by Amitakh Stanford
16 October 2007
XeeATwelve Website
We are now on the cusp of the Second
Major Cataclysmic Event. Thus, we are on the brink of when things
will get decidedly worse on the planet.
Some of the evil aliens are led by one "God", some by other "Gods",
whilst some deny the existence of any "God". All these alien-belief
systems lead to the same point - they are driven by Darkness.
The "Gods" for man-made machines can be human scientists. The "Gods"
biological clones can be the same. Humans need other types of
"Gods" to depend upon. However, those with True Spirits will
resonate with love and an inner yearning for the Divine, regardless
of their religious indoctrination or lack thereof.
There are many more clones on the Earth today than there were 20
years ago. These clones could look to their creators as "Gods".
There are now very sophisticated biological robots that can be
mistaken for humans by nearly anyone on the planet. Some clones have
actually replaced humans and taken over their positions as members
of the human "family". Others have just appeared as new residents on
the planet. These clones are everywhere and they are either
"soulless" or they possess artificial consciousnesses.
Alien wars are about to be turned up several notches. These wars are
being conducted in the names of the various alien "Gods". Whilst
nearly all of the alien crafts in the skies employ invisibility
technology, these crafts can be seen by those who can override the
invisibility cloaking. The crafts can tell when they have been
spotted, and they quickly take evasive steps.
At this time, very few people can see through the invisibility
shields, and this vision is not something that can be learned.
Occasionally, though, the alien crafts' invisibility screens are
down, at which times anyone can see them with normal eyes,
telescopes or other lenses. At such times, even cameras can capture
the crafts on film. Due to the invisibility techniques used by the
aliens, sightings of their crafts in the skies have been restricted.
If only people could see how many crafts are in combat in the
evening skies, they would be quite disturbed. Some weird storms are
caused by large-scale alien combat in the skies.
The recent exposure of the "stabilizing" Olcar has speeded up many
things that were previously suppressed.
The Olcar was holding things
somewhat in check so that the Reptilian plan for world domination
would take effect in the manner most advantageous to the Reptilians.
This would have amounted to a controlled, yet chaotic appearing
takeover by the Reptilian ruling elite. Now that the "lid" has been
lifted, many "rebel" aliens are coming out to challenge
Reptilian-dominated establishments.
It should be remembered that world affairs are strongly influenced
by various alien groups around the globe. These alien groups look to
their respective "Gods" and masters for instructions and guidance.
Unbeknownst to the majority of the people of the Earth, aliens are
behind world affairs. The acceleration of the alien wars will be
conducted in the names of the aliens' respective "Gods". Despite all
the alien activities in the skies, most of the battles in the alien
wars will be fought by aliens in human bodies and humans who are
under the influence and dictates of aliens.
Before the Olcar was neutralized, it was easier for the various
alien groups to make alliances with other alien groups around the
world. Now, the alliances do not hold together unless the various
states or nations are under the influence of the same alien "God".
This is why many alien groups will now
behave more in keeping with their nature, and apparent alliances
will shift. However, many of the smaller alien groups remain under
either the Vulturites
the Reptilians. This means that many of the
smaller groups are being forced to follow alien "Gods" that are not
necessarily of their choosing, and are forced to co-operate with the
stronger aliens.
This is one of the reasons why most of
the Greys
will change allegiance from the Reptilians to the Vulturites.
However, some of the Greys will remain loyal to the Reptilians.
This will cause much confusion, mistrust
and suspicion amongst the aliens.
Some of the alien groups are under different demigods, and these
demigods are all in battle for the supreme position. In other words,
they are striving to be at the head of Darkness. Hence, Darkness is
in the midst of rebellion. In the past, this has suited Darkness
because it kept everyone separated and divided.
But, now, it is getting out of control,
and with the neutralization of the Olcar, the battles will rage with
viciousness previously unknown to the Virtual Reality. This has
never before been fought on such a scale. The battles will be
insanely fought on behalf of insane "Gods".
Nearly all religions speak of a Creator(s) - the one or ones
responsible for bringing this existence into being. Most of the
religions threaten their followers to be obedient to their "Gods"
and their imposed dogmatic beliefs or else they will suffer
consequences. Any being who would threaten to punish people for
disobeying it cannot be a loving "God".
Only an evil being, who
claims to be "God" or omnipotent, would threaten to punish those who
would refuse to worship or obey it.
Therefore, when there is a demand for worship and obedience, that is
a very strong indicator of
a jealous and evil "God", or an
indication of severe corruption of the being's original message.
Either way, anyone who blindly follows the dictates for coerced
worship of or obedience to a "God" or a religion is on notice that
there is something very wicked about the path they are on.
religious doctrines have enslaved many spirits on Earth.
