"The bearer of the thunderbolt, the guardian of the world, the killer of Vrtra and slayer of Namnci, the great-spirited one clad in dark clothes, who severs truth and lies in the world, he who obtained the horse Vaisvanara, the ancient fruit of the waters, as his mount - to him there shall be obeisance forever, to the master of the universe, lord of the three worlds, stronghold - breaching Indra!"
- Veda






The Veda is no different than the Bible when it speaks of how the gods came down to dwell among men and with their daughters begot offspring as we have already seen and,

"of the great-spirited Cods, Danavas, Yaksas and Haksasas, and of all other beings I wish to hear, O venerable Lord how they respectively look their origins and accomplished their feats such as they befell, when they dwelled among men. I shall first relate to you, O king of men which celestials all took birth among men and which of the Danavas."

The only difference is that the Veda goes into great detail of who and with whom offspring were had and all the mortal Kings which ruled the lands for them such as,

"Candra, best of Dili's sons, equal lo the lord of the stars in the world, was born the excellent royal seer Rsika. The eminent Asura Mrtapa is King Pascimanupaka, O best of kings. The grand and puissant Ausra Gavislaha became known on earth as King Drumasena. The splendid Asura Mayura became king of the land Visva."

As would be expected, constant bickering evolved between the mixed lineages as familial loyalty gave way to greed.


Relatives will never change!

"My birth is higher than yours, Duhsanta! You walk on earth, great king, but I fly the skies. See how we differ, like Mount Merus and a mustard seed! I can roam to the palaces of great Indra, of Kubera, of Yama, of Yaruna; behold my power, King!" 3

These thirty gods parallel the thirty sons of Lilith and of the thirty Gods said to have ruled Egypt.


Another excerpt of the lineages read that,

"Devaka, whose splendor matched Inra's was born on earth as the chief lord of the Gandharvas. From a part of the greatly famous seer of the Gods, Brhaspati, Drona was born, who was the son of Bharadvaja and issued from no womb.


He, O tiger among kings, was the best of archers and the most proficient with all kinds of missiles, of vast fame arid great puissance; thus most eminent Drona was born here among men, mart of India-like feats, joy of his lineage, whom the Vedic scholars know as an expert both on the Veda and the ail of archery.


From portions of Mahadeva, Death, Lust and Fury, which merged into one, that warlike and powerful slayer of enemies Asvatthaman was born on earth, destroyer of the part of his foes, the lotus-eyed champion, O overlord of men."

This grieved the Pandavas who were loath to see their genetic lines so wasted through mortals. To them the uppermost virtue was the gift of life, procreation of ones self of a being capable of immortality and the further passing on of that gift.


The gods looked down as they saw bits and pieces of their flesh degraded.

"They say that Manu had ten mighty sons Vena, Dhrsnu, Narisyat, Nabhaga, Karusa, Saryati, Ila the eight, Prsadhna the ninth of them, who were devoted to the law of the baronage, and Nabhagarisla the tenth. We hear that Manu had fifty more sons on earth, but they feuded with one another and perished. Thereafter the wise Pururavas was born from Ha, and we hear that she was not only his mother but also his father."

Hermaphrodites abound in all the archaic texts, common when endocrine problems arise in a people, these particular teratism capable of self-fertilization.


The fall of these people brought much mental confusion and a total loss of their once bodily command:

"Astaka said: In Nandan (Heaven) you lived in what guise might please you,

For a myriad of centuries.

Why, eminent sage of the Krta Yuga,

Did you forsake it and come to earth?

Yayati said:

As kin and kith and friend in this world

Are abandoned by people when their wealth in gone,

So when merit is gone is a man deserted

Hereafter at once by Indra and the Gods.

Astaka said:
How does one hereafter spend one's merit?

On this my mind is much bewildered.

Whose place does one reach, by what distinction?

Yayati said:
Cast out. they oil foil to the hell-on-earth,
With much lamenting, O king of men,
Their merit gone, they grow plentiful,
Fodder for jackals, kites, and crows.

Indra was possessed to take the earth as his and he ordered his men,

"Take ye on farm on earth with all the hosts of the Gods. 'Beget ye all on beats and monkeys heroic sons, mighty and able to assume any shape, to be Visnu's helpers."

Thereupon the Gads, Gandharvas, and Hanavas all look pleasure in descending to earth with varying portions of themselves.


Before their eyes the boon-granting God ordered a Gandharvi by the name of Dundubhi to make successful the mission of the Gods; and having heard Grandfathers words the Gandharvi took form in the world of men as the hunch-backed woman Manthara.


All the great Gods led by Sakra begot sons of monkeys and bears; and they all equaled their fathers in fame and strength. Cleavers of mountain peaks they all were, armed with sala and palm trees and rocks, hard as diamond, all were strong as a river in spote, all as gallant as they wished to be and proficient in fighting, with the vigor of a myriad elephants and the speed of the wind.


Some of them dwelled where they pleased. some lived in the forest.6

Most myths around the world say they developed into an ape or even a bear, a reflection of the prognathous face.


The mixing of these beings wrought further genetic despair as Yudhisthira later reflected on in a soliloquy as to why man does not help himself which says in part that,

"having lost his senses he is driven lo cruel deeds. To lapse further into evil he cultivates miscegenation and that leads lo hell. It is the first stage of evildoers. Unless he wakes up in time, Krsna, he is heading far hell; only wisdom is his awakening: with the eye of wisdom only he does not Jail."

Seems like Moses would warn his people about miscegenation as well.


But, once the endocrine system loses its ability to retard decay, what we term aging, begins. As would be expected, they were losing moral restraint as eroticism is a fault of poor hormonal imbalances, and "this assumption of flesh made them subject to human lusts: being seduced by the Daughters of Men, they found themselves chained lo Earth, unable to resume their spiritual shapes.


Most likely Rama had them grounded for they no doubt had every gamut of venereal disease, as the following attests as,

"they lusted after mortal women and defiled themselves by sexual intercourse. Enoch has recorded not only their divine instructions, but also their subsequent fall from Grace - before the end they were indiscriminately enjoying virgins, matrons, men and beasts."9

Soon their offspring lost their mental powers, instincts and reasoning, and could no longer accompany those men who patrolled the heavens where keen mental acumen was a must and thus were,

"chained to Earth, unable to resume their spiritual shapes."10

I am afraid our NASA astronauts would never fit the bill with their Coca-Cola's, Hershey bars and now that they are wondering how to have coition in zero gravity and the need for hiring heavenly harlots to go with them on their long tour-duties.


Before they reach for the stars they are going to have to cure their bestial weaknesses or they are going to take their earthly problems into space and that is just not the idea but they seem blind to even realize the purpose.


