



 -  A "Humanitarian War" on Syria? - Military Escalation - Towards a Broader Middle East-Central Asian War?


 -  A New Push for Peace in Syria?


 -  Arabia Saudita Dispuesta a Negociar - Aceptaría que Bachar al-Assad se Mantenga en El Poder


 -  BBC Caught in Syria Massacre Propaganda Hoax



 -  Brookings Announces Next Move in Syria - War


 -  Case Against Syria's Assad Falls Apart



 -  Cazas Rusos Destruyen Base Militar Secreta de EE.UU. y el Reino Unido en Siria


 -  Chemical Attack Accusations 'Fake' - Assad tells Kathimerini in Exclusive Interview


 -  Cheney, Rothschild, and Fox News’ Murdoch to Drill for Oil in Syria, Violating International Law


 -  Civil War Declared in Syria - Globalist's Formula for WW III Begins


 -  Cómo Salir de la Guerra contra Siria


 -  CONFIRMED: U.S. Claims Against Syria - There is No Evidence


 -  Debunking the Western Media's Coverage in Peru of the War on Syria


 -  Declassified CIA Documents reveals Plan to Destroy Syria for Oil Pipeline - Predicts Current Crisis


 -  De cómo Putin y Trump están Poniendo Fin a la Guerra contra Siria


 -  Defeated NATO Dangerously Desperate in Syria



 -  De Militar a Militar - Rebelión de los Generales del Estado Mayor Conjunto de EE.UU.


 -  Did Turkey Just Declare War on Syria?



 -  Doing a 'Libya' in Syria - The Big Lie About a "Peoples' Revolution"


 -  EE.UU. y Rusia podrían Entregar los Ricos Altos del Golán a Siria - Duro Golpe a Israel


 -  El 'Ataque Químico' en Siria fue una Falsa Bandera y Habrá Más - Dice Putin


 -  El Pentágono Está Dispuesto a Cooperar con Rusia en Siria


 -  El Pueblo Sirio Apoya a Assad - Pero la BBC lo Acalla, dice Baronesa Británica


 -  En Exclusiva RT Obtiene Documentos que Explican cómo Funciona la 'Corporación' Petrolera del Estado...


 -  Experto Denuncia la Sucia Estrategia de EE.UU. para Destruir los Éxitos de Rusia en Siria


 -  Father of Famous "Aleppo Boy" just Exposed how the U.S. and White Helmets Lied to the World


 -  Fighting Al Qaeda by Supporting Al Qaeda in Syria - The Obama Administration is a "State Sponsor of...


 -  François Hollande Visitará Moscú la Próxima Semana - Noviembre 2015


 -  French Say Assad Must Go - Assad Responds "No Thanks, Get Serious"


 -  Here is the Assad Interview "CNN" will Never Show You - "EU is Supporting Terrorists in Syria from the Very...


 -  Hidden U.S.-Israeli Military Agenda - "Break Syria into Pieces"


 -  Houla, Syria Stunt Proves - Old Tricks are The Best Tricks - NATO Learned From The Best


 -  How Close Were We to a Third World War? - What Really Happened When Israel Attacked Syria on...


 -  If Assad Defends Against U.S. Attack, U.S. Will Attack - says Obama


 -  If The U.S. Loses Syria, The US Loses Its Empire - U.S. Threatens Russia, China for Not Supporting...


 -  Il Popolo siriano Appoggia Assad - Pero la BBC lo Zittisce, lo dice la Baronessa Britannica


 - "It's Going to Take Years" - US Air Force Calls for Ground Troops to "Occupy and Govern" Iraq and Syria


 -  It's Time to Start Getting Enraged at what Western Imperialists have done to Syria


 -  Julian Assange Reveals Another 2006 Western Plan to Destroy Syria


 -  La Alianza Occidental está Derrumbándose - La UE está Abandonando a Estados Unidos sobre Derrocar...


 -  La Continuidad de La Agenda - La Catástrofe Siria, Diseñada bajo Bush y Ejecutada al Pie de la Letra...


