TAL LeVesque
COHRA Website
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ArchiveBibalex Website
In appearance, the serpent-gods were
tall, and walked on two feet.
They had a tail like a reptile, and a
tough hide somewhat like a lizard but with a large amount of horny
or scaly skin. Their hide was generally lustrous and smooth,
somewhat like a chameleon, and probably varied in different hues of
green and gray.
Scientists have theorized that the reptile form would be ideal for
travel through space on long voyages. Able to hibernate or slow down
their metabolism for long periods and immersed in a water or liquid
environment, they could thereby survive the perils of space travel
which have a deleterious effect on mammal forms.
The sons of the serpent-gods, the
Nephilim of the Bible, which
descended before the Deluge and mated with human women also dabbled
in genetic engineering.
The patriarchs, god-kings, priests, generals, and other members of
the aristocracy which ruled Man before the Deluge and after as well,
were also part saurian. They displayed certain characteristics which
set them apart from ordinary people - large patches of scaly skin
referred to as "the badge of priesthood," and probably had horns and
chin whiskers.
The Rephaim or warrior gods, the descendants of the
antediluvian Nefilim, who protected the Middle East later, were
large and fearsome warriors and probably exhibited many of the
characteristics of their forebears. As they intermarried with
humans, the saurian traits diminished.
When did the Serpent Gods leave, or are they still here?
The sightings of strange saucer-like objects (UFOs) throughout the
centuries would indicate either their space ships have reappeared at
intervals or that they may have been here all this time but hidden
from human eyes. If they have been here for centuries, where would
they find a place that is secure, away from prying eyes, and far
from population centers?
It is also possible that seas and lakes hide the entrance to these
underground bases which may be more
widespread than we realize.
A great cultural shock
Mankind is probably not yet ready for the truth.
Extracted from
Serpent-Gods And Immortality - 'Flying Serpents And Dragons'"
Haggadah describes the serpent as
tall, two-legged and with superior mental powers. A walking, talking
REPTILIAN HUMANOID (the legged-serpent or a Saurian Being).
Ancient Jewish legends indicate that the clothes worn by Adam and
Eve were not only made of reptile skins but that they protected them
from predators:
"When they wore the coats, Adam and
Eve were told, all creatures on earth would fear them."
The serpent skins were symbolic of the
ruling race, and not only reminded Adam and Eve of their origin but
also acted as a talisman to protect them from wild creatures.
The notion of the serpent as evil is a fairly recent one, for it is
one that developed during the early Christian era. In actuality, the
Biblical serpent is often connected with godly knowledge, healing
and immortality. The Hebrew word for the creature who tempted Eve is
"nahash" which is usually translated as serpent but literally means
"he who solves secrets."
Even in ancient Greek the word serpent posed problems in
In the
Septuagint, the early Greek
version of the Old Testament, the serpent is called "drakon." In
ancient Greece the word "drakon" was used for all large fearsome
creatures such as serpents, large reptiles, and other terrifying
animals. Thus the term "drakon" carried over through semantic
channels to the association of a large winged, legged serpent as
dragon in Western literature and culture.
It is a most superb irony that a race of intelligent beings may
really exist in our neighborhood of space who are reptilian and
repulsive, and yet have founded human civilization.
Yet these "loathsome" creatures must
have a technology sufficiently advanced to enable them to travel
between the stars.
A race that could traverse space would
certainly have achieved genetic engineering and the ability to
regenerate themselves and thereby achieve long and extended life.
Extracted from
And Serpent-Gods In World Mythology - 'Flying Serpents And Dragons'"
The Nagas, the mysterious serpent-gods who dwelt in India in ancient
days, were called "sarpa" or serpents. In her studies on Hindu
religion, the theosophist Madame Helena Petrovna Blavatsky
asserts that
the Nagas or "sarpa" of India are
"unquestionably the Jewish Seraphim as derived from serapi or
sarpa meaning serpent."
Aratta is often mentioned in the Sumerian literature as a
far-away land controlled by the goddess Inanna from her tutelary
city of Uruk. According to the epic Enmerkar and the Lord of Aratta,
it lay beyond Anshan (now Iran) and a journey to Aratta
required the crossing of seven mountains and dreaded river Kur.
It has been suggested that Aratta may be the same as Harappa of the
lost Indus Valley civilization. Harappa, along with
Mohenjo-daro, was a city of the
ancient Dravidians, the legendary serpent people who preceded the
Aryan occupation of India.
Ancient Book of Dzyan, probably the
oldest of Sanskrit sources, speaks of a serpent race which
descended from the skies and taught mankind. These Nagas
intermarried with Aryans, producing kings and heroes.
The Serpent (can be found) as good and evil, in ancient Egypt.
