by Russ Winter
June 04,
WinterWatch Website

If you read George Orwell's fictional novel "1984"
when you were young, now is an opportune time for a second look.
It's the language of
"1984" that's of particular use.
The book is perhaps most
applicable for its exploration of the relationship between nuanced
language and thought, and the way dishonest, inaccurate language
leads to a breakdown of identity and capacity for independent
Curiously, Orwell was
originally planning on titling the book "The Last Man in Europe."
Orwell demonstrated astonishing prescience when
he wrote his book about a cartoon and clown world,
one we are witnessing
By creating nonsensical
jargon, called "newspeak,"
that's only
understood by the few workers who employ it, the Crime Syndicate
kakistocracy limits the potential for communication.
When newspeak becomes
the only language spoken, the kakistocracy's control over the
population becomes total and absolute
Newspeak contains no negative terms.
For example, the only way
to express the meaning of "bad" is through the word "ungood."
Something extremely
bad is called "doubleplus ungood."
Newspeak is
engineered to remove even the possibility of rebellious thoughts -
the words by which such thoughts might be articulated have been
eliminated from the language.
"Hate speech"
accusations are an extension of shutting off critical commentary
against the Crime Syndicate's covert and overt agendas.
"Goodthinkful" is a newspeak word meaning "naturally
orthodox, incapable of thinking a bad thought."
Ultimately ignoring the
negative and bad is an extension of New Age solipsist deception and
is fundamentally immoral behavior.
is the ability to hold two completely contradictory thoughts
simultaneously while believing both of them to be true. In
Orwell's book, doublethink was critical to the success of the
Kakistocracy as it supported the state-imposed practice of
language control, or newspeak.
"Oldspeak" is normal English usage as opposed to
technical or propagandist language. This is incredibly common
and is used with straw-man fallacious arguments. Occasionally, I
refer to a dictionary to see how many words have been willfully
altered or created for their purposes. A dictionary is also
useful for carefully parsing one's words.
The particularities of
newspeak make it impossible to translate most older English (oldspeak)
Thus, holding on to
oldspeak is key to holding authoritarian followers and pajama
people's feet to the fire.
"Duckspeak" is
a newspeak term that means "to quack like a duck" (literal
meaning) or "to speak without thinking." Duckspeak can be good
or "ungood" (bad) depending on who is speaking and whether what
they are saying aligns with Big Brother's ideals.
"Thoughtcrime" is an Orwellian neologism used to describe an
illegal thought. A thoughtcrime is the criminal act of holding
unspoken beliefs, judgments or doubts that oppose or question
Quote from the book (1984):
"In the end we shall
make thoughtcrime literally impossible, because there
will be no words in which to express it."
"Facecrime" is
a concept in which one's facial expressions, known to be a
reflection of one's thoughts, can be a violation of the law, if
those expressions are interpreted as subversive or disapproving
of the ruling kakistocracy.
"2+2=5" is an obviously false dogma that one may be
required to believe.
"Groupthink" is a psychological phenomenon that occurs
within a group of people in which the desire for harmony or
conformity in the group results in an irrational or
dysfunctional decision-making outcome.
Thinkpol" uses
criminal psychology and omnipresent surveillance (telescreens,
microphones, informers) to search for, find, monitor and arrest
all citizens of Oceania who could commit a thoughtcrime that
would challenge to the
status quo authority of the
Crime Syndicate and the regime of the kakistocracy (aka
Big Brother).
"Resistance" is
one of the critical questions of "1984." Is there any real
organized resistance at all? Or is it all a facade? The
underground resistance movement, known as the Brotherhood and
led by one Emmanuel Goldstein, is mostly cointelpro. Goldstein
is merely symbolic fake opposition.
Theory and Practice of Oligarchical Collectivism":
Hegelian dialectic - a subversive book that explains ideologies
that are practically identical, and the public's ignorance of
this fact is imperative so that they might continue believing
is the fictional political Party of the totalitarian
government of Oceania.

