by Kurt Nimmo
February 2, 2011
Infowars Website
It is now obvious
Wikileaks is an intelligence
operation and its front-man Julian Assange is a useful idiot. The latest
round of documents are like the worst sort of neocon propaganda in the
lead-up to the invasion of Iraq in 2003.
corporate media today is chock full of stories about the latest round of
supposed diplomatic documents purloined by a low level Army intelligence
According to the documents, the CIA asset al-Qaeda has managed to
acquire “workable and efficient” biological and chemical weapons and the
West stands on the brink of a “nuclear 9/11.”
It is said the documents
detail a 2009 NATO meeting where security chiefs briefed member states that
al-CIA-duh was readying “dirty radioactive IEDs” to be used against British
troops in Afghanistan.
Corporate media sings praise for Assange and his disinfo campaign.
Dirty bombs were
debunked years ago and it is surprising the folks behind
the fake diplomatic cables are attempting to pawn this fantasy off on us
again as they did in 2002 when former Chicago gangbanger Jose Padilla was
arrested and paraded in the corporate media as the face of al-Qaeda in
Once again, Pakistan figures prominently in this scary fairy tale.
British defense officials have raised ‘deep concerns’ that a rogue scientist
in the Pakistani nuclear program ‘could gradually smuggle enough material
out to make a weapon,' according to a document detailing official talks in
London in February 2009,” the
Daily Telegraph reported yesterday.
Left out of the equation is the fact Pakistan would not have nuclear weapons
if not for the United States.
Back in 1979, as
the CIA was in the process of cobbling together the Afghan Mujahideen that would later become al-Qaeda, the globalist and
Zbigniew Brzezinski forged a new policy toward the formerly pariah
Islamic state.
Brzezinski said,
“that our security policy toward Pakistan
cannot be dictated by our nonproliferation policy.”
Reagan also didn’t see a
“I just don’t think it’s any of our business,” he remarked when
quizzed about Pakistan’s nuclear ambitions.
Moreover, the supposed smuggling of nuclear material out of Pakistan would
face difficulty due to the fact the country’s nukes are locked down.
“Over the past six years, the Bush administration has spent almost $100
million on a highly classified program to help Gen. Pervez Musharraf,
Pakistan’s president, secure his country’s nuclear weapons, according to
current and former senior administration officials,” the
New York Times
reported on November 17, 2007.
“The secret program was designed by the
Energy Department and the State Department, and it drew heavily from the
effort over the past decade to secure nuclear weapons, stockpiles and
materials in Russia and other former Soviet states. Much of the money for
Pakistan was spent on physical security, like fencing and surveillance
systems, and equipment for tracking nuclear material if it left secure
In addition to dirty bombs, terrorists are planning to blow up commercial
airliners with teddy bears, according to the Wikileaks documents.
security staff are being urged to examine ‘children’s articles’ after US
intelligence concluded that terrorists were plotting to fill them with
explosive chemicals,” reports the
Daily Telegraph.
Terrorists are attempting to manufacture
nitrocellulose, a chemical which
can become highly explosive if tightly packed.
Details of how to prepare the
chemical, which cannot be detected by airport X-ray machines, have been
found in al-Qaeda training manuals.
You may remember the original
al-Qaeda training manual. It was located in
Manchester, England, and brought to our attention with much absurd fanfare.
It was later revealed that the document was penned in the 1980s around the
same time the CIA and Pakistan’s ISI were collaborating in Afghanistan, well
before the CIA decided to create al-Qaeda from
a database of Mujahedeen
In short, more sexual molestation and naked body porno scanners will be
required at airports if we are going to stop al-CIA-duh as it continues to
plan sensationalistic terror events that either never occur or are executed
by mentally impaired operatives and dim-witted patsies.
The Wikileaks documents are also designed to rekindle the hysteria
manufactured by the government after
September 11, 2001.
According to the
documents, a group of Qataris conducted surveillance on the targets of 9/11
and provided support for the phantom hijackers who were
trained at U.S.
military bases.
“Details of the unknown 9/11 alleged plotters has never
previously been disclosed,” reports the Daily Telegraph.
Here is a detail that has been previously disclosed (although assiduously
ignored by the corporate media) - Osama bin Laden and the Taliban shared
“intimate relations” with the Pentagon and U.S. intelligence right up until
the morning of September 11, 2001, according to the most gagged woman in
former FBI translator Sibel Edmonds.
The CIA groomed manufactured enemies from China to Chechnya, Albania, and
Kosovo, Edmonds revealed, but you won’t find that in Assange’s mass of
For all its dutiful work in the service of the globalist empire, Wikileaks
has been nominated for the 2011 Nobel Peace Prize by Norwegian politician
Snorre Valen, who said the shady outfit played an instrumental role in
freedom of speech.
“WikiLeaks is one of this century’s most important contributors to freedom
of speech and transparency,” the
NTB news agency quoted Valen as saying
It also played a role in perpetuating cover stories used by government as
pretexts to further erode our liberties and engage in wanton mass murder
around the world.