by Tyler Durden
September 30, 2024
ZeroHedge Website

The World Economic Forum (WEF) held its 'Sustainable
Development Impact Meetings' during last week's United Nations
General Assembly in New York City.
Speaking at the meeting, far-left elitist and
former presidential climate envoy
John Kerry expressed frustration
to fellow globalists, stating that the
First Amendment
frequently obstructs their agenda.
"Our First Amendment stands as a major block
to the ability to be able to hammer [disinformation] out of
existence. What we need is to win... the right to govern by
hopefully winning enough votes that you're free to be able to
implement change," Kerry said.
Kerry noted,
"It's very hard to govern today."
We'll translate "govern" for readers as it
essentially means narration control (or official
government-approved propaganda) - that is, through the censorship
blob at federal government agencies in Washington, DC, the intel
community, Silicon Valley's big tech, fact-checkers, think tanks and
legacy corporate media.
Kerry's choice of words and tone shows that far-left radicals in the
Obama-Biden-Harris team are frightened that their own misinformation
and disinformation propaganda jammed through far-left corporate
media outlets is no longer sticking as the citizens gravitate to the
'free speech' X platform run by
Elon Musk for their news in
the pursuit of truth after being lied to for decades by their
corrupt government and corporate overlords.
Here's the
Conservative Treehouse's Sundance take on Kerry:
Within the recent WEF discussion, Secretary
Kerry outlines how freedom of speech is a 'threat to the global
democracy' because the governing officials have a difficult time
controlling information.
Kerry goes on to posit how the next
administration, presumably in his hope Kamala Harris, will
forcefully structure all the tools of government to stop
Americans from using the first amendment to freely speak about
Governing is too challenging, according to Kerry, when the
government cannot stop people from seeking and discovering
information that is against their interests.
Effective governing required compliant
adherence to a singular ideology.
Against the backdrop of COVID-19 and a host
of similarly related government narratives, if people are free
to find alternative information and think for themselves, they
become increasingly more difficult to control.
Yes, this is said quite openly.
This is the
mindset of those in power...!
At a separate WEF meeting earlier this year,
Emma Tucker, WSJ Chief Editor,
said the days of
media "owning the news" and "being the gatekeepers of the facts"
over as she complained people are going to 'other sources' and
questioning the official government-approved narrative...
The masters of deception, that being
the globalists, who are hellbent on
dividing and conquering, have seen their power and
control begin to wither away, because how dare the people actually
be informed with truth and pick their own news sources!
Video also
Hence why, these globalists are waging war against Musk's X
on a global stage.
Here's what others are saying about far-left Kerry...:
The quiet part is being said out loud:
Globalists want to rip up the