by Lance D. Johnson
December 22, 2024
NaturalNews Website

Bill Gates funds Canadian startup
Sky to "remove"
CO2 from the atmosphere.
The project aims to store carbon
underground and sell carbon credits.
Critics question Gates' motives, seeing
it as a step toward controlling the planet.
Direct air capture technology is
expensive, energy-intensive, and unproven at scale.
Gates' involvement raises concerns about
population control and global manipulation.
Bill Gates has a plan to suck CO2 out of the atmosphere, destroy the
Bill Gates has always been a man with a plan - or rather, a man with
many plans.
But his latest venture, the Deep Sky project, takes his
ambitions to a whole new level of dystopian creepiness.
This isn't
just about saving the planet:
this is about controlling it...
the billionaire tech mogul turned self-appointed climate "savior", is
now funding a Canadian startup to suck carbon dioxide directly out
of the atmosphere.
Sounds noble, right? Wrong...
This is the first
step in what appears to be a deranged scheme to engineer the Earth's
atmosphere and, by extension, control the population.
Deep Sky, a Montreal-based company, has secured a $40-million grant
from Gates' Breakthrough Energy Catalyst to build a facility in
Alberta by spring 2025.
The company plans to store the captured CO2
two kilometers underground in a deep saline aquifer, a process known
as direct air capture (DAC).
DAC involves using massive fans or
vacuums to draw in air, which is then filtered to isolate CO2.
energy demands of such systems are astronomical, and the industry is
already grappling with a "renewable power problem."
This isn't just
about reducing emissions.
It's about creating a system where carbon
is commodified, controlled, and monetized.
Who benefits most from this?
Not the planet, and certainly not the
people - just Gates and his cronies...!
Global elite seek total control
over Earth's atmosphere
But the most unsettling aspect of this project is the broader
narrative it feeds into.
Gates has long been criticized for his
overreach into,
global health
now climate
His involvement in initiatives like this raises serious
questions about his ultimate goals.
Is he trying to save the planet,
or is he trying to control it, or perhaps destroy it altogether?
manipulating the atmosphere, Gates could effectively be "terraforming"
the Earth,
creating conditions that suit his or some other groups'
vision of the future - a future where a global elite hold the keys
to the planet's survival.
Gates has been vocal about the need to
reduce global population
growth, often couching it in terms of climate change.
But when you
combine that with his push for atmospheric engineering, it starts to
look like something far more sinister.
Is this about saving the
planet, or about creating a world where a select few - like Gates -
call the shots?
The UN's Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change has called for
the removal of billions of tonnes
of CO2 by 2050 to stabilize the
But who gets to decide how that's done?
Gates, apparently...
His Breakthrough Energy Catalyst is funding cutting-edge climate
tech projects, effectively shaping the future of the planet.
isn't democracy...
an oligarchy of mad scientists and climate
engineers, and it will inevitably have catastrophic consequences for
Deep Sky's project is just the beginning.
Over the next decade, the
company plans to invest over $100 million in carbon capture
Gates' fingerprints are all over this, and it's hard
not to see it as part of a larger plan to dominate the global
climate agenda.
Bill Gates' Deep Sky project isn't some climate
it's a power play, a recipe for complete planetary