


 -  A.I.-Accelerated Nazca Survey nearly doubles the Number of known Figurative Geoglyphs and sheds light on...


 -  A.I. (Artificial Intelligence) Revolution 101 - Our Last Invention, Greatest Nightmare or Pathway to Utopia?


 -  A.I. Companies are trying to build God - Shouldn't they get our 'Permission' First?


 -  A.I. Cracks Covid-19 Origin - Made In Lab


 -  A.I. Developers' Algorithms will tell Doctors how to Diagnose their Patients


 -  A.I. Drone Swarms and Autonomous Vessels - Palantir Co-Founder warns how Warfare is about to Change for...


 -  A.I. in the Office - Threat to Jobs or Boom to Human Creativity...?


 -  'A.I. Robots' could run the World better than Humans - United Nations Summit


 -  A.I.'s Ominous Split Away from Human Thinking


 -  A.I. 'Spills the Beans' about the Covid-19 Event


 -  A la Inteligencia Artificial (I.A.) le falta 'Sentido Común'


 -  Artificial Intelligence (A.I.) Building A.I. - Mankind Losing more Control over Artificial Intelligence


 -  Artificial Intelligence (A.I.) Could Be the Worst Event in the History of Civilization - Says Stephen Hawking


 -  Artificial Intelligence (A.I.) - Dangers to Humanity


 -  Artificial Intelligence (A.I.) will Serve Humans - But Only about 1% of Them


 -  Artificial Intelligence Could Be on Brink of Passing Turing Test


 -  Artificial Intelligence Engineers Create Child-Like "Roboy" to Service Humans


 -  Artificial Intelligence is our Future - But Will it Save or Destroy Humanity?


 -  Artificial Intelligence Successfully Pretends to Be Human - Now What?


 -  Artificial Intelligence Takes the Battlefield - Who is Really Running Jade Helm 15?


 -  Artificial Intelligence will Lead to the Human Soul - Not Destroy It


 -  Artificial Intelligence yields New Antibiotic


 -  A Smarter Robot - A new Chatbot shows rapid advances in Artificial Intelligence


 -  Bilderberg Wields Artificial Intelligence - "A Tool to Massively Amplify Our Ability to Control the World"


 -  Bill Gates Calls for Farmers to Be Replaced with 'Smart Farming' A.I. Technology


 -  Bill Gates on A.I. - 'Humans won't be needed for Most Things'


 -  Bill Gates Propone di Rimpiazzare gli Agricoltori con Tecnologia di I.A. "Agricoltura Intelligente"


 -  BlackRock CEO says 'Xenophobic' Countries with Shrinking Populations may be the 'Big Winners' in A.I.-Driven...


 -  By 2040, A.I. Implants will Let Us Control our Environment with Thoughts - Says Scientists


 -  China's Plan to Build Global Technocracy using Artificial Intelligence


 -  Científicos están trabajando en fusionar 'Células Cerebrales Humanas' con la Inteligencia Artificial (I.A.)


 - ¿Cómo podría Matar Humanos la Inteligencia Artificial?


 -  Compañía que desarrolla Inteligencia Artificial quiere "enseñar" a la I.A. a tener 'conciencia'


 -  Consciencia Maquínica - Metaprogramación del Biocomputador Humano


 - "Dentro de 50 Años va a ser casi Imposible distinguir un Robot Humanoide de una Persona" - La I.A.


 -  Disaster Looms when A.I. Runs the Economy - Says Inventor of the Internet


 -  El escenario Perfecto para la Videovigilancia Masiva - Los Juegos Olímpicos 2024 en Francia


 -  El Futuro de la Mente - La Inteligencia Artificial podría remodelar la Mente Humana y crear Mentes Sintéticas...


 -  Elon Musk accidentally leaked 'Disturbing Details of A.I.' - Live on TV


 -  Elon Musk and top A.I. Researchers call for Pause on 'Giant A.I. Experiments'


 -  Expertos Advierten a Panel de Naciones Unidas sobre Peligros de la Súper Inteligencia Artificial


 -  Experts Warn United Nations Panel on the Dangers of Artificial Super Intelligence


 -  Exponiendo a la Inteligencia Artificial, Sentiente Extraplanetaria, Depredadora y Patógena


 -  Exposing Sentient, Off-planet Predatory, Pathogenic A.I. Artificial Intelligence


 -  FaceBook descubre un Peligro Imprevisto en el desarrollo de la Inteligencia Artificial


 - ¿Futuro Post-Coronavirus? - Biosensores Inyectables, I.A. de Detección de Virus, Robots y Sociedad sin...


