by Tyler Durden
June 24,
ZeroHedge Website

Google's Chrome is essentially
spy software according to Washington Post tech
columnist Geoffrey Fowler, who spent a week analyzing the
popular browser and concluded that it,
"looks a lot like
surveillance software."
Fowler has since switched
to Mozilla's Firefox because of its default privacy settings, and
says that it was easier than one might imagine.
My tests of Chrome
vs. Firefox unearthed a personal data caper of absurd
In a week of Web
surfing on my desktop, I discovered 11,189 requests for tracker
"cookies" that Chrome would have ushered right onto my computer
but were automatically blocked by Firefox.
These little files
are the hooks that data firms, including Google itself, use to
follow what websites you visit so they can build profiles of
your interests, income and personality.
Chrome welcomed trackers even at websites you would think would
be private. I watched Aetna and the Federal Student Aid website
set cookies for Facebook and Google.
They surreptitiously
told the data giants every time I pulled up the insurance and
loan service's log-in pages.
And that's not the half of it...
Look in the upper right corner of your Chrome browser.
See a picture or a name in the circle? If so, you're logged in
to the browser, and Google might be tapping into your Web
activity to target ads.
Don't recall signing
in? I didn't, either.
Chrome recently
started doing that automatically when you use Gmail.
Washington Post

When you use Chrome,
into Gmail automatically logs in
browser to your Google account.
"sync" is also on,
receives your browsing history.
(Geoffrey Fowler/The Washington Post)
Meanwhile, Chrome is even worse when it comes to mobile devices -
reporting the precise location of Android users unless location
sharing is turned off, in which case it will send out your rough
According to one study, tracking cookies from third-parties are on
92% of websites.
The Washington Post, for
example, uses around 40 - which the company said is "average for a
news site," and says they are designed to deliver better-targeted
ads and track ad performance.
But cookies can also be found on websites with no advertising.
Both Aetna and the
FSA service said the cookies on their sites help measure their
own external marketing campaigns. The blame for this mess
belongs to the entire advertising, publishing and tech
But what
responsibility does a browser have in protecting us from code
that isn't doing much more than spying?
Washington Post
Mozilla to the
For the past four years or so, Firefox browser has had a built-in
anti-tracking feature for the past four or so years in its "private"
browsing mode.
Earlier this month,
Mozilla activated this feature for normal browsing mode.
While ads will still
appear, Firefox is now separating cookies in real time to determine
which ones are required for a website to function correctly, and
which ones are simply spies.
Apple began to block cookies on their Safari mobile browser starting
in 2017, using an algorithm the company calls "intelligent tracking
Chrome, meanwhile, continues to welcome cookies onto your computer
and phone with open arms.
That said, the company
announced last month that it would require third-party cookies to
better identify themselves, which will supposedly allow them to
apply better controls.
That said, the company
did not offer The Post a timeline or say whether it would employ
default tracking blockers.
I'm not holding my
breath. Google itself, through its Doubleclick and other ad
businesses, is the
No. 1 cookie maker - the Mrs.
Fields of the Web.
It's hard to imagine
Chrome ever cutting off Google's moneymaker.
Washington Post
"Cookies play a
role in user privacy, but a narrow focus on cookies obscures
the broader privacy discussion because it's just one way in
which users can be tracked across sites," according to
Chrome's director of product management, Ben Galbraith.
"This is a
complex problem, and simple, blunt cookie blocking solutions
force tracking into more opaque practices."
Giving up on
In his decision to kick Chrome to the curb, Fowler cites a
blog post by Johns Hopkins
associate professor Matthew Green, who said last year he
was "done" with the browser.
Like Green, I've
chosen Firefox, which works across phones, tablets, PCs and
Apple's Safari is
also a good option on Macs, iPhones and iPads, and the niche
Brave browser goes even further
in trying to jam the ad-tech industry.
What does switching to Firefox cost you? It's free, and
downloading a different browser is much simpler than changing
In 2017, Mozilla launched a new version of Firefox called
Quantum that made it
considerably faster.
In my tests, it has
felt almost as fast as Chrome, though
benchmark tests have found it
can be slower in some contexts. Firefox says it's better about
managing memory if you use lots and lots of tabs.
Switching means you'll have to move your bookmarks, and Firefox
offers tools to help. Shifting
passwords is easy if you use a password manager.
And most browser
add-ons are available, though it's possible you won't find your
Washington Post
Perhaps Fowler can reach
out to some of his Washington Post colleagues to see what their many
sources in the US intelligence community think of Chrome vs.
Google Chrome is
Every Move and Storing it - This is How to Stop It
by Matt Agorist
June 24,
TheFreeThoughtProject Website
Agorist is an honorably discharged veteran of the USMC
and former intelligence operator directly tasked by the
prior experience gives him unique insight into the world
of government corruption and the American police state.
Agorist has been an independent journalist for over a
decade and has been featured on mainstream networks
around the world.
Agorist is also the Editor at Large at the
Thought Project. |

