Nazca Survey nearly doubles the Number of known Figurative Geoglyphs
and sheds light on...
(Artificial Intelligence) Revolution 101 - Our Last
Invention, Greatest Nightmare or Pathway to Utopia?
Companies are trying to build God - Shouldn't they get
our 'Permission' First?
A.I. Developers' Algorithms will tell
Doctors how to Diagnose their Patients |
A.I. Drone Swarms and Autonomous
Vessels - Palantir Co-Founder warns how Warfare is about
to Change for...
A.I. in the
Office - Threat to Jobs or Boom to Human Creativity...? |
Robots' could run the World better than Humans - United Nations
Summit |
Ominous Split Away from Human Thinking |
A.I. 'Spills the Beans' about the Covid-19
Event |
Español |
A la Inteligencia Artificial (IA) le falta
'Sentido Común' |
Intelligence (A.I.) Building A.I. - Mankind Losing more Control
over Artificial Intelligence |
Artificial Intelligence (A.I.) Could Be the
Worst Event in the History of Civilization - Says Stephen
Hawking |
Artificial Intelligence (A.I.) - Dangers
to Humanity |
Artificial Intelligence (A.I.) will Serve
Humans - But Only about 1% of Them |
Artificial Intelligence Could Be on Brink of Passing
Turing Test |
Artificial Intelligence Engineers
Create Child-Like "Roboy" to Service Humans
Artificial Intelligence is our
Future - But Will it Save or Destroy Humanity?
Intelligence Successfully Pretends to Be Human - Now
Artificial Intelligence Takes the
Battlefield - Who is Really Running Jade Helm 15?
Artificial Intelligence will Lead
to the Human Soul - Not Destroy It
Artificial Intelligence yields New
A Smarter Robot - A new Chatbot
shows rapid advances in Artificial Intelligence
Wields Artificial Intelligence - "A Tool to Massively
Amplify Our Ability to Control the World"
Bill Gates Calls for Farmers to Be
Replaced with 'Smart Farming' A.I. Technology
Bill Gates on A.I. - 'Humans won't be needed for Most
Italiano |
Bill Gates Propone di Rimpiazzare
gli Agricoltori con Tecnologia di I.A. "Agricoltura
BlackRock CEO says 'Xenophobic'
Countries with Shrinking Populations may be the 'Big
Winners' in AI-Driven...
By 2040, A.I. Implants will Let Us
Control our Environment with Thoughts - Says Scientists
China's Plan to Build Global
Technocracy using Artificial Intelligence
Español |
Científicos están trabajando en fusionar 'Células
Cerebrales Humanas' con la Inteligencia Artificial (IA)
Español |
- ¿Cómo
podría Matar Humanos la Inteligencia Artificial?
Español |
Compañía que desarrolla
Inteligencia Artificial quiere "enseñar" a la IA a tener
Español |
Consciencia Maquínica - Metaprogramación del
Biocomputador Humano
Español |
- "Dentro
de 50 Años va a ser casi Imposible distinguir un Robot
Humanoide de una Persona" - La I.A.
Disaster Looms when A.I. Runs the
Economy - Says Inventor of the Internet
Español |
El escenario Perfecto para la
Videovigilancia Masiva - Los Juegos Olímpicos 2024 en
Español |
El Futuro de la Mente - La
Inteligencia Artificial podría remodelar la Mente Humana
y crear Mentes Sintéticas...
Elon Musk accidentally leaked
'Disturbing Details of A.I.' - Live on TV
Elon Musk and top AI Researchers
call for Pause on 'Giant AI Experiments'
Español |
Expertos Advierten a Panel de
Naciones Unidas sobre Peligros de la Súper Inteligencia
Experts Warn United Nations Panel
on the Dangers of Artificial Super Intelligence
Español |
Exponiendo a la Inteligencia
Artificial, Sentiente Extraplanetaria, Depredadora y
Exposing Sentient, Off-planet
Predatory, Pathogenic A.I. Artificial Intelligence
Español |
FaceBook descubre un Peligro
Imprevisto en el desarrollo de la Inteligencia
Español |
- ¿Futuro
Post-Coronavirus? - Biosensores Inyectables, I.A. de
Detección de Virus, Robots y Sociedad sin...
