Part 8
The movie version of the popular game
"Doom" staring Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson opens with narration
describing an incredible discovery--an ancient teleportation device
called "Ark"--which links the planet Earth with Mars. An archeological
team goes through the stargate and begins research at the Olduvai
station on Mars. While investigating humanoid remains uncovered on the
red planet, they unwittingly open a door, and all hell breaks loose. A
legion of nightmarish creatures of unknown origin come through the
portal to destroy them.
If this all sounds like the plot to our
current series--Stargates, Ancient Rituals, And Those Invited Through
the Portal--it is because the makers of "Doom" borrowed from the same
mythologies we've been discussing concerning dimensional portals or
"doorways" through which beings of good and evil can pass.
my new book,
The Ahriman Gate (which is filled
with these types of cryptic metaphors and understood by adepts of
ufology), we fictionalized that the planet Mars is indeed a prison
where entities who rebelled against the Creator God during a past
distant war are sealed. When the Ahriman "stargate" is opened, the
enclosures slide apart, releasing among other things, Quetzalcoatl,
the Feathered-Serpent deity of ancient Mesoamerica. This myth, as well
as others, were selected during plot development due to the
significance of associated history and prophecy related to these
myths. The great cycle of the Maya calendar's Long Count and a 26,000
year planetary cycle in the Aztec calendar ends on December 21, 2012,
a moment when the Maya said the sky would open and Quetzalcoatl would
descend through the opening to the Earth. For those not familiar with
my book, in one part of
The Ahriman Gate we read:
Three hours later OGS Maintenance
Director Kevin Thompson stumbled from the MISS air lock and fell
flat on his face in the Martian terrain. He was drunk as a skunk and
evidently thought it was funny. At least he’d remembered to put on
his Extravehicular Mobility Unit (EMU) spacesuit before venturing
outside the Inhabitable Structure.
Managing to get back on his feet, he
began singing a song by Don McLean.
Did you write the book of love…and
do you believe in God above…’cause the Bible tells you so?…And do
you believe in Rock and Roll…can music save your mortal soul…and
can you teach me how to dance real slow?…
Inside the MISS, the sound engineer
who was watching Kevin turned his helmet-cam and microphone off.
Kevin’s singing was awful, and the cam’s recording of the
prehistoric Avenue of the Dead passing erratically beneath his feet
was as boring as it could get. Kevin had taken his turn at perimeter
check a thousand times before and hadn’t needed any help. He could
do it this time without being monitored, even if he was as drunk as
everybody else planned on getting.
Jack be nimble, Jack be quick, Jack
Flash sat on a candle stick, ’cause fire is the devil’s only
friend.… And as I watched him on the stage…my hands were clenched
in fists of rage…no angel born in hell could break that Satan’s
*** **
Moving silently near the south side
of the Great Mars Pyramid, the ground responded to the human
insertion of the Nibiruan Key by gliding open and spewing acrid
smoke into the Martian atmosphere. Quetzalcoatl, that hoary dragon
that had relished the sacrifice of tens of thousands of ancient
earthlings, peered menacingly up from the abyss. It had been
imprisoned there during the Great War with Michael, the chief prince
of Israel. Now it detected an approaching heartbeat and smiled
demonically, warmed by the notion that business was about to resume.
Heartbeats were such a delightful thing, especially when ripped from
the chest and offered in sacrifice to the Feathered Serpent.
Quetzalcoatl heard singing.
And as the flames climbed high into
the night…to light the sacrificial rite…I saw Satan laughing with
delight…the day the music died…
Spontaneously he raced from his
prison, his vast serpentine belly slithering along the ancient
stone-way so meticulously aligned with the Dog Star Sirius, honing
in on the vulnerable lush.
Kevin thought he saw something moving
in the middle of the ancient city, near the Well of Sacrifice. Was
it a set of eyes? Crouching, sliding along the ground? Nah, couldn’t
be. Too big! Plus nothing could survive outside an EMU anyway.
And in the streets the children
screamed…the lovers cried and the poets dreamed…but not a word was
spoken…the church bells all were broken…And the three men I admire
most…the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost…they caught the last train
for the coast…the day the music died…
Quetzalcoatl waited until Kevin
floundered inside the City Center, to the area near the prehistoric
flat-topped Pyramid and the gigantic Chacmool altar where human
abductees were brought by the Grays and sacrificed to the god. He
waited and remembered the sweet taste of blood, thick and satisfying
like summer honey upon his forked tongue.
Bye, Bye, Miss American Pie.…
Drove my Chevy to the levee, but the levee was dry.… Them good
ole boys were drinking whiskey and rye…singing this’ll be the
day that I die.… This’ll be the day that I die…
Quetzalcoatl circled Kevin, closing
to within several yards before charging him. The demon raised its
ten-foot-wide head and leered into the inebriated eyes. Kevin
teetered as if trying to decide what he was looking at, but was
too late. In a flash Quetzalcoatl clamped his razor-like incisors
around his right arm, biting through the tender meat and cutting
off the appendage at the shoulder, knocking him to the ground.
