by Steven M. Greer
22, 2013
SiriusDisclosure Website
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After six months of research by leading scientists at Stanford
University, the
Atacama Humanoid remains a profound
The humanoid was first discovered in 2003 in the remote
Atacama desert region of Chile, but
I did not learn of the existence of the specimen until 2009, when
invited to examine the mummy-like remains of the humanoid in
Barcelona Spain.
In the summer of 2012,
Ramón Navia-Osorio Villar, President of Instituto de
Investigaciones y Estudios Exobiológicos graciously permitted
our team to do further tests on the humanoid.
We traveled to Barcelona Spain in late September 2012 to obtain
detailed X Rays, CAT scans and take genetic samples for testing at
Stanford University.
Dr. Garry Nolan (Rachford and Carlota A. Harris Professor in
the Department of Microbiology and Immunology at Stanford University
School of Medicine) headed up the team examining the human-like
He suggested the protocol
for taking the DNA samples and, in consultation with Dr. Ralph
Lachman, also of Stanford University, suggested precisely which
X Rays and CT scan images would be needed for proper evaluation of
the skeletal anomalies.
Dr. Lachman, who is a visiting scholar and visiting professor at
Stanford University and author of "Radiology of Syndromes, Metabolic
Disorders and Skeletal Dysplasias" and is one of the leading experts
in the world on skeletal dysplasia and abnormalities, examined the X
Rays, CAT scans and photographs of the humanoid.
We obtained excellent DNA material by surgically dissecting the
distal ends of two right anterior ribs on the humanoid.
These clearly contained
bone marrow material, as was seen on the dissecting microscope that
was brought in for the procedure. The bone marrow and other material
from the skull were obtained under sterile, surgical procedures and
placed directly into sterile containers provided by Dr. Nolan.
Using forensic documentation procedures, this evidence was then
hand-delivered by me to Dr. Nolan in Washington DC in October, 2012.
Dr. Nolan proceeded to set up a very detailed protocol needed for
examining "ancient" or old DNA. This is a highly specialized area of
research and the leading scientists in the world with expertise in
this area consulted with Dr. Nolan in this endeavor.

The Atacama Humanoid is a 13 centimeter, or 6 inch, body that is
very desiccated but completely intact.
The CAT scan clearly shows
internal chest organs (lungs and what appears to be the remains of a
heart structure).
There is absolutely no
doubt that the specimen is an actual organism and that it is not a
hoax of any kind. This fact has been confirmed by Dr. Nolan and Dr.
Lachman at Stanford.

above image for video...
Humanoid CAT scan

Human fetus (2 months)

Atacama Humanoid
The specimen has only 10 ribs, a finding not yet found in humans,
and a very
unusual cranium.
It is noted that the
cranial vault is, proportionally, much larger than is found in
normal humans. The bones are quite well developed and are not those
of a fetus.
There are multiple
skeletal anomalies seen throughout the specimen.
Importantly a mature,
not fetal, tooth is seen in the mandible (jaw bone).
A fracture
of the right humerus (upper arm) is seen as is a concave
fracture of the right posterior-lateral skull, which was most
likely the cause of death.
Importantly, Dr. Lachman has concluded that the humanoid's
appearance is NOT the result of any known deformity, genetic
defect, skeletal dysplasia or any other known human abnormality.
However, the most
startling conclusion to date is that Dr. Lachman concluded the
humanoid lived to be 6-8 years of age. (See Dr. Lachman's full
This was assessed by
examining the epiphyseal plates in the knees and comparing these
to normal humans of various ages.
He noted that there is no known form of human dwarfism that has
this presentation and set of findings. No human has been known
to be able to live for 6-8 years and remain only 6 inches in
It should be noted also
that Dr. Manchon, of the Manchon Radiology Center in
Barcelona, also examined the X Rays and concluded that the specimen
was most certainly not a fetus and had lived for a
year or more and probably several years...
Previously, there had been false reports published elsewhere that
the humanoid was a fetus.
This is clearly not the case as can be concluded from the research
of Dr. Lachman and the examination by Dr. Manchon. A comparison of
fetus X Rays shows a remarkable difference between human fetus
skeletal development and the X Rays of the Atacama humanoid.
Painstaking and expert DNA extraction was done by Dr. Nolan at
Stanford University.
A very high quality and
quantity of DNA was successfully extracted and analyzed.

