by Pepe Escobar
06, 2022
TheCradle Website

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The Cradle
geoeconomic pathway
away from the
neoliberal order
is fraught with
but the rewards
in establishing
an alternative
are as promising
they are
It is impossible to track the geoeconomic turbulence inherent to the
"birth pangs" of the multipolar world without the insights of
Professor Michael Hudson at the University of Missouri, and
author of the already seminal The Destiny of Civilization.
In his latest essay, Professor Hudson digs deeper into Germany's
suicidal economic/financial policies, their effect on the already
falling Euro, and hints at some possibilities for,
fast integrating
Eurasia and the Global South as a whole to try to break the
Hegemon's stranglehold.
That led to a series of
email exchanges, especially about the future role of the yuan, where
Hudson remarked:
"The Chinese whom
I've talked to for years and years did not expect the dollar to
They're not crying
about its rise, but they are concerned about flight capital from
China as I think after the Party Congress [starting on October
16] there will be a crackdown on the Shanghai free-market
Pressure for the
coming changes has been long building up.
The spirit of reform
to rein in 'free markets' was spreading among students over a
decade ago, and they have been rising in the Party hierarchy."
On the key issue of
Russia accepting payment for energy in rubles, Hudson touched upon a
point rarely examined outside of Russia:
"They don't really
want to be paid just in rubles.
That's the one thing
Russia doesn't need, because it can just print them. It only
needs rubles to balance its international payments to stabilize
the exchange rate - not to push it up."
Which brings us to
settlements in yuan:
"Taking payment in
yuan is like taking payment in gold - an international asset
that every country desires as a non-fiat currency that has a
value if one sells it (unlike the dollar now, which may simply
be confiscated, or ultimately left abandoned).
What Russia really
needs are critical industrial inputs like computer chips. It
could ask China to import these with the yuan Russia provides."
Keynes is back
Following our email exchanges, Professor Hudson gracefully agreed to
answer in detail a few questions about the extremely complex
geoeconomic processes in play across Eurasia.
Here we go.
The BRICS are studying the
adoption of a common currency - including all of them and, we
expect, the expanded BRICS+ as well.
How could that be
practically implemented? Hard to see the Brazilian Central
Bank harmonizing with the Russians and the People's Bank of
Would that
involve only investment - via the BRICS development bank?
Would that be
based on commodities + gold?
How does the yuan
fit in?
Is the BRICS
approach based on the current Eurasia Economic Union (EAEU)
discussions with the Chinese, led by Sergey Glazyev?
Did the Samarkand
summit advance, practically, the interconnection of BRICS
and the SCO?
"Any idea of a common
currency has to start with a currency-swap arrangement among
existing member countries.
Most trade will be in
their own currencies. But to settle the inevitable imbalances
(balance-of-payments surpluses and deficits), an artificial
currency will be created by a new Central Bank.
This may look superficially like the Special Drawing Rights
(SDRs) created by the International Monetary Fund (IMF), largely
to fund the US deficit on military account and the rising debt
service owed by Global South debtors to US lenders.
But the arrangement
will be much more like the 'bancor'
proposed by John Maynard Keynes in 1944.
Deficit countries
could draw a specified quota of bancors, whose valuation would
be set by a common selection of prices and exchange rates.
The bancors (and
their own currency) would be used to pay countries in surplus.
But unlike the IMF's SDR system, the aim of this new alternative
Central Bank will not be simply to subsidize economic
polarization and indebtedness.
Keynes proposed a
principle that if a country (he was thinking of the United
States at the time) ran chronic surpluses, that would be a sign
of its protectionism or refusal to support a mutually resilient
economy, and its claims would begin to be extinguished, along
with the bancor debts of countries whose economies prevented
their ability to balance their international payments and
support their currency.
Today's proposed
arrangements would indeed support lending among the member
banks, but not for the purpose of supporting capital flight (the
main use of IMF loans, when "left-wing" governments seem likely
to be elected), and the IMF and its associated alternative to
the World Bank would not impose austerity plans and anti-labor
policies on debtors.
The economic doctrine
would promote self-sufficiency in food and basic essentials, and
would promote tangible agricultural and industrial capital
formation, not financialization.
It is likely that gold also would be an element of international
monetary reserves by these countries, simply because gold is a
commodity that hundreds of years of world practice already have
agreed on as acceptable and politically neutral.
But gold would be a
means of settling payments balances, not defining domestic
These balances would
of course extend to trade and investment with western countries
that are not part of this bank. Gold would be an acceptable
means of settling western debt balances to the new
Eurasian-centered bank.
That would prove a
vehicle for payments that western countries could not simply
repudiate - as long as the gold was kept in the hands of the new
bank members, no longer in New York or London as has been the
dangerous practice since 1945.
In a meeting to create such a bank, China would be in a similar
dominant position to that which the United States enjoyed in
1944 at Bretton Woods.
But its operating
philosophy would be quite different.
The aim would be to
develop the economies of bank members, with long-term planning
or trade patterns that seem most appropriate for their economies
to avoid the kind of dependency relationships and privatization
takeovers that have characterized IMF and World Bank policy.
These development objectives would involve land reform,
industrial and financial restructuring, and tax reform, as well
as domestic banking and credit reforms.