Kevin reacted as if he was so drunk he didn’t realize what had
"H-hey! Whad’s goin’ on?" he
slurred, trying to set up and attempting to use both arms. He
flailed sideways as the poisonous atmosphere began seeping in
around the missing arm’s stub, taking his breath away.
Quetzalcoatl leaned forward and
smiled, allowing Kevin to focus on the arm piece dangling from his
Kevin looked confused, then burst
into screaming as he began kicking at the demon, bouncing rocks
and dust off the monster’s scaly hide.
Trembling with delight,
Quetzalcoatl laughed and chewed the mouthful of arm, grinding it
in his teeth. His nocturnal eyes, dead and predatory, rolled up
like a great white shark’s as he lurched forward and slurped the
rest of Kevin’s body into his hyperextended jaws.
Turning violently, he dragged Kevin
down the Avenue of the Dead, over the rough pathway toward the
Chacmool, shredding his waist with his fangs as he went, deep
enough to torture but not enough to kill him. Seconds later, near
the ancient altar, he thrust his forked tongue into Kevin’s chest
cavity and scooped out his heart, slapping it on the Chacmool with
a crimson splash. Flipping the remainder of Kevin’s carcass into
his hideously large gullet, he ground the human remains into
hour later, at
Area 51’s Mission Control, a male voice crackled
over the radio. "Omega Control, Omega Control. This is Outpost
Alpha, do you copy?"
"This is Omega Control, Alpha, we
"Omega, this is a level-ten
message. Repeat, a level ten, coded high priority."
"Acknowledged, Alpha. You are clear
to proceed with level-ten transmission."
"Omega, we’ve got unknowns. Kevin
Thompson is gone and we have mass tango movement near the city
"Tango, Alpha?"
"Mass tango movement. Betty Lou
indicates one hundred sixty-four thousand dots and climbing," the
man said, meaning the MISS computer was picking up unknown life
forms on the Martian terrain.
"Have you checked Betty Lou, is she
operating correctly?"
"She is… and we have visual
verification from the Great Pyramid cameras."
"You’re sure the dots read
organic… not mechanical or electrical?"
"Yes, sir. Looks like lava flowing
out of the ground near the pyramid’s edge. Flowing up and breaking
into organic strands. Cameras twenty-three through twenty-eight
near the Face are also picking up ground movement, but no dots
there yet."
"And what about Kevin? You said
he’s gone?"
"Nobody knows what happened to him,
He simply disappeared. He was conducting a perimeter check when
his tag went straight line. We’re still looking for his
signal…thought we had a heartbeat earlier…could’ve been…eh…wait a
minute.… Betty Lou says we’re at three hundred sixty-seven
thousand dots at the pyramid now. Gains seem to be doubling every
few seconds."
"Do the signatures indicate random
or intelligent movement?"
"I would say intelligent. Dots...eem
to be oving toward the Face, the Cit...nter, and …oming…ward the
"Say again, Alpha, you’re breaking
up. Did you say the dots are moving toward the MISS?"
"Alpha, this is Omega Control, do
you copy, over?"
"Alpha, do you read, this is Omega
"Alpha, say again."
"Alpha, this is Omega Control. What
is your situation?"
At once the microphone cracked and
Omega Control heard what sounded like crunching, hissing, then
gurgling and automatic weapons fire, a Russian briefly yelling
profanities, and suddenly abrupt silence.
"Alpha, this is Omega Control, do
you copy?... Alpha, do you copy?… Alpha, this is Omega Control,
report please.… Alpha?"
Katherine was dreaming again, and
for the first time her vision was different. As she hung from the
cliff’s edge, looking out over the sea, the millions of apelike
monstrosities swimming in the waters below her rose up and stood
in uniform columns like soldiers preparing to march.
The great dragon came out of the
waters too, metamorphosing into a strange yet desirable man
wearing a ten-horned crown. He walked upon the water and sat down
upon a coal black throne, facing the giant army. Speaking with the
dragon’s voice, he said:
"Come forth flying serpents, you
deceptive ones with your Gray legions. Come forth, for the time
of my wrath is come. The humans have chosen the forbidden
technology, and a body has been prepared me. I will be born the
perditious son of their choosing. At their invitation I will
walk the earth and enslave the Most High’s creation. I will
reclaim my former glory, the glory I had when I governed the
Galaxy, before the time of the Fall. I will revisit the stones
of fire, Mars and Nibiru, and I will conquer those who wear my
mark when I am called the Beast."