From all appearances, the Pandava used no computers or such as their minds were a composite of the universe and only those of superior intellect and control were allowed 'above'. We know the mind is capable of computer quickness if not more and retaining even much more information. Machines cannot be relied upon, but brains, if well maturated, can. Space was not a place to struggle to like a baby trying to walk. They were born to it.

The offspring of Enki were disproportionately tall, while those who retained the Nibiruian genetic structure were tall but the body well proportioned. It is interesting that the Cyclops, who might have been three eyed Siva, was said to have raised the heavy-blocks of masonry for ancient cities.


In effect, you could say he did but,

"Cain had not changed. He still indulged his bodily lusts, amassed wealth by rapine, taught evil.-practices and lived luxuriously. His invention of weights and measures ended mankind's simplicity. Cain was also the first man who placed boundary stones around fields; and who built walled cities, in which he forced his people to settle."11

The "simplicity" that was gone was that his instinct for measures and calculation was gone. Some African tribes are perfect in their measures purely by instinct for their proprioception is excellent and as every good cook intuitively knows by a pinch of this and a dash of that. Boundary stones had to be erected for no one trusted the other.


He was said to have founded many ancient cities.


Tribes of their giants abounded everywhere,

"the Rephaim at Ashteroth-Karnaim, the Zuzim at Horn, and the Emim at Shaveh-Kiriathaim; they also drove the Horites from Mount Seir to El-Paran." 12

Some were said to have been up to fifteen feet tall.

Indra's own offspring, if he is indeed Isaac of the Bible, matches again with the birth of Esau and Jacob; Isaac is only another name for Indra. Esau carried the stigmatic red hair we will see often as well as other deformities as red, scaly skin and a hairy body; born he was with vitiligo, or was a harlequin fetus, again like Siva, adrenal hyperplasia described.


Rebekah, like Sarah, was having fertility problems and supposedly gave birth to twins. She had a "twenty-one year curse." Marduk and Zu have been called twins, but as stated, twin girls were born to each boy according to Hebraic texts.


Esau, the first born as purported, had red shaggy hair obviously permanent lanugo hair and came out clutching his heel, and,

"some say that the color of Esau's hair signaled murderous inclinations.''13

It is interesting that they equated red hair with vile deeds as people often do, but it is a sign of a very disturbed thyroid. We often find these people short of patience, volatile and nervous making them more prone to vile deeds.


It was said the twins tore Rebekah up so internally she could not conceive again, not uncommon with twins, but if this were Badrasakha or Lilith they seemed to recover.


As could be expected, from a biopsychological viewpoint, like father, like sons for,

"at first the difference between the twins was not more than that between a myrtle-shoot and a shoot of thorn. Afterwards, however while Jacob piously studied the Law, Esau began to frequent Canaanite shrines and do acts of violence. Before the age of twenty, he had committed murder, rope, robbery and sodomy. God therefore blinded Isaac; which preserved him from the neighbors' silent reproaches." 14

God needn't have struck Isaac with blindness, Isaac was Indra and Esau and Jacob were his sons, for Indra was already going blind.


This is just the birth of Cain and Abel told again, or Marduk and Zu in Sumerian texts. Jacob's wife Rachael had twelve babies, so this may be a confusion with Lilith or perhaps she had children by the other brother, Zu. She would not mate with Siva, or at least left him later.


Rachael criticizes Jacob as Bhadrasakha did Indra, saying,

"I shall die unless you give me children!"

To which he replies,

"Is it my fault that God closed your womb?" 15

Yes, it was! And, like the Abraham and Sarah biblical version, gives her servant Bilhah to him. (Isn't this a bit monotonous? And, there is also nothing 'holy' about a book with this in it.)


Rachael too takes to the herb, mandrake, and conceives. They are well known for their anti-spasmodic properties which is interesting here for androgynous women suffer from vaginismus (to be explained later), so it may have been the environment indirectly, and this may have been a confusion with Lilith who was androgynous.


The fact is they were having spasms which is well known to cause infertility. Interestingly, Leah, Jacob's other wife, was called by the Canaanites the mother of a Ram god. There were certainly a lot of dolichocephalic little faces roaming about! She just seems to be another parallel to Hagar. In the Veda, she is Indra's mistress with whom he has a son and the two are ousted by his mother. This mother and son would be known as Akhenaten and Tiy of Egypt.

Hebrew texts reveal much about Siva's dire endocrine problem and no doubt his siblings as well. They all seem to be hyperthyroid. One Hebrew text relates, as we have already seen, that he drank too much, but also hunted to the point of bloodlust, and had a "voracious hunger, never sated."16


His rabid hunger was the reason he drank so much. He hungered for alcohol because he metabolized food too quickly and lost nutrients; the alcohol helped him absorb iron but alcohol is a fooler for it badly strips the system of B-vitamins, ascorbic acid and other nutrients as niacin and nicotine which is why people who drink usually smoke as well.


He was a voracious hunter because, he craved as much animal fat as he could get, again to bolster absorption of some nutrients only to lose others. He was in a vicious circle. He would have been classically skinny.


His "palsy" that was described in the text was from his loss of B12 and magnesium. He could never be able to drink enough, eat enough, nor have coition enough. He was a perpetual nervous heap as we will see through these stories. He would have been prone to nervous exhaustion, be erratic and suffer paranoia, unable to handle mental strain. Insomnia is common also, with a 'chip-on-the-shoulder, attitude'.


We would come to know him as Satan, the devil, through the ages, when all he was was a hopeless hyperthyroid/pituitary sufferer. Red skin, hooked nose, pointed teeth, (some African tribes still file their teeth to emulate the gods, and you can bet there were a lot of "devils" running around then) a classic pathocrine study.


An Assyrian text called his direct descendants the "People Who In Sorrow Roam", and they still do today.


Even the Anunnaki were suffering:

They (the Anunnaki) knew not the eating of bread.
Knew not the dressing of garments.
Ate plants with their mouth like sheep.
Drank water from the ditch.
In those days, in the creation chamber of the gods.
In their house Dulkug. Lahar and Ashanan were fashioned;
The produce of Lahar and Ashanan,
The Anunnaki of the Dulkug eat, but remain unseated;
In their pure sheepfolds milk..., and good things.
The Anunnaki of the Dulkug drink, but remain unsoted:
For the sake of the good things in their pure sheepfolds,
Amn was given breath.17

An interesting gnostic text tells us of Indra's sons and their appearance and rule:

"And he ordained that seven kings rule over the heavens and five over the chaos of Hades. The names of glory of those who rule over the seven heavens are these: the first is looth, with the face of a lion: the second Elooios, with the face of a hyena; the fourth Iao, with the face of seven-headed snake; the fifth Adonaios, with the face of a dragon; the sixth Adoni, with the face of an ape; the seventh Sobbotolost, with the face of shining flames of fire. This is the Seven of the week, these are the ones who govern the world."

