by Steve Hammons
August 24, 2006
AmericanChronicle Website
In rapid-fire succession, a second information release in four days
was made public today about U.S. Government activities involving
The information was again sent through a prominent e-mail stream
group and posted verbatim on a well-known Web site, serpo.org.
Today, the information allegedly came from sources connected to the
British intelligence organization MI6. It focuses on the experiences
of those allegedly directly connected with projects in the decades
following contact with extraterrestrial visitors
following events
near Roswell, New Mexico in the late 1940s.
The claims released today also focus on the rumors, stories and
claims that a 12-person U.S. military team was sent to the home
planet of visiting extraterrestrials during the 1960s and '70s.
The planned 10-year stay as part of an exchange program and was
reportedly called
Project CRYSTAL KNIGHT, with the later code name
Project SERPO after the team returned home.
On Monday, Aug. 21, the moderator of the e-mail stream presented
information said to be from sources alleged to be associated with
the U.S. Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA). This release included
wide-ranging topics on U.S. Government programs regarding
extraterrestrial visitors and their technology.
Regarding today’s information, the e-mail stream moderator stated
that if he can determine that the information is a hoax, we will
announce this publicly. The Web site coordinator of serpo.org also
announced that he will remove this posting on his Web site if it is
confirmed to be a fabrication.
One of the e-mail stream moderator’s alleged DIA sources has
indicated he suspects the source is not an MI6-connected person at
all. He wrote to the moderator,
“What's new in this? Someone just
took information from the other postings we did together and
made this up. I don't see anything new. I doubt this came from
British intelligence. I think someone just fabricated this.”
However, people who have followed this
fascinating story may be interested in the overview and details
released today to decide for themselves. To some, it seems to pull
together parts of the story in a helpful way.
(Note: Some bracketed
information is that of the author of this article and some is
apparently that of the e-mail moderator and/or the confidential
The source introduced the information to the e-mail stream moderator
as follows:
“Please release this information
verbatim to your huge list. Thank you. It comes indirectly from
British Intelligence (MI6), but it IS an accurate account of one
person's experience with ‘Project CRYSTAL KNIGHT.’”
He continued,
“[Redacted] became involved in
‘Project CRYSTAL KNIGHT’ in the summer of 1958. [Redacted] was
assigned to Holloman AFB when he was briefed into a program that
involved communication with an Extraterrestrial Race. [Redacted]
had known about Roswell as part of an earlier briefing in 1952.
“During the summer of 1958, [redacted] was called to Sandia Base
(Kirtland AFB) for a top secret meeting. There were command
officials present. [General] Charles Cabell, USAF was in charge
of a group that would eventually control ‘Project CRYSTAL
“A presentation was given on an extraordinary planned event
involving contact with an Extraterrestrial Intelligence located
on another planet."
This source goes on in some detail about a U.S. Air Force unit,
other elements of the military and civilian assets assigned to
handle some of the technological aspects of communicating with these
visitors through deep space using devices reportedly found in a
crashed spacecraft near Roswell, New Mexico.
“The 2044th Communication Squadron
(AF) was responsible...along with personnel from U.S. Army
Communications Service and a selected number of civilians from
Los Alamos National Laboratory.“
“The live alien, which [who] was captured near Roswell, provided
the technical information to function [properly operate] the
communication system.”
“Three members of the 2044th were trained in the technical means
to work the ET system. The system was complicated and required a
special power system that was found inside the crashed alien
spacecraft. Once the 2044th technicians learned the system, the
communication was ready to function.”
The source explains that the
difficulties went beyond the technology involved. The visitors’
language was quite different and required linguistic experts to
attempt to understand it.
“However, the biggest problem was
understanding the language of the aliens. The communication
system worked on the alien language, which only one or two USAF
officers, who worked with the alien, knew.”
“From 1952 until 1958, language specialists (both U.S. Army and
Air Force) worked on translating the written language.”
Apparently, according to this source and
others, U.S. personnel working on this project were able to
adequately learn enough of the alien language so that messages
coming through the visitors’ communication device could be somewhat
“Finally, after some effort by
several smart people, we were able to translate the language,
but only about 70 percent of each message. That gave us enough
information to understand what the aliens were sending. The
aliens wanted to return to Earth and pick up their comrades
[alive and deceased]. Our mission was to plan the event and
provide all of the necessary logistics to pull this off.”
The communication gap continued to be an
obstacle, according to this source. U.S. personnel were able to
educate the visitors about the English language adequately so that
more effective communication was possible.