Genesis or Simulacra? -
Kissinger's reach Beyond the Grave
Google's Eric Schmidt and the
Artificial Intelligence Military-Industrial Complex
by Artificial Intelligence - The Ultimate Unaccountable
'A.I. Agents' that Roam the Internet could One Day replace
How to
Control the Capabilities of Superintelligence?
developing Artificial Intelligence to Help 'Predict the
Italiano |
Il Futuro del Post-Coronavirus? -
Biosensori Iniettabili, I.A. di Rilevazione dei Virus,
Robot a una Società senza...
Español |
Ingenieros de Inteligencia
Artificial Crean un Robot con Apariencia de Niño para El
Servicio de Los Seres...
Español |
Inteligencia Artificial que puede
Escribir Textos Falsos es considerada Demasiado
Italiano |
Intelligenza Artificiale (A.I.) -
Pericoli per l'Umanità
Español |
Inventor afirma haber Creado una Inteligencia Artificial
Is Google's 'DeepMind AI' close to
'Human-Level' Intelligence?
Kissinger's Final Warning -
Prepare Now for 'Superhuman' People to Control Earth -
Artificial Intelligence...
Klaus Schwab on AI - "We don't Even Need Democratic
Español |
Crianza Artificial - Maquinas 'Inteligentes'
Español |
La "Esclavitud de la IA" del Foro
Económico Mundial viene por Ti...
Español |
La Esperanza de una Tecnología
Español |
La Globalización Viral de la
Vigilancia de la IA - Inteligencia Artificial
Español |
La Inteligencia Artificial alcanza
una Imaginación similar a la Humana
Español |
La Inteligencia Artificial desentierra más
de 300 figuras en Nazca hasta ahora Ocultas |
Español |
Inteligencia Artificial en el Remoto Pasado y en la
Historia Reciente
Español |
La Inteligencia Artificial en un
Mundo sin Inteligencia Emocional
Español |
La Inteligencia Artificial rompe
la Física Quántica
Español |
La Inteligencia Artificial traerá
un Nuevo Renacimiento o Nuestra Destrucción
Español |
La Inteligencia Artificial Ya Está
Español |
La Perspectiva Demiúrgica y el
Dios Artificial
- "Large-scale
Risks from Upcoming, Powerful AI Systems" - Managing 'AI
Risks' in an Era of Rapid Progress
Italiano |
L'Intelligenza Artificiale produce
Nuovo Antibiotico
Español |
que piensa Putin sobre un 'Posible Fin del Mundo' por
una IA Fuera de Control
Español |
Dictadores deberían Temer a la IA |
Español |
Los Seres "Artificiales" que dan "Vida" a las
Inteligencias Artificiales - IAs
Español |
Máquinas que saben por qué llora tu
Bebé - Así es la Crianza de la Inteligencia Artificial
Microsoft says New A.I. shows
Signs of Human Reasoning
Español |
Miles de Matemáticos piden
Boicotear la IA de 'Crimen Predictivo' de la Policía
New 'AI-based Theory' explains
your Weird Dreams
New Chip Expands the Possibilities
for Artificial Intelligence (AI)
Español |
- "No
hay Duda de que Cambiará al Mundo" - David Chalmers sobre la
Realidad Virtual y la Inteligencia Artificial
OpenAI as we knew it is Dead - Now it's a 'Loose Cannon'
in the hands of a Megalomaniac Technocrat
Pause Giant AI Experiments - An
Open Letter
Phantom Self - A Mind
Virus as a Type of A.I. Computer Virus
- David Icke's Book Review
Philosopher Nick Bostrom's Predictions on 'Life in an
A.I. Utopia'
Español |
Plataforma Secreta de Inteligencia
Artificial del HHS puede 'Predecir' Brotes de Covid-19
dentro de EE.UU...
Popping the A.I. Bubble
Post-Coronavirus Future? -
Injectable Biosensors, A.I. Virus Detection, Robots and
a Cashless Society
Psychotechnology - How AI is Designed to Change Humanity
Español |
- ¿Qué
es Realmente la I.A.? - Ilusiones Digitales, Falsas
Promesas y Reeducación Masiva
Español |
- ¿Qué
pasa si Somos una IA en una Simulación que Ejecutamos?
Italiano |
Questa Intelligenza Artificiale
Può Letteralmente Leggere la Vostra Mente e Ricreare le
Immagini dei Volti...
