March 18, 2008
YouTube Website
Earlier this year, a friend told me a
story about a major archaeological find in Iraq.
He said the US army soldiers happened
upon something big and it was all being kept hush, hush. My friend,
who is a Near Eastern scholar at a prestigious university, said the
US government was putting together a panel to examine and decipher
the find.
Wow! I thought, pretty wild stuff. Soon
enough, I forgot the story and went on with the daily toils, we call
When the translation started popping up in several cities throughout
the world, I remembered what my friend told me and placed a call to
another friend, inside the Metropolitan Museum of Art for the inside
scoop. Ironically, in the land of truth and liberty, the country
that wants to bring democracy to rest of the world, the translation
was easily kept under wraps and as far as I know, this piece here on YouTube is the only copy made public inside the United States.
Our lawyers say we are not breaking any
laws since the tablets are not even acknowledged to exist. Whatever
the case, one has to wonder why the US and British governments are
tearing up the land formally known as Sumer, in a mad search for
Tablets, or perhaps plans for the second
ark mentioned in the fragment's 64 lines?
On or about June 12, 2006, during a
routine patrol of ancient sites in southern Iraq, members of the
US Army’s 260th Quartermaster Battalion made what some are
calling “The greatest archaeological find of all-time.”
transferred to nearby Talil Air Base, the find was brought to
London where a panel of Near Eastern scholars and linguists were
assembled to analyze it. Almost two years later, many panel
members are upset.
They say the US and British governments have
reneged on an …
According to investigative scholars,
the pre-emptive attack against Iraq was part of a timetable to
fully establish a “New
World Order” by no later than the year
2012, with the expected formal return of “Aryans” as
“inspirers” of the New World Order timetable.
Investigative scholars argue that,
the false allegation of Weapons of Mass Destruction in
Iraq, or even oil, was not the main reason for invading Iraq. If
this is the case, no amount of persuasion will get the elite
supporters of an apparent “cult religion” to back down from
their eventual sought goal.
According to Canada’s scholarly
Centre for Research on Globalization,
U.S. elites have already consolidated a military build-up in the
Persian Gulf, toward a reportedly sought pre-emptive war against
Iran, that would also reportedly use “tactical” nuclear weapons.
In the apparent view of the
prevailing U.S. elites, the prospects of global nuclear war, is
a necessary step to reclaim their Extraterrestrial-inspired
religious-political “homeland” centered on Iraq and Iran, as the
prospective centre of a New World Order.
U.S. Secretary of State
Condoleeza Rice notably says,
“Iran is the single challenge
facing U.S. foreign policy.”.