ECHELON is a name used in global media and in popular culture to describe a signals intelligence (SIGINT) collection and analysis network operated on behalf of the five signatory states to the UKUSA Security Agreement.

(Australia, Canada, New Zealand, the United Kingdom,

and the United States, known as



The "Five Eyes", often abbreviated as "FVEY", refer to an anglophonic alliance comprising Australia, Canada, New Zealand, the United Kingdom and the United States.

These countries are bound by the multilateral UKUSA Agreement - a treaty for joint cooperation in signals intelligence.






 -  Echelon - La Gran Oreja



 -  ECHELON  - America's Secret Global Surveillance Network


 -  ECHELON - Covertly Run Government Terrorist Organization


 -  ECHELON - Feliz 1984


 -  ECHELON Interception System - Report European Parliament


 -  ECHELON - The Global Eavesdropping Scheme Dwarfs Murdoch's "News of The World"


 -  ECHELON - The Menwith Hill Site


 -  ECHELON Today - The Evolution of an NSA Black Program


 -  Exposing The Global Surveillance System



 -  Five Eyes Governments Ganging Up on Tech Companies to Break Encryption


 - "Global Spying" - Washington's "Weaponized Data" System


 -  Hooked Up to The Spy Network - The UKUSA System


 -  Il 'Five Eyes' - Il Sindacato Internazionale che Controlla l'Intero Mondo


 -  Inside Echelon - The history, structure und function of the global surveillance system known as Echelon

 -  On The Existence of The ECHELON Interception System - European Parliament Report


 -  Project Echelon


 -  Russia vs. Ucraina... e gli Anglo-Americani - La Dimensione Esoterica


 -  Russia vs. Ukraine... and the Anglo-Americans - The Esoteric Dimension


 -  Secret Archives - National Security & Privacy


 -  Signals Intelligence and Human Rights - The ECHELON Report


 -  Silent Partners - The UKUSA Agreement


 -  Somebody's Listening - ECHELON or Project P415


 -  The ECHELON Report - Signals Intelligence and Human Rights

 -  The Five Eyes - The International Syndicate that Spies on the Entire World

 -  Unmasking the Five Eyes' Global Surveillance Practices


Additional Information


 -  Agreements with Private Companies Protect U.S. Access to Cables' Data for Surveillance


 -  Britain and the United States - A Geopolitical Logic

 -  COMINT Impact on International Trade - ECHELON Interception Capabilities - Report European Parliament


 -  Covert Operations of The U.S. National Security Agency (NSA)


 -  Documents Show Undersea Cable Firms Provide Surveillance Access to U.S. Secret State


 -  Global Gridlock - How the US Military-Industrial Complex Seeks to Contain and Control the Earth and Its...

 -  Going for the Throat - 'Carnivore' in an Echelon World - Surveillance Systems


 -  Google Megalomaniacs in Bed with Pentagon/NWO Lunatics


 -  Governing by Networks - Chart


 -  HAARP - High Frequency Vandalism in The Sky


 -  How Governments and Telecom Companies Work Together on Surveillance Laws


 -  Orwellian Justice System - The Securitization and Militarization of Daily Life - Spying on Americans...


 -  NSA Claims Massive New Surveillance Powers



 -  Promis


 -  Strategic Plan For The U.S. Integrated Earth Observation System


 -  US Government Spy Program - Main Core, PROMIS and The Shadow Government


 -  Why the Anglo World is Collapsing




 -  Eurojust Supports Wire-Tapping of Skype Conversations


 -  EU Wants to Intercept Encrypted VOIP Communications


 -  Has Skype’s VOIP Encryption Been Broken?


 -  India to Ban Skype


 -  Intelligent Traffic Manager


 -  Microsoft Buys Skype and a Future in Telecommunications


 -  NSA Offering 'Billions' for Skype Eavesdrop Solution - Business Model for P2P Firm at Last?


 -  NSA Leaks Hint Microsoft May Have Lied about Skype Security


 -  Skype Collaborated With NSA Long Before PRISM - The New York Times


 -  Skype Encryption Stumps German Police


 -  Skype Makes Chats and User Data More Available to Police


 -  Skype Secrecy Under Attack Again - European Law Enforcement Pushes for The Ability to Monitor...


 -  Skype Security And Encryption Review Now Available


 -  Skype Security Evaluation


 -  Skype's Secret 'Project Chess' Reportedly Helped NSA Access Customers' Data


 -  Skype With Care - Microsoft is Reading Everything You Write


 -  Spooks Want Government to Block Skype


 -  Taliban Using Skype Phones to Dodge MI6


 -  Think Your Skype Messages Get End-to-End Encryption? - Think Again


 -  Web’s Reach Binds NSA and Silicon Valley Leaders





 -  The Last Circle - by Carol Marshall





 -  Bush NSA Targeted Journalists


 -  Echelon - El Gobierno Nos Espía


 -  Echelon Spy Satelites


 -  Echelon - The Secret Power of The NSA


 -  La Red Echelon - Nos Espían!!!!



Related Reports


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 - ¿El Fin de La Internet? - Main File


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