by Paul Joseph Watson
February 05, 2025
ModernityNews Website

...but may
still be required
entertainment purposes...
Arch-Technocrat Bill Gates is promoting his
just-released autobiography, 'Source Code: My Beginnings,'
and of course, he has the chops to get on the Jimmy
Fallon show.
Fawning as always, Fallon was genuinely shocked to hear
that humans will be needed "Not for most things."
AI write all jokes in the future comedians and then
stand up a lifelike avatar comedian to deliver to the
will probably haunt Fallon in the coming days.
Bill Gates says that in the near future,
won't be needed for "most things" thanks to AI, but will still be
required for the purposes of entertainment...
Gates made the comments during an appearance on
The Tonight Show starring Jimmy Fallon to promote his new book.
Fallon asked Gates whether AI was going to "take over" and what the
downsides and benefits of it were.
Video also
Gates explained that,
"intelligence is rare," but that artificial
intelligence will start to replace great teachers and doctors over
the course of the next decade.
The Microsoft co-founder went on to suggest that,
many types of jobs
will be replaced and that people could only end up working two or
three days a week.
"This is a bit scary, it's completely new territory," he added.
"Will we still need humans?" asked Fallon.
"Not for most things," responded Gates, prompting Fallon to hold his
hands over his mouth in shock.
After Fallon suggested humans would still be needed for
entertainment purposes, like hosting a talk show, Gates concurred.
"Well, we'll decide.
You know, like baseball. We won't want to watch
computers play baseball. So there'll be some things that we reserve
for ourselves.
But in terms of making things and moving things and
growing food, over time, those will be basically solved problems."
Apparently, putting potentially billions of people out of work, who
will then be completely dependent on the state, is a 'solved
During another appearance on The View, Gates predicted that the next COVID-style
"could be far more severe"...
Interestingly, while having his arms crossed the whole time, Gates
rubbed his hands together while saying,
"This one, it killed
millions, it was awful, we got the vaccine."
Video also