 -  La Crisis de Siria en Manos de Auténticos Locos


 -  La Estrategia de La Hermandad Musulmana en Siria


 -  La Estrategia tras las Sombras - Ucrania, Siria y los Conflictos del Mundo Multipolar


 -  La Otra Cara de los "Cascos Blancos" en el Conflicto Sirio


 -  La Resolución de la ONU sobre el Conflicto Sirio Demuestra que Rusia Tenía Razón


 -  Las Falsas Acusaciones de Ataque Químico - Assad le cuenta a Kathimerini en Entrevista Exclusiva


 -  Latest United Nations' Syria Report on War Crimes - Compiled by Washington Think-Tanker


 -  La Tragedia de Siria y la Nueva Omniguerra


 -  L'Attacco Chimico in Siria è Stata una Copertura Fuorviante e ce ne Saranno di Più - Afferma Putin


 -  Leaked Memo Says U.S. Special Operation Forces in Syria Since December


 -  Los Barones del Petróleo de la Siria Ocupada - Rupert Murdoch y Lord Rothschild


 -  Los Planes que EE.UU. tenia en Siria... y que Rusia ha Roto en Pedazos


 -  Media Blackout over Syria


 -  Media Head Games Exposed! - CNN Caught Using Neuro-Linguistic Programming to Influence Syrian...


 -  Mentiras Occidentales y Elecciones Sirias



 -  Military to Military - On US Intelligence Sharing in the Syrian War


 -  NATO Data - Assad Winning The War for Syrians' Hearts and Minds


 -  New Syrian Opposition Leader Educated in Indianapolis


 -  Obama Ordena "Limpiar la Casa" Borrando los Vínculos con al-Nusra en Siria


 -  Obama Rechaza 'Cooperación' con Putin sobre Siria - La Guerra de Washington contra el Terrorismo...


 -  Obama Rejects "Cooperation" with Putin on Syria - Washington's War on Terror is A Fabrication, Zero...


 -  Obama Rifiuta di "Cooperare" con Putin per la Siria - La Guerra di Washington contro il Terrorismo è...


 -  Obama's Bizarre Threats Indicate U.S. Desperation in Syria


 -  Obama's Humanitarianism as Window-Dressing for the US "Deep State" Agenda - The Case of Syria


 -  OTAN Reconoce que El 70% de Los Sirios Apoya a Bachar al-Assad


 -  People Around the World Oppose Arming Syrian "Rebels"


 -  People Here Don't Like The Regime, but They Hate The Rebels Even More - Aleppo Activist Edward Dark


 -  Predictive Software "Validates" WikiLeaks Psy-Op Attack on Syria


 -  Primeras Interpretaciones al Ataque de EE.UU. a Siria... - ¿Todo es Puro Teatro?


 -  Putin Despeja Todas las Dudas Sobre la Retirada Rusa de Siria


 -  Putin está Derrotando a Más que a ISIS en Siria


 -  Putin is Defeating More than ISIS in Syria


 -  ¡Putin Ordena la Retirada del Ejército Ruso de Siria!


 -  Putin's Geopolitical Chess Game With Washington in Syria and Eurasia


 -  Qatar - U.S. Proxy in America's Terror War in Syria


 -  Saving Syria - Assessing Options for Regime Change


 -  Searching for Solutions in Syria


 -  Siria - Conversaciones de Paz y un Imperio Volviéndose Loco


 -  Siria, Turquía, Israel y La Gran Guerra de Energía en Oriente Medio


 -  Skull & Bones John Kerry 'Fails' to Provide Key Evidence in Syria


 -  Snowden, Siria, Obama y Mas... - Versión Completa de La Entrevista a Vladimir Putin


 -  Sunni Extremists Ravaging Syria Created by U.S. in 2007


 -  Syria Could Become a Rallying Point Against the Banksters


 -  Syria - Iraq 2.0 - Another False-Flag Invasion Rated XXX


 -  Syria "Liberated" by its own Destroyers


 -  Syria - NATO Genocide Approaches - U.N. Syria Report Co-Authored by Director of U.S. Corporate...

 -  Syrian Muslim Brotherhood, Still a Crucial Actor


 -  Syria - Peace Talks and an Empire Running Amok


 -  Syria's Assad is Coming In from the Cold


 -  Syria's 'Chemical Weapons' Turn Out to Be Sodium Fluoride Used in The U.S. Water Supply and Sold...


 -  Syria - The Sting and The Sacrifice


 -  Syria Under Attack by Globalist Death Squad Experts



 -  Syria War Will Empower Future Global Government



 -  Syria - Who is Behind The Protest Movement? - Fabricating a Pretext for a US-NATO "Humanitarian...