The ancient Mayan book
Chilam Balam relates that the first
inhabitants of Yucatan were the Chanes or "People of the
Serpent," who came across the sea from the East led by Itzamna,
a serpent-god.
According to Chinese history, Asian dragons were present at the
Creation and shared the world with mankind.
The Chinese dragon was unrivaled in wisdom and its power to confer
blessings and as a result came to symbolize that most beneficent of
men, the Emperor who was believed to have dragon blood.
Extracted from
The Bloodlines of the Dragon
This line had descended through the
Tuatha de Danaan (the Dragon
Kings of Anu) on the one hand, and the Egyptian Dragon Dynasty
of Sobek on the other. The latter strain included the bloodline of
the Davidic House of Judah who married into the descent of the
Merovingian Kings of the Franks.
The tenets of the Grail and Dragon traditions are implicit in
defining that we should be at one with the earth, and cannot,
therefore, presume dominion over it. Unlike those who wish to profit
unjustifiably from dubious Merovingian descent.
This philosophy is embedded in the concept of individual gnosis, and
lies at the very heart of the Draconian culture. It is evident in
all aspects of life itself. Emanating from the ancient lore of the
Elven Lords and Ladies of the Forest, this ancestral
legacy forms the bedrock upon which this and all legitimately
related Dragon Courts were originally founded.
Dragon sovereignty had evolved in Egypt from old Mesopotamia and its
tradition was vested in
Sobek, the sacred crocodile (the
messeh or mus-hus).
It was from the practice of kingly
anointing with the fat of the messeh that the Hebrew verb 'mashiach'
(to anoint) derived, and the Dragon dynasts became known as
Messiahs (anointed ones).
The PenDragons
By that time, the Grail Dynasty from David and Solomon had
progressed into the West, notably to the
Merovingian kings of Gaul, while
related branches established kingdoms in Ireland and Celtic Britain.
These lines were linked through marriage to parallel Dragon strains
from Ham, Japhet and Tubal Cain (which had survived as the royal
houses of Scythia and Anatolia).
The families had forged their own
marital links with the early princesses of the Egyptian succession.
The first PenDragon (Head Dragon) of the Britannic Isle (Pen
Draco Insularis).
From this stock was King Cymbeline of
the House of Camu, who was installed in about AD 10. The Celtic
PenDragons were not father to son successors in a particular
descent, but were individually elected from reigning family
branches, by a Druidic council of elders, to be the overall Kings of
Kings. The last PenDragon was Cadwaladr of Gwynedd, who died
in AD 664.
At around that time much of Britain fell
to the Germanic influence of the invading Anglo Saxons and Angle
land (England) was born, as distinct from Scotland and Wales.
It is not often I display my the badge of priesthood, but it has
been known to happen amongst friends.
There was one female at Alfred Webre's
last meeting (November 2005) who absolutely INSISTED upon seeing
mine, and upon doing so, stated that what she saw was merely "dry
skin"... I just laughed at her and smiled - she wasn't looking close
enough and was cautious about touching me. Hybrid scales are not
very large sometimes, depending on where they are located on the
I much prefer the reaction of a male I once knew who, after I
scraped off some scales into the palm of his hand, stated,
"Oh my god, they are all the same
size and shape - like little diamonds! That's really cool!"
Much better reaction I think, yes.
Luckily that day I was "shedding" somewhat, otherwise it's really
quite painful to pluck my own living flesh out like that.
Now, the scales and degree of physical evidence aside... I'm just
another person, in many ways, like any other hybrid living amongst
us, yet my mission of peace and harmony with the environment and
assorted peoples of (and near) the Earth is obvious by now after
years of speaking publicly - it is why I came here, in this
particular body, to speak out at the risk and peril of my own life.
There's really not much more I can say
on this subject without repeating myself. Recap, review, study,
learn... and PREPARE. Here's more data from my good friend TAL
who's helped with my research tremendously, along with several
What might seem "different" about me is my sense of strict protocols
- like that of a knight. (Perhaps written of in your fables and
such) Not a moment goes by when my energy matrix is not emitting the
signal, "Respect or leave!" That never changes.
I help others whenever I have the energy
to do so, with pride and honor, like any true warrior on an away
mission would - but - I NEVER allow harm or ill-will to my being -
and foul, offensive words or even thoughts against me are dealt with
in the STRICTEST sense. If you are afraid of me, best just stay back
and let me do my work in peace - perhaps you are just not ready for
my appearance in your life yet.
Fools be warned... I can be completely
silent/invisible when I "walk"... it's a gift from God/dess
Project and BE peace, or respectfully
step aside.
I respect ALL who show me this same
inner strength and truth in their thoughts and actions.