Many wars are being fought on the Earth in the name of one "God" or
another "God". Some believe that Jerusalem is a holy city, whilst
others take it a step further.
For instance, it has been said that:
"He that touches Jerusalem touches
the apple of God's eye... And if we decide we're going to wrest
East Jerusalem away from the Jews and give it over to the
Palestinians, we're risking the wrath of God on this nation
Such utterances cannot be made on behalf
of a loving, caring God.
Such threats, coming from any followers or
leaders of any religion, identify the hearts of the ones so
expressing. Many would urge murders on small or massive scales
(wars) in the name of their "God". What kind of "God" could be
vengeful and bloodthirsty? Only a ghoul would thrive on vengeance
and blood. The True Creator is loving and would never encourage such
horrible behavior.
Truth can be healing, liberating and joyous for some, yet it can be
painful, frightening and devastating for others. Truth remains the
same, whether it is accepted or denied.
Jerusalem has a long history of blood and suffering. The favorite
name of Darkness is "Jerusalem".
Likewise, Israel has a long and bloody history. In the twentieth
century, a nation state was re-established in the Middle East that
is presently known as Israel. The ruling elite created the newest
version of the nation state of Israel. At the centre of the
controversy surrounding the Middle East dilemma today is the city of
Should it be an Israeli city, or a
Palestinian city, or a shared city?
Such is the suffering imposed upon the
people of Jerusalem by Darkness. Darkness thrives on suffering, and
those in a city bearing Its name are destined to suffer as long as
Darkness reigns. A change of name of the city would certainly
mitigate some of the suffering of the people living in it.
The USA policy regarding Israel has been based upon its belief that
the extant Bible accurately predicted what was to come for Israel.
As long as the belief in the extant Bible holds, the USA will
continue to maintain a Middle East policy that shelters Israel.
However, the writing is now on the wall. It is becoming obvious to
even the most indoctrinated of the leaders in the USA that Israel is
crumbling, and that holding on to it is a liability that the USA can
no longer afford.
Therefore, Israel will be left on its own in the
near future.
Contrary to popular belief, Israel is not the keystone of the last
days as the corrupted Bible states, nor is Jerusalem. Whether
Jerusalem is held by Palestinians or Israelis will not matter in the
overall outcome of things. The aliens have set up Israel, the
Palestinians, and especially Jerusalem as decoys in the upcoming
alien wars. The aliens have used both sides to set up a false
premise and both sides suffer greatly for it.
Eventually, the Palestinians will have their own nation state. This
will not be due to any desperate moves being made for political
expediency today. Instead, it will occur because of the alien
alignments of nations and regions that will soon become more
Extremists from all religions are dangerous. These are the ones who
would drive religious wars and wage them in the name of their "Gods"
without regard for the innocent people caught in the middle of their
fundamentalist pursuits.
The two main
Anunnaki groups - Vulturites and
Reptilians - are
followers of the two main Anunnaki "Gods".
Ironically, were the crude Vulturites to be victorious in their
New World Order quest, things
would be a little more bearable for the survivors of the war.
For years, tension amongst nations has oscillated because the Olcar
had adequately suppressed opposition and kept things relatively
peaceful in a very chaotic world.
Whilst wars have raged, they have been
"controlled" and smothered when necessary. It was a state of forced
calmness. Now that the Olcar has lost control of world affairs,
every alien group has more opportunities to express their ways. As
different alien groups are scattered throughout the world, there
will always be pockets of loyalists for various government or
opposition parties.
Both domestically and internationally,
mistrust will become more and more intense. People will become more
and more hostile towards some and less tolerant towards others. This
will be one aspect of the alien expression that will become more and
more obvious as the days go by.
As the world's politicians are pulled in various directions by their
respective puppet masters, situations throughout the world will
become unstable and unpredictable until uncontrolled wars finally
break out.
Civil wars and international wars will boil over as the various
alien alignments of the two major groups become more and more
obvious. Some countries that have pretended to be allies of others
will no longer be able to hold up the façade. Others who have
feigned to be enemies will be revealed as friends. There will be
many surprises as the nations re-align to match their alien masters.
Many prominent figures who have been encouraged or forced to resign
positions in politics, entertainment, media, sports, education,
medicine, military and other endeavors have used the code term that
they were quitting for "family reasons". This code sends a message
to specific sources. It is quite a complex thread that the code
sends, and most of those who utter it are totally unaware of their
For instance, members of parliaments, state premiers, state
governors, and even heads of state have uttered the phrase recently
to justify early retirement or outright resignation. The same code
has been used recently by television actors, military leaders, media
personalities and others to justify leaving their respective posts.
