by Catte Black
Off-Guardian Website
Only two of these
buildings had been struck by planes...
A narrative as crucial as that needs to be closely examined, but
mainstream media has not only failed to perform this function, it
has successfully persuaded many intelligent people that it doesn't
need to be done, and that only lunatics would bother subjecting the
'official story' to any examination.
But the unraveling of so many official narratives in recent years:
...the repeat evidence
for wholesale manipulation, if not fabrication, of events
to promote
war, means it ought to be impossible for any thinking person to
simply take the events of 9/11 on trust any more.
The fact this is still
considered by so many intelligent people to be an "out there" thing
to ask speaks volumes about how much even the most savvy of us are
currently brainwashed.
The phrase "conspiracy theorist" is an empty meme invented to deter enquiry (not just in 'The 9/11 Event' subject, but in any other matter...)
We don't think this is a good thing and we don't intend to be controlled by it. We believe facts really should be sacred - however unpopular they may be and whatever label someone may have attached to them...