“Somewhere along the way, one of the
AF communications specialists decided to send an English message
to the aliens. Now this would be difficult since the alien
communication system did not have English letters. But our AF
ingenuity came into play.”
“Utilizing a newly created classified military communication
system (TAC-STAR), we were able to somehow (never understood
how) wire in the keyboard of a TAC-STAR. This would enable us to
type English letters into the alien communication system. It
took some time and effort but it worked.”
“We sent messages in English, along with our alphabet and
numbering system. Our numbering system was similar to that of
the aliens, and although our number [numerical] designations
were different, we were able to use lines to indicate the
corresponding number.”
“After several exchanges of messages, the aliens got it before
we got theirs. It was obvious to us that we were dealing with a
highly advanced civilization. From about June 1960 on, we began
receiving messages in English from the aliens. They did not send
complete sentences, but they sent enough for us to understand
the meaning of the message.”
“From that point on, we communicated only in English except for
numbers. We grasped their numbering system pretty quickly and
used their numbering system since we did not wish to provide
them with wrong [incorrect] landing coordinates.”
“We eventually provided them with the latitude and longitude
[coordinates]. We also provided them with the military
coordinate system used by our pilots back in the early days.”
“We had to have a remote location
which would not give way to any adverse public knowledge.”
“There were literately hundreds of locations selected and
analyzed. Most of the locations first selected were remote
islands. But there were logistical problems with those
locations. We would have to sail ships to these remote locations
and that just might give us away.”
“We had to choose a location that would not be suspicious, but
still remote.”
“The group decided on a location west of Holloman AFB near
Alamogordo, NM. They actually decided on two locations. One was
a fake location on Holloman, and the actual landing location was
at White Sands.”
The source then continues his narrative about planning for further
“Sometime in late 1962, we all met
again, this time at a very secure underground facility at Los
“We got the real startling news: Our government planned to
exchange a U.S. military team with the aliens. [Redacted]
doesn't remember all of the details, but he remembers that a lot
of key officials in the meeting thought that was a wrong [bad]
“The reasoning behind the skepticism was this: We knew virtually
nothing of this alien race, except what one surviving alien told
us [EBE-1]. How could we trust sending a team of people to
another planet?”
“We knew very little about the planet except it was about 40
[38.42] light years away. How long would the trip last and how
could our team prepare for such a trip? These were questions all
members asked.”
“But the powers that be, mainly General Cabell, said all of that
had been worked out. How? Maybe we established better
communications with the aliens. It's doubtful that most of the
members knew it all.”
“A lot was compartmented and not everyone knew everything.
[Redacted] surmised that maybe the aliens landed prior to the
scheduled 1964 date and possibly exchanged information. But he
never had any official knowledge of this.”
Different accounts and details of the process of the selection and
training of the 12-person team and back-up candidates have been made
public previously. The information released today appears consistent
with the previous reports.
“The next big problem was selecting
a team. Bob Hall, the commander of a space flight training
squadron, was in charge of this. We also had CIA people and some
people from the newly created DIA.”
“The disguise was that the USAF was selecting a special team to
travel to the moon and these people must undergo special
training and a special selection process. None of the military
people trying out for this team knew the real mission.”
“About 500 people applied and that narrowed down to about 160.
But there was a problem. Some specialists required on this
mission were missing. Besides, the requirement called for each
Team Member to be single, never married, no children and if
possible, orphans. The USAF had to go out and recruit two
doctors and several other specialists.”
“Finally, after several months of the selection process, 16 team
members were selected, 12 who would go and four (4) alternates.
Once the team was selected, they underwent about six (6) months
of extensive training at various locations around the world.”
“Each selectee went through the most difficult and demanding
training in the world. Most of it was similar to astronaut
training. A lot of physiological stress training, high-altitude
training, and also parachute training at Ft. Bragg.”
“Each member went through weapons and combat training and the
possibility of capture by going through survival, evasion and
escape training.”
“They also learned the basic alien language, alphabet and
phrases. This was difficult since the alien spoke a tonal
dialect, basically like singing in a high pitch voice. Most had
extreme difficulty learning this, but the two linguists on the
team learned it quickly [Team Members #420 and #475].”
“The landing date was set for April
24, 1964. The entire group assembled at White Sands under a
cover. We posed as inspectors for a no-notice inspection of
“There was a mistake by the first alien craft entering the area.
It apparently got the landing coordinates wrong and landed near
Socorro (the
Lonnie Zamora incident). The second craft landed at
the correct location. There were members of the Johnson
Administration along with the special group.”
