A video (far below) came out about five months ago that detailed the nation of Asgardia, a newly formed technocracy that is based in space.
Their sovereign "lands" are a space station currently in low Earth orbit and their citizens are spread around the world. When the video popped up, I watched it with some interest but assumed the nation would fail quickly.
They have lofty goals and it would take either a lot of time or a whole lot of money for them start gaining real traction. I was surprised to learn that had nearly 300,000 citizens at the time.
Apparently, the money is flowing more freely than I expected.
It's time to take notice.
They are hyper-sensitive to self-identity influencing any aspect of life as an Asgardian. While the people are free to have views on anything from politics to religion, those views may not be spread throughout the citizenry.
Unity is based on
adherence to
the constitution (of Asgardia) as the supreme rule over everything Asgardians believe. Whatever other views their citizens may have,
those views are secondary to the collective.
"The views of people and Asgardian citizens about human dignity shall be formed and fostered through education, parenting, propaganda, and the media, in accordance with Asgardia's Supreme Values."
Yes, they literally say
that in their constitution...
By letting the truth
speak for itself, our concerns are justifiable.