Discussions at
the SCO meetings seem to have
prepared the ground for establishing a general harmony of
interests in creating reforms along these lines."
Eurasia or
In the medium term,
is it feasible to
expect German industrialists, contemplating the coming
wasteland, and their own demise, to revolt en masse against
the NATO-imposed trade/financial sanctions against Russia,
and force Berlin to open Nord Stream 2?
Gazprom guarantees
the pipeline is recoverable.
Don't need to join
the SCO to make that happen…
"It is unlikely that
German industrialists will act to prevent their country's
de-industrialization, given the US/NATO stranglehold on Eurozone
politics and the past 75 years of political meddling by US
German company heads
are more likely to try and survive with as much personal and
corporate wealth intact as they can in the wake of
Germany being turned into a
Baltic-state-type economic wreckage.
There already has been talk of shifting production - and
management - to
the United States, which will
block Germany from obtaining energy, metals and other essential
materials from any supplier not controlled by US interests and
their allies.
The great question is,
whether German
companies would emigrate to the new Eurasian economies whose
industrial growth and prosperity seem likely to far
overshadow that of the United States.
Of course the Nord
Stream pipelines are recoverable.
That is precisely why
US political pressure from Secretary of State Blinken has
been so insistent that Germany, Italy and other European
countries double down on isolating their economies from trade
and investment with Russia, Iran, China and other countries
whose growth the US is trying to disrupt."
How to escape
"There Is No Alternative"
Are we reaching the
point when the key players of
the Global South - over 100
nations - finally get their act together and decide to go
for broke and stop the US from keeping the artificial neoliberal
global economy in a state of perpetual coma?
This means the only
possible option, as you have outlined, is to set up a
parallel global currency bypassing the US dollar - while
the usual suspects float the notion of a Bretton Woods III at
Is the FIRE
(finance, insurance, real estate) financial casino
omnipotent enough to smash any possible competition?
Do you envisage
any other practical mechanisms apart from what is being
discussed by BRICS/ EAEU/ SCO?
"A year or two ago it
seemed that the task of designing a full-fledged alternative
world currency, monetary, credit and trading system was so
complex that the details hardly could be thought through.
But US sanctions have
proved to be the needed catalyst to make such discussions
pragmatically urgent.
The confiscation of Venezuela's gold reserves in London and its
US investments, the confiscation of $300 billion of Russia's
foreign-exchange reserves held in the United States and Europe,
and its threat to do the same to China and other countries
resisting US foreign policy has made de-dollarization urgent.
I have explained the
logic in many points, from my Valdai Club article (with Radhika
Desai) to my recent book on The Destiny of Civilization, the
lecture series that I prepared for Hong Kong and the Global
University for Sustainability.
Holding securities denominated in dollars, and even holding gold
or investments in the United States and Europe, is no longer a
safe option.
It is clear that the
world is breaking into two quite different types of economies,
and that US diplomats and their European satellites are willing
to tear up the existing economic order in hopes that creating a
disruptive crisis will enable themselves to come out on top.
It also is clear that subjugation to the IMF and its austerity
plans are economic suicide, and that following World Bank and
its neoliberal doctrine of international dependency is
The result has been
to create an unpayable overhead of debts denominated in US
These debts cannot be
paid without borrowing credit from the IMF and accepting terms
of economic surrender to US privatizers and speculators.
The only alternative to imposing economic austerity on
themselves is to withdraw from the dollar trap in which
US-sponsored "free market" economics (markets free from
government protection, and free from government ability to
recover the environmental damage from US oil companies, mining
companies and the associated industrial and food dependency) is
to make a clean break.
The break will be difficult, and US diplomacy will do everything
it can to disrupt the creation of a more resilient economic
But US policy has
created a global state of dependency in which literally there is
no alternative but to break away."
What is your analysis
on Gazprom confirming Line B of the Nord Stream 2 was not
touched by Pipeline Terror?
This means Nord
Stream 2 is practically ready to go - with a capacity to pump
27.5 billion cubic meters of gas a year, which happens to be
half of the total capacity of - damaged - Nord Stream.
So Germany is not
This opens a whole
new chapter; a solution will depend on a serious political
decision by the German government.
"Here's the kicker:
Russia certainly
won't bear the cost again, only to have the pipeline blown
It will be up to
I bet the current
regime says "No."
That should make for
an interesting rise of the alternative parties.
The ultimate problem is that the only way Germany can restore
trade with Russia is to withdraw
from NATO, realizing that it is
the major victim of NATO's war.
This could only
succeed by spreading to Italy, and also to Greece (for not
protecting it against Turkey, ever since Cyprus). That looks
like a long fight.
Maybe it's easier just for German industry to pack up and move
to Russia to help modernize its industrial production,
especially BASF for chemistry, Siemens for engineering, etc..
If German companies
relocate to the US to get gas, this will be perceived as a US
raid on German industry, capturing its lead for the US.
Even so, this won't
succeed, given America's post-industrialized economy.
So German industry can only move eastward if it creates its own
political party as a nationalistic anti-NATO party. The EU
constitution would require Germany to withdraw from the EU,
which puts NATO interests first at the federal level.
The next scenario is
to discuss Germany's entry into the SCO.
Let's take bets as to
how long that will take."