The latest wave of tech-based financial startups have a new angle on
the banking sector:
They'll assume that everyone is out of money,
then try to monetize their brokeness...
neo-banks, or
challenger banks, have been all the rage
in Europe and Australia for the past few years.
Now they're
starting to get attention here in the US, with
names like,
Chime, Varo, SoFi, Current, GoBank, and
even - heaven help us -
Yes, the exclamation point is part of the name. Like
Cutting edge, I know...
neo-banks have been trying to make money in the usual ways:
By taking a cut of credit or debit card transactions,
collecting interest on consumer deposits, and making loans.
The usual banking stuff.
come-on is that they're super-convenient, all-digital,
mobile alternatives to the big banks. Better yet, they're
focused on their customers' "financial health," as one
neo-bank CEO told me, and easing the "pain" that people feel
around their money.
What makes
that pain go away?
At Chime and
Varo, you can get what
sounds a little like a neo-payday loan - your paycheck cashed,
up to two days before your actual payday. Checking accounts
at these startups are often free, and the companies will let
you go $50 or $100 into the red before they start charging
any overdraft fees.
Some have automated savings accounts
that invisibly funnel a few dollars from your paycheck into
neo-banks aren't necessarily even banks at all...
Some are
apps that facilitate transactions, which are then carried
out by partners that are banks.
Others have applied
for bank charters while touting their homegrown technology
stacks and hyperpersonalized product offerings (based, of
course, on your personal data).
But all of them say,
explicitly or by intimation, that they're mission-driven.
Their mission is the hot mess that is your finances.
The hot
mess is very real.
Seventy-eight percent of Americans live
paycheck to paycheck.
Student loan obligations in this
country total $1.5 trillion, and researchers believe they're
cutting into millennials' ability to
buy homes, have kids, and save for retirement.
More than
40 percent of households have some credit card debt:
average liability is more than $5,000, and the poorer you
are, the more
you're likely to have.
So what
better fix than to slap a slick veneer of tech over basic
banking services, push the
ouroboros paycheck cycle up by a couple of days, offer
some basic budgeting tools, and call it a revolution in
consumer banking?
banking isn't a bad idea, nor is it a tough sell.
definitely an ambient frustration with the megabanks that,
I mean, there really
should be a
mission to take customers away from these companies. At
minimum, it's smart to capitalize on all of this well-earned
consumer rage.
Still, it's
deeply depressing to attend a large gathering of executives,
founders, and industry veterans, as I did at October's
Money 20/20 conference, and hear the same, somber
message repeated over and over again:
The future of money
will be predicated on the fact that the personal finances of
the next generation are as fragile as a Fabergé egg...
according to attendees and speakers, is both a problem and
an opportunity.
No one bothered mentioning that the sick
state of the nation's finances isn't technology's problem to
In fact,
the idea that the solution to our financial woes can be
found in a more convenient, higher-tech, friendlier-named
digital bank feels a little like the last story we heard
from the tech industry:
That the very idea of work could be
disrupted by a bunch of apps, too.
The same
business logic - that you're trapped in a sad, hellish
existence dictated by megacorporations, and tech can free
you like Neo from the Matrix - underlies the entire gig
It's the basis for another tech veneer, this one
layered over people's inability to find meaningful work for
reasonable pay.
Real-time earnings for drivers and
delivery people, so they can collect immediately, instead of
In fact, we
can use the evolution of the gig economy as a case study for
how the latest wave of banking disruption might play out.
There was a
lot that was appealing about the gig economy at first.
Those Uber "side hustle" commercials were
super cool back in 2016, when driving for
Uber or Lyft
or Postmates, or shopping for TaskRabbit or letting out a
room on Airbnb to cover your hiked-up rent, actually seemed
like an opportunity rather than
a necessity.
Remember when this was about making
money, instead of just barely enough?
It was only
scale, and the hard realities of American economics, that
made these things look a little less consumer-friendly a few
years later. As Uber and Lyft grew, driver pay went down.
Word got out that unicorn-like businesses could be built by
replacing paid employees with a massive network of
independent contractors.
The model spread.
Enter Lugg,
Instacart, DoorDash, GrubHub, Prime Now, and Homejoy...
phalanx of apps comprises an army of independent contractors
who hope for enough tips to make their labor worthwhile.
their finances have cracked under the strain of small
checks, no benefits, and a near-total lack of retirement
savings, I guess it was only a matter of time before a fresh
set of apps - the neo-banks - were deployed amid the chaos.
I'd like to
think the mission-driven companies flooding into the US
market (and the world in general too...) for financial services will be better for consumers.
In the short term, that seems plausible.
Cool features,
fewer fees, and a helpful person on the phone or online chat
could make us happy.
Let's not forget, many people really
hate big banks and would rather take their business
But there
are two problems with this potential disruption.
One, it
might not end up being so consumer-friendly in the
long run. Uber and Lyft ended up paying drivers less as
their revenue pressure grew, and they're
raising prices for consumers.
riders will tell you the quality of the driving, the
cars, and the experience has declined over time, which is
both inevitable with growth and not surprising given the
shrinking pay and incentives.
That will almost
certainly also be the case with these neo-banks. Banks won't lie
down and let the disruption happen - they'll almost certainly buy some
of these upstarts and reabsorb reluctant customers.
Big Tech
incumbents are already honing in on the space.
Whether it's due to
competition from banks, each other, or bigger tech companies,
neo-bank startups will inevitably go out of business, leaving
consumers stranded. That's pretty disruptive when you're talking
about your checking account.
And at some point, the neo-banks will
have to make more money, which means their offerings will get less
generous over time.
A second problem is
more serious.
Ultimately, no amount of friendly design, accessible
features, and overdraft protections will solve the underlying
problems that made these services necessary in the first place.
neo-bank can erase the student loan debt or the 40-year stagnation
in wages or the unexpected medical expenses or the crippling reality
of America's existential brokeness.
The neo-banks have promised that
they'll ease your pain, but that's just morphine for the real
When it comes to the actual sickness, you're still on
your own.