Google is not
Tracking Your
Every Move,
but they are
Storing a Record
of Every Place
you've Visited...
"I knew I was being
tracked but naively didn't think they were saving everything in
a timeline," says Google user Leslie Morgan Nakajima, of
Capitola, California.
"But to see
everything there was pretty chilling. They had every store,
restaurant and bar I had visited, and the exact times I was
I was so freaked
It is no secret that the
tech behemoth, Google, is in the data mining business.
From cookies to targeted
ads, the amount of specific information they have on individuals is
mind blowing.
While these "features" are marketed to users to improve their user
experience, the Orwellian tracking systems employed by Google to do
so are shocking, especially the location tracking and history.
By default, Google's Location History function is turned off
and users must 'opt in' to turn it on. However, many Google users
report never turning it on, yet when they check their history,
Google has been tracking them for months.
The reason Google users don't remember turning it on is due to the
fact that to use certain features and apps on certain devices, you
will get a notification stopping you from using it - until you let
Google track you.
As Jefferson Graham points out for USA Today:
For instance,
Google Maps has a service called "Match," which suggests
restaurants based on your past dining experiences and tastes. If
you click on it, Google sends you to Settings to allow Location
History tracking.
Google also routes people to turn on Location History in
exchange for,
traffic updates based on your current location," or with
Google Photos to "help improve auto-organization and
The fact is that Google
is totally upfront about this too.
It is clearly defined in
their terms of service agreement. However, most people never bother
to read the dozens of pages of fine print before turning on certain
features on their devices.
According to Google's own terms, Location History,
"saves where you go
even when you aren't using a specific Google service."
If you want to be freaked
out at what Google knows about you,
Click here to see what data is on
your Timeline.
Now that you are successfully disturbed, it is rather simple to turn
this function off and delete the data.
You need to go to
your account and click on Data &
Personalization and turn off all the ways Google spies on you.

To delete your history, on your Android phone or tablet, open your
device's Settings app and then Google and then
Google Account.
At the top, tap
Data & personalization.
Under "Activity
controls," tap Location History.
At the bottom,
tap Manage Timeline. Your device will open Google Maps
Google Maps.
Tap More More and
then Settings.
At the bottom,
choose Delete all Location History or Delete Location
History range.
If you're on a
browser, go to maps.google.com/timeline. You might need to
sign in. You can delete individual locations, locations by
date, or your whole location history in Timeline.
Now you are finished.
However, according to
"even after you
delete your Location History information, some location data may
continue to be saved in other settings, like Web & App
Activity, as part of your use of other services, like
Search and Maps."
So, depending on what
apps you have installed, you should sift through them to see if they
are holding this data.
"Tracking without
meaningful controls for individuals is not good for society and
individual freedoms," Aleksandra Korolova, an assistant
professor of computer science at the University of Southern
California says.
"Going forward, if
information is going to be tracked, then individuals should be
given more meaningful controls to opt-out."
We agree.
Not a Google user? To see
what data your Amazon device is gathering on you,
click here.
None Dare Call It Sedition
by Patrick
June 27,
Technocracy Website