Glibly O'Brien
explains to Smith:
We know
that no one ever seizes power with the
intention of relinquishing it.
Power is
not a means, it is an end.
One does
not establish a dictatorship in order to safeguard a
revolution; one makes the revolution in order to establish
the dictatorship.
The object
of persecution is persecution.
The object
of torture is torture.
The object
of power is power.
represents the
solipsist and
nihilistic view that the universe
and all knowledge, meaning and values exist only in the collective
mind of the Party (aka Crime Syndicate).
Reality is what
the Party says it is.
Solipsism is
effectively the mentality and rule by the likes of Israel
Keyes, the Columbine killers, Sons of Sam and
Ted Bundy...
This serial-killer
mentality holds that knowledge of anything outside one's own mind is
unsure. The external world cannot be known and might not exist
outside the mind.
As a metaphysical
position, solipsism's conclusion is that the world and other minds
do not really exist.
In this extreme
position, the solipsist believes himself to be the only true
The Future
Inner Party
member O'Brien describes the Party's vision of the
There will be
no curiosity, no enjoyment of the process of life.
All competing
pleasures will be destroyed.
But always - do
not forget this, Winston - always there will be the intoxication
of power, constantly increasing and constantly growing subtler.
Always, at
every moment, there will be the thrill of victory, the sensation
of trampling on an enemy who is helpless.
If you want a
picture of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face -
Eurasia practices the ideology of
neo-Bolshevism enslavement.
Eastasia is a
blood ritual death cult with morally abhorrent practices that
set no value on human life. In today's world, this group pushes
concepts like global warming caused by humans and Gaia worship.

False-flag operations:
Winston's girlfriend, Julia, is convinced that the perpetual
bombing of London is merely a false-flag operation designed to
convince the populace that a war is occurring.
Superstate Wars:
Fought over the capture and use of slave labor, human
trafficking and selling the population drugs.
Perpetual war
consumes human labor and commodities so that the economy of a
superstate cannot support economic equality, with a high
standard of life for every citizen.
By using up
most of the produced goods, the proles are kept poor and
are the masses outside of the control network.
They have
liberal sex lives, rampant degeneracy and constant entertainment
undisturbed by the Crime Syndicate, who also profit off of it.
Divorce and
prostitution are permitted. The proles live in poverty and are
kept sedated with alcohol, drugs, pornography and a national
Consumer goods
are of low quality and rarely last long.
Proles are
viewed as marginal economic units and are generally completely
disregarded and ignored by the kakistocracy.
An "unperson"
is someone who has been vaporized. Vaporization is when a person
is secretly murdered and erased from society, the present, the
universe and existence.
Party Youth League
is the new generation of citizens.
They have no
memory of life before Big Brother and have no family ties or
emotional sentiment. It's the model society envisioned by the
Crime Syndicate.
is the principle
that a Party member is expected to have no free time.
Big Brother
wishes for Party members to always be at work or taking part in
some kind of communal recreation when they are not eating or
sleeping. Solitude is frowned upon.
holes" are the
alteration or disappearance of inconvenient or embarrassing
books, documents, photographs, video, transcripts or other
records, such as from a website or other archive, particularly
as part of an attempt to give the impression that something
never happened.
Quote from "1984":
"Every record has been
destroyed or falsified…"
Ministry of Truth
(Minitrue) oversees propaganda and memory holing.
The main
character, Winston Smith, works in the Records Department of the
Ministry of Truth as an editor, negating historical records to
make the past conform to the ever-changing Party line and
deleting references to unpersons (people who have been
"vaporized," i.e. not only killed by the state but denied
existence even in history or memory).
Internalizing 1984:
Completely buying into the lies.
The method of
1984 is imbalancing the neocortex of the brain. This is the
brain's higher level executive control center.
diminished, people are being made into two types of polarized
For example,
Winston's neighbor Parsons praises his 7-year-old daughter for
turning him in to the Party for being a thought-criminal.