Phillip J. Watt
14 December 2018
PushingTheTippingPoint Website
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Phillip J. Watt is a
hypnotherapist, author and presenter who lives on the
Mid North Coast of NSW Australia. His first book, 'The
Simulation', is a daring exposé of the human experience
in the 21st Century. His written and film work has
reached into the millions of people and deals with
topics from ideology to society, as well as
self-development. |

Long story short:
French citizens have revolted for the fourth
week in a row calling for changes in
governmental and corporate design.
Even though
United Nations
Military and thousands of French police have been
deployed in response, the police have actually been
filmed removing their helmets in solidarity with the
French people.
In this light, all police, military personnel,
teachers, doctors, social workers, academics,
journalists, bureaucrats, politicians and other
people who work within the system (as well as
everyone else) should attempt to truly understand
what this increasingly global movement is actually
about and stand with the people who are attempting
to facilitate genuine change in our troubled world.
Moving on,
the mainstream media have generally
limited their reporting on the demands of the 'Gilets Jaunes'
(Yellow Vests) to a rejection of a fuel tax, raising the minimum
wage and the removal of the Prime Minister,
Emmanuel Macron.
And of course there's
been a disproportionate focus on looting and other 'uncivil'
However, the independent media is telling a more comprehensive story
than the mainstream platforms, which comes as no surprise. After
all, 'fake news' isn't just false reporting, it's also the dishonest
dissemination of information such as lying by omission.
To make it clear, the protests are now also about
pro-nationalism and anti-globalism,
as well as 'Frexit'
(the French Exit from the European Union).
They also reject the
propaganda of the mainstream media, debt owed to the EU, austerity
in general and the
ill-conceived carbon tax.

However, it didn't start off that way.
The Yellow Vest
Movement (YVM)
did arise from a rejection of the fuel tax, but after Macron more or
less offended the entire nation by
calling them 'thugs' it was the
straw that broke the camel's back for the French.
This saw the wave grow
into tens if not hundreds of thousands of dissenters, which is now
being referred to as the 'French revolution 2.0'.
We should not just admire, but learn from the French's rich history
of activism and their current application of it.
To be fair though, there's the good, the bad and the ugly with the
YVM. They want real change for the good, which is the good. The bad
is that they haven't yet identified the key priorities required for
real systemic change.
The ugly is the looting -
which violates the Non-Aggression Principle (NAP)
- and other counter-productive behavior.
Moreover, during the past month the YVM has spread to many other
European countries, including Belgium, the Netherlands, Germany,
Sweden, Italy, Poland and Serbia.
It's also beginning to
spread to,
the US
New Zealand,
...and even the Middle
As it continues to grow
across the world, as is argued below it needs to be done with a
clear, universal focus to actualize real, systemic change.

The Demands of the
Larger lists have emerged which may not necessarily represent all of
the French revolutionists, but there's some really well-thought-out
demands here which help them not just as a whole, but different
demographics too (including the homeless and the police).
It's actually very civil. And that's definitely a requirement in
their rebellion...
If you don't have an
agreed message that is reasonable in the context of your cultural
standards then no amount of street activism will have the desired
The Spread of
the YVM
Many people around the world feel in similar ways too, hence the
expansion of the YVM.
Moreover, it's not just
the 'conspiratorial subculture' who believes there's really big
flaws with the design of our governments (including how they've
allowed private stakeholders to monopolize banks and industry at the
public's expense); it spreads right throughout the masses too.
For example, the older generations have been aware of the corruption
and lies for decades.
The younger generations
are 'woking'
themselves, even if it's generally coupled with a narrow or
misguided focus. And then of course there's a large, penetrating
group of deeply inspired and passionate people of all ages who have
peered beyond the veil of officialdom and therefore see the world
through a larger lens.
Yet, there isn't a coherent agreement among the people.
Sure, huge proportions of
the population reject the way things work in different ways, but the
problems and therefore solutions are different according to each
person you talk with.
We CAN capture the general vibe though; populist dissent is against
the political and corporate elite.

The Key Issues
As stated in a
previous article, the
so-called elite have inflicted
untold suffering on us, such as by:
turning the money
supply into a debt-based model which has enslaved the
world's people to a system which funnels much of the
resources directly to them
the banking infrastructure
so that most of the profits made by what should be a public
utility are not reinvested into local communities, but
instead are further enriching themselves
monopolizing medicine so
that natural and cheap substances are either vilified or
suppressed, which are then replaced with toxin-rich
derivatives from plants and bacteria, as well as synthetics
in general, that can be patented and sold at prices which
further deprive the people of not just their wealth, but
their health too
governmental affairs so that macro policy decisions are
determined by either the puppets they situate, or the
corporate lobbyists who write the policy and package it with
'legal' donations
using their
corporate-controlled media
to shape the mindset of the masses with false and harmful
narratives on life
In other words we have
a corporatocracy, not a democracy.
Let that sink in properly for a moment...
Therefore, as I've written several times before, if we want real
change within our social system we need to focus on the 4M's, which
(banking and finance)
(prescriptive and preventative practice, including food)
(education and government policy)
(informed choice and authentic public discourse)
I'll elaborate on this a
little later.
The Key Values
Let's see if we can actually agree on something by starting with the
core values we should align with. I'll make this short and sharp.
The six key values are:
Love over hate
Truth over lies
Freedom over
Happiness over
Justice over
Peace over war
The Key
Again, this needs to be simple and straightforward:
Informed choice
(meaning the requirement of an honest media and government)
(meaning all humans should have supreme authority over
The Golden Rule
(meaning do no harm unless in self-defence)
(meaning all services from government and otherwise should
be locally organized)