Google has now flatly stated its intent to influence and control
public perception so as to manipulate and determine national
political election outcomes.
It does this by using AI
algorithms to skew search results, presenting only their political
views, and suppressing dissenting or alternative views.
However, this is not a free speech issue. Google is not a news
organization. It does not hire journalists nor does it create
original content. Rather, Google is an information utility that
simply indexes existing and new journalistic content.
Google's all-powerful and pervasive Internet crawler is able to
discover virtually 100% of everything published in the world, on an
hour-by-hour or minute-by-minute basis.
In other words, Google knows
'everything' there is to know...
The question is,
will it tell all that
it knows or only part of it?
Google is very much a
public utility that resembles a telephone company.
When your local telephone
company publishes a phone book, it simply indexes people by last
name and puts their number next to it.
It is easy for one person
to find another and then pick up the phone and make a call.
What would happen
if the phone company started making decisions about who
could have a listing in their master directory?
What if they
simply dropped out people who were discovered to be
Republicans or Democrats?
What if they
deleted people because they had a certain skin color?
Or national
Or religion...?
While on one hand, the
phone company was willing to connect and charge for service in
everybody's home, those suppressed individuals would only be able to
make outbound calls and they would seldom receive any inbound calls.
Would America ever
tolerate this? Of course not... In fact, it would spark a
national uproar of epic proportions.
So, can anyone explain why Google is getting a free pass on
hiding the particulars of its indexing algorithms from public
consumers of information?
It would be bad enough if
Google simply dropped out certain pieces of information, but they
have gone way beyond this by rearranging the results it chooses to
release and presenting them in such a manner to show an alternate
reality that purposely misleads the public.
This is what is called "weaponizing data" to actively and
intentionally lead people to false conclusions in order to modify
their behavior.
To say this is wrong is an understatement.
To say it
is illegal is complicated, but it is certainly possible.
Has Google
unleashed Project Dragonfly?
On August 1, 2018, the left-leaning journal called
The Intercept
originally broke the story that Google was creating a
version of its search engine for China.
The secret project was
The U.K. journalist, Ryan Gallagher, created an international
uproar with the first report, but has since written 23 additional
investigative articles that fully expose Google's activities in
Gallagher wrote,
Documents seen by The
Intercept, marked "Google confidential," say that Google's
Chinese search app will automatically identify and filter
websites blocked by the Great Firewall.
When a person carries
out a search, banned websites will be removed from the first
page of results…
The search app will
also "blacklist sensitive queries" so that "no results will be
shown" at all when people enter certain words or phrases, the
documents state.
The censorship will
apply across the platform:
Google's image
search, automatic spell check and suggested search features
will incorporate the blacklists, meaning that they will not
recommend people information or photographs the government
has banned.
This is exactly what
Google is now doing to the United States, except that it is acting
on its own accord and not under the orders of a national government.
Ex-Google CEO Eric Schmidt, a member of the elitist
Trilateral Commission, was recently
interviewed by BBC Newsnight's Emily Maitlis and stated,
"The world is a very
interconnected place.
There are many, many benefits interacting,
among other things, with China… I believed they would be better
to stay in China, and help change China to be more open."
Apparently, what is good
for China's censorship is good for the U.S. as well.
Will The Intercept
call out Google for doing to the U.S. what it intended to do for
Will the American
public be as outraged over domestic censorship as they were
about the possibility of China's censorship?
Google's clear
When Google's Head of Responsible Innovation,
Jen Gennai
Again it wasn't just
us, it was, the people got screwed over, the news media got
screwed over, like, everybody got screwed over so we're rapidly
been like, what happened there and how do we prevent it from
happening again?
What does Google want to
prevent from happening again? According to Gennai, it is "preventing
the next Trump situation."
Social justice warriors like Gennai have obviously discovered the
power of Google's Internet machine to practice social engineering
according to their exclusive world view, while excluding all other
While some lawmakers are already investigating anti-trust measures
against Google, they might be missing the more pertinent issue:
According to one
legal source,
Sedition is a serious felony punishable by fines and
up to 20 years in prison and it refers to the act of inciting revolt
or violence against a lawful authority with the goal of destroying
or overthrowing it.
Whether they realize it or not, Google is deep into the process of
meddling with the election process to create insurrection in order
to cause the overthrow of our lawful national government established
according to the U.S. Constitution.
In short, it is the
citizens of our nation who decide national, state and local
leadership and not Google!
Virtually every public servant in the United States is required to
take an oath to defend and uphold the Constitution of the United
States. It's time to hold some feet to the fire.