by Harrison Koehli
January 27, 2025
Ponerology Website

Still from Robert
Nosferatu (2024)
as above, so below.
"We must know evil to be able to destroy it.
We must discover
it within ourselves
and when we
have, we must crucify
the evil within
or there is no
Professor von
Franz in Nosferatu
We humans find ourselves in a tough situation.
The information we use to form judgments is
always limited, and those who have something to hide are experts at
managing that information.
This places us in a bind...
Even with good information, it is difficult to
know that we have enough information to form a sufficiently
objective conclusion.
And if the information we do have has been
manipulated, we're even worse off. This applies to all things, but
in the context of human predation I would sum it up like this:
There are obvious signs of malevolence, but no obvious signs of
The obvious signs should be... obvious...
I'd bet that everyone who has been on the
receiving end of overt malevolence knows it when they experience it.
And there's really no mistaking it.
When someone is,
in the process of hurting or killing a
victim in a particularly sadistic way,
...that should be obvious.
Or when they grin at you as they see your
friends and family believe the lies they've been spreading about
Or the threats they dole out to keep your
silence about their true nature.
Those are all explicit signs of human
But it doesn't work the other way.
Overt signs of benevolence can
never be taken as proof of benevolence.
(Same as how virtue
signaling is not proof of virtue.)
I find it amazing that practically everyone knows
the phrase "wolf in sheep's clothes," or one like it, but so many
people are taken in by false displays of compassion and benevolence.
The most effective psychopaths are not
successful because they are obviously malevolent.
They are effective because they convince
others that they are not malevolent.
They wear a mask...
This mask does several things.
It disarms you by gaining your trust, which
they can then exploit.
It creates a group of supporters who won't
believe they could possibly be malevolent, which creates a form
of "reputational" and social armor.
It allows them to achieve objectives they
would not otherwise be able to achieve if they were openly
Without such a mask or persona, they would have
no support and they would quickly be imprisoned, killed, or
otherwise run out of a community.
As such, they have to operate by way of
Malevolence often presents itself as its opposite:
charming, friendly, stable, reliable, caring
and compassionate, benevolent...
So what are we to do?
Simply being reactively distrustful of everyone
isn't helpful. Luckily we don't need to be. As a start, we just need
to be cautious and aware that this is the state of the world.
In other words,
we need to understand the very basic truths
that 1) malevolence is real, and 2) appearances can be
But these two understandings are sadly lacking in
many communities.
One community in particular is what I'll broadly call the "New
Many readers may know that I'm convinced of the
reality of
metaphysical evil in addition to
plain old
human evil, and
its relation to the subject of non-human
If you disagree, that's okay with me.
Reading the following as a metaphor for human
evil will be just as effective, I think.
Steven Greer is a medical
doctor and longtime advocate of "UFO disclosure," and I'd place
him squarely in the New Age camp.
He engages in a practice he calls "CE-5,"
or "close encounters of the fifth kind," which involves
summoning and "contacting" non-human intelligences and craft via
a form of meditation, often in a group.
Many people think this aspect of his work is
pure charlatanry and nonsense. I'm not one of those people
(though I've heard convincing claims he has engaged in
fraudulent behavior in this pursuit). But neither am I an
In the wake of
NewsNation's recent release of
an interview with an ex-Air Force special operator who claims to
have worked as part of a UAP crash-retrieval team, and that part
of this program involved summoning craft in much the same way as
Greer tweeted this:
Even if I didn't believe in various aspects
of the "supernatural," I would find this statement shockingly
Because I do believe, I also find it absolutely
Greer is notorious for his firm conviction that "ETs" are
exclusively benevolent.
Any evidence of malevolence (some
of it quite overt, in my opinion) he ascribes to
"deep-state" groups manipulating events in order to give aliens a bad image.
the suggestion that they may not be benevolent makes him visibly
upset in interviews.
So take a look at what he is saying here.
He is assuring readers that we can trust in the benevolence of
the beings allegedly contacted via CE-5 simply by inviting them
"to come IF [implication: and only if] it is safe and
If such things are in fact possible, what makes
him think this will be any more effective in the spiritual
domain than in the human one?
Job offer:
I invite all potential applicants to spend time alone with my
children but ONLY if you are safe and act appropriately. You have to
If you are a peaceful, benevolent baby-sitter, please stop by at
7:00 pm this Friday at 555 Naif Blvd. I'll be out by then, but the
door will be unlocked and the kids waiting.
Con men and destructive predators thrive on this level of blind
openness and "compassion."
Now, let's say that there is some reality to certain "supernatural"
This approach is basically an open invitation to a
different type of predator. In the religious sphere we might call it
diabolic obsession or possession.
Starry-eyed naivety and positive
intentions are not protection against malevolence. They invite it
in. And
metaphysical predators are reportedly just as good if not
better at deception than their human counterparts.
In other words,
you should expect them to put on a good show.
They might even make
you feel really good as a sign that they mean you no harm and to
establish a connection.
Psychopaths "love bomb" for a reason.
And just for the sake of argument, let's assume that the "ET"
hypothesis is correct.
I personally am not convinced by it, but if
it were true, humanity would be screwed with "diplomatic
ambassadors" like Greer.
He is essentially promoting an "open
border" policy with a potential adversary that is arguably more
technically advanced, and thus potentially more dangerous than any
human adversary.
Sorry, but I would much rather place my trust in a
hardened diplomat schooled in realpolitik, and a military
intelligence planner who habitually asks what if and plans
accordingly, than some pollyannaish New Ager beaming love and
to an intelligence who for all we know shows us only what they want
us to see.
And you know what...?
Any hypothetical, truly benevolent race of "space
brothers" would understand and respect that.
Just like any good
potential babysitter is okay with being vetted by parents and would
probably be uncomfortable if they showed no signs of concern for
their child's well-being.
They would understand,
that this world is a
complex place
that we have to deal with liars and
we have to make judgments based on limited information
that we have
learned the hard way the need to be cautious
that peace is only
possible through strength in the form of the willingness to resort
to overwhelming force...
Bringing this back down to earth, in a world with very real human
we cannot be naive.
We have to be aware of the potential
dangers and take steps to forestall them.
We can't just act nice,
let our guard down, and assume everyone is as nice as they appear.
We have to be selective about who we "let in," whether into our
personal lives, our communities, or our countries.
And we have to be
willing stand up for ourselves against those whose benevolence is
only a pretense masking an insatiable appetite.
If you're looking for a babysitter (use this as a stand-in for any
position of responsibility), they should be more than willing to be
tested and doubted until they prove themselves.
If they're insulted
by the suggestion and try to demean you for offering it, you're
better off not trusting them.