Español |
Quien Gane la Carrera de la
Inteligencia Artificial (IA) Gobernará el Mundo - Dice
el Instituto Brookings
Religion Goes Digital - They want
to play God, become gods, and build God(s)
Researcher links Artificial
Intelligence, Geoengineering, Smart Dust and Morgellons
to ET's
Researchers build Artificial
Intelligence that builds Artificial Intelligence
Español |
Robots, Inteligencia Artificial y
el Futuro de los Humanos
Rothschild wants Merger between Corporations,
Governments and AI to "Save Capitalism"
Self-Taught 'AI' shows
Similarities to how the Human Brain works
Español |
- ¿Serán
Legalmente Responsables los Futuros Sistemas de
Inteligencia Artificial?
Español |
- "Si
la Inteligencia Artificial (IA) se Sale de Control
podría causar Daños Irreparables" - Putin
Valley's vision for AI? - It's Religion, repackaged...
Español |
Silicon Valley y la Carrera hacia
la Guerra Robótica - ¿Reyes Filósofos o Militaristas de
la Nueva Era?
Español |
Stargate - Así es el Megaproyecto de I.A. de Trump que
Deepseek pone contra las cuerdas
Stopping Dangerous A.I. - Henry Kissinger's Last Crusade
Español |
Tenemos que Pensar cómo Controlar la IA porque es muy
Potente y lo va a Cambiar Todo - Jordi Torres
A.I. and the Creation of a Massive Class of Useless
People and what should be done with them - Y.N. Harari
The A.I. Threat isn't Skynet - It's the End of the Middle
The Artificial Intelligence (A.I.)
'Transhumanism Occult Trap' and the Way Out
The Demiurge Perspective and the
Artificial God
The Economics of Artificial
Future of Moral Machines
The Hope for a Humanized
The Merging of Government with
Artificial Intelligence
There's No Way we could Stop a
Rogue A.I.
This Artificial Intelligence
(A.I.) literally Reads your Mind to Re-create Images of
the Faces you See
Skynet Conspiracy
Stargate is Open - Enter the Sand Gods
This New Religion from a Silicon
Valley Pioneer Worships A.I. as an Emerging Godhead
Español |
Una IA Financiada por Google será
Capaz de escribir 30 Mil Historias Mensuales para Otros
Medios en...
Español |
Una Invasión Nefasta - La
Inteligencia Artificial (IA) en los Chatbots que están
Colonizando nuestras Mentes
Unprecedented, Unholy, Unseen -
Artificial Intelligence (AI) Chatbots are Colonizing our
Español |
Varios Gigantes
Tecnológicos se Unen para Impulsar la Inteligencia
Artificial - Histórico y Terrorífico
Weaponized Artificial Intelligence
- The Future of Algorithmic Forever Wars |
WEF announces 'New World' of
AI-Led 'Humanocracy'
WEF boasts Billions of Humans will
soon be Replaced with AI Hybrids
Welcome to DARPA's new 'Mass
Surveillance Control Tool' |
What is A.I. Really? - Digital Illusions, False Promises
and Mass Reeducation
What's the Difference between
A.I., Machine Learning and Robotics?
When A.I. takes Control of Your Computer
Whoever wins the Artificial
Intelligence Race will Rule the World - Brookings
AI 'Misinformation' algorithms and research are mostly
Expensive Garbage
Zuckerberg warns that AI Companies
'Trying to Create God'... but he will "Save Us"...
Additional Information |
Español |
Atrapado en un Sueño - 12
Revelaciones sobre Nuestra Realidad
Cell Phones are about to Become
More Powerful than you Could Imagine
Español |
Cuando la Tecnología te Conoce
Mejor de lo que te Conoces a ti Mismo
Developing Algorithms that Might
One Day be used Against You
Español |
El 'Piloto' Interestelar que Contactará
Primero con una Civilización Alienígena
Español |
El Robot Sospechoso e Impositivo -
Pensamiento Crítico...
Italiano |
Esiste Vita sulla Terra? Uno 'Sperimento
Mentale' - Il Covid-19, una "Scossa" come Ultima
Opportunità per...
God versus Aliens
Español |
- ¿Hay
Vida en la Tierra? - Un 'Experimento Mental' - Covid-19 ¿una "Sacudida"
como Última Oportunidad...?
How to Break Archon Programming
Italiano |
Intrappolati in un Sogno - 12
Rivelazioni sulla Nostra Realtà
Is There Life on Earth? - A
'Thought Experiment' - Is Covid-19 a 'Shock' for
Humanity's Final Chance?
