by Daniel Taylor
April 24,
OldThinkerNews Website

More about this "fire"...
Rockefeller-backed Federal
Council of Churches pushed,
...in 1942.
The council was told by
Dr. William Paton, co-secretary of the World Council of
Churches, that,
"Collectivism is
coming, whether we like it or not"...
For those paying
attention, there is a discernible pattern of social
engineering that is directed at the major world religions,
particularly Christianity.
This is undoubtedly a very complex issue, as there are numerous
belief systems and nuanced views of millions of people. What we know
is that globalist financed wars and revolutions have fueled
illegal immigration and stoked flames of conflict all over the
It can be reasonably demonstrated that key globalist organizations
are following a program for re-shaping the world's religions
utilizing a tried and true technique. It is a process called the
Hegelian dialectic.
Here is a simplified outline of the dialectic as applied by
globalist forces:
Thesis (problem):
Religions are bigoted, feed intolerance and fuel violence.
"Extreme" examples from each group are held up for the world
to see.
(reaction): "I don't want to be politically incorrect".
Disassociation with demonized groups ensues.
(solution): A "middle ground" is found and a politically
correct faith is formed under the banner of global
The establishment has
encouraged and planted the seeds of "extremism" where it suits
geopolitical agendas.
The consequences of this
manipulation are then pointed at in the ensuing dialectical battle
as evidence of a just cause against against these ideas.
A little bit
of history
Before we go further, it is important to point out that the
establishment has a vested interest in shaping religion.
This has been true for
ages. Noted historian Alexis de Tocqueville warned us in 1835
when he wrote
Democracy in America that the
churches were already being usurped by power elites for their own
He wrote,
"…sovereigns… are
using the priests influence and turning it to their own
exclusive profit.
They are turning clergymen into functionaries
and, often, servants, and they are using the clergy to reach the
deepest recesses of the individual soul."
This influence has
continued to our modern times, but with what is perhaps a more
sophisticated flair.
Rockefeller family, with their vast
fortune garnered from the oil baron John D. Rockefeller Sr.,
played a major role in re-shaping the churches in modern America.
It comes as little surprise, given their long term goal of world
government, that the Rockefeller family would approve of and support
a societal outlook favorable
to globalism.
use of religion is one method that,
in Rockefeller's eyes, looked to be a promising means of
accomplishing this goal.
Early programs such as
the Interchurch World Movement focused on the maintenance of
harmonious relations between people in America's growing industrial
Later endeavors such as the World Council of Churches would
trend towards being global in nature with goals moving beyond that
of simply maintaining class stability in America to elimination of
national sovereignty and world governance.
As documents show, multiple attempts have been made to urge the
Christian churches to get behind programs for world governance. If
the attempts were not initiated by the Rockefellers, significant
financial support was provided to organizations sharing their vision
for the world.
In the aftermath of the bloody conflict of World War I, the League
of Nations was presented as a solution to the horrendous problems
that the world had witnessed.
During the same time
period that the League of Nations was formed, John D. Rockefeller
Jr. launched the Interchurch World Movement in 1919.
wrote in a letter regarding the
Interchurch World Movement,
"I know of no better
insurance for a businessman for the safety of his investments,
the prosperity of the country and the future stability of our
government than this movement affords…"
Harry Emerson Fosdick
was the brother of John D. Rockefeller's trusted lawyer Raymond B.
Fosdick. He was deeply involved with the Interchurch World
Harry was very close to
the Rockefeller family and its inner workings, as he served on the
board of the Rockefeller Foundation during World War II. The
Riverside church in New York, where Fosdick served as pastor from
1926-1946, was built with money given by John D. Rockefeller Jr.
Interestingly, Fosdick held a belief that in the future a federation
of the world would be created by a single man.
Fosdick writes,
"Some day, I predict,
a man will rise by whose hands a federation of the world will be
so effected, and wars so stopped thereby, that his name will go
down across the centuries associated with that great
achievement, as Copernicus' name is with the new astronomy, or
Lincoln's with the preservation of our union.
That man will come.
Some day he will arise."
Just as the
Interchurch World Movement was presented to the churches as a
solution to problems facing the globe after the first world war, the
Federal Council of Churches presented its own solution in the early
1940′s for a program "for a just and durable peace" upon the end of
World War II.
Not surprisingly, the
Federal Council of Churches - which was merged with the National
Council of Churches in 1950 - received significant funding from John
D. Rockefeller Jr.
reported by
Time in 1942, the Federal Council of Churches
spearheaded a program for world government.
The council was told by
Dr. William Paton, co-secretary of the World Council of
Churches that,
is coming, whether we like it or not".
The council affirmed,
"…we must seek to…
create a public opinion which will insure that the United States
shall play its full and essential part in the creation of a
moral way of international living."
As reported, the project
aimed at creating, among other things,
God Wars
One of the driving factors in the modern "God wars" is the global
war on terror launched
after 9/11.
The September 11th
2001 'terror' attacks on America impacted all aspects of society,
including the churches.
As Bryan Appleyard
writes in the New Statesman,
"For me, the events
of 9/11 were certainly a catalyst, the new ingredient that
turned the already bubbling mix of anti-religious feeling into
an explosive concoction."
At the onset of the war
on terror, we were told that most high profile terror attacks were
carried out by Muslim extremists. What we have not been told,
however, is that these individuals and groups have had outside
help from globalist factions.
In fact, the very ideological roots of some terror groups may be
traced back to literature that the United States provided Afghan
schoolchildren during the Cold War.
As the Washington Post
reported in 2002,
"In the twilight of
the Cold War, the United States spent millions of dollars to
supply Afghan schoolchildren with textbooks filled with violent
images and militant Islamic teachings…"
Watch this clip as
Zbigniew Brzezinski, serving as
National Security Advisor, speaks to a group of Mujihadeen
fighters in 1979:
"A different kind of religion"
In a
2012 article from
the Christian post, research from political scientists at
Harvard University is further proving that a fundamental change is
happening to the faith of America.
Due to the association of the Republican party and its "bigotry"
along with it's "Christianity," young people are turning away from
the Christian faith.
In turn, this group is
likened to an "untapped market" that could be swayed to a "different
kind of religion."
"The reason this is
important for clergy is these are not people who are lost
completely to religion.
It's almost like
they're an untapped constituency, or untapped market, that could
be brought back to a different kind of religion, or a religion
that they thought was stripped of politics, Campbell argued"
As the
Church of Satan openly aligns
itself with the extreme political left in America, more and more
Americans are identifying as having
no religion in polls.
Nearly half of pastors in America are afraid to speak out on
moral or social issues out of fear of offending the wrong
Temple of Satan co-founder Lucien Greaves
"At this point there
seems to be an inherent, intuitive grasp of what Satan can mean
in a heroic context…"
Greaves states that
Christian nationalists are undermining,
"liberal democracy"
by "taking away people's reproductive rights".
The Christian church
splitting over support of
LGBT politics. The clash is here...
The state of the globe
and the ideologies that will drive it into the future depend on your
choices and actions right now.