"But laldabaolh, Saclas, who possesses many forms in order to reveal himself with diverse forms as he pleases, apportioned lo them some of his own fire and power. He did not give them any of the pure light which he had drawn from his mother. Hence he governed them because of the Glory which was in him from the power of the light of the Mother; hence he let himself be called God because he rebelled against the substance out of which he came into existence."

Indra was quite upset when some of his flock attempted to escape his realm, reminiscent of the Tower of Babel, as the following attests to.


An original member of the primal family tries to escape and has quite an argument with the Lord, his commandant, as he could see what Indra was aspiring to in his madness:

Yayati said:Neither among gods nor men,

nor Gandhatvas nor great seers,

do I see anyone who equals me in mortification, Indra!

Indra said:
As you disdain your equals and betters,

And inferiors, knowing not their prowess.

Therefore these worlds shall for you be ending -

Your merit gone, you shall fall today, king!

Yayati said:
If my disdain for gods, seers, and

Gandharvas has brought these worlds lo an end for me, Indra,

Then deprived of the world of the gods,

I hanker, O king of the gods, to fall with the honest.

Indra said:
Cast out, you shall fall, king, among the honest,

Where you once more will find a foundation;

And, knowing this, you sholl never more.

Yayati, Show your disdain for your equals and betters!
Vaisampayana said:
Then having departed the holy heavens,
Which Indra frequents, Yayati, foiling,
Was seen by Astaka, great royal seer,
And addressed by that lord of the Law of the honest.
"Who are you, youth, who resemble Indra,
Who are blazing like fire with your radiance?
You fall as the sun, the first of the sky folk,
Falls away from the sky where dark clouds are massing!
"And seeing you falling from the suns pathways,
Aglow like the fire and the sun without measure,
We all are confused as we vainly wonder
Who this might be who is falling amongst us.
"And seeing you travel the God's own roadway
In splendor alike to Sun, Indra and Visnu,
We have now all together arisen to meet you,
To discover from you the cause of your downfall.18

Trapped on earth, the remaining Nibiruian lines would degenerate into the "lu-lu's", we know him as man, to become "fruitful and multiply", one of the greatest biological disasters of history.


Anyone who tried to elevate himself to Indra's level met a cruel fate as we see in another instance here:

There once was a king, an ever law-abiding lord of the earth, Vasup, scion of the Pauravas, also named Uparicara, who was a devoted hunter. At Indra's behest this king took the pleasant country of the Cedis when it was for the taking.


When this king had laid down his sword and gone to live in a hermitage happy with his austerities, the thunder bolt-brandishing God himself came up to him. Worrying that the king might well aspire to become Indra himself through his austerities, he personally coaxed this herdsman of men away from his austere ways.19

It was a terrible biological horror for even Hastanda, or Siva, himself "would in turn beget offspring" that would "then soon die", but this is what came of the Lords commandment to go 'forth and multiply' for they had offspring for the worst reason of all, to satisfy a neuronal urge due to their broken biochemistries.

Lilith would, like her father, be in quest of power whom Egyptians and Sumerians came to fear in her "celestial chariot" that destroyed many people.


There seems to have been other sisters,

"seven red sisters out of the honey to see".

They all seem to have had gynecological problems, even Egyptian texts tell us Set, probably Zu, produced a daughter who could conceive but bore stillborn babies.


Nonetheless, religious zealots, not fully comprehending the situation would later pine,

"Our first parents were demon-born, offspring of the execrated union of the Arch-Fiend and his mate. In Adam, however, the luminous particles predominated, while Eve was composed wholly of dark elements.''22

Well, there is nothing like passing the genealogical dollar, but bad thyroids affect everybody and not just the women.

According to the Veda, vast empires waxed and waned in biochemical dishevels. Atlantis and Lemuria were the climax of great trade routes that stemmed from one corner of the world to the other. Atlantis' location was, as the name implies; a continent in the Atlantic which either went unscathed through the fall or rose in the devastation.


Lemuria is now only a chain of volcanic islands and if we read tectonics correctly, lauded correctly as one of the primal homes by many around the world, the lost island of Mu of the Japanese. Many generations ago a group of people were drawn magnetically to them and dared the Pacific to reach a home they originally inhabited long ago and who are most genetically comparable to the primal stock.


Why would a people decide to journey into an unknown region unless a genetic memory drew them to it?


Hawaii today beckons many to her as it did to the ancient Hawaiians. Mu as it was also known, is but a remnant of its once greatness today. If you are attracted by the flora and fauna of the South Seas, you have a little Nibiru in you! A great many of Hawaiian cultures, as we will see, stems from the Nibiru.

Berossus, a Babylonian historian of 300 B.C.E. recorded from older archives that before the Deluge, ten kings reigned 432.000 years.


The Bible shortened this to a 2220 year reign as no doubt the people could not then conceive of such extended longevities much as many today doubt the Bible as well as these older texts. But, at the time of the Bible, people were yet living to 110+ years according to the Ayurveda medical treatise.


Sixty was middle age to many then. (My, how we've changed!) The Chaldeans claimed their sciences went back 470,000 years.


Iranian legends state that ten Poseidon kings, were,

"men of the ancient law, who lived on pure Homo, (water) and who preserved their sanctity."23

The Chinese count ten kings as do the Chaldeans, with reigns of thousands of years, as do the Japanese in the CHRONICLES OF GODS AND SOVEREIGNS.

The BOOK OF THE QUICHES, the "Popol Vuh", called Atlantis "the region of the rising sun" while Lemuria was the setting sun to Amerindians, the Japanese flag is a symbol of the rising sun over Lemuria.


Already the different colors of men were expanding around the globe for even the Popol Vuh speaks of black and white men together.


We know from archaeological digs that in France 25,000 years ago (or more?) three distinct castes were living together, the Aurignacian (white) Gremaldi (black) and Solntrean (yellow) but this is only very tentative as features can vary so as we have seen. The ancient Gauls whom Julius Ceasar conquered in the wars were mostly of a Mongoloid type according to the Roman historian Timagenes.


But among them, Timagenes pointed out, were the Aryan Gauls or Preadamites .as they called themselves making sure they were recognized as having come from the original Nibiruian stock, not of Adam which even at this time everyone was quite aware of these despoiled lineages. And, like the Sumerians, Egyptians and later Hebrews before they changed, they too were tall.


They also claimed to have come from Atlantis. Even Isaiah and Ezekiel referred to the ""Islands in the sea".


If you are of Scottish blood, you may have a more noble heritage than you think. Their links to the Nibiru shows in their customs and somatypes. They too had certain clans who were extraordinarily tall, well featured with straight black hair and straight noses. In the nineteen twenties, some of the Scots complained that they were losing their height and features when refined foods were becoming more popular amongst the country folk.


