Part 7
Over the last few weeks
we have been discussing "Them." Whether they are called
angels and
demons, good and bad aliens, gods of mythology, Djinns, or
multidimensional unknowns, history is replete with records of super
intelligent beings interacting with the process of human development.
While their activity is frequently overlooked, close
collaboration between them and architects of society has at times
allowed these beings to dictate the course of individuals and/or
nations. Ancient iconography depicts this relationship as between
celestials [gods] and terrestrials [humans] and further as facilitated
by stargates, portals, ladders, and other mechanisms through which the
separate realities are joined.
Acts of association
between three-dimensional and other-dimensional intelligence occurs
both physically and mentally, on a personal and global scale as
redundantly recorded in the world's oldest books, including the Bible.
These watchers are
described as being friendly [good] and unfriendly [evil] as well as
warring among themselves for the future of earth's inhabitants. The
gates they come through include:
1) celestial levels beyond human
control/understanding where the gods transverse the heavens, play
chess with world governments, return to their own at Olympus, etc.;
2) terrestrial levels where intimate interaction between "gods"
and humans occur when individuals or groups invite such relationship
using intercessory rituals and/or prayer.
In this segment we make
the assumption that the phenomenon described over the first six parts
of this series is real and that humans play a roll to some extent and
under certain circumstances in opening and closing of these portals.
As pointed out earlier
in this series, L. Ron Hubbard and Jack Parsons attempted to do that
very thing by inviting the spirit of Babylon through a portal during a
sex ritual. Their hope was to incarnate the whore of Babylon--a
child or Gibborim. Parsons wrote that the ritual was successful, and
that at one point a brownish yellow light came through the doorway. At
the same moment he said he was struck by something invisible, and a
candle was knocked out of his hand.
[Editor's note: it's interesting that following Crowley's magic portal
(which produced the alien-looking LAM) and Hubbard and Parson's
"Babylon Working" ritual, Crowley died in 1947--the same year Kenneth
Arnold saw his flying saucers and sightings of "aliens" increased
around the world. Was a portal indeed opened by the invitation?]
Theologians view the
activity described above as possible. They too use "door" metaphors
through which "influences" can be invited into communities or
individual lives, home, body, worldview, etc. Christian scholars
define these influences as three types:
1) divine influence,
proceeding forth from the domain of God
2) satanic influence, coming
from the sphere of Satan
3) human influence
This third
influence, being neutral, has the potential to influence persons for
good or evil as it submits itself to divine or satanic control (a
person, which might not directly or intentionally open gates to evil,
may otherwise allow persons in their life that have done so, and,
therefore, transference of the influence from one person to another
may be experienced over time). This can also happen on a community
level, where the majority of participants constituting a city,
geographical region, or nation become saturated by a particular
influence. Everything from legislation to crime rates might thus be
affected either good or bad depending on the nature of the influence.
When Gates Open Over
Whole Cities