by Felicity Arbuthnot
April 09,
GlobalResearch Website

Fifteen years ago, April
9, 2003,
The Occupation of Baghdad.
This article by veteran war
Felicity Arbuthnot
was first published
by Global Research in April
"How can you make a war on terror when you are actually the
America's 2003
assault on Iraq, already devastated
by thirteen years of sanctions, infrastructure destruction
consequently unrepaired from the 1991 bombing was, in the ridiculous
annals of names the U.S. military gives to their slaughter-fests,
entitled: "Shock and Awe."
This approach to nation destruction is technically known as:
"rapid dominance",
the concept based on use of "overwhelming power."
It was devised by two
arguably psychologically challenged military strategists, Harlan
K. Ullman and James P. Wade, in 1996. (i)
Their days devising Machiavellian "shock" in destroying all means
transportation, food production, water supply, and other aspects
of infrastructure must (cause) the threat and fear of action
that may shut down all or part of… society (rendering) ability
to fight useless short of complete physical destruction."
"Shutting the country
down would entail both the physical destruction of appropriate
infrastructure… so rapidly as to achieve a level of national
shock akin to the effect that dropping nuclear weapons on
Hiroshima and Nagasaki had on the Japanese."
In an interview with CBS
Ullman stated:
"You're sitting in
Baghdad and all of a sudden you're the general and thirty of
your division headquarters have been wiped out."
"You also take the city down. By that I mean you get rid of
their power, their water."
Iraq's water had been
deliberately targeted in 1991, on orders to the twenty seven country
coalition, from Central Command (ii) and had never
recovered, as was intended:
"We estimated it will
take Iraq's water six months to fully degrade", stated the
circulated instructions, which also advised, "Iraq will suffer
increasing shortages of purified water because of the lack of
required chemicals and desalination membranes. Incidences of
disease, including possible epidemics, will become probable…"
Ironically, in an
unprecedented action after 1991 hostilities ended, UN Security
Council Resolution 687 held Iraq responsible, indeed liable, for all
damage, including the Coalition destruction of its water supplies,
targets prohibited by both Hague and Geneva Conventions.
Then, after twelve years of deprivation and bombing, of deformed and
dying children poisoned by the radioactive and chemically toxic
Depleted Uranium (read nuclear
waste) weapons used in 1991, Iraqis were subject to further toxic
"shock" of enormity, but certainly no "awe."
As Baghdad's great bridges spanning the Tigris, which I had walked
and driven days before, burned and fell, for the second time in a
decade, as the flames consumed Harun al Rashid's eighth century
"Round City", and its history was raped by looters, as it shook and
tumbled, Iraqis hid in cupboards under stairs - or just waited to
die, as Hades itself erupted around them - and Washington and
Whitehall called it: "liberation."
Perverts in U.S. and British uniforms put bags over peoples heads,
tied their hands, chucked them in to transportation and took them to
hastily opened prisons, where they were stripped naked, tortured,
sexually abused, murdered.
Fellow perverts took "trophy pictures" of the dead - and trophy
fingers, bone fragments and worse, as mementos.
Journalists attempting to relay reality were also targeted and
murdered by invading forces, setting a trend. Iraq is now the most
dangerous place for journalists on earth and the third most corrupt.
On 9th April, the day Saddam Hussein's statue was pulled
down by U.S. marines, then Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld
called it:
"a very good day."
Destruction by occupying
forces of cultural history, ancient or modern, is, of course,
another war crime.
It is also low life
vandalism and a damn cheek of - literally - historic proportions.
Anthony Shadid was a journalist
who survived the invasion's forces, but lost his life in Syria last
month (February 2012). His testimony to Iraq's tragedy and his own
courage as the carnage enveloped, remains part of his legacy, in
countless words.
As the morgues filled to overflowing (victims were soon piled in
refrigerated trucks outside) he visited the Mosques, where the
"caretaker" of humanity's last hours on earth, tended the the dead.
Haider Kadim, was carefully washing the body of fourteen year
old Arkan Daif, killed with two friends.
He had suffered:
"a hole in his skull,
when the sky exploded."
His relatives described
Arkan as:
"like a flower."
"It's very difficult", said Haider, his labour of love and
respect over and the men closing the coffin.
Earlier in the week:
"he had gone to
another Mosque to help bury dozens, when a blast ripped through
a teeming market nearby.
The memories haunted
him. He remembered the severed hands and heads that arrived; he
recalled bodies, even that of an infant, with more gaping
Even funeral parties were
attacked, from day one.
Shadid records an eighty
year old lady, whose family had risked the missiles to take her to
be buried in the ancient cemetery in southern Najav, Shia Islam's
most holy site.
They never made it. U.S. forces, wrote Shadid, attacked the three
cars, one carrying her body. It was 31st March 2003.
Troops then moved in to the nations's palaces, painted murals of
missiles raining down on the walls - and subsequently held Christian
Baptism ceremonies in the swimming pools, having brought in an
"Alpha" Christian indoctrination course, enthusiastically run and
embraced by the self- appointed "Vicar of Baghdad", Canon Andrew
White (iii, iv) who also came in with the tanks.
Dismiss any doubts about it not really being a "Crusade" and that
being another
George W. Bush "miss-speak."
By 1st May, to declare:
W. Bush landed on USS Abraham Lincoln in a little flying
suit, his manhood apparently encased in lead.
Seldom "in the field of
human conflict", has a Commander in Chief looked such
a prat (apologies to Winston
The episode, did, however, perhaps encapsulate the gargantuan,
tragic, fantasy-land concept of the whole illegal, ill conceived
Iraq invasion, the venture of a very "New World", in to the,
"Cradle of
Civilization and, as Petra, it's ancient cities, half as old as