It happened overnight it seemed, for these people had fine genetic constitutions which made them more susceptible to an abiological diet. Tacitus reported that at the battle of the Grampians the Scots had chariots and weapons of iron which it was presumed they were too primitive to have had, but they were people stationed in outposts after the Flood when the Pandava restored the earth once more it seems.


If you 'fair like the bagpipe' you are Nibiruian for this instrument seems to be used when Enoch made his famous journey to God and whose men played at his arrival. If you like Oriental music consider yourself the same, for like Scottish music it has the same five tone beat as does some Hebraic tunes. It always has been a mystery why the Tokhari Celts left Scottish Isles and with ships dared to attack Rameses III.


However, this will make more sense to us later. They were taken prisoner but their headgear depicted by Egyptian artists resembles the high-crested highland hats. They also wore the kilt which was as the people of Egypt.

We have enough evidence botanically that Atlanteans were vast seafarers for the banana is a seedless plant, a perennial which can only be carried to the places it appears in. The same can be said for tulips, oaks, maples, mango fruit, bamboo and the coconut. We know Egypt thrived on corn at the same time their Amerindian dynasties did. again implying relations.


Indians were never the lost tribes of Israel, they have always been where they were and their resemblances to ancient Israelites is because they were both the children of the Nibiru. Legends tell us the Indians had cities all over America and had the power of flight but were thrown, as we will see, into primitive ways at the fall of Egypt. They and the Hebrews certainly had much in common for many tribes circumcised and would not eat pig, etc

Plato was much convinced of the existence of Atlantis whose information, although not our only source by any means, gives the best detail for his great-grandfather was a friend of the great sage Solon. Solon warned man of coming deluges for there were many before that which alludes to the devastations of Indra.


Solon was quick to point out that no one on earth had direct knowledge from Atlantis or Lemuria.

"there is no old opinion handed down among you by ancient tradition, nor any science which is hoary with age" and "there dwelt in your land the fairest and Noblest race of men which ever lived, of whom you and your whole city are but a seed or remnant."

The Deluge had destroyed every one on earth save those who took shelter on the ark or other structures.


Only genetic memories would be had of the days before the flood. What ever science and stories came were brought by Enlil who restored the earth and those few survivors.


According to Solon, Egypt existed long before the Deluge. Poseidon was said to rule Atlantis according to Solon which accords with Sumerian texts, however he states he lived with a mortal woman and had children by her. Of the many animals abounding the elephants were the most prevalent as they were in the Vedas. Legumes, the favorite of the Bible, were in abundance.


A great palace was built as well as canals and roofed bridges with room for the passage of ships. Poseidon is either Indra or Siva and lived with his sister here who was later known as Cleito with temples dedicated to each built of gold, silver, and ivory. A statue of him in a chariot drawn by six winged horses, a symbol of his aircraft, was so enormous it touched the roof of his temple with one-hundred dolphins surrounding him indicative of his sea faring ways.


Bathing was a ritual so indicative of later Hebrew and Roman cultures with bathhouses for all, but as we will see this may be indicative of something else. Exercise areas for men were among palatial gardens. Love of horses, a sure Nibiruian trait, was prominent with exercise arenas and a race course that extended all around the island. The entire island was heavily guarded.


The city sat on a plain with mountains all around speckled with little villages. Sumerian texts speak of Atlantis quite distinctly as the "Land of Ut.TU" meaning west of Sumer and "Apsu" meant Atlantis. Apsu means a source of great waters which according to Solon Atlantis did have for it had both hot and cold springs, irrigation, aqueducts, harbors and canals.

War was quite known to them for they had ten thousand charioteers along with archers, slingshotters and stone shooters, javelin throwers and a navy of 1200 ships.


Indra's sons had complete rule down through the ages and ran the country as very strict rulers. Sacrifices of bulls was standard fare in the temples as it would be again. It was a total dictatorship for the law forbade them to take up arms against one another, and to report any attempts to take over the royal house. Death sentences to any of them could not be incurred unless all the family judged upon it.

It is an interesting find that the Hebrew and Phoenician symbol for Cain was a cross within a circle the very symbol for the emblem of Atlantis!

The Titans of Atlantis traveled through the airway with ease while earthbound man was kept grounded.

"Whatever they did was done speedily. They move through space almost without the loss of a moment of time''25 sounding so reminiscent of Egyptian passages, and ruled their empire with only their own welfare uppermost as they would do again after the Deluge.

As can be deduced they were enjoying their reign and loved playing the role of God as,

"there were tales of personal visits and adventures of the gods among men, taking part in battles and appearing in dreams. They were conceived to possess the form of human beings, and lo be like man, subject to love and pain, but always characterized by the highest qualities and grandest forms that could be imagined." 26

Earthmen were aware that "the gods were not looked upon as having created the world," but ruled a world already created.

Up until the time of the Deluge the appearances of the Ennead are no where to be found. They seemed to have just disappeared, perhaps going back to the Twelfth planet. The gnostic texts tell us there were many earth-type planets where the Gods dwelled.


They had no choice, this planet was not conducive to their body metabolisms, they could not very well walk around constantly in protective suits and helmets nor stay in an Edin. It could be the Pandava may have been unable to get by the air boundaries the Igigi had established, a unit of Marduk's that patrolled the skies, whose Sumerian name means, "those who see and orbit," according to Sitchin (The Earth Chronicles).

The family of Indra amassed great wealth and established mining operations all over earth.


Solon remarking that,

"they dug out of the earth whatever was to be found there, mineral or well or metal, and that which is only a name - orichalcum - was dug out of the earth in many parts of the island and with the exception of gold, was esteemed the most precious of metals among men of those days."

Sumer texts speak of much mining going on in Africa, I refer the reader to the writings of Sitchin who has done a superlative job on this.


We saw already how it has been found that there are mines in Africa of great antiquity. Even Indian tribes around Lake Titicaca had bronze long before the traditional appearance in the Middle East. However, according to a Sumerian text, they seem to have used what is described as hominids to do their mining.


They seem to have established regular breeding colonies of them much as was done with Negroes in the South prior to the American Civil War.

"For these histories tell of a mighty power which was aggressing wantonly against the whole of Europe and Asia"27 and whatever of the original Nibiruian peoples were left were soon subjugated.

Gold was much needed for it was probably used on their airships as gold is an excellent conductor of electricity.


These mining operations were causing a problem ecologically; underground tunnels, yet abound even in South America which were no doubt of Indra's doing. The Ennead, according to Sumerian texts, seems to have warned them but none would listen.


Then Ennead were, however, more appalled at the levels of baseness man had descended to:

The land extended, the people multiplied;
In the land like wild bulls they lay.
'Tire god got disturbed by their conjugations;
The god Enlil heard their pronouncements,
and said the great gods:
"Oppressive have become the pronouncements of Mankind;

Their confugations deprive me of sleep."

