by Andre Vltchek
July 10,
GlobalResearch Website
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Italian version

The United States believes that it is so invincible, exceptional and
so frightening that no one would ever dare to protest, let alone
defend its people against constant humiliation, economic embargos
and military threats.
It used to be like this for quite some time. In the past, the West
used to bully the world before and after each well-planned assault.
Also, well-crafted propaganda used to be applied.
It was declared that things are done 'legally' and rationally.
were certain stages to colonialist and imperialist attacks:
your goals", "identify your victim", "plan", "brainwash your own
citizens and people all over the world",
...and then, only then,
some unfortunate country back to the stone ages".
Now, things are slightly different.
"The leader of the free world"
wakes up in the middle of the night, and he tweets. What comes from
his computer, tablet or phone, (or whatever he uses), is
spontaneous, unpolished and incredibly dangerous.
Similar in
substance to what made him wake up in the middle of the night, in a
first place.
He does not seem to plan; he shoots off from the hip. Today, as I am
writing this essay, he has declared that he has "five strategies for
Go figure. Bravo...!
Earlier, as he was about to land outside London, he embarked on
insulting the Mayor of the British capital, calling him names. A bit
like we used to do to each other, when we were five years old, in
the neighborhood playground.
He has been regularly offending Mexico, and of course Iran, China
and Russia.
He basically tells the leader of the most populous nation on earth -
China - to "be there", at the G20 Summit, or else.
Whenever he and his lieutenants are in the mood, they get busy
antagonizing everyone:
Cuba and
DPRK and Venezuela
Bolivia and Syria
Of course, the main "culprits" are always the 'biggest bad boys',
Russia and China.
Anyone, at any time, could easily land on the proverbial hit list of
President Trump, and hawks of his United States of A. It could be
India (which, during 'good submissive times' is called by the West
the "biggest democracy", or perhaps Turkey (militarily the second
mightiest NATO country).
The world had been converted into an entity
which appears to be run by a bloodthirsty and unpredictable
dictatorship. The world is an entity where everyone is terrified of
being purged, imprisoned, starved to death, or directly attacked,
even liquidated.
It was always like this, at least in the modern history of the
planet. Colonialism, neo-colonialism, imperialism: they have many
different faces but one common root. Root that has been often hidden
deep under the surface.
But this time it is all in the open, raw and brutally honest.
George W. Bush and
Donald Trump have one thing in common:
are 'honest.'
Bill Clinton and
Barack Obama were both 'suave' presidents.
were loved in Europe, as they knew how to speak politely, how to
dine elegantly, and how to commit mass murder in a 'rational,
righteous way'; 'old-fashioned, European-style'.
The brutal, vulgar ways of W. Bush and Donald Trump, have been
consistently shocking all those individuals who are pleased when
things are done 'stylishly' and 'politically correctly'; be it a
coup or the starvation to death of millions through embargos.
Or be
it invasions or 'smart' bombing (practically, 'smart' meaning very
far from the inquisitive eyes).
But it is not only the 'offended sensibilities' of predominantly
European population, that matter.
The danger is that someone might take Donald Trump seriously, and
respond accordingly...
In the past, verbal insults similar to those unleashed now by the US
President, could easily have led to a war, or at least to the
breaking up of diplomatic relationships.
And now...?
In case Westerners have not realized it, yet... people all over the
world are indignant.
I talk to Libyans, Afghans, Iraqis,
Venezuelans, Cubans, Iranians:
they hate what comes from Washington;
hate it with passion.
They know that what is being done to them is
terrorism, thuggery.
But for now, they do not know how to defend
themselves. Not yet, but they are thinking.
The entire world now resembles a brutal ghetto, or a slum, where a
heavily armed gang controls the streets, and in fact every corner
and alley.
At least in the past, subjugated people were able to hide behind
decorative words and ideological pirouettes. They were able to 'save
their face'. They were sodomized in the name of 'freedom',
'democracy' and 'human rights'.
Now, a horrible reality
is flying directly into all directions:
"You will do as you
are told!"
"It is us who will
"Obey, because we
said so"
Entire proud nations are
being reduced into states of slaves or even worse - lap dogs...
As everyone is well aware, even lackeys and slaves often hold
grudges. And abused dogs can bite...
Throughout history, slaves rebelled.
True heroes came from
rebellious and enslaved nations.
This, what we have now on our planet, is not good, not a healthy
The more countries that are being intimidated, the higher the
chances are that somewhere, soon, things will let go; collapse.
Only terrible fear, so far, assures that if a Syrian or a Libyan or
an Afghan city is leveled to the ground, there is no real
urban areas in the USA stay intact.
Only incredible patience of the
Russian or
Chinese leaders
guarantees that, so far, even as their economies are being battered
by ridiculous sanctions, the two powerful nations do not retaliate
and ruin the US financial system (which is only a paper tiger).
Trump dares...
He tortures and humiliates more than half of the world,
then looks straight ahead and laughs:
"So what are you going to do
So far, the world is doing
Even the proud and mighty Iran is not 'crossing the line'. As
millions of its people are suffering because of insane sanctions,
the Iranian navy is not yet engaging the US battleships that are
sailing very near its shores.
Even as more and more US bases are being built right next to both
Russia and China's borders, so far there are no substantial military
bases being erected by Moscow or Beijing in places such as
Nicaragua, Cuba or Venezuela.
All this may change, soon.
And the so much dreaded (by Washington) "domino effect" may actually
take place.
Non-Western leaders have also their 'bad days' and terrible nights.
They also wake up in the middle of the night, and think, want to
communicate and to act.
Imagine an Iranian leader, waking up at 2AM, and suddenly feeling
overwhelmed by wrath, because Iranian men, women and children are
suffering, for no reason, as a result of the perverse sadism being
regurgitated by the West.
What if he Tweets an insult, too?
What if
he just orders, on a spur of the moment, to have all those obsolete
US aircraft carriers and destroyers that are floating in the
vicinity, be sunk?
Iran can do it:
everyone knows that it can...!
Technically, militarily, it is easy:
those ships are just sitting
Then what? Will Washington nuke Iran?
Someone may say:
The West is killing millions every year, anyway.
Better to fight it, in order to stop it, once and for all. Others
may join.
And then, then what...?
Will Trump give orders to kill tens
of millions, just to maintain control over the world?
What if the US navy vessels bump into a Russian or a Chinese ship,
as they almost did in the South China Sea, recently?
What if a
Russian or Chinese ship sinks, dozens of sailors die. And there is a
retaliation? Then what?
What if Syria has enough and begins shooting down Israeli military
jets that are bombing it, and attacking North American and European
'special forces' that are still located, illegally, on its
The US is engaged all over the world.
France and the UK, too. And if
you talk to the people in Africa, Asia, the Middle East, you very
soon realize what the real feelings towards Washington are!
If you provoke the entire world, something very terrible may happen...!
Now, there is an entire coalition of powerful nations, ready to
defend themselves, and also defend each other.
economically, and ideologically.
The world is not a slave of the West, or the United States. It is
not a latrine.
This is the new world.
Considering the horrors that were spread by
the West, for many long years and centuries, Asia, Africa, "Latin
America", the Middle East and Oceania, are unbelievably patient and
But the USA and Europe should not take this tolerance for
granted. They should not provoke its former and present victims.
Now, we (the people from the previously ruined part of the world)
are beginning to speak up:
about what is being done to us - to China
and Russia, to South America and Africa, and the Middle East.
awareness comes courage. With courage comes pride.
Do not misinterpret our kindness. It is not a weakness. Not anymore.
Think twice before you speak (or Tweet).
Think a thousand times,
before you act...!