by Justin Deschamps
October 09, 2016
SitsShow Website

a press conference that was supposed to discuss the opening
of a new airport
in Dhi Qar, Iraq's transport minister, Kazem
Finjan, surprised reporters when he diverted from the talking
points memo to claim that the ancient middle-eastern nation's
location was once home to space stations built by extraterrestrials.
Finjan referred to the ancient astronaut theorist
Zecharia Sitchin,
"I invite those who doubt to read
the book of the great Sumerian historian Zecharia Sitchin, or
the books of Samuel Kramer including one entitled 'History
Begins at Sumer' which speaks of the first airport constructed
on planet earth, and it is there at el Naciria."
"The particularity of this place is that it remains the safest
for the landing and takeoff of aircraft, due to favorable
weather conditions. When
the Sumerians settled on this land,
they were aware of this and have chosen specifically for their
flights to other planets"
Journalists were quick to dismiss Finjan's claims.
And one man, Dawood Al-Basri tweeted:
"Iraqi transport minister's
hallucinations about spaceships in Nasiriyah proves that the [Haidar]
Al-Abadi government is full of fools, hashish addicts and the
most worthless of humanity."
Hayder al-Khoei
a researcher at the Centre for
Academic Shi'a Studies.
Two other's commented:
"Can you believe that this imbecile
is the current Iraqi transportation minister? I thank Allah for
the blessing of a brain."
Iraqi Al Jazeera journalist
"Awkward moment and I don't think anyone was brave enough to
contradict him."
Hayder al-Khoei
a researcher at the Centre
for Academic Shi'a Studies.
Although the reactions were intense,
there are several things to consider before dismissing Finjin's

Zecharia Sitchin was an author
who wrote and promoted the ancient
astronaut theory before his death on October 9th, 2010, decades
the Ancient Aliens became a worldwide sensation on
History channel.
Within Ufology and forbidden archeology circles, Sitchin is often
credited for revealing the
hidden history and origins of humanity,
based on alleged alternative translations of Sumerian tablets from
However, these interpretations are hotly contested.
some now believe that Sitchin was a cointelpro 'disinformation' agent
for certain hidden forces that wanted to promote an agenda that
might have had an air of truth to it.
One of Sitchin's claims is regarding ancient sites in the Middle
East in Egypt and the Palestine-Israel area, which he says were once
home to space stations used by
the Annunaki for thousands of years.
He also claims that they were abandoned by the non-terrestrial
overlords of the Sumerian people until 3,000 years ago.
Is the impromptu statement by the Iraqi transportation minister
nothing more than an enthusiastic Ancient Aliens fan's rantings, who
wanted to spread a sensational rumor?
Or is there more to this
Despite the fact that Sitchin may have fabricated his translations,
he is not the only one who believes that ancient aliens once lived
amongst the people of Earth, providing tools to build contemporary
style civilizations.
Mainstream archeology has yet to offer an explanation of how the
Sumerian culture seemed to spring forth out of obscurity, fully
formed and complete with writing, financial systems, law, building
techniques and many other features of advanced civilization.
The fields of ufology and forbidden archeology are replete with
claims and examples of advanced beings assisting people in ancient
Accepted archeology suggests that humankind were nothing more
than primitive hunter-gatherers for the vast majority of its over
240,000-year existence.
Megalithic sites unexplained by archeology.
But some intrepid researchers, like
Graham Hancock, claim that
before the diluvian period of approximately 11,000 years ago, there
were many very advanced societies, which possessed knowledge modern
humans are only now beginning to rediscover.
pyramids of
Egypt - despite allegedly being built by craftsman using copper-age
tools - cannot be reproduced with all the splendor of modern
Furthermore, the little-recognized site of
Gobekli Tepe
was determined to be at least 10,000 years old, and probably much
older, using standard dating techniques.
And there are still other
megalithic sites found throughout the world that form a growing body
of evidence to suggest current views of human history are woefully
If Sitchin's debunkers are to be believed, then it suggests that
someone in the know supplied him with information some 20 years
before discoveries of antediluvian sites were unearthed.
those who hidden forces that possess knowledge of humanity's true
origins are trying to sow seeds of truth through agents like Sitchin
in an effort to one day unveil a more authentic narrative of
If so, it would mean the currently held views of people on
Earth are nothing more than a fabrication made to service a hidden
As a final note, several insiders and whistleblowers claim that the
human race is much older than what academics have suggested. They
say that there have been many floods or cataclysms and
conflagrations that have ravaged the surface of the Earth.
cultures that possessed advanced technology and knowledge are said
to have taken refuge below the Earth, and remained there waiting for
the surface to stabilize after catastrophes.
In one such example, a group of humans closely related to people
living on the surface, claims to have built a long-lasting
civilization in deep caverns below the earth's crust.
whistleblower claims to have met these beings, which he calls
the Anshar that claim to have watched over humanity for over 12 to 18
million years - an unbelievable assertion for many.

Artist depiction of an
inner-Earth city.
While these theories remain unsubstantiated, the fact that
geneticists have proven the human race's current lineage can be
traced back at least 240,000 years suggest that indeed modern man
could have seen the rise of many different advanced civilizations.
Consider how much technological advancement has occurred in the past
1000 years alone, and the supposition of ancient cultures taking
refuge from periodic cataclysms seems more plausible.
For now, the Iraqi minister's claims are viewed by many as wildly
But for some who are brave enough to question
the status quo, a great mystery has yet to be solved, one that could
in the future change the way humanity understands its place on Earth
and in the cosmos at large...