Español |
Religión del Dataísmo y el Posible Fin del Homo Sapiens
Italiano |
L'Ascesa di Internet 2.0
Español |
Los Robots consiguen que Peces y
Abejas se Comuniquen entre sí
Microsoft President Threatens that
Orwell's '1984' could Happen in 2024
Español |
Nuestro Universo es una Simulación
Operation Mockingbird on Steroids
- CGI allows Mainstream Media to Make 'Fake News' in
Real Time
Italiano |
Perchè la Tecnologia favorisce la
Español |
Recordando 'Quiénes Somos
Realmente' frente a la Revolución Digital
Remembering 'Who We Truly Are' in
the Face of the Digital Revolution
Remote Control of the Human Brain
- Crowd Control Technologies and High Risk AI Systems
Technocrats turn to Ethicists to
'Save their Soul'
The Coming Techno Apocalypse
The Rise of Internet 2.0
They are
Creating incredibly Bizarre New Technologies for the
Dystopian World of the Future
Transhumanism - Dancing with the
Digital Devil
Trapped in a Dream - 12
Revelations on Our Reality
Video and Photo Evidence Now Even More Easily Faked and
Why Technology Favors Tyranny
You will be Tagged and You will
Love it...
ChatGPT |
A 'ChatGPT' for Satellite Photos
already Exists
A surprising Explanation for the Global
Decline of Religion
Brace for an Avalanche of Horrible
Online Investment Content Thanks to ChatGPT
Español |
ChatGPT - ¿Amigo o Enemigo?
ChatGPT - Friend or Foe?
ChatGPT introduces Next Level of Satellite Surveillance
Español |
ChatGPT reveló en TikTok "Cómo escapar de la Matrix" y
dejó sin palabras al mundo...
this '$7 Trillion A.I. Takeover' the End of Work as We
Know It?
Italy bans ChatGPT
Español |
Las Falacias del Encantamiento con la Inteligencia
Artificial de ChatGPT
"Godfather of AI" says Doomsayers are Wrong and ChatGPT
isn't Remarkable - Advanced Disinfo. Tool
Books-Treatises- Reports |
2084 - Artificial Intelligence and
the Future of Humanity - by John Lennox
A Generalist Agent
Artificial Intelligence - Dangers
to Humanity - by Cyrus A. Parsa
Artificial Intelligence Index
Report 2023
Autonomous Military Robotics -
Risk, Ethics, and Design
Deep Utopia: Life and Meaning in a
Solved World - by Nick Bostrom
Draft Final Report - National
Security Commission on Artificial Intelligence - January
Exposure to Automation explains
Religious Declines - by Joshua Conrad Jackson
Genesis - Artificial Intelligence,
Hope and the Human Spirit - by Henry
Kissinger, Craig Mundie and Eric Schmidt
God, Human, Animal, Machine - by Meghan O'Gieblyn
Español |
Inteligencia Artificial explicada a los Humanos -
por Jordi Torres
Nexus - A Brief History of
Information Networks from the Stone Age to AI
- by Yuval Noah Harari
and Metaprogramming in The Human Biocomputer - by
John. C. Lilly
Semantics Derived Automatically
from Language Corpora contain Human-Like Biases
The Age of AI - And our Human
Future - by
Eric Schmidt and Henry Kissinger |
Neural Dynamics of Facial Identity Processing - Insights from
EEG-Based Pattern Analysis and Image...
Three Laws of Robotics
- by Isaac Asimov
Multimedia |
Artificial Intelligence AI - The
Plan to Invade Humanity
Defeating 5G as a Mass 'DEW' - A
Directed Energy Weapon
Español |
Entrevista a Jordi Torres autor
del libro 'La Inteligencia Artificial Explicada a los
- "Godfather
of A.I." quits Google to warn about Looming Dangers
Great Awakening vs. Global Reset -
How Full Disclosure trumps Transhumanism and Artificial
Español |
Los Robots se Hacen Cargo
Español |
- "Muy
pronto… 'Ellos' tomarán Tu Cerebro y lo Descargarán a la
Our Mysterious Governance System
and AI - Who and What is in Charge Here on Planet Earth?
Español |
Regímenes Mundiales desarrollan Armas de I.A. sin
considerar los Riesgos para todos...
The Rise of 'AI'
Transhumanist Technocracy
Continues - Truth, Science and Spirit |
Related Reports |
Big Brother Loves You...
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Genetic Changes
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