 -  Syrien unter Beschuss von Todesschwadron-Experten der Globalisten


 -  The Drums of War are Beating in Syria - Killing Civilians to Protect Civilians


 -  The Forbidden Truth - The U.S. is Channeling Chemical Weapons to Al Qaeda in Syria, Obama is a Liar...


 -  The Hidden Forces Behind Syria's President Bashar al-Assad


 -  'The Media Coverage on Syria is the Biggest Media Lie of our Time' - Interview with Flemish Priest in Syria


 -  The Plan to Destabilize Syria


 -  The Red Line and The Rat Line - Obama, Erdoğan and the Syrian Rebels


 -  The Secret History of America's Defeat in Syria


 -  The Subterfuge of Syrian Chemical Weapons


 -  The Syrian Intelligence War - A Tale of Two Security Headquarters


 -  The Syrian 'War Games' Military Theater of Operations in Two Charts


 -  The Top 9 Real Reasons to Go to War in Syria


 -  The U.S. and Israeli-Sponsored Destruction of Syria and Iran Continues


 -  The War Against Syria was Planned Two Years Before "The Arab Spring" - Former French Foreign...


 -  The Western Alliance is Crumbling - EU is Abandoning U.S. on Overthrowing Assad


 -  The West's Greatest Fear is A Peaceful Resolution in Syria


 -  The West's Propaganda War on Syria Exposed Once Again - Fake Video Footage


 -  Time to End Western Support for Terrorists in Syria - "Opposition" is Entirely Run by Al Qaeda


 -  Trump Taking U.S. to War in Syria to Avert Economic Disaster


 -  Turkey is the Source, Not Solution to ISIS and the Syrian Crisis


 -  Una Fuerza de Contraguerrilla Pero con Carácter Popular - Siria


 -  United Nations Defends NATO's Premeditated Genocide in Syria


 -  United Nations Shenanigans on Syria


 -  URGENT - False Flag Involving Israel to Implicate Syria in The Works, Says RT


 -  U.S. Admits No Imminent Threat from Syria - No Clear Evidence Assad Ordered Chemical Weapons Attack


 -  U.S. Approved Israeli Bombing of Syria… and May Join The War at Any Moment


 -  U.S.-Led Western Scheme to Divide and Destroy Syria - Revealed in Leaked British Cable

 - 'U.S. Secret Services' Direct Major Offensive on Russian/Syrian Forces but Suffer Devastating Defeat

 -  U.S. to Begin Invasion of Syria

 -  U.S. vs. Russia in Syria - A Battle to Control the Truth


 - ¿Va Estados Unidos a Ir a La Guerra con Siria por Causa de un Gasoducto?


 -  Was Trump Missile Attack Part of a Secret Plan to End Syria Conflict and Prevent War with Iran?


 -  We Are Watching The US, Israel and The United Nations Destroy Syria


 -  West Seeks to Perpetuate Syrian Bloodbath


 -  When Washington Decides that 'Democracy is Dangerous' - Stoking Opposition in Venezuela and Syria


 -  Whose Sarin?



 -  Why Are Obama and Kerry So Desperate to Start a New War? - The Rule of Zombies


 -  WikiLeaks "Syrian Files" Obtained by Flame to Set Up Assad


 -  Will Russian and Chinese Military Forces on Syrian Soil Prevent Obama from Bombing Syria?


 -  Wir sehen zu, wie Syrien Zerstört wird von USA, Israel und UN

  Additional Information  

 -  Al Cooperar con Washington en Siria, Rusia ha Caído en una Trampa


 -  Al-Qaeda, Eterno Auxiliar de La OTAN


 -  America's Chemical Weapons - Hypocrisy, Conspiracy and a Forgotten History


 -  Avaaz - The Online Pro-War Propagandist and Color Revolution NGO


 -  Carta Abierta al Presidente Barack Hussein Obama


 -  Choosing Hegemony - Turkey, NATO and The Path to War


 -  Clinton Allowed Stevens to Die in Benghazi to Keep Saudi Government Involvement in Syria Secret