 -  Genesis or Simulacra? - Kissinger's reach Beyond the Grave


 -  Google's Eric Schmidt and the Artificial Intelligence Military-Industrial Complex


 -  Governance by Artificial Intelligence - The Ultimate Unaccountable Tyranny


 -  How 'A.I. Agents' that Roam the Internet could One Day replace Workers


 -  How to Control the Capabilities of Superintelligence?


 -  IARPA developing Artificial Intelligence to Help 'Predict the Future'


 -  Il Futuro del Post-Coronavirus? - Biosensori Iniettabili, I.A. di Rilevazione dei Virus, Robot a una Società senza...


 -  Ingenieros de Inteligencia Artificial Crean un Robot con Apariencia de Niño para El Servicio de Los Seres...


 -  Inteligencia Artificial que puede Escribir Textos Falsos es considerada Demasiado Peligrosa


 -  Intelligenza Artificiale (A.I.) - Pericoli per l'Umanità


 -  Inventor afirma haber Creado una Inteligencia Artificial "Sensible"


 -  Is Google's 'DeepMind A.I.' close to 'Human-Level' Intelligence?


 -  Kissinger's Final Warning - Prepare Now for 'Superhuman' People to Control Earth - Artificial Intelligence...


 -  Klaus Schwab on A.I. - "We don't Even Need Democratic Elections"


 -  La Batalla por Dominar el Futuro - ¿'DeepSeek' cambia las reglas entre EE.UU. y China?


 -  La Crianza Artificial - Maquinas 'Inteligentes'


 -  La "Esclavitud de la I.A." del Foro Económico Mundial viene por Ti...


 -  La Esperanza de una Tecnología Humanizada


 -  La Globalización Viral de la Vigilancia de la I.A. - Inteligencia Artificial


 -  La Inteligencia Artificial alcanza una Imaginación similar a la Humana


 -  La Inteligencia Artificial desentierra más de 300 figuras en Nazca hasta ahora Ocultas


 -  La Inteligencia Artificial en el Remoto Pasado y en la Historia Reciente


 -  La Inteligencia Artificial en un Mundo sin Inteligencia Emocional


 -  La Inteligencia Artificial rompe la Física Quántica


 -  La Inteligencia Artificial traerá un Nuevo Renacimiento o Nuestra Destrucción


 -  La Inteligencia Artificial Ya Está Aquí


 -  La Perspectiva Demiúrgica y el Dios Artificial


 - "Large-scale Risks from Upcoming, Powerful A.I. Systems" - Managing 'A.I. Risks' in an Era of Rapid Progress


 -  L'Intelligenza Artificiale produce Nuovo Antibiotico


 -  Lo que piensa Putin sobre un 'Posible Fin del Mundo' por una I.A. Fuera de Control


 -  Los Dictadores deberían Temer a la I.A.


 -  Los Seres "Artificiales" que dan "Vida" a las Inteligencias Artificiales - IAs


 -  Máquinas que saben por qué llora tu Bebé - Así es la Crianza de la Inteligencia Artificial


 -  Microsoft says New A.I. shows Signs of Human Reasoning


 -  Miles de Matemáticos piden Boicotear la I.A. de 'Crimen Predictivo' de la Policía


 -  New 'A.I.-based Theory' explains your Weird Dreams


 -  New Chip Expands the Possibilities for Artificial Intelligence (A.I.)


 - "No hay Duda de que Cambiará al Mundo" - David Chalmers sobre la Realidad Virtual y la Inteligencia Artificial


 -  OpenAI as we knew it is Dead - Now it's a 'Loose Cannon' in the hands of a Megalomaniac Technocrat


 -  Pause Giant A.I. Experiments - An Open Letter


 -  Phantom Self - A Mind Virus as a Type of A.I. Computer Virus - David Icke's Book Review


 -  Philosopher Nick Bostrom's Predictions on 'Life in an A.I. Utopia'


 -  Plataforma Secreta de Inteligencia Artificial del HHS puede 'Predecir' Brotes de Covid-19 dentro de EE.UU...


 -  Popping the A.I. Bubble


 -  Post-Coronavirus Future? - Injectable Biosensors, A.I. Virus Detection, Robots and a Cashless Society


 -  Psychotechnology - How A.I. is Designed to Change Humanity


 - ¿Qué es Realmente la I.A.? - Ilusiones Digitales, Falsas Promesas y Reeducación Masiva


 - ¿Qué pasa si Somos una I.A. en una Simulación que Ejecutamos?


 -  Questa Intelligenza Artificiale Può Letteralmente Leggere la Vostra Mente e Ricreare le Immagini dei Volti...