“The meeting lasted about four (4) hours. It was decided that
the exchange would not occur until the following year. Our team
members were present and ready to go, but the aliens decided to
wait until the next year. The date was set for July 1965.”
“The delay presented a problem for our team members. What do we
do with them for the next 15 months? The Team Members went back
into training for about 12 months. The last few months were
spent locked up at the U.S. Military Prison [Penitentiary], Ft.
“We had to decide on another location for the exchange. During
the April 1964 meeting, we did not supply a pick up location. We
informed our alien visitors that a location would be selected
and they would be informed through the communication system. We
finally decided on a remote location at the Nevada Test Site [NTS].”
“On July 16, 1965, the aliens landed
at exactly the precise location at NTS.”
It is in this phase of the story that
many people will recall Steven Spielberg’s 1977 movie CLOSE
In the film, government officials set up an elaborate and covert
landing zone (LZ) in a remote location, complete with small landing
strip, air control facilities, cameras and recording equipment, and
an array of government and military personnel.
It has rumored that Spielberg may have been given some type of
inside information about actual events that were included in the
Something that may not have been obvious many viewers of the movie,
the military personnel involved in clandestine logistics moving the
red-suited team and equipment, the personnel at the military site
near the LZ, the colonel apparently in charge there and the troops
who pursue Richard Dreyfuss and others near the ET landing zone,
were depicted as U.S. Army Special Forces.
Only people who recognized the shoulder patch on their uniforms
would have realized this. Special Forces are known to engage in
unconventional and highly sensitive operations.
Of special relevance is the final scene in the movie when the
12-person team, dressed in red flight suits, boards the alien craft
after a prayer with a chaplain.
According to the alleged MI6 source,
“The group was present and the
exchange took place without any problems. We had equipment in
place for the team, approximately 40 tons [90,500 lbs].”
“The aliens had no problem carrying all of this on the two (2)
crafts that landed. It was later learned that the two crafts
that landed were only shuttle crafts. The larger craft was
located somewhere between our moon and Mars. Our team later told
us (during the debriefing in '78) that the alien craft was
“We maintained contact with our Team Members by use of the alien
communication system during the space trip, which lasted about
10 months. Once they landed, we continued contact, but only on
an irregular time schedule.”
In previous releases via the e-mail steam moderator and posted on
serpo.org, many fascinating accounts were presented about the
alleged experiences of the team en route to and upon arriving on the
visitors’ home planet.
These postings include claims of verbatim entries made in the team
commander’s log, descriptions of the "Ebens" on their home planet,
exploration of the geography of the planet as well as the plants and
animals the U.S. team found there.
Many other thought-provoking aspects of the alleged 12-year stay are
also presented in previous postings,
available HERE.
The team's return to Earth as described in today’s release is
consistent with previous reports:
“The Team Members returned in August
1978 at the exact location. Eight (8) members returned. Two (2)
died on the planet and their bodies were returned. Two (2)
others decided to remain on the alien planet.”
“The eight members were isolated for one (1) complete year at a
special facility located at Los Alamos. After the one year of
isolation and debriefing, they were given new identities, a
large bonus and the offer to return to military service or
retire. Six decided to retire and two remained on active duty.
All eight are now dead.”
The moderator of the e-mail stream has received information from
several anonymous sources about these matters over the past months.
He has been burned previously by those with false information who
may have wanted to sabotage his efforts or had some other motives.
He admits he was duped by at least one person who posed as a source
the moderator had learned to trust regarding these topics.
The moderator continues to appear very aware of the need for
scrutiny when dealing with these anonymous sources. He invites
others to double-check the information for credibility and he makes
no guarantees about its truthfulness.
There have been many people worldwide who have wondered aloud about
whether these kinds of stories could possibly be accurate, or even
somewhat true. Many people are naturally doubtful about the
reliability of these anonymous sources and their highly interesting
Yet, many people seem to find some ring of truth in them.
And, undoubtedly, there are current and former military and
intelligence personnel, as well as scientists and others, who have
more information about the truth or inaccuracy of this kind of
Whether these reports are
part of a gradual disclosure of actual
events and situations is not yet clear to many. Are these
information releases part of a planned acclimation program,
preparing us for surprising, shocking, upsetting or uplifting news?
Or, are they simply the product of vivid imaginations or some kind
of psychological tactic?
These are the questions that many people around the world will
undoubtedly keep asking. And maybe some answers will be found. Maybe
some truths will emerge.
Maybe our Earth, our Universe and our own lives are far more
interesting than we previously imagined.