Suddenly the sea divided and rolled
back, revealing a subterranean world filled with fiery-eyed
serpents crawling atop each other inside a hidden chaos. Katherine
watched as the reptiles transmogrified into well-dressed men in
black suits. The MIB crawled from the pit and took command
positions in front of the giant army. Dark glasses covered their
elliptical eyes, but couldn’t hide what Katherine knew—the men in
black were reptilian demons. Reptilian demons were men in black.
What did that mean?
She awoke, and screamed. A man in a
black suit stood over her.
"Now you and the other cow ssshall
come with me," Apol Leon slurred with a demented grin.
Fiction, right? Yes, but...
In 1997, popular radio host Art Bell
on his program Coast to Coast asked eminent theologian and former
Jesuit priest, Malachi Martin why the Vatican was heavily invested
in the study of deep space at Mt Graham Observatory in southeastern
Arizona. As a retired professor of the Pontifical Biblical
Institute, Father Martin was uniquely qualified to hold in secret
information pertaining to the Vatican's
Advanced Technology Telescope (VATT)
project at the Mount Graham International Observatory (MGIO).
Martin's answer ignited a firestorm of interest among Christian and
secular UFOlogists:
"Because the mentality, the
attitude, mentality amongst those who [are] at the higher levels,
highest levels of Vatican administration and geopolitics, know
that, now, knowledge of what's going on in space, and what's
approaching us, could be of great import in the next five years,
ten years."
The cryptic words "...what's
approaching us, could be of great import in the next five years, ten
years," was followed in subsequent
interviews with discussion of a mysterious "sign in the sky" that
Father Malachi believed was approaching from the North. Martin
passed away in 1999, but not before allegedly telling his good
friend Art Bell "a secret," which some believe related to the space
"object" and the 5-10 year timeframe.
We stand today at the threshold of
Father Malachi's words, with less than 14 months remaining in his
prediction. Yet Martin's words were themselves seen as a "sign" by
many ufologists. If ET reality is confirmed, most believe,
Vatican will play an important roll during Official Disclosure.
Learned researchers therefore keep an open ear for hints by the
Vatican that disclosure is nearing.
Martin is not the only priest to have
believed something is approaching. Argentinian Jesuit priest and
astrophysicist, Jose Funes told an international conference in Rome
a couple years ago that "extraterrestrials exist and are our
brothers." In April 2000,
Zecharia Sitchen set down with leading
Vatican theologian, Monsignor Corraldo Balducci and discovered that
the idea of ancient astronauts creating man is "...something that
Christianity is coming around to...."
As recently as last week, when
writing for Times Newspapers, Ruth
Gledhill reported:
There is
probably intelligent life elsewhere in the Universe, and there is
evidence in the Bible to suggest that it could be Christian,
according to the Roman Catholic Church.
In a document published by the
Catholic Truth Society, the official publisher for the Vatican, a
papal astronomer speculates that “sooner or later, the human race
will discover that there are other intelligent creatures out there
in the Universe”.
Guy Consolmagno, a Jesuit, who is one of the Vatican’s leading
astronomers, concedes that he could be wrong. Ultimately, he says,
“We don’t know.” But in the new book, part of the Explanations
series designed to explain Catholic teaching in everyday language,
he says that part of his hunch is scientific. With so many
billions of planets, stars and galaxies, he says, “ surely,
somewhere in that number, there must be other civilized, rational
To back up his hunch that the
aliens will have been subject to Christ’s saving grace, he cites
the verses from John’s Gospel known as the Good Shepherd passage.
In John x, 14-16, Jesus says: “I am the Good Shepherd . . . I have
other sheep that do not belong to this fold. I must bring them
also, and they will listen to My voice. So there will be one
flock, one Shepherd.”
Only one week before the article
above, a very mysterious sign in the sky was captured on film by
security cameras in the Mexican town of Branches Arizpe, Coahuila.
The unusual object expanded, contracted, and pulsated. The operator
of Public Security, Brown Elsa, declared:

approximately received a call to the 2:50 a.m., was a commander,
to say us that we showed ourselves to the window to see a very
luminous star of colors and as to the 5 minutes we received
another call and we came to observe by the window, was an object
greater than a star... when noticing that it changed of colors we
decided to focus it with the urban camera and we realized that was
taking circular form, until we saw that it was a strange object."
What caught our attention at Raiders
News Update was commentary by investigator Jaime Maussan, who
described the unusual object as a "UFO from a cosmic short cut or
dimensional doorway."
Is this, or something like it, what
Father Malachi was looking for? A dimensional doorway, a Stargate,
through which somebody would arrive in the last days?
Quetzalcoatl or...?
We have reasons to believe this
could be the case, and that the "what" that is "approaching"
earth has been under study for some time. In
"The Ahriman Gate" we refer to
what's coming and have reasons to believe a deadline for disclosure
related to the event is upon us.
Time is running out... and whether
you like it or not...
something is headed Earth's way.
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Next - Part Nine