 -  Quien Gane la Carrera de la Inteligencia Artificial (I.A.) Gobernará el Mundo - Dice el Instituto Brookings


 -  Religion Goes Digital - They want to play God, become gods, and build God(s)


 -  Researcher links Artificial Intelligence, Geoengineering, Smart Dust and Morgellons to ET's


 -  Researchers build Artificial Intelligence that builds Artificial Intelligence


 -  Robots, Inteligencia Artificial y el Futuro de los Humanos


 -  Rothschild wants Merger between Corporations, Governments and A.I. to "Save Capitalism"


 -  Self-Taught 'A.I.' shows Similarities to how the Human Brain works


 - ¿Serán Legalmente Responsables los Futuros Sistemas de Inteligencia Artificial?


 - "Si la Inteligencia Artificial (I.A.) se Sale de Control podría causar Daños Irreparables" - Putin


 -  Silicon Valley's vision for A.I.? - It's Religion, repackaged...


 -  Silicon Valley y la Carrera hacia la Guerra Robótica - ¿Reyes Filósofos o Militaristas de la Nueva Era?


 -  Stargate - Así es el Megaproyecto de I.A. de Trump que Deepseek pone contra las cuerdas


 -  Stopping Dangerous A.I. - Henry Kissinger's Last Crusade


 -  Tenemos que Pensar cómo Controlar la I.A. porque es muy Potente y lo va a Cambiar Todo - Jordi Torres


 -  The A.I. and the Creation of a Massive Class of Useless People and what should be done with them - Y.N. Harari


 -  The A.I. Threat isn't Skynet - It's the End of the Middle Class


 -  The Artificial Intelligence (A.I.) 'Transhumanism Occult Trap' and the Way Out


 -  The Demiurge Perspective and the Artificial God


 -  The Economics of Artificial Intelligence



 -  The Future of Moral Machines


 -  The Hope for a Humanized Technology



 -  The Merging of Government with Artificial Intelligence


 -  There's No Way we could Stop a Rogue A.I.


 -  This Artificial Intelligence (A.I.) literally Reads your Mind to Re-create Images of the Faces you See


 -  The Skynet Conspiracy


 -  The Stargate is Open - Enter the Sand Gods


 -  This New Religion from a Silicon Valley Pioneer Worships A.I. as an Emerging Godhead


 -  Una I.A. Financiada por Google será Capaz de escribir 30 Mil Historias Mensuales para Otros Medios en...


 -  Una Invasión Nefasta - La Inteligencia Artificial (I.A.) en los Chatbots que están Colonizando nuestras Mentes


 -  Unprecedented, Unholy, Unseen - Artificial Intelligence (A.I.) Chatbots are Colonizing our Minds


 -  Varios Gigantes Tecnológicos se Unen para Impulsar la Inteligencia Artificial - Histórico y Terrorífico

 -  Weaponized Artificial Intelligence - The Future of Algorithmic Forever Wars


 -  WEF announces 'New World' of A.I.-Led 'Humanocracy'


 -  WEF boasts Billions of Humans will soon be Replaced with A.I. Hybrids


 -  Welcome to DARPA's new 'Mass Surveillance Control Tool'


 -  What is A.I. Really? - Digital Illusions, False Promises and Mass Reeducation


 -  What's the Difference between A.I., Machine Learning and Robotics?


 -  When A.I. takes Control of Your Computer


 -  Whoever wins the Artificial Intelligence Race will Rule the World - Brookings


 -  Why A.I. 'Misinformation' algorithms and research are mostly Expensive Garbage


 -  Your Personal Information is probably being used to train Generative A.I. Models


 -  Zuckerberg warns that A.I. Companies 'Trying to Create God'... but he will "Save Us"...

  Additional Information  


 -  Atrapado en un Sueño - 12 Revelaciones sobre Nuestra Realidad


 -  Cell Phones are about to Become More Powerful than you Could Imagine


 -  Cuando la Tecnología te Conoce Mejor de lo que te Conoces a ti Mismo


 -  Developing Algorithms that Might One Day be used Against You


 -  El 'Piloto' Interestelar que Contactará Primero con una Civilización Alienígena


 -  El Robot Sospechoso e Impositivo - Pensamiento Crítico...


 -  Esiste Vita sulla Terra? Uno 'Sperimento Mentale' - Il Covid-19, una "Scossa" come Ultima Opportunità per...


 -  God versus Aliens


 - ¿Hay Vida en la Tierra? - Un 'Experimento Mental' - Covid-19 ¿una "Sacudida" como Última Oportunidad...?


 -  How to Break Archon Programming


 -  Intrappolati in un Sogno - 12 Rivelazioni sulla Nostra Realtà


 -  Is There Life on Earth? - A 'Thought Experiment' - Is Covid-19 a 'Shock' for Humanity's Final Chance?


