by Aaron Kesel
March 16, 2020
ActivistPost Website

New York governor Andrew Cuomo
wrote an opinion piece in the
New York Times begging President U.S. Donald Trump to
enact martial law.
Meanwhile, other states
have already taken shocking martial law measures without an official
declaration, showing our potential unconstitutional future under
fears of
the coronavirus that likely won't go away after the
pandemic has subsided.
All over the U.S. there seems be this new trend - military and
police now acting as if we are under martial law without a formal
declaration of such.
Yet, here we have NYC's
governor Cuomo begging Trump to essentially declare martial law by
utilizing the military for the COVID-19 pandemic and federalize
"Slowing the spread
of coronavirus is a function of testing and
reducing the density
of public gatherings.
So first, Mr.
President, you must stop the Food and Drug Administration
and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) from
over-regulating the testing process, and authorize states to
certify a wider array of testing labs and methods," Cuomo
Cuomo goes on to express
that Trump should utilize the Army Corps of Engineers to transform
existing facilities into temporary medical centers.
States cannot build more hospitals, acquire ventilators or modify
facilities quickly enough.
At this point, our best
hope is to utilize the Army Corps of Engineers to leverage its
expertise, equipment and people power to retrofit and equip existing
facilities - like military bases or college dormitories - to serve
as temporary medical centers.
Then we can designate
existing hospital beds for the acutely ill.
To sum up what Trump can do to defend against the spread of the
coronavirus Cuomo writes,
"In short: Localize
testing, federalize shutdowns and task the Army Corps of
Engineers to expand hospital capacity."
While building hospital
beds in existing facilities and using the military to do so isn't a
bad idea, forced quarantines would be expanding
the police state.
The whole state of New
York, hasn't yet gone into "martial law mode," but other states have
basically enacted it in the form of the National Guard being
deployed in heavily infected areas.
According to reports, the
National Guard has been
deployed so far to six states including,
York in New Rochelle, with many more states expected to follow.
Beyond that, there are reports that Kentucky has a patient who
refused to self isolate.
As a result, the state
took things into their own hands by suspending his rights and police
are now
guarding him armed 24/7 at his house.
If that's not enough,
there was a video posted online of New Orleans' police in several
cop cars demanding citizens leave the streets and disperse
Then there is the
curfew in New Jersey for residents and
closure of restaurants and certain stores in other states like,
...with more following
"Effective tonight,
all other non-essential retail, recreational, and entertainment
businesses MUST CLOSE after 8:00 PM," said Murphy.
"All non-essential and non-emergency travel in New Jersey is
strongly discouraged between the hours of 8:00 PM and 5:00 AM.
This will remain in effect for the foreseeable future.
We want everyone to
be home - and not out," he added.
What's more is the U.S.
isn't the only one.
UK and
Italy have
declared a nationwide lockdown; in other words, imposing martial
law on its citizens, as well as France which followed suit,
deploying 100,000 police to enforce a national quarantine in the
As this pandemic
continues to spread we can expect more quarantines and police state
actions across the world in other countries.
Back in the U.S. gun sales are skyrocketing in several states as
fear of uncertainty from the virus and stock market collapse takes
over American citizens seeking protection in the form of arming
themselves, as LA Times
Yes, everywhere you look the police state is increasing all in the
name of the coronavirus, arguably one of the world's most
infectious diseases in history.
Still, these measures
being put into place now will likely remain long after the pandemic
has stopped and the virus has run its course.
That's the everlasting
effect that COVID-19 will have on our society. The coronavirus is
now classified as a pandemic by the World Health Organization, and
it may very well be a legitimate health concern for all of us around
the world.
But it's the government's
response that should worry us all more in the long run...