NatureOfHealing Website
Are you a victim of panic propaganda promulgated by the Government?
The media is the fourth branch of government, dominated by the power of advertisers, such as the pharmaceutical industry.
Media propagandizes people using words as weapons to disparage, demonize, and dehumanize. The propaganda machine, like the markets and the seasons, cycles and repeats.
With each cycle, the machine attempts to generate greater panic and more victims.
By design, a repeat story of measles outbreak has morphed from a typical outbreak story of a few targeted individuals to a "geographic area" where no one is safe from coughing and sneezing.
Washington state has declared a measles state of 'emergency' and blame the unvaccinated...!
The World Health Organization (WHO) reports measles as a leading cause of death worldwide of 450 cases each year, but do not show the evidence of who has been vaccinated.
They ignore the 2011 measles outbreak in Quebec Canada of 750 cases where 95% were twice vaccinated...
Parents who choose not to vaccinate their children are not only called "anti-vaccine propagandists," they are also "irresponsible" and "ignorant."
Media-heads pander to people's base instincts that threaten a parent's choice based on religious or philosophical differences of opinion with headlines like this:
Unvaccinated kids are deemed a hazard and removed from school to 'protect' the vaccinated.
If parents choose to apply exemptions, they are accused of posing a threat to the community, which the media calls a "Public Health" risk.
Panic propaganda is created through wordsmiths.
'The pen is mightier than the sword' when elite propagandists control the narrative through the powerful and influential media.
Change your perception to end the program.
Then recognize Panic Propaganda for what it is, a means to create victims by shaping individual opinions for political interests.
By taking the "Public" out of "Public Health," you can begin to reclaim the narrative. You can also avoid fighting a losing battle in the courts.
Whenever something must be done in the name of Public Health, the answer must be,
This provides an opportunity to stop the next level of propaganda, which ushers in cradle-to-grave vaccine mandates under the Healthy People 2020 Act, a U.N. Agenda under the Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion.
If you can prevent PANIC PROPAGANDA where you live, you preserve your freedoms where freedom lives, in you...