The Key
Demands for Systemic Change
In line with the above values and principles, the 4M's require the
Money: profits
that arise from punching numbers into a computer (such as
money creation from mortgages and credit cards) needs to
enrich and service the public, not private stakeholders
Medicine: no
natural or synthetic medicines are to be suppressed,
outlawed or difficult to access and mainstream food and
water supplies should primarily be toxin-free and
electoral reform is required to remove private money from
politics, to bar lobby groups and vested interests from
political decision-making and to dismantle the two party
system so independent community representatives are embedded
into the political structure. In addition, any laws which
contradict the sovereignty principle need to be eliminated
Media: all media
monopolies are dismantled so that a plurality of opinions
and authentic investigative journalism is accessible to all
If real change is to
occur, we ALL need to demand these changes no matter where we live.
For those who don't
understand the money and banking issue, please
read this example of what a
publicly owned and operated central bank used to look like in
Australia at the start of the Twentieth Century.
And remember:
there really are some
fundamental problems AND solutions that the entire world - as a
real community - could put up for civil, but assertive Analysis,
Agreement and Action (the 3A's for creating societal change).
That will be our key
challenge as we move into a future where regardless of our perceived
and real differences, we still honor our role as a human family.

Further Areas
for Consideration
There's many other areas of concern that have arisen within the
truth and freedom network. The following won't be an exhaustive
list, but it will generally cover the bases in the next tier for
Resolve severe
socioeconomic emergencies, such as homelessness and
entrenched poverty.
The immediate
cessation of privatizing public utilities and
re-nationalization of public infrastructure and strategic
assets, like hospitals, motorways, airports, rail, farms,
ports, water and power.
Abolition of all
taxes and replace with a transaction tax (also known as the
'Tobin Tax') so that all individuals and corporations
contribute fairly.
In this system,
all electronic transactions (including cash withdrawals) are
hit with a flat fee, ensuring that all tax loopholes are
With the amount
of money that moves around each year (especially through
speculative currency exchange transactions) the calculations
indicate that with a flat fee of just a few per cent, tax
revenue would double or even triple current levels.
Yes, it really is
that much (due to the speculative spending on Wall Street
and by the private banking cartels).
Break up the
'too-big-to-fail' banks and re-separate regular banking from
investment banking (with a view to creating and encouraging
the public use of public banks).
independent investigations into government and corporate
corruption, human trafficking, pedophilia networks and other
tragedies of our world.
As alluded to,
the legal system needs to be revolutionized so that it is
fully aligned to individual and community sovereignty, as
well as decentralization principles.
Dismantling of
all monopolistic parasites, such as the,
big tech
...and others.
Full scale
independent but government supported research and analysis
into psychotropic and other natural medicines, alternative
energy systems and other suppressed technologies and
adoption of localized and regionalized
permaculture systems to
resolve environmental concerns, create healthy food systems
and increase community sovereignty.
carcinogenic pesticides and endocrine disruptors.
Education for
children and adults should include a plurality of opinions,
paradigm questioning, large focus on life and health skills
and encouragement of cooperation and creativity.

Final Thoughts
Once again
the monopolized media has proven
themselves to be a mouthpiece of propaganda by the
There's been little
investigative reporting, even if some journalists are trying to get
a more fair message through. The sad part however is that many of
these so-called journalists actually believe the dirty
deception that they spray out of their germ-filled mouths.
But back to the story. I want to make this super clear:
the above is simply a
series of suggestions to invoke further exploration and
discussion. I really hope that it does exactly that, regardless
of my own biases and shortcomings.
Now the recap...
The first step we need to
take is to acknowledge that a huge proportion of the population want
real, systemic change.
That is a collective
discussion we NEED to have, but is NOT an ongoing dialogue in the
mainstream media (more or less anywhere in the Western World).
That has to be a serious concern to any reasonable person.
The next step is identifying the core issues and their potential
solutions (which is the central purpose of this article). Then a
full spectrum application of the 3A's should continually occur and
be reported on and facilitated by all information sources, including
the mainstream platforms.
So, is the YVM doing this? Unfortunately, not yet...
But I'm hoping this
article will encourage more individuals and groups to do so. The
ironic aspect is that so many of us are screaming for real change,
but when we do it without focusing on the core design flaws, then
our voices might be heard, but only softly.
However, if we all focused on the bigger picture - the macro policy
design - then it wouldn't just become a household song, it would
result with a collective upgrade via a linguistic revolution and
result with a more just and honorable social system for our future
And one more thing:
always remember the
greatest rebellion against a sick system is to take great care
of your physical, psychological, emotional, philosophical and
spiritual health and then radiate it to the rest of reality...