Knee X-Ray

Only preliminary analysis of the DNA has been done to date, and Dr.
Nolan notes that it may be a year or more before full manual
analysis and confirmation can occur.
Dr. Nolan notes:
"The DNA was of high
quality, showing little to no serious degradation."
Dr. Nolan also notes
"Sequence analysis
definitively rules out the specimen as an example of a New World
Importantly, Dr. Nolan
has found that:
"Preliminary results
demonstrate no statistically relevant alterations of genes
encoding proteins commonly associated with known genes for
primordial dwarfism or other forms of dwarfism.
Therefore, if there
is a genetic basis for the symptoms observed in the specimen the
casual mutation(s) are not apparent at this level of resolution
and at this stage of the analysis."
It should be noted that
Neanderthals are 99.5% genetically
identical to humans, and chimps and apes are 96-97% identical.
As of this date, the
genotype does not seem to match the phenotype (meaning
physically expressed form of the genetics).
The answer to this mystery will lead in further analysis of the
DNA and confirmation of the findings through the peer review
Dr. Nolan's report (see
full preliminary comments
here - NOTE: DNA testing continues and is
not complete) concludes by stating further research is needed:
This preliminary
report demonstrates how currently available biomedical
technologies can be readily applied to the analysis of
archeologically and anthropologically relevant human specimens
with genetic disorders of unknown origin.
This report is not a
formal conclusion on the nature of the mutations or the
underlying cause of the disorder in this human specimen.
Currently the data
represents (conservatively) a 15 fold whole genome reading and
as such is insufficient for definitive conclusions.
Future plans include
continued study of this specimen to establish up to a 50 fold
WHS read that could point to targeted sequencing of hypothetical
causal mutations.
Comparison of the
observed sequence variations against recently developed
ethnically focused genome databases is planned.
Full analysis of the
DNA, and attempts to link genetics to morphology, will
eventually follow in an appropriately peer-reviewed article in
an accredited scientific journal.
The results will be
independently verified before publication.
Clinically, given that
this humanoid lived many decades to centuries ago (exact date
remains unknown but it is not a recently living specimen) it is hard
to understand how a 6 inch baby or child could have lived to be 6-8
years of age in such a remote and undeveloped part of the world.
Even in today's best
Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) we would hardly be able to
keep such a specimen alive. As an emergency physician, I have
delivered premature infants, as well as a significantly deformed one
anencephaly, and am struck by how
small and fragile this humanoid is.
Medically speaking, IF
this is merely a deformed human, it does not seem feasible that it
would have lived to be 6-8 years of age. Speaking as a clinician, I,
as well as other doctors with whom I have spoken, doubt it would
have lived 6 hours.
It should also be noted
that the specimen has a visible, well-developed tooth in the
mandible, also not consistent with a human fetus of this size.
Given how long ago he lived and how primitive that area would have
been - totally lacking in modern medical technologies and
how would this child
have lived? And with whom?
Certainly there are many
more questions than answers at this juncture.
The mystery is further compounded by the reports from Ramon Navia-Osorio
Villar and his associates who traveled to the region and obtained
information from local native peoples of sightings
of UFOs and very small living
creatures fitting the general description of this humanoid.
There are also reports
that other intact humanoids may be stored in various remote sites
and locations. These reports have not been confirmed, however.
It is necessary to do much more thorough research into this case.
The DNA work is really in
its early stages, and we need to take a scientific expedition to the
Atacama desert to see if there are more examples of this humanoid -
and to see if indeed there is on-going UFO/ET activity in that
region as reported.
Hypothesis and

If the genetics continue to show a human connection to this
humanoid, what does this mean?
We cannot say the
Atacama Humanoid is an ET. Nor is he any known - or clinically
conceivable - human that could have lived.
So who is he?
He remains a mystery,
and perhaps - just perhaps - a doorway to discovering much about
who we are.
Recently, some scientists
Life Before Earth) working on DNA and computer analysis found that DNA has
been around for over 10 billion years - but Earth has been here for
less than half that time...
life is indeed universal, and
contact spreads life from world to
I have discussed with other scientists the possibility of epigenetic
augmentation of the human genome.
Is the Atacama
Humanoid a so-called hybrid?
Are we all some type
of hybrid?
Could this have
occurred via contact with other extraterrestrial civilizations
over millions of years?
A source who refuses to
be identified stated to me several years ago that he had seen a
National Security Agency (NSA)
document that concluded that there had been 64 epigenetic
augmentations of the human genome in the past that have resulted in
modern humans.
Could this be possible?
A Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) scientist once told me that
the reason the objects found on and near
Mars - like
the monoliths that Astronaut
Buzz Aldrin wants us to go back to Mars to examine - would show
an ancient connection between ETs and humans - and that this is why
that information is being kept classified.
When I asked why, he
"Because the
foundations of every fundamentalist orthodox belief system on
earth would be up-ended".
To pursue science is to
pursue the truth of matters.
What is needed from this
point going forward is an open mind so that, together, we may
discover the truth about many things yet hidden.
The DNA research on
the specimen is in it's very early stages and incomplete. Much
research remains...
There is a paradox
between initial DNA tests, which are largely computerized data
bases, and the clinical findings in X Rays and CAT scans, and
Dr. Lachman's conclusion that the specimen is 6 years of age and
only 6 inches in length.
To date, the DNA data
cannot explain these perplexing findings.
While human-like, it
continues to represent an undefined specimen and a least a year
of further genetic analysis will be needed by DNA experts.
The un-matched DNA
(approximately 2 million base pairs of DNA that are un-matched)
will need to be carefully explored, and to date this has not
been accomplished...