 -  CNN Caught Staging News Segments on Syria With Actors


 -  Cómo John McCain ha Paralizado la Guerra de Obama contra ISIS


 -  Cómo son Llevadas a Cabo hoy en día las Operaciones de Falsa Bandera


 -  Conozca al Hombre Que Financia ISIS - Bilal Erdogan el Hijo del Presidente de Turquía


 -  Crisis de Refugiados Europeos - Anatomía de un Encubrimiento


 -  De qué manera la Administración de la Organización de las Naciones Unidas (ONU) Organiza la Guerra en Siria


 -  El Comodín de Putin en Siria


 -  El Estado Mayor Conjunto Denuncia la Influencia de los Halcones Liberales sobre la Casa Blanca


 -  Erdogan Blackmails NATO Allies


 -  European Refugee Crisis - The Anatomy of a Cover-Up


 -  False Flag Event in Syria - The Third Force and Exopolitics


 -  Government and Media are doing Exact Same Thing they Did to Start Iraq War - And Americans are Buying It


 -  Here We Go: NATO Plans to 'Defend' Turkey



 -  Hillary Clinton Must Resign - Cites False Reports Regarding Syria "Massacre"


 -  Hillary's "Cowboy Diplomacy" - There Will Be Hell to Pay for NATO's Holy War


 -  How False Flag Operations are Carried Out Today


 -  How John McCain Crippled Obama's War on ISIS


 -  Interlocking Agencies that Conspire to "Create Terror" - We Do Not Need the Police to "Create More...


 -  Is Trump Disrupting the Cabal's Plan for a New World Order? - Trump says "We're Not Going Into Syria"


 -  It Was a NATO Mortar that Killed 5 Turkish Civilians Last Week - REPORT


 -  La Alianza Secreta de EE.UU. con Al-Qaida y Los Fundamentalistas Islámicos


 -  La "Hermandad" China-EE.UU.


 -  La Jugada Maestra de Putin sobre Israel


 -  La Nuova Alleanza in Medio Oriente scuote i Poteri Mondiali


 -  Leaked Sec. Kerry Audio that CNN and NY Times Tried to Hide - Confirms U.S. Role in Rise of ISIS


 -  Los Emails Explosivos de Hillary Clinton


 -  Meet the Man Who Funds ISIS - Bilal Erdogan, the Son of Turkey's President


 -  Nueva Alianza de Oriente Medio sacude a los Poderes Mundiales


 -  Obama's Gun-Running Operation - Weapons and Support for "Islamic Terrorists" in Syria and Iraq...


 -  Opciones Rusas contra un Ataque Estadounidense en Siria


 -  Perché Conosciate l’Uomo che Finanzia ISIS Bilal Edogan, il Figlio del Presidente di Turchia


 -  Poetic Justice Finds U.S. Enablers of Terror



 -  Putin's Wild Card in Syria


 -  Putin y Trump hablan Vía Telefónica sobre las Crisis en Siria y Corea del Norte


 -  Rusia Destruye el Sueño del 'Gran Israel'


 -  Satanic Cabal Threatens to Make San Francisco and Damascus "Uninhabitable"


 -  The Third Force Begins its Take-Down of Mystery Babylon - Secret Space War X


 -  The United Nations and The Houla Massacre - The Information Battlefield


 -  The U.S. Government Stands Revealed to The World as a Collection of War Criminals and Liars

 -  Turkey - A Criminal State, a NATO State


 -  Una Periodista Muerta y Tres más Arrestados Después de Exponer que Turquía Arma a Extremistas Sirios


 -  Una Revelación Publica Impactante sobre EE.UU. y el "Terrorismo Islámico"


 -  U.S. 'Elects' New Syrian Leader... A Guy From Dallas!


 -  Washington Funded Houla-Style Massacres - Analyst Said


 -  What Happened to the "Global War on Terrorism"? - The U.S. is "Fighting for Al Qaeda" in Syria


 -  Full Interview with Syrian President Bashar al-Assad that You are Not Seeing on TV

 -  La Historia de Todo lo qué Está Pasando...

 -  Washington Funded Houla-Style Massacres


 -  What's Really Going On In Syria? - Ground Being Prepared for Syria Intervention' - by Ex-U.S. Chief of Staff

  Related Reports  

 -  Obama - A "New" Sociopolitical Era or The Greatest Deception? - Main File


 -  The Actual Iran Case - The Beginning of World War III? - Main File



 -  The New World Order - Main File