mostly from the National Security Agency and
subordinate service-associated agencies as well as the Central
Intelligence Agency.
As published in ERSA by CASA the airspace around Pine Gap is the only
area in Australia designated as “prohibited” which prohibits entering
and overflying the airspace up to a height of Flight Level 180
(approximately 18,000 ft or 5,500 m).
A US surveillance base smack dab in
central Australia. Why? Now they can “legally” spy on US citizens, as
well as anyone else they want. But this is only what they’re telling us.
You know they’re up to a lot more than that
“The United States has three major bases in
One is in South Australia (Nurranger, near Woomera, T.N.),
another in New South Wales, and the third (and by far the largest) is
located within about 230 km (143 miles) of the geographical center of
the continent, not far to the west of Alice Springs (Northern
Territory), at the foothills of the southern slopes of the MacDonnell
This base is completely underground, with
barely visible entrances to the surface.

“This ‘Top Secret’ base is entirely financed
by the United States Government, and is officially known as the Joint
Defense Space Research Facility.
“When the JDSRF was first initiated, its aim was scientific research for
the supposed development of a space defense technology. It is now known
that since its inception, its primary purpose was research into
electromagnetic propulsion.
“What exactly is Pine Gap? As strange as it may seem, even Australian
Federal Parliament members do not know. Among the Cabinet members, only
a small number of ‘initiates’ have a vague idea of what this is all
The only information source available to the
public is the cross-checking done by private researchers such as Jimmy
Guieu, following statements made by the United States or Australian
magazines (always very short and terse paragraphs), and anything the
locals may notice.
“It is said that under Pine Gap is the deepest drilling hole in
Australia - about 5 miles (more than 8,000 meters). Such a hole is
likely used as an underground antenna able to recharge the batteries of
submarines in the Pacific and Indian Ocean through ELF broadcasts. Such
a gigantic antenna could be used to generate the gigantic stationary
wave around the Earth.
“Some say that Pine Gap has an enormous nuclear generator to supply
energy to a new type of transceiver. It seems too that there is a
high-powered, high-voltage plasma accelerator which may be put to use to
transmit electric current, or even to produce a ‘death-ray’, or quite
simply to feed a plasma gun.
All this is not as incredible as it sounds:
it is now known that the US base of West Cape, near Exmouth Gulf in
Western Australia (Harold E. Holt USN Communication Station), has an
older type of the transceiver used at Pine Gap which is used to send
electric current to submerged US submarines who trail a wire antenna.
It is known that electric currents
transmitted in this way are referred to as plasmo-dynamic cells.

Yes, I’m speculating here. I don’t have proof of any sort. Yet. And I don’t
need any to make my point.
This massive, secretive base with all of its electro-bullshit shenanigans
could easily have triggered this unusual inland quake, or contributed to it
in some way.
We know
and its sister facilities are capable of such things. That, in addition to
the uptick in overall seismic activity that the earth is manifesting makes
this even more probable.
It’s reminiscent of the quakes
caused by fracking in the U.S. with
mindless massive injections of liquids into the earth’s crust to bring gas
reserves to the surface.
How much more a buried, and surface, array of
electromagnetic devices being blasted practically indiscriminately into the
It Gets Weirder
This base is also reported to show a lot of UFO activity and strange goings
on as reported by the locals (see link
What could be the full purpose of this base no one is allowed to know
anything about, including the Australian government?
It reminds me last time there was an unusual quake in the U.S. Northeast
many said it was a nuke attack on an underground base in Virginia. Could
that be what’s going on? That would be cool.
In case you idiots out there watching the alt community haven’t noticed,
nothing surprises us any more. We’re on to you. We may not have the data
you’ve suppressed to prove it, but we’re on your heels, you bastards.
Keep your eyes wide open, people. Lots of strange stuff going on. Our
knowledge, keen awareness and clear headed consciousness freaks them out.
The war between worlds continues.
Let’s keep up our part of bringing Light, Truth
and Love… the ultimate weapons!