The New World Order is now being implemented. Citizens all over the
world will begin to feel their liberties being stripped away. This
is now in full swing in many countries. Other countries still
maintain the illusion of freedom for their people.
Young people are being poisoned by their abuse of various
substances, some legal and some otherwise. As people become less
useful to the ruling elite, they will be discarded by the
authorities. The sorting has already commenced. Those who are
discarded will be summarily "executed" by many means. This is
Cloaking devices are used more frequently now by humans. Trains and
other vehicles that travel on land, on the sea and overhead are
being cloaked to avoid being detected. This is not science fiction!
Dimensions are closing in on one another so much so that there are
intervals of clashing activities amongst nearby dimensions. Some
might mistake such occurrences as hauntings, delusions,
hallucinations and so on.
Many elections throughout the world are being rigged more openly
now. Australia will soon "elect" a new government. It will not
matter who wins, because a Reptilian-influenced figure will
ultimately take over the head of state.
The Reptilians have openly challenged the USA. The USA could have
effectively rebuffed the Reptilian confrontation up until midyear
2007, but the time has now passed. The Reptilians within the USA are
making it difficult for the Vulturite-influenced government to
effectively implement their plans. As the USA weakens, many of their
so-called allies will let them down.
On all sides, betrayals will become the norm as the alien alignments
become more and more pronounced.
Race, gender, nationality and religion will no longer be such strong
controlling factors in the future. The main factor will be the
alignment of the respective alien influences that will determine
people's behavior and decisions.
However, the viable True-Light beings throughout the world, in
whatever types of bodies they reside (human, animal or otherwise)
will remain neutral in their hearts in the upcoming alien wars.
Conflicting programming is being imposed upon unsuspecting
"civilians" throughout the world to bring about political, social,
economic, spiritual and other agendas. This will result in friction,
confusion, aggression, docility, apathy, conformity and other
incompatible behaviors.
Rampant take-overs of human bodies by alien consciousnesses are
occurring everywhere. This can cause radical changes in behavior of
the victims. They may undergo periods of stupor and dysfunction
before settling into their previous activities and behavioral
patterns. They may also dramatically change personality, and many
relationships amongst workmates, peers, and family may become
strained as a result, or fracture totally due to the onslaught of
these alien takeovers.
However, there will always be
exceptions, and some of the takeover victims may not demonstrate
radical changes at all, or their family and associates might accept
the changes in their behavior as being caused by stress, depression,
anxiety etc. Whether people want to believe this or not, it is
A new force field currently engulfs the planet that is causing much
difficulty with mind-energy interaction. This is further
exacerbating situations.
Finances are in much more difficulty than the ruling elite are
revealing to the public at this time.
The Financial Being is
faltering, and it is facing rebellion from some of the money
entities. Some of the central bankers are trying to solve problems
by raising interest rates, whilst others are reducing them and still
others are holding rates constant. This is resulting in currency
wars, which will further heighten tensions around the world.
As people express more and more of their coarser nature, humans and
animals will be horribly and openly victimized. Cruelty towards
animals is nothing new. Despite many efforts by those who try to
protect animals from cruelty, open cruelty towards animals will
become endemic. In the past, poachers and other fortune hunters were
most responsible for atrocious acts of cruelty towards animals, all
in the name of economic progress and outright greed.
Very soon, even
ordinary citizens will become demonic in their treatment of animals.
Already, veterinarians, animal carers
and government authorities are behaving wickedly with regard to
animals. Some are more open than others about this right now. Soon,
all manner of animal abuse will be tolerated as acceptable behavior
by the populace.
One of the "leading" aliens currently resides in a very young female
body. She has been given unprecedented international opportunities
and media attention whilst mustering support under the guise of
protecting animals. This youngster is up to no good, although she
has mesmerized many unsuspecting people. But, her cover will soon be
stripped off by a counter-part from another evil alien camp.
In the midst of all the turmoil in the world, there remains hope for
those who have held onto their Will.
In their hearts they can sense
joyous whispering:
White Dove from the East flying
over oceans wide and deep.
A silver lining is cast over the sea of sparkling lights.
In a split moment, all is peace.
No matter what you see or hear,
Your heart will know the truth.
Feel the bubbling of the dancing light within you.
And let your being be absorbed into the power of the Source.
Your smiles shall be big, your laughter healing and open.
All things shall be made new.
The light within shall open up to merge with the Great Light
of True Love, Power and Purity.
The time is come, the Ship is near.
It is almost time to leave the dregs behind
And enter into the Great Light.