by Makia Freeman
March 08, 2018
Freedom-Articles Website

U.S.-led Western scheme
to divide and destroy Syria has been
Leaked British diplomatic cables reveal the existence
the Small American Group on Syria,
a group of 5 nations actively
to control the outcome in Syria.
Image credit: Defence.pk
'Divide and Destroy Syria'
is the message of a recent British
diplomatic cable which was leaked to the Lebanese media outlet,
Al Akhbar.
In an article dated February 24th, 2018 (picked up by
Iranian media outlet
Fars News and later syndicated on sites like
Global Research), we learn of a manipulative organization called
the Small American Group on Syria.
This group, composed of representative diplomats from,
...had a meeting in Washington on January 11th,
2018 and another in Paris on January 23rd, 2018 where they plotted
the U.S.-led Western scheme to divide and destroy Syria.
To destroy Syria has been the mission of the
New World
Order for a long time, so in one sense this cable is unsurprising;
however, it is always interesting to catch the schemers and
manipulators red-handed and directly observe their machinations.
Although the original cable document does not appear to be available
online, the Al Akhbar report exposing it is very detailed.
Read on
to see what was in it.
What the Leaked
British Diplomatic Cable Reveals
According to the
article, the diplomatic cable, written by Benjamin Norman (a British
Ambassador in charge of Middle Eastern Affairs at the U.S. Embassy in
Washington DC), spilled the beans on how the U.S. and its allies go
about controlling other nations.
Here are some of the things the
leaked cable tells us or confirms:
The existence of
a small group manipulating affairs behind the scenes (the very
essence of conspiracy)
That the
dominates and controls the foreign policy of many other (Western and GCC) nations
middle Eastern nations like Saudi Arabia and Jordan are in
the pocket of the U.S.
Turkey is
currently at odds with U.S. (over the U.S. chasing to side with the
Kurds) and much trust has been broken;
the extreme
arrogance of the U.S. and these other Western and Arab nations in
scheming to divide and destroy Syria, a sovereign nation who has
done them no harm
That the U.S. will
maintain a large military presence in Syria despite its victory over
ISIS/Daesh, at a cost of USD$4 billion a year
That the main
point of the U.S. military presence is to prevent Iran from
establishing too much of a foothold in Syria
That the
U.S. wants
to de-emphasize the
2017 Astana Peace Talks and re-emphasize the
2017 Geneva Peace Talks (the U.S. had no role in Astana, but in Geneva
it pushed the tired old line that "Assad must go"). The article
states "to reinvigorate Geneva so that Sochi becomes irrelevant"
The U.S. is
actively conspiring to meddle and interfere in Syria's election
process - you know, the very thing it accuses of Russia of dong
without any evidence.
U.S. diplomat
David Satterfield openly promotes
regime change and
rigging a foreign
"Satterfield responded
that 'the goal was to create conditions and institutions
that would allow elections that Assad could not win'."
The only thing that
is surprising in all of this is the overt absence of Israel.
However, since the
Trump Administration could basically be called
"Make Israel Great Again", it is easy to discern
the Zionist
influence in all of this, particularly in the above point about the
U.S. spending $4 billion of its own money just to stop Iran from
expanding its influence in Syria...

Will Syria be
Yes, if Israel, the
U.S., the UK, Saudi Arabia
and others
have anything to do with it.
The 3 Main Goals of
the 'Small American Group on
The diplomatic
cable was very explicit in stating the objectives of the Small
American Group on Syria.
It speaks of the need for the
U.S.-led West, and its client/puppet Gulf nations, to work towards
of the country [Syria], sabotage of Sochi, framing of Turkey."
take a look at each of these in turn.
- The first phrase
refers to the attempt to partition Syria or
divide Syria into smaller mini-states along ethnic and
religious lines.
This is an age-old scheme to weaken an enemy nation
by reducing its size; it is far easier to pick off smaller nations
than one large united one, particularly if you can get them
squabbling and infighting (divide and rule).