 -  La Religión del Dataísmo y el Posible Fin del Homo Sapiens


 -  L'Ascesa di Internet 2.0


 -  Los Robots consiguen que Peces y Abejas se Comuniquen entre sí


 -  Microsoft President Threatens that Orwell's '1984' could Happen in 2024


 -  Nuestro Universo es una Simulación


 -  Operation Mockingbird on Steroids - CGI allows Mainstream Media to Make 'Fake News' in Real Time


 -  Perchè la Tecnologia favorisce la Tirannia


 -  Recordando 'Quiénes Somos Realmente' frente a la Revolución Digital


 -  Remembering 'Who We Truly Are' in the Face of the Digital Revolution


 -  Remote Control of the Human Brain - Crowd Control Technologies and High Risk A.I. Systems


 -  Technocrats turn to Ethicists to 'Save their Soul'


 -  The Coming Techno Apocalypse


 -  The Rise of Internet 2.0


 -  They are Creating incredibly Bizarre New Technologies for the Dystopian World of the Future

 -  Transhumanism - Dancing with the Digital Devil


 -  Trapped in a Dream - 12 Revelations on Our Reality


 -  Video and Photo Evidence Now Even More Easily Faked and Fabricated


 -  Why Technology Favors Tyranny


 -  You will be Tagged and You will Love it...




 -  A 'ChatGPT' for Satellite Photos already Exists


 -  A surprising Explanation for the Global Decline of Religion


 -  Brace for an Avalanche of Horrible Online Investment Content Thanks to ChatGPT


 -  ChatGPT - ¿Amigo o Enemigo?


 -  ChatGPT - Friend or Foe?


 -  ChatGPT introduces Next Level of Satellite Surveillance


 -  ChatGPT reveló en TikTok "Cómo escapar de la Matrix" y dejó sin palabras al mundo...


 -  Is this '$7 Trillion A.I. Takeover' the End of Work as We Know It?


 -  Italy bans ChatGPT


 -  Las Falacias del Encantamiento con la Inteligencia Artificial de ChatGPT


 -  The "Godfather of A.I." says Doomsayers are Wrong and ChatGPT isn't Remarkable - Advanced Disinfo. Tool


Books-Treatises- Reports


 -  2084 - Artificial Intelligence and the Future of Humanity - by John Lennox

 -  A Generalist Agent

 -  Artificial Intelligence - Dangers to Humanity - by Cyrus A. Parsa

 -  Artificial Intelligence Index Report 2023

 -  Autonomous Military Robotics - Risk, Ethics, and Design

 -  Deep Utopia: Life and Meaning in a Solved World - by Nick Bostrom

 -  Draft Final Report - National Security Commission on Artificial Intelligence - January 2021

 -  Exposure to Automation explains Religious Declines - by Joshua Conrad Jackson

 -  Genesis - Artificial Intelligence, Hope and the Human Spirit - by Henry Kissinger, Craig Mundie and Eric Schmidt

 -  God, Human, Animal, Machine - by Meghan O'Gieblyn


 -  La Inteligencia Artificial explicada a los Humanos - por Jordi Torres

 -  Nexus - A Brief History of Information Networks from the Stone Age to A.I. - by Yuval Noah Harari

 -  Programming and Metaprogramming in The Human Biocomputer - by John. C. Lilly

 -  Semantics Derived Automatically from Language Corpora contain Human-Like Biases

 -  The Age of A.I. - And our Human Future - by Eric Schmidt and Henry Kissinger

 -  The Neural Dynamics of Facial Identity Processing - Insights from EEG-Based Pattern Analysis and Image...

 -  Three Laws of Robotics - by Isaac Asimov


 -  Artificial Intelligence A.I. - The Plan to Invade Humanity

 -  Defeating 5G as a Mass 'DEW' - A Directed Energy Weapon


 -  Entrevista a Jordi Torres autor del libro 'La Inteligencia Artificial Explicada a los Humanos'

 - "Godfather of A.I." quits Google to warn about Looming Dangers

 -  Great Awakening vs. Global Reset - How Full Disclosure trumps Transhumanism and Artificial Intelligence


 -  Los Robots se Hacen Cargo


 - "Muy pronto… 'Ellos' tomarán Tu Cerebro y lo Descargarán a la Nube"

 -  Our Mysterious Governance System and A.I. - Who and What is in Charge Here on Planet Earth?


 -  Regímenes Mundiales desarrollan Armas de I.A. sin considerar los Riesgos para todos...

 -  The Rise of 'AI'

 -  Transhumanist Technocracy Continues - Truth, Science and Spirit

  Related Reports  


 -  Big Brother Loves You... - Main File


 -  Genetic Changes - Main File