The women of Indra's family seem to have had a hand in it as well for a Sumerian text conveys the "the holy tiara existed, the holy crown did not exist..." implying that women had the upper hand in all the affairs at this time, as the worshiping of deities and cults were widespread.


Agriculture waned and cannibalism abounded and mankind blamed his gods.


Cannibalism seems to have always been a problem and Egyptian texts tells us that one of Osiris' first priorities was to abolish it by seeing the people were properly fed.


It can be easily deduced that it would be rife amongst white and darker skinned peoples as they constantly crave fatty foods which human flesh abounds in, so say those who practice it. It should also be pointed out that cannibalism can be induced in mice and rats when certain magnetic resonances are used on them, and as the magnetic poles were shifting we should' expect to see abnormal behaviors as this.


We do know that among surgeons around the world this is a growing problem today.


The Egyptians do not seem to have used surgery but as we will see employed other techniques which some of us in holistic fields are coming to realize. The very idea of surgery seemed to be repugnant to Egyptians for good reasons. Hippocrates would not use surgery unlike his counterparts today who use his name in vain.

The Deluge has always been implied by the ancients to have been a fault of the gods which it surely must have been as they destroyed the natural flora upsetting the entire ecosystem which set a chain of natural disasters in order. The earth had never fully recovered from the Fall. Whatever happened it was well remembered, as the Egyptians stated that the gods caused it. It is stated to have occurred at the same time as the fall of Atlantis which would make it approximately 11,000-14,000 years ago.


But the big question here is, who survived it?


Noah, according to Sumerian history, was a king, and not the lowly commoner the Bible has you believe of "righteous" and pure genealogy. It would seem that both Indra and Rama were bent on saving those of their lineages they deemed genetically fit, while Rama tried to thwart Indra's attempts for he knew others were capable of recovery.


Indra though was still popping about the country creating his 'sun-children', those a little higher than the earth populace so he thought, but a little lower than himself to begin his kingdom again. The earth meanwhile could not stand its life-forms who wantonly destroyed the ecology, and would fight back. The ionosphere would lose its buoyancy and drop its waters on the earth again.


But Indra seems to have been upset with his people even though he had committed the original sin or blunder:

...there will be a great confusion on the earth, for each person has become envious of his neighbor, and people will sin against people. And nation will wage war against nation. And all the earth will be filled with blood and with very evil confusion.


Even more than that, they will abandon their Creator, and they will do obeisance to that which is fixed in the sky, and to what moves above the earth, and the waves of the sea. And the adversary will make himself great and will be delighted with their deeds, to my provocation.31

If there was one thing Indra feared was that the people would become cognizant of their world, that they would be able to read the stars that now ruled them in their weaknesses for they were susceptible to cosmic radiations.


He had made his lineages recipients of titles and Nir, the second son of Lamech. became invested of the "garments" of consecration to stand at God's "alter", to tell the people of his decrees. Indra did not want them to become aware and any notions in that direction were quelled.


The next decree of his by Nir seems to tell of the magnetic reversals:

"All the earth will change its order, and every fruit and every herb will change their times, for they will anticipate the lime of destruction. And all the nations will change on the earth, and all my desire. And then I shall command the Bottomless. It will come out and rush out and the great storages of the waters of heaven will come down onto the earth in a great substance and in accordance with the first substance.

And the whole constitution of the earth will perish, and all the earth will quake, and it will be deprived of its strength from that day. Then I will preserve the son of your son Lamekh, (sic), Noe (sic). And from his seed I will raise up another world, and his seed will exist forever, until the second destruction when once again mankind will have committed sin in front of my face."

No wonder he did not want his people gazing at the stars for they would be able to deduct the time the reversals would take place.


It could be he did not care if most people perished for they had finally come to realize the truth and attempted to escape to his chagrin. In the following told to Enoch, by God, this could be interpreted numerous ways.


Had man just come to realize his situation?

"An order has been issued from the court of the Lord against those who dwell Upon the earth, that their doom has arrived because they have acquired the knowledge of all the secrets of the angels, all the oppressive deeds of the Satans, as well as all their most occult powers, all the powers of those who practice sorcery, all the powers of those who mix colors, all the powers of those who make molten images; how silver is produced from the dust of the earth, and how bronze is made upon the earth - for lead and tin are produced from the earth like silver - their source is a fountain inside which stands an angel, and he is a running angel.


After that, my grandfather, Enoch took hold of me by my hand and raised me up and said to me,

"Go, for J have asked the Lord of the Spirits regarding this turbulence which is taking place on the earth."

He continued to say to me.

"Because their oppression has been carried out on the earth, their judgment will be limitless before me. On account of the abstract things which they have investigated and experienced, the earth shall perish together with those who dwelt upon her.


And those who taught them these things will have no haven forever, because they have revealed to them the things which are secret to the condemned ones: but, as for you, my son, the Lord of the Spirits knows that you are pure and kindhearted; you detest the secret things.


He has preserved your name for the holy ones; he will protect you from those who dwell upon the earth, he has preserved your righteous seed for kingship and great glory, and from your seed will emerge a fountain of the righteous and holy ones without number forever."32

The Ennead, according to the Sumerian readings, had attempted to contact the people and had even stopped the slave rings Indra had established.


This was Indra speaking for he did not want man to have knowledge of his universe, nor to know such things as metallurgy for the next thing they would be doing is banning against him.

Mixing many colors is relevant, I do not think he means intermarriage as he does the people grouping together against him, for once the people realized their condition, the secret was out.

The wife of Nir, Sopanim was sterile, having never given birth:

And Sopanim was in the time of her aid age, and in the day of her death. She conceived in her womb, but Nir the priest had not slept with her, nor had he touched her, from the day that the Lord had appointed him to conduct the liturgy in front of the face of the people.


And when Soponim saw her pregnancy, she was ashamed and embarrassed, and she hid herself during all the days until she gave birth.


And not one of the people knew about it. And when 282 days had been completed, and the day of birth had begun to approach, and Nir remembered his wife, and he called her to himself in his house, so that he might converse with her. And Sopanim came to Nir, her husband, and behold, she was pregnant, and the day appointed for giving birth was drawing near.


And Nir saw her, and he became very ashamed.

And he said to her,

"What is this that you have done, O wife? And why have you disgraced me in front of the face of these people? And now, depart from me, and go where you began the disgrace of your womb, so that I might not defile my hand on account of you, and sin in from of the face of the Lord."

And Soponim spoke to Nir, her husband, saying,

"O my lord! Behold, it is the time of my old age, and the day of my death has arrived..."33

This was the birth of one of Indra's sun children which was most contemptible to the people.


Note that she too is pregnant almost ten months and she "fell down at Nir's feet and died"34 while he was still ashamed of her. Why he was so was because of her androgyny.


The baby aborted at her death and was like most sun-children nearly fully developed and,

"Noe (Noah) and Nir were very terrified with a great fear, because the child was fully developed physically, like a three year old."34

Noe then stated to his brother, Nir.

"Look after this child in secret until the time, because people will become treacherous in all the earth, and they will begin to turn away from God, and having become totally ignorant they will pat him to death." 35

All the babies born in this manner were greatly feared because of their precociousness.


The "badge of priest-hood was on his chest!" which must have been some sort of birthmark peculiar to these type births. They called the baby Melkisedek. The mother was then buried publicly but the baby kept a secret from people who would have killed him.


The Lord then told Nir the plans for his 'son':

...the great lawlessness which has come about on the earth among the multitude which I shall not tolerate. And behold, I desire Noe to send out a great destruction onto the earth, and everything that stands on the earth shall perish. But, concerning the child, don't be anxious. Nir; because in a short while I shall send my arch angel Michael.


And he will take the child, and put him in the paradise of Edem (sic), in the Porodise where Adam was formerly for seven years, having heaven open oil the lime up until when he sinned. And this child will not perish along with those who are perishing in this generation, as I have revealed it, so that Melkisedek will be the priest to all holy priests, and I will establish him so that he will be the head of the priests of the future.


And behold, Melkisedek will be the head of the 13 priests who existed before. And afterward, in the last generation, there will be another Melkisedek, the first of 12 priests.


And the lost will be the head of all, a great archpriest, the Word and Power of God, who,

"Will perform miracles, greater and more glorious than all the previous ones."

Indra was up to his old tricks of trying to repopulate his dwindling race. The people would surely have killed the baby knowing that androgyny was one of the main reasons the earth now had fallen.


The Lord then told Michael to,

"go down onto the earth to Nir the priest, and take my child Melkisedek, who is with him, and place him in the paradise of Edem for preservation. For the time is approaching, and I will pour out all the water onto the earth, and everything that is on the earth will perish."

The Lord then preceded to tell Nir that many generations would spring from the ark of Noah after it survived the Flood and in 3.432 years the lineages would produce another Melkisedek.


Michael then,

"look the child on the same night on which he had come down; and he look him on his wings, and he placed him in the paradise of Eden. And Nir got up in the morning. He went into his tent and he did not find the child.


And there was instead of joy very great grief, because he had no other son except this one. Thus Nir ended his life. And after him there was no priest among the people. And from that time great confusion arose on the earth."

Noah too was a sun-child and it was from them Indra hoped to repopulate the earth. They bred quick and abundantly and in 3432 years he would have his empire again.

Was there more than one Ark? If the ark were a submersible as Sitchin translates in his EARTH CHRONICLES, there had to be more than one. It can be easily assumed why Rama sought to destroy the one of Noah's just as he wanted to destroy Melkisedek.


But just as many others had to protect themselves from the flood. Science no longer scoffs that a great flood occurred at this time as archaeology and geology has substantiated it. Few of the original primal family survived as Indra sought to destroy them through the ages.


In the Veda, it is Manu, brother of Rama who builds an ark and places all the animals on board which lands on Mt. Himalaya which became known as "the mooring."


I do not think there was a blending of stories here for both Rama and Indra would have wanted the same things for different reasons. We can tell by the Veda readings that quite a bit more was going on between the ark and the gods above.


What was the "Dove" for instance of the Veda? The Veda may give us a little clearer picture, and why there may have been more than one ark. We know the Noah of the Veda, Manu, succeeded only with great danger to survive the wrath of Indra as he hastened them away.


Was the following one of Indra's calling cards to thwart them or was this Rama?

Gods, a dove has come here seeking someone, sent as a messenger by Destruction.


We will sing against him; we will perform an expiation. Let all be well with our two-footed creatures, all be well with our four-footed creatures. Let the dove that has been sent to us be kind; gods, let the bird be harmless in our houses. Let the inspired Agni relish our oblation. "Let the winged spear spare us." (Recall the Egyptians said the 'snakes' had wings. A.N.)


Do not let the winged spear attack us; it settles by the fire place in the kitchen. Lei all be well with our cows and with our men; gods, do not let the dove harm us here. What the owl screeches is in vain; vain, too, the settling of the dove by the fire. I bow low before Yana, before death who sent this dove as a messenger. Drive the dove out, pushing him with a verse.


Rejoicing in food, lead the cow around and wipe out all the evil traces. Let it fly forth, flying its best, and leave us strength to live.36

Either this is a missile device or one of the oddest doves I have ever heard of!


I think Noah waited for the return of something more than a bird. How could people be so afraid of a harmless dove, or was this a satirical term of what the 'dove' really was?

All in all, the flood may have been allowed to occur not only to kill earth's miscreants, but those who came to realize Indra's plans and perhaps sought to stop him. However, Rama, who probably could have stopped it, did not do so, which would have fit into his plans as well.


Not just Noah and his family escaped,

"but other people from the generation which does not waver, went to a Place and covered themselves with a cloud of light. And he recognized the authority from above, together with those who were with hint in the light which shone on them; for the darkness was poured out over everything on the earth."37

Hebrew myths related that the ark had a large light on it from which the Lord kept track of it above as it bounced along the waves and in the heavy rains:

A pearl hanging, from the ark's roof shone calmly on Noah and his family. When its light paled, he knew that the hours of daylight had come; when it brightened, he knew that night was at hand, and thus never lost count of the Sabbaths.

Some say, however, that this light came from a sacred book which the Archangel Raphael gave to Noah, bound in sapphires, and containing all knowledge of the stars, the art of healing and the mastery of demons.


Noah bequeathed this to Shem, from whom it passed by way of Abraham to Jacob, Levi, Moses, Joshua and Solomon.

There must have been many who managed to escape around the globe from the gigantic flood.


We know Sumerian villages were covered with eight feet of clay and rubble for a 40,000 sq. mile area and those cities built on high mounds escaped. If this is when Atlantis sunk there is good evidence abounding as explorer Richard Wingate while visiting the Church of Maria Auxiliadora, in Cuenca, Ecuador, found over 7,000 artifacts from all over the world stored there after being found in the local caves.


Egyptian mummy cases, a Phoenician calendar, artwork from Africa and a Hebraic ceremonial box with hippopotamuses and sun discs on it. How did they get there?


The Aztecs called their lost homeland 'Aztlan', the Incas, 'Atland' and the Venezuelan Parians, 'Atlan'.


Thoth was said to have stated,

"After you leave your island you will not find it again, as this place will vanish under the sea waves."

In Sumerian, their Noah is named Utnapishtim.


There is a parallel to Noah in that he saves his family and animals but another tells of a King Zinsudra, named Xisuthros in Berossus' 3rd century B.C.E., Babylonian History who did the same. There maybe many similar stories compiled into the Biblical version. Indra wanted to save his 'sun-children', but Rama wanted to save his own.


The reason I state this is from the passages of the EPIC OF GILGAMESH, where Utnapishtim, identified as Noah, gives credence to this:

Gilgamesh said to him. to Utnapishtim the Faraway:

"As I look upon thee, Utnapishtim.

Thy features are not strange; even as I art thou.

Thou art not strange at all; even as I art thou.

My heart had regarded thee as resolved la do battle.

Yet thou lies! indolent upon thy back!

Tell me, how joinedst thou the Assembly of the gods.
In thy quest of life?'

Noah was considered "odd", a "white drop", with light kinky hair and white skin. (See the chapter, "The Lost Races" for a description of Noah's ailment; he was no doubt a 'sun-child' himself as his mother was said to have not had coition with the father.)


Noah would have looked odd to Gilgamesh who no doubt retained a great many Nibiruian characteristics which is why God (Indra) kept the secret of life from him and not Utnapishtim.


It seems Rama instructed the people to heed his warnings while he, Noah, was still subservient to Indra who wanted him to live while Rama did not, wanting nature to end these misbegotten lineages.


Utnapishtim said to him, to Gilgamesh:

I will reveal to thee, Gilgamesh. a hidden matter
and a secret of the gods will I tell thee:
Shurippak - a city which thou knowest.
And which on Euphrates' bands is situate...
That city was ancient, as were the gads within it,
When their heart led the great gods to produce the flood.
There were Anu, their father.
Valiant Enlil, their counselor,
Ninurta. their assistant,

Ennuge, their irritator.

Ninigiku-Ea was also present with them;

Their words he repeals lo the reed-hut;

Reedlutl, reed-hut! Wall, wall!

Reed-hut, hearken! Wall, reflect!

Man of Shuruppak, son of Ubar-Tutu,

Tear down this house, build a ship!

Give of possessions, seek thou life.

Forswear worldly goods and keep the soul alive!

Aboard the ship lake the seed of all living things.

The ship that thou shall built.

Her dimensions shall be to measure.

Equal shall be her width and her length.

Like the Apsu thou shall seal her.

I understood and I said to Ea, my lord;

'Behold, by lord, what thou hast thus ordered.

I will be honored lo carry out.

What shall I answer the city, the people and elder

Ea opened his mouth to speak,

Saying lo me his servant:

You shall then thus speak, unto them:

"I have learned that Enlil is hostile to me.

So that I cannot reside in your city.

Nor set my foot in Enlil's territory.
To the Deep I will therefore go down.
To dwell with, my Lord Ea.
Bui upon you he will shower down abundance,
The choicest birds, the rarest fishes.
The land shall have its fill of harvest riches.
He who at dusk orders the husk-greens,
will shower down upon you a rain of wheat."
With the first glow of dawn,
The land was gathered about me,
The little ones carried bitumen,
While the grown ones brought all else that was needful.
On the fifth day I laid her framework.
One whole acre was her floor space.
Ten dozen cubits the height of each of her walls,
Ten dozen cubits each edge of the square deck.
I laid out the contours and joined her together.
I provided her with six decks,
Dividing her thus into seven parts.
Her floor plan I divided into nine parts.
1 hammered water-plugs into her.
I saw to the punting-poles and laid in supplies.
Six 'sar' (measures) of bitumen I poured into the furnace,
Three sar of asphalt I also poured inside.
Three sar of oil the basket-bearers carried,
Aside from the one sar of oil which the caulking consumed,
And the two sar of oil which the boatmen stored away.
Bullocks I slaughtered for the people,
And I killed sheep everyday.
Must, red wine, oil, and white wine
I gave the workmen to drink, as though river water,
That they might feast as on New Years Day.
I opened . . . ointment, applying it to my hand.
On the seventh day the ship was completed.
The hunching, was very difficult,
So that they had to shift the floor planks above and below.
Until two-thirds of the structure had gone into the water
Whatever I had I laded upon her:
Whatever I had of silver I laded upon her;
Whatever I had of gold I loded upon her:
Whatever I had of oil the living beings I laded upon her:
All my family and kin I made go aboard the ship.
The beasts of the field, the wild creatures of the field.
All the craftsmen I made go aboard.
Shamash had set for me o stated time;
'When he who orders unease at night.
Will shower down a rain of blight.
Board thou the ship and batten up the entrance!"
That stated time had arrived:

'He who orders unease of night, showers down a rain of blight.'
I watched the appearance of the weather.
The weather was awesome to behold.
I boarded the ship and battened up the entrance.
To batten down the whole ship, to Puzur-Amurri,
the boatman,
I handed over the structure together with its contents.

This does not sound like our other ark that had a light atop it, the latter sounding very much like a submersible, like the Leviathan monster.


We saw before how Noah or Noe was afraid of the Lord so who was it that told him to hurriedly construct this makeshift boat? In this version, Indra or Ea, has Noah tell the people that Anu is upset with him so he must leave.


No doubt it was Indra who told him to get his sun-children out and as he was pressed himself for boats, much less submersibles. he directed Noah accordingly. The storm then rages, lasting 6 - 7 days, not the forty of the Bible.


The next passages open, with what sounds like a nuclear blast and we might definitely be wrong that the flood was naturally caused, but again, like the Fall, a consequence of war:

With the first glow of dawn,
A black cloud rose upfront the horizon.
Inside it Adad thunders.
While Shullat and Hancish go in front,
Moving as heralds over hill and plain.
Erragal tears out the posts,
Forth comes Ninurta and causes the dikes to follow.

The Anunnaki lift up the torches,

Setting the land ablaze with their glare.

Consternation over Adad reaches to the heavens,
who turned lo blackness all that had been light.
The wide land was shattered like a poll
For one day the south storm blew,
Gathering speed as it blew, submerging the mountains.
Overtaking the people like a battle.
No one can see his fellow,
Nor can the people be recognized from heaven,
The gods were frightened by the deluge,
And shrinking back, they ascended lo the heaven of Ann.
The gods cowered like dogs.
Crouched against the outer wall.
Ishtar cried out like a woman in travail,
The sweet-voiced mistress of the gods moans aloud:
"The olden days are alas turned to clay.
Because I bespoke evil in the Assembly of the gods.
How could 1 bespeak evil in the Assembly of the gods,
Ordering battle for the destruction of my people.
When it is I myself who gave birth lo my people!
Like the spawn of the fishes they fill the sea!'
The Anunnaki gods weep with her.
The gods, all humbled, sit and weep,
Their lips drawn tight, . . . one and all.
Six days and six nights
Blows the flood wind, as the south-storm sweeps the land.
When the seventh day arrived.
The flood carrying south-storm subsided in the battle,
Which it had fought like an army.
The sea grew quiet, the tempest was still, the flood ceased.
I looked at the water: stillness had set in,
And all of mankind had returned to clay.
The landscape was as level as a flat roof.
I opened a hatch, and light fell upon my face.
Bowing low I sat and wept,
Tears running down on my face.
I looked about for coast lines in the expanse of the sea:
In each of fourteen regions
There emerged a region (mountain)
On Mount Nisir the ship came to a halt.
Mount Nisir held the ship fast.
Allowing no motion.
One day, a second day, Mount Nisir held the ship fast. Allowing no motion,
A third day, a fourth day. Mount Nisir held the ship fast. Allowing no motion,
A fifth, and a sixth day, Mount Nisir held the ship fast, Allowing no motion...

Ishtar admits here that she ordered the destruction of the people whom she had created and now in grief watches them destroyed.


Corrupted by her androgyny, she fought aggressively in the assembly like a man, now she cries in her own blindness as a woman.


In the story a dove is released as our Noah is stranded on the mountain and then proceeds when that does not work to resort to the other measures that always brought the gods:

I poured out a libation on the lop of the mountain.
Seven and seven cult-vessels I set up.
Upon their pot-stands I heaped cone, cederwood, and myrtle.
The gods smelled the savor,
The gods smelled the sweet savor,
the gods crowded like flies about the sacrificer.
When at length as the great goddess arrived.
she lifted up the great jewels which Anu had fashioned to her liking:
'Ye gods here, as surely as this lapis
Upon my neck I shall not forget,
I shall be mindful of these days, forgetting them never.
Let the gods come to the offering:
But let not Enlil come to the offering:
For he, unreasoning brought on the deluge
And my people consigned to destruction.'
When at length as Enlil arrived,
And saw the ship, Enlil was wroth,
He was filled with wroth over the Igigi gods.
'Has some living soul escaped?
No man was to survive the destruction!'
Ninurta opened his mouth to speak.
Scrying to valiant Enlil"
'Who other thon Ea, con devise plans?
It is Ea alone who knows every matter.'
Ea opened his mouth to speak.
Saying to valiant Enlil:
'Thou wisest of gods, thou hero.
How couldst thou, unreasoning, bring on the deluge?
On the sinner impose his sin.
On the transgressor impose his transgression!
Yet be lenient lest he be cut off,
Be patient, lest he be dislodged!
Instead of thy bringing on the deluge.
Would that o lion had risen up to diminish mankind!
Instead of thy bringing on the deluge.
Would, that a wolf had risen up to diminish mankind!
Instead of thy bringing on the deluge,
Would that o famine had risen up to smite down mankind!
It was not I who disclosed the secret of the great gods.
I let Atrahasis (Nooh - A.N.) see a dream,
And he perceived the secret of the gods.
Now then take counsel in regard to him!

This was all very interesting and rather comical for Ishtar immediately shifted blame to Enlil after having already admitted she caused the flood by speaking "evil in the assembly of the gods."


Indra or Ea too came to the scene.


Enlil, humiliated, then acknowledged the mortal androgynous Noah and his family as being like the gods, to spite Ishtar and Indra.

Thereupon Enlil went aboard the ship.
Holding me by the hand, he look me onboard.
He look my wife aboard and made her kneel by my side.
Standing between us he touched our foreheads to bless us:
'Hiiheria Utnapishtim has been but human.
Henceforth Utnapishtim and his wife shall be like unto us gods.
Utnapishtim shall reside far away, at the mouth of the river!"
Titus they took me and made me reside far away,
At the Mouth of the rivers.

Another Sumerian text tells of the King Zinsudra. another who was told to escape the wrath of the gods.


Here, too it was said that,

"by the word commanded by Anu and Enlil... its kinship, its rule will be put to an end."

Again, we should reckon that they could have probably stopped it but it was the people who brought it down upon themselves and they concentrated on saving those they felt worthy.


We must also figure that in the last text we looked at, Enlil was infuriated someone had survived on that particular ark but was also rightfully upset the blame was cast upon him.

The sons of Noah, Ham. Japheth and Shem would then spread their seeds over the world which was why no doubt Enlil was upset they had survived for Indra would have his cowering empire rapped in religious blindness again comprised of incompetents who could not realize their situation.


Said Noah upon the issue supposedly:

My sons, listen to my words. Behold, I have divided the earth among you. But save him in fear and slavery all the days of your life. Let not your seed depart from the face of God the almighty. My seed will be pleasing before you and before your power. Seal it by your strong hand with fear and commandment, so that the whole seed which came forth from me may not be inclined away^from you and God the almighty, but it will serve in humility and fear of its knowledge.41

You have man neatly tied up in a package here, a shivering slave to his weaknesses, clouded from the knowledge that would open his eyes.


No wonder Enlil was irate and why he let them go. You cannot stop fools, they must stop themselves and the only way that is accomplished is when they totally destroy themselves which they just might have done at the flood as another war was hinted at as being its cause as we saw.


Rama usually let nature take its course, it is the best judge and jury in the universe.




2. IBID.
3. IBID.
4. IBID.
5. IBID.
6. THE MAHABHARATA - Vol. 2 & 3
7. THE MAHABHARATA - Vol. 4 & 5
8. ANTE - NICENE CHRISTIAN LIBRARY - Vol. XVii Edinburgh - 1870
10. IBID.
11. SEPHER HAYASHAR - Berlin, 1923.
12. GENESIS RABBA - Palestine 5th Century - Berlin - 1912.
13. IBID.
15. IBID.
19. IBID.
20. THE RIG VEDA - An Anthology Edited by Wendy Doniger OTlaherty-Penquin Classics New York, N.Y. - 1984.
21. IBID.
23. ATLANTIS - The Antediluvian World - Ignatius Donnelly, R. Steiner, Blauvelt, N.Y. - 1871.
25. IBID.
26. IBID. 27.IBID.

29. BIOMAGNETISM - An Interdisciplinary Approach - NATO Advanced Science Institute Series - Plenum Press New York. 1982.
30. THE ANCIENT EGYPTIAN PYRAMID TEXTS - R. O. Faulkner -Translator - Bolchazy - Carducci Publishers - 44 Lake St., Oak Park, 111.
31. THE BOOK OF ENOCH - R. H. Charles - Oxford - 1893.
33. IBID. 34.IBID.
35. IBID'.
36. THE RIG VEDA - An Anthology - Edited by Wendy Doniger O'Flaherty-Penquin Classics - New York. N.Y. - 1984.
38. GENESIS RABBA - Palestine 5th Century - Berlin - 1912.
39. THE ANCIENT NEAR EAST - Vol. 1, James B. Pritchard - Editor -1958. - Princeton University Press.
40. IBID.

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