Balkanization of Syria, as it has also been called, is part
of a long history of Western interference in the Middle East. This
goes way back to the heyday of the British Empire.
As I discussed in
Meddling in Syria - Decades Longer Than You Thought..., the
Western colonial powers have tried to arbitrarily slice up the
Middle East as they saw fit for over 100 years.
In the last few
years, Israel has been especially vociferous in its urging for the
partitioning of Syria, part of
the Yinon plan for
Greater Israel.
To divide Syria is
to destroy Syria... and the U.S. and Israel well know it.
- The second phrase
refers to the attempt to sabotage the peace talks
that happened at Sochi, Russia, in January 2018 earlier this year.
Sochi, which was co-sponsored by Russia, Iran and Turkey, was
somewhat of a continuation of the 2017
Astana Peace Talks, which
were also co-sponsored by the same 3 countries.
According to
"Sochi grew out of the Astana talks - also backed by Moscow,
Ankara and Tehran - that began last year, and have managed to
achieve piecemeal and transitory results on the ground,
including de-escalation zones and ceasefires.
While some of the constitutional
suggestions have been voiced before, Sochi represents a broader,
more ambitious attempt at engagement."
The U.S. was, of
course, unhappy that it was excluded from Astana.
How dare affected
nations and regional powers have the audacity to try to broker peace
and make deals without inviting the world's super-bully?
Accordingly, it has tried to focus the world's attention, and the UN's attention, away from Astana and Sochi, and onto the January
2018 Vienna Peace Talks, where the U.S. played a central part.
Astana and Sochi, there was no discussion about removing Assad from
power, or diluting his power; whereas in Vienna, the U.S. proposed
altering the Syrian political system, giving more powers to the
prime minister/parliament than the president, and decentralization,
giving more power to regions hostile to Damascus.
The U.S. also
proposed the UN supervise the elections.
- The third phrase
refers to the deteriorating relationship between the U.S. and Turkey,
despite the fact that both are NATO members.
Ever since January this
year, when the U.S. decided to mainly use the SDF/Kurds against the
Assad government (rather than other terrorist groups like Al Qaeda,
Al Nusra, etc.), the U.S. has alienated its former ally Turkey.
actually invaded Syria to go after the U.S.-backed Kurds there,
despite the fact that the U.S. and Turkey had been working together to
destabilize Syria for much for the Syrian War from 2011 onwards.
Turkey was busted by Russia for trading with
U.S.-created ISIS, in fact.
The article suggests that the
U.S. is
about to turn on its former ally Turkey and frame them for
something, or perhaps use them to create more choose inside of
Final Thoughts - Leaked Cable Does Not Bode Well for Future of Syria
Recent geopolitical
developments since the start of 2018 have been disturbing.
February 2nd, 2018, the U.S. released its new
Nuclear Posture Review where it lifted restrictions on the use
of nuclear weapons, now giving itself permission to use them in
retaliation against a conventional (non-nuclear) attack or even a
cyber attack.
On February 14th and 15th, NATO stated it would be
performing an overhaul of its command structures, the largest since
the end of the Cold War, according to Secretary General Jens
On March 1st, Russian President
Vladimir Putin gave a
State-of-the-Union-like address to the Russian Duma (Parliament)
which featured video animation of the latest Russian military
hypersonic weapons. A strike on the
U.S. (Florida) was simulated.
Putin warned that although Russia wanted peace, it would not
hesitate to defend itself against any kind of nuclear attack,
including medium, small and mini nukes.
Meanwhile, Israel has
continued to demonstrate its own aggression and disregard of the law
by downing a drone in Syrian airspace and claiming it was Iranian.
This cable at least
lays bare the true nature of the scheming U.S. and its puppet allies,
and its overt attempts to divide and destroy